DOJ Rips Family Apart: J6 Political Prisoner Billy Chrestman’s Kids Are Homeless Amid Torture In 33-Month Pretrial Detention

DOJ Rips Family Apart: J6 Political Prisoner Billy Chrestman’s Kids Are Homeless Amid Torture In 33-Month Pretrial Detention

January 6 political prisoner William “Billy” Chrestman’s wife and kids are on the brink of homelessness as the breadwinner in their family endures pretrial detention in the DC gulag for month 33.

Chrestman, a father of 5 and grandfather of 4, stays in good spirits while trapped behind the concrete walls, “Where men have been beaten within an inch of their lives,” for the foreseeable future for… protesting. But the stress of supporting his family from behind bars is reaching a breaking point.

To make ends meet, Chrestman’s wife resigned to selling the house he bought his family 18 years ago.

His children are now separated from their mother living in different homes with different relatives as Chrestman struggles to afford commissary and foot the neverending expense of using the jail-authorized tablet to stay in communication with his loved ones.

**Please donate to Billy Chrestman’s GiveSendGo campaign here.

Like more than 80 percent of January 6 defendants, Chrestman is a veteran.

The 49-year-old Kansas City area Proud Boy served as a U.S. Army combat medic for four years and comes from a family of veterans.

Prior to attending the J6 Fedsurrection, Chrestman had no prior criminal history.

The government contends he “conspired” to overthrow the US government on January 6 during premeditated insurrection” while wielding just the wooden handle of an axe. 

(Because, when combat veterans plan an “insurrection” to “violently overthrow the US government,” they leave all their axes with blades, and firearms, at home!)

At one point during the rally, Chrestman used the axe handle to prevent a barrier from lowering and closing in the tunnels under the Capitol, demonstrating “a de facto leadership role” for the Proud Boys and serving as “the primary coordinator” of their efforts to disrupt police, prosecutors argued in a February 2021 court filing.

In the weeks leading up to his arrest, Chrestman saw the reports about demonstrators getting arrested for their role in the Capitol riot

But he never imagined the United States government would charge him with Conspiracy; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting; Obstruction of Law Enforcement During Civil Disorder and Aiding and Abetting; Threatening a Federal Officer; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds and Carrying a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds and Carrying a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon for his protesting, nor did he suspect the FBI and the country he served would wage a terror attack against his family. 

On Feb. 11, 2021, around 4:30 a.m., Chrestman and his wife awoke to an explosion –flash bangs ignited by federal agents as they barged into his house during the last moments he would spend in the home he will never return to.

Still haunted by the life-altering predawn raid, Chrestman recalled the morning federal agents wielded machine guns at him in a stick-up he compares to military forces taking down Sadam Hussein.

“I woke up to flashbang grenades, pounding at the door, all kinds of squad cars parked across the street, in my lawn — around the block,” the January 6 defendant told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.


“I woke up with the phone ringing and flash bangs going off on my window and then I got up. I saw a spotlight — it was it was really confusing,” he said. “I answered the phone and it was the FBI. They were telling me to come outside.

“I asked them for a minute to get dressed, like, ‘Give me a second to get dressed.’ They were like, ‘Oh no, it’s okay. Just come on out, we have we’ve got stuff for you to wear. I’m like, ‘Yeah that doesn’t sound right.’

“So, [I stood there], for what felt like hours, but it was only a few seconds trying to figure out, ‘What to do? What to do?’ — because I was just that out of it, just really discombobulated.”

When Chrestman stepped outside to SWAT teams, a military vehicle used in Iraq on his front lawn, branches of the trees surrounding his house bulldozed and the laser of a machine gun pointed at his head.

“The laser was pointed right at me…The muzzle of that machine guy was about 10 yards to my chest. It was really ridiculous. It was overkill.”

Shackled, thrown in a van, and locked in a small room for hours by agent smiths, the confinement was just a glimpse of what J6ers would endure month after month while isolated in a 6 by 8-foot “hole” of the Washington DC Central Correctional Treatment Facility.

** You can donate to Billy Chrestman’s GiveSendGo campaign here.

As the DoJ constantly secures a 100 percent conviction rate against J6ers in jury trials with recycled jurors, and a 99 percent conviction rate among all J6 cases, it’s increasingly evident no justice will be served in the federal courthouse in the District of Columbia during a rigged trial.


“All my possessions that couldn’t fit into a small five by 10 storage locker tend to be sold. Basically, all we’ve got in there is stuff that’s important like childhood memories, photo albums, my bed, our bed — that’s the only furniture we kept –and my tools so that I can make a living when I get out.”

Chrestman worked as a Union sheet metal worker for 15 years until he was targeted and doxed by members of Antifa militants who herald themselves as Sedition Hunters following Jan. 6.

The militant fascist group waged a smear campaign against the veteran prompting his blacklist from the Union, as stated in his GiveSendGo campaign.

“Antifa made sure to dox me and destroy my livelihood before the arrest.  I’ve been basically blackballed by the union. They won’t say it but nobody will hire me. I used to not have a hard time getting hired at all,” he continued. “On my LinkedIn page, they contacted all my employers and harassed them.

“They called me a ‘white supremacist’ and everything else. I mean, my kids are half Jewish and Mexican. And I’m probably the saddest excuse for a nazis that you’ve ever seen.”


**You can support Billy Chrestman’s GiveSendGo campaign here.**

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Speaker Mike Johnson on Gun Control: “The Problem is the Human Heart, Not Guns… We Have to Address the Root Problems… Mental Health” (VIDEO)

Speaker Mike Johnson on Gun Control: “The Problem is the Human Heart, Not Guns… We Have to Address the Root Problems… Mental Health” (VIDEO)

Screenshot: Sean Hannity Show/FOX News

Mike Johnson Sits Down with Sean Hannity to Discuss a Range of Topics Including the Recent Mass Shooting and the Left’s Immediate Push for Gun Control

Newly elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, joined Sean Hannity on his prime-time Fox News show last night in an exclusive sit-down interview to discuss a range of topics, including the recent mass shooting in Maine that took the lives of at least 18 people.

The tragedy has once again ignited the national debate on gun control, with the left wasting no time to politicize the incident. However, Speaker Johnson made it abundantly clear that “the problem is the human heart, not guns,” and that now is not the time for legislation aimed at limiting Second Amendment rights.

As Hannity opened the discussion on gun control, questioning the knee-jerk reaction of the left to immediately call for more gun laws in the wake of a mass shooting, Johnson was resolute in his response.

“At the end of the day, the problem is the human heart. It’s not guns. It’s not the weapons,” said Johnson. “We have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves. And that’s the Second Amendment, and that’s why our party stands so strongly for that.”

Johnson’s comments echo a sentiment long-held by conservatives, that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens is not the solution to America’s gun violence problem. The Second Amendment is a constitutionally protected right.

The Speaker was also clear that now, as the nation is in the midst of mourning, is not the right time to be talking about legislative action. “We’re in the middle of that crisis right now,” Johnson said. “I just want you to know, and I want the American people to know, that all the members of the House here are deeply concerned about the families involved and everyone. And we pray for the law enforcement officers that are doing that hard job tonight that most people do not have the bravery to do.”


Speaker Mike Johnson dismisses gun control: “The problem is the human heart. It’s not guns … this is not the time to talk about legislation.”

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 27, 2023

When Hannity pushed Johnson on whether there are any specific gun laws he would consider, Johnson emphasized the need to focus on the root causes, such as mental health issues, rather than the tools used in these crimes.

I mean, there’ll be lots of discussion, as there are after these heartbreaking tragedies,” Johnson noted. “In Europe and in other places, they use vehicles to mow down crowds at parades where they’ve done that here in the United States. It’s not the weapon. It’s the underlying problem.”

Johnson called for society and government to seriously address the mental health crisis, which he sees as a significant contributing factor to these sorts of violent incidents.

“I believe we have to address the root problems of these things, and mental health, obviously, as in this case is a big issue, and we’ve got to seriously address that as a society and as a government. And there’s lots of measures pending on that as well,” said Johnson.


Speaker Mike Johnson to Hannity on guns: “In Europe, and in other places, they use vehicles to mow down crowds at parades … it’s not the weapon.”

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 27, 2023

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MUST SEE: TGP Reporter Confronts Serial Liar Adam Schiff on Russiagate Lies and Persecution of President Trump for Speaking Out Against Rigged Elections

MUST SEE: TGP Reporter Confronts Serial Liar Adam Schiff on Russiagate Lies and Persecution of President Trump for Speaking Out Against Rigged Elections

Ben Bergquam (left) and Jordan Conradson (right) after questioning Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson on Thursday confronted serial liar and Russiagate pusher Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) about the Russia Collusion Hoax and political persecution of President Trump for questioning the stolen 2020 election.

Real America Voice and Frontline America’s Ben Bergquam followed behind, filming the encounter. Bergquam and Conradson have previously “tag-teamed” a Maricopa County Elections official with questions surrounding the stolen 2022 election in Arizona after he appeared to perjure himself in court.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Bergquam also destroyed Rep. Ruben Gallego Wednesday with questions about his open borders policies and whether or not he is taking money from the cartels. Bergquam then confronted anti-Israel Democrat Rep. Rashida Talib, who became unhinged and called the police because he questioned her support for Hamas.

UNHINGED: Radical Left Squad Member and Terrorist Apologist Rep. Rashida Tlaib Gets Triggered, SCREAMS at RAV Reporter Ben Bergquam and Her Staff, Calls Police! (MUST SEE VIDEO!)

Adam Schiff, or “Shifty Schiff,” as he’s known, KNEW there was no collusion between President Trump, his family, or ANY of his campaign officials with Russian officials. Yet he pushed this lie with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats for years. As later revealed in the Durham Report, Hillary Clinton’s plan to link Trump’s campaign to Russia was briefed by former CIA Director John Brennan to Barack Obama and Joe Biden in August 2016! It was a Democrat plot.

This is why Republicans in Congress voted to Censure Schiff. 

Meanwhile, President Trump is facing four indictments for speaking out against the stolen 2020 election. The efforts to illegitimately convict Trump are all aimed at influencing the results of the 2024 election once again. Unlike Hillary Clinton in 2016, Trump did not coordinate a strategy to claim the election was rigged before election day, COVID-19 did not change election procedures on a whim in 2016. Clinton also did not have a crackhead son whose laptop with homemade pornography, illicit drug use, and corrupt foreign business dealings referencing “the big guy” was given to Journalists and suppressed by the government’s top agencies.

The 2020 election was rigged six ways to Sunday, and they’re trying to throw Trump in jail for saying it! These people are terrible liars.

Lying Adam Schiff also recently claimed that the next Speaker of The House will “preside over the counting of electoral votes in the next election,” not the Vice President as Article 12 of the Constitution states. As a sitting member of Congress, he doesn’t even know how American elections work, or he’s a liar who thinks Americans are stupid.

TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson attempted to confront Schiff about this Democratic hoax, but he played ignorant and walked away with his face in his phone.

Watch below:

Conradson: Adam Schiff, Shifty Schiff, Russia, 2016 election, what happened? Are you aware that Donald Trump is being prosecuted for questioning the stolen 2020 election? What do you think about the 2016 Election? Shifty Schiff, are you gonna answer my question? What do you think of the 2016 election? Was it stolen by Trump and Russia? Do you think that Trump deserves criminal charges for questioning an election using his first amendment right? Adam Schiff what’s going on? What’s the deal with the Russia collusion? Did you and the Democrats plan that? We know you did. So what’s going on Schiff? Shifty Schiff won’t answer my questions. There he goes.

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WORLD WAR III WATCH: Warmonger Joe Biden is Now Threatening China with War — Pledges Military Action to Defend the Philippines Following Incident in South China Sea (VIDEO)

WORLD WAR III WATCH: Warmonger Joe Biden is Now Threatening China with War — Pledges Military Action to Defend the Philippines Following Incident in South China Sea (VIDEO)

Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Joe Biden has recently declared that the United States would go to war against China to defend the Philippines.

This significant escalation comes in the wake of an incident in which a Philippines coast guard ship and supply boat were rammed by Chinese vessels in the disputed Scarborough Shoal area of the South China Sea.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Chinese vessels collided with Philippine boats on a resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre, a Philippine navy ship, on Second Thomas Shoal.

Ayungin Shoal, also known as Second Thomas Shoal, is an atoll in the Spratly Islands of the South China Sea, 105 nautical miles west of Palawan, Philippines. Claimed by several nations but located in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, the atoll is currently militarily occupied by the Philippines.

The incident occurred on Sunday, when the China Coast Guard vessel 5203 (CCGV 5203) engaged in dangerous blocking maneuvers, leading to a collision with the Philippine indigenous resupply boat named Unaiza May 2 (UM2).

Furthermore, during the same resupply mission, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel MRRV 4409 was bumped by the Chinese Maritime Militia vessel 00003 (CMMV 00003) while positioned approximately 6.4NM Northeast of Ayungin Shoal​.

The Scarborough Shoal has long been a subject of territorial disputes between China and the Philippines. China’s increasing military assertiveness in the region has drawn international concern, but Biden’s statement marks an unprecedented escalation on the part of the United States.

Speaking at a White House press conference alongside Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Wednesday, Biden pledged military support to defend the Philippines in the wake of recent incidents in the disputed South China Sea.

“Just this past week, the [People’s Republic of China] vessels acted as dangerously and unlawfully as our Philippine friends conducted a routine resupply mission within their own exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea,” said Biden.

“I want to be clear. I want to be very clear. The United States defense commitment to the Philippines is ironclad. Any attack on the Filipino aircraft, vessels, or armed forces will invoke our mutual defense treaty with the Philippines,” he said.

BREAKING: Biden vows to go to war against China to defend The Philippines after The Philippines coast guard ship and supply boat were rammed by Chinese vessels at disputed Shoal in the South China Sea.

“The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines…

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) October 25, 2023

Biden invoked the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense, an agreement that commits both the United States and the Philippines to collectively defend against external military aggression.

Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty states that:

Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific area on either of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common dangers in accordance with its constitutional processes.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall be immediately reported to the Security Council of the United Nations. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

An armed attack on either of the parties includes:

An armed attack on the metropolitan territory of either of the parties.
An armed attack on the island territories under its jurisdiction in the Pacific.
An armed attack on its armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the Pacific.

The treaty recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific Area on either of the parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety.

“The United States stands with our Philippine allies in the face of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Coast Guard and maritime militia’s dangerous and unlawful actions obstructing an October 22 Philippine resupply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea,” the US Department of States said in a statement.

“Second Thomas Shoal is a feature well within the Philippine exclusive economic zone and on the Philippine continental shelf. An international tribunal’s July 2016 decision – legally binding on both the Philippines and PRC – made clear that “there exists no legal basis for any entitlement by China to maritime zones in the area of Second Thomas Shoal.” The same ruling affirmed that Second Thomas Shoal is a low-tide elevation outside the territorial sea of another high tide feature – as such, the PRC’s territorial claims to it are unfounded.

“The unsafe maneuvers on October 22 and the PRC water cannoning of a Philippines’ vessel on August 5 are the latest examples of provocative PRC measures in the South China Sea to enforce its expansive and unlawful maritime claims, reflecting disregard for other states lawfully operating in the region.

“The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, and aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea,” the statement concluded.

China immediately responded to Biden’s statement, as Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning contended that the United States has no right to interfere in matters between China and the Philippines.

“The US defense commitment to the Philippines should not undermine China’s sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in South China Sea, nor should it support the illegal claims of the Philippines,” Mao told the AFP.

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** Tickets for the virtual Friday showing of “Police State” can be purchased here (plus, using this link and the links below benefits Gateway Pundit).

This week, the highly anticipated documentary “Police State” premiered in theaters across America, leading to multiple theaters selling out and audiences giving the film a standing ovation.

The film, produced by D’Souza Media LLC, focuses on the weaponization of the judicial system against conservative Americans and focuses on a number of topics, including Big Tech censorship, the multiple indictments against President Donald Trump, January 6th, the growing authoritarianism of the federal government, and more.

Following the film’s two showings on October 23 and October 25, there is a virtual premiere on October 27.

** Tickets for the virtual Friday showing of “Police State”can be purchased here.

Americans who missed the initial showings in theaters will be able to watch the documentary from home on Friday, October 27 at 5 PM PDT via the streaming site Worre. Virtual admission for the event is $20.

Those interested can join the event an hour early, beginning at 4 PM PDT, to skip the virtual line.

The virtual premiere will also take place alongside an in-person event in Las Vegas, where D’Souza and Dan Bongino will take questions from the audience about the production of the film and the burgeoning police state taking form in America.

The virtual premiere is expected to be highly successful after rave reviews from theater audience members. Those who saw the film explained that audiences often gave standing ovations and sang the Star Spangled Banner at the conclusion of the film.

“Where to begin? I’ll start with the end. The entire audience stood up and sang the Star Spangled Banner as the credits rolled for the movie Police State,” wrote Colette Harrington. “Some audience members were crying. Most stood around the lobby afterward looking shell-shocked and made small talk. Like they just left a funeral for a friend and needed to regroup. The movie is that powerful. I’ll write a full review tomorrow.”

Where to begin? I’ll start with the end. The entire audience stood up and sang the Star Spangled Banner as the credits rolled for the movie Police State. Some audience members were crying. Most stood around the lobby afterward looking shell shocked and made small talk. Like they…

— Colette Harrington (@sweetcarolinatv) October 24, 2023

“Just got out of the film maybe twenty minutes ago. The film was powerful and great to watch,” wrote another user. “I wish I could show this to my friends. Really opens my eyes to goings on in the government.”

** Tickets for the virtual Friday showing of “Police State”can be purchased here.

Just got out of the film maybe twenty minutes ago. The film was powerful and great to watch. I wish I could show this to my friends. Really opens my eyes to goings on in the government. #policestatefilm

— Caleb Young (@Caleb_A_Young) October 24, 2023

“Just got home from seeing #PoliceStateFilm. The theater was packed with patriots,” another user explained. “Congratulations [Dinesh D’Souza], [Dan Bongino], [Kyle Seraphin], [Steve Friend], & @SeniorChiefEXW! The entire theater sang the National Anthem at the end. Thank you, and God bless you all.”

Just got home from seeing #PoliceStateFilm. The theater was packed with patriots. Congratulations @DineshDSouza, @dbongino, @KyleSeraphin, @RealStevefriend & @SeniorChiefEXW! The entire theater sang the National Anthem at the end. Thank you and God bless you all 🇺🇸🇺🇸

— Karol (@Karol7632) October 24, 2023

Conservative commentators across the country have also spread the word about the film’s importance, including Liz Wheeler, Dan Bongino, Eric Metaxas, Joe Pags, Steve Bannon, Jim Hoft, and dozens of others.

.@dbongino , @Liz_Wheeler , and @ericmetaxas react to “Police State”—must watch!

— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) October 23, 2023

The film currently has an 8.2 out of 10 on IMDb.

As outlined on, the film was released across America for showings in over 700 theaters. The film has been stunningly successful, with D’Souza revealing that the film has surpassed his previous documentary, ‘2000 Mules,’ in ticket sales.

As of now, we’ve sold more theater tickets to “Police State” than we did to “2000 Mules.” Just ONE MORE DAY to see it in theaters—Wed. Oct. 25. Go to and plug in your zip code, find a theater near you, and go tomorrow evening. My most unforgettable film!

— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) October 24, 2023

“‘Police State’ is a movie that I never wanted to make, because I never wanted America to get to a point where a movie like this needed to be made,” D’Souza says about his film on its website. “I feel like the animal that alerts the herd to approaching danger, so we can take precautionary steps before it’s too late.”

The documentary was made in collaboration with conservative commentator and former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino and features actor Nick Searcy.

“The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here,” Bongino said. “The signs are everywhere. And once you recognize them, your senses will be heightened to the danger we’re all in.”

“The relentless persecution of political opponents by the party in power is a hallmark of totalitarian countries,” Searcy added about the current state of political persecution in America. “In a police state, the only real crime is daring to question the State. America is now a police state.”

You can also visit the documentary’s official site here.

The documentary includes interviews with prominent conservative leaders, including Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense Kash Patel, Dan Bongino, and others.

The post STREAMING LIVE TODAY! Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘POLICE STATE’ Movie — Join the Event — GET YOUR TICKETS HERE! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.