MSNBC Progressive Focus Group in Wisconsin Signals Tepid Support for Kamala Harris and Criticizes ‘Closed Doors’ Process of Selecting Her (VIDEO)

MSNBC Progressive Focus Group in Wisconsin Signals Tepid Support for Kamala Harris and Criticizes ‘Closed Doors’ Process of Selecting Her (VIDEO)

MSNBC Progressive Focus Group in Wisconsin Signals Tepid Support for Kamala Harris and Criticizes ‘Closed Doors’ Process of Selecting Her (VIDEO)
July 26, 2024

MSNBC recently spoke to a focus group of progressive Wisconsin voters about Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee and the process of selecting her for the top spot.

While they did not come right out and criticize Harris as a candidate, they hardly seemed enthusiastic about the idea.

They also spoke negatively about the way the party handled the issue, behind closed doors and without any input from Democrat voters.

From Twitter/X:

MSNBC’s focus group of Wisconsin progressives did not go as planned. Democrats feel like Joe Biden harmed the Democrat party by not allowing an actual primary, and feel trepidation about Kamala Harris as the nominee:

Elise Jordan: “How do you feel about the process in which President Biden decided to not run for reeelction?”

Focus Group: “Would have been nice if he made this decision a year ago so we could have had a primary and maybe decided who we wanted to replace him rather than just all flocking to Kamala Harris.”

“By trying to clear the field and ensure that it was Biden, not allowing us to have an actual Democrat primary process.
We would have been benefited significantly if we had figured this out far sooner so there could have actually been more time to have internal debate, have internal democracy within the party.”

Watch below:

Here’s more:

The media seems much more excited about Harris than these actual voters do. It’s very telling.

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Author: Mike LaChance

New Comms Director for Kamala Harris Campaign Wants to Pack the Supreme Court and Defund the Police

New Comms Director for Kamala Harris Campaign Wants to Pack the Supreme Court and Defund the Police

New Comms Director for Kamala Harris Campaign Wants to Pack the Supreme Court and Defund the Police
July 26, 2024

The Kamala Harris campaign has hired Brian Fallon as their new comms director. Fallon was previously a spokesman for the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.

After Hillary lost the 2016 election, Fallon went to work for a far left activist group called Demand Justice which seeks to pack the United States Supreme Court.

He has also tweeted support for defunding the police.

In other words, he will fit right in at Kamala’s campaign.

Breitbart News reports:

Kamala Harris Comms Director Previously Called to ‘Defund the Police’

Brian Fallon, the new Communications Director for Vice President Kamala Harris as she gears up for the presidential nomination, previously called to “Defund the Police.”

Fallon, whose bio on X now says, “Harris for President,” previously wrote in 2020, following the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots, that the police should be defunded.

It remains unclear if he has since changed his position on that issue, which became wildly unpopular with Democrat and Republican voters.

The Washington Free Beacon has more:

Vice President Kamala Harris’s latest hire has called for elderly public officials to step down and once mocked President Joe Biden for “trying to complete an answer” during a political debate.

Fallon’s résumé includes stints as spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated 2016 presidential bid and as head of Demand Justice, an activist group behind the movement to expand the Supreme Court.

Fallon has a history of comments that could prove awkward for his boss’s boss. At Demand Justice, he spearheaded a campaign to pressure then-Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer to retire because of Breyer’s advanced age. A longtime Harris cheerleader, Fallon slammed Biden during a 2019 Democratic debate, writing on X, formerly Twitter, that “Biden trying to complete an answer is a tender moment,” and criticizing Biden for his past collaboration with segregationists.

Defunding the police has been a disaster for numerous American cities.

Harris is going to have to answer for her support of that awful idea at some point.

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Author: Mike LaChance

New Polling Finds Kamala Harris Hasn’t Moved the Needle Much – Trump Still Leads in Swing States

New Polling Finds Kamala Harris Hasn’t Moved the Needle Much – Trump Still Leads in Swing States

New Polling Finds Kamala Harris Hasn’t Moved the Needle Much – Trump Still Leads in Swing States
July 26, 2024

Members of the liberal media have been positively giddy for three days, thinking that now that they’ve rid themselves of Joe Biden that Kamala Harris is going to rescue Democrats in the 2024 election.

New polling from Emerson College suggests that isn’t true at all.

Trump still leads in all of the swing states. The only place where Kamala has shown any pull is Wisconsin and Emerson polling finds that state is a tie.

From Emerson College Polling:

July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin

New Emerson College Polling/The Hill polling in five swing states finds Vice President Kamala Harris trailing former President Donald Trump in four states, and tied in Wisconsin. In Arizona, 49% support Trump and 44% support Harris. In Georgia, 48% support Trump and 46% Harris. In Michigan, 46% support Trump and 45% Harris. In Pennsylvania, 48% support Trump and 46% Harris. In Wisconsin, 47% support Harris and Trump respectively…

“Harris has recovered a portion of the vote for the Democrats on the presidential ticket since the fallout after the June 27 debate,” Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said. “Harris’ numbers now reflect similar support levels to those of Biden back in March.”

Hot Air notes that Trump’s numbers are also improving:

Harris might not be the only one improving. RCP doesn’t have aggregation yet on battleground polling for Trump v Harris, but their Trump v Biden aggregation numbers are still up. In each of these states, Trump’s Emerson numbers are the same or better in each state than the RCP aggregate averages against Biden. Harris isn’t taking votes away from Trump, but just picking up voters that left Biden — and may not be all that enthusiastic about Harris once she has to directly compete on the campaign trail.

See more numbers below:

This is Kamala’s supposed ‘honeymoon’ phase. Wait another week or two after people have had a chance to hear more from her.

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Author: Mike LaChance

Trump Crushes Democrats on Future Debate Schedule: “There Is a Strong Sense by Many in Democrat Party – Namely Barack Hussein Obama – That Kamala Harris is a Marxist Fraud”

Trump Crushes Democrats on Future Debate Schedule: “There Is a Strong Sense by Many in Democrat Party – Namely Barack Hussein Obama – That Kamala Harris is a Marxist Fraud”

Trump Crushes Democrats on Future Debate Schedule: “There Is a Strong Sense by Many in Democrat Party – Namely Barack Hussein Obama – That Kamala Harris is a Marxist Fraud”
July 26, 2024

Now that Old Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race due to his ailing mental state, Democrats are proposing more debates against President Donald Trump.

Donald Trump already knocked one Democrat candidate out of the race. He now has an opportunity to take out their next candidate.

But Trump is not so eager to make plans to debate Miss Word Salad Kamala Harris. He’s not even sure she will be the Democrat candidate!

The Trump campaign released a statement on Thursday that was one for the history books.

Responding to the scheduling of a future debate, the Trump camp said this:

“Given the continued political chaos surrounding Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee. There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party – namely Barack Hussein Obama – that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone “better.” Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds.”

That was just Epic!

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Author: Jim Hoft

CNN’s Scott Jennings Suggests Biden’s Staff and Family Still Have a Lot of Explaining to Do (VIDEO)

CNN’s Scott Jennings Suggests Biden’s Staff and Family Still Have a Lot of Explaining to Do (VIDEO)

CNN’s Scott Jennings Suggests Biden’s Staff and Family Still Have a Lot of Explaining to Do (VIDEO)
July 26, 2024

Most of the folks at CNN were very impressed with Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech this week, but not Scott Jennings.

He reminded other people on a panel he was part of that we were still being told just days ago that Biden was fine and was still running.

Jennings suggested that the people around Biden, his family and his staff, still owe the American people an explanation.

The Blaze has more details:

After President Joe Biden spoke from the Oval Office on Wednesday — never explaining why he chose to end his re-election campaign — a CNN panel that featured Biden allies swooned over the president for being “selfless” and “heroic,” claiming Biden willingly chose to step away from power.

But Jennings quickly rained on their parade.

The Republican commentator, instead, brought forth all of the evidence indicating that Biden’s decision to step aside is not the selfless act of courage Democrats are claiming it to be.

“It’s odd to me that just a few weeks ago — heck, a few days ago — most Democrats were still looking at television cameras and saying that this person is up to another four years. I mean, he’s obviously running on fumes,” Jennings began. “They weren’t ‘cheapfakes,’ no matter what the government told you.”

“In fact, I still think it’s a legitimate scandal how they ever arrived at the decision to run again in the first place,” he added.

The Biden family and his staff, Jennings continued, “have a lot of explaining to do,” referring to their decision seemingly to hide Biden’s cognitive decline.

Watch the video:

Jennings is right, of course. Biden’s exit address left many people with more questions than answers.

It was more like a campaign speech than anything.

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Author: Mike LaChance

Congressional Scorecard Site Purges Kamala Harris’ Page, Removes ‘Most Liberal’ Label

Congressional Scorecard Site Purges Kamala Harris’ Page, Removes ‘Most Liberal’ Label

Congressional Scorecard Site Purges Kamala Harris’ Page, Removes ‘Most Liberal’ Label
July 26, 2024

With less than four months before Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris is working at a disadvantage as she appears to have been chosen for the position at the top of Democrats’ 2024 presidential ticket.

Fortunately for Harris, many in the establishment media and other institutions capable of holding her accountable appear more willing to revise history to protect her than offer any criticism to flourish.

Most recently, a scorecard ranking Harris as the “most liberal” senator during her time in that chamber has disappeared entirely from the internet.

The webpage, belonging to congressional tracking site GovTrack, was live as late as June. An archived version of the post shows exactly what was thrown into the memory hole.

“These year-end statistics cover [Harris’] record during the 2019 legislative year (Jan 3, 2019-Dec 31, 2019) and compare her to other senators serving at the end of that period,” an archived version of the post reads, adding it was last updated in 2020.

What the scorecard revealed is damning for Harris’ hopes of presenting herself as anything other than a radically partisan candidate.

Compared to all senators, GovTrack ranked her as the “most politically left.”

According to the site’s archived page, Harris “joined bipartisan bills the least often compared to Senate Democrats.”

The missing page also noted: “Of the 471 bills that Harris cosponsored, 15% were introduced by a legislator who was not a Democrat.”

Her track record only gets worse from there.

The site records her as being tied among sophomore senators for the fewest committee positions, sitting on a grand total of zero committees and subcommittees.

She was also listed as the third most absent senator, only bothering to appear for 61.9 percent of the 2019 session’s votes.

Perhaps most telling of all is the fact that Harris introduced the second most number of bills compared to other Senate sophomores, yet she was only able to push three of these through committee — making her second-to-last out of her colleagues.

Despite the critical nature of this information in regards to the upcoming election, GovTrack has completely removed this page from the internet. Users, including potential voters, trying to access the damning webpage now will only see a “page not found” notice.

GovTrack does still maintain a page for Harris, but you won’t find any of the dismal rankings included on their censored scorecard.

The current page ranks three senators as being more liberal than Harris and highlights the bills she has introduced to the Senate.

It’s not just Harris’ time in the Senate that needs liberal revising to be palatable to the American voter.

Her appointment as the so-called “border czar” is now undergoing serious revisionism, with some outlets openly disputing that Harris was ever tasked with combating the border crisis.

The left clearly wants Kamala Harris as president, and it seems they won’t stop revising history until it happens.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Jared Harris, The Western Journal