Security Footage Captures Moment Man is Viciously Assaulted and Robbed by a Large Group of Teens in Downtown Cincinnati – Two Suspects Released the Next Day After Being Arrested (VIDEO)

Security Footage Captures Moment Man is Viciously Assaulted and Robbed by a Large Group of Teens in Downtown Cincinnati – Two Suspects Released the Next Day After Being Arrested (VIDEO)

 Credit: @EndWokeness

Disturbing security footage has captured the moment a helpless man was beaten and robbed by a large group of teens in downtown Cincinnati. But all suspects remain on the streets, thanks partly to the disgraceful “justice” system.

WLWT, which obtained the security footage, reported the awful assault happened on January 23 around 8 p.m. on E. 6th Street.

The footage captured by WLWT shows the victim walking up the sidewalk when he is suddenly ambushed from behind by the youths. He is smacked once in the back of the head, which causes him to fall.

The thugs proceed to rain punches and kick him several times while he’s on the ground. The victim appears to be groaning during the assault.

Then, one of the teens snatches the man’s phone and walks away with most of the crew. A few thugs remain behind to land a few more kicks as the victim screams, “Help me!”


A white guy was ambushed and brutaIIy assauIted by a mob of black teens in Cincinnati on Thursday.

Only 2 of the attackers were arrested.
Both are already back on the streets.

You didn’t see the video or hear anything about it because it didn’t fit the narrative.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 27, 2024

The man somehow escaped with only minor injuries despite the vicious attack, according to WLWT.

Cincinnati police said two people were arrested the same night in connection to the incident: 18-year-old Jadin Shaw and a 14-year-old.

Jadin Shaw Credit: Hamilton County Justice Center

But Shaw was released after posting a $10,000 bond the following day. The younger teen was taken to a juvenile detention center before a so-called judge released him back on the streets the next day as well.

The Municipal Judge who allowed Shaw to bond out is Judge Donte Johnson, according to WKRC.

Fraternal Order of Police Queen City Lodge #69 president, Ken Kober released a Facebook post dripping in anger regarding the weak justice system that allowed these thugs to continue to terrorize the Cincy streets.

These judges let these two folks right out. Both of them are out walking around the street today. In fact, one of them was seen in the same area last night, just walking around, free to go. My guess is (they’re) probably out looking for another victim.

When are judges going to protect the citizens of this county? It’s shameful.

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Harvard University Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Hit With 40 Credible Plagiarism Accusations in Brand New Scandal for College – Allegedly Stole the Work of Nearly a Dozen Scholars Including Her Own Husband

Harvard University Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Hit With 40 Credible Plagiarism Accusations in Brand New Scandal for College – Allegedly Stole the Work of Nearly a Dozen Scholars Including Her Own Husband

 Credit: Harvard University

Harvard University has been handed another black eye after former Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned in disgrace earlier this month.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, Gay refused to condemn calling the “genocide of Jews” hate speech in testimony before Congress last month. Evidence then emerged she committed academic misconduct by plagiarizing her PhD thesis.

Now, the Washington Free Beacon reports that Harvard University’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, was hit with an anonymous complaint Monday accusing her of extensively plagiarizing her academic work. This includes lifting large portions of text without quotation marks and taking credit for a study by another scholar — her own husband.

The complaint lists a total of 40 accusations against Charleston going back to 2009, a decade before she joined Harvard.

The Free Beacon conducted its own independent study of the complaint and revealed Charleston quoted or paraphrased nearly a dozen scholars without giving them credit in her 2009 dissertation at the University of Michigan.

The complaint obtained by The Free Beacon also alleges Washington plagiarized a study her husband, LaVar Charleston, wrote back in 2012. Mr. Charleston currently serves as the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s deputy vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion.

This allegation emerged after Mrs. Charleston regurgitated significant sections of her husband’s 2012 paper in an article they “co-authored” in 2014. The Beacon cites four damning examples.


Credit: Washington Free Beacon
Credit: Washington Free Beacon
Credit: Washington Free Beacon
Credit: Washington Free Beacon

Lee Jussim, a social psychologist at Rutgers University, told the Free Beacon that this rehashing an old article and passing it off as a new one qualifies as outright fraud, though perhaps not plagiarism.

You cannot just republish an old paper as if it is a new paper. If you do, that is not exactly plagiarism; it’s more like fraud.

Steve McGuire, a former political theory professor at Villanova University, who reviewed both the 2012 and 2014 papers, suggested her actions did qualify as plagiarism.

“Sherri Charleston appears to have used somebody else’s research without proper attribution,” he said.

Her 2009 thesis, however, appears to be an open-and-shut case of plagiarism. In the example below shared by the Free Beacon, Mrs. Charleston copies a sentence from Eric Arnesen’s 1991 book Waterfront Workers of New Orleans: Race, Class, and Politics, 1863-1923. She does not use quotation marks nor cite Arnesen’s work in a footnote.

Credit: Washington Free Beacon

She uses entire paragraphs from Rebecca Scott, her thesis adviser, while making minuscule changes.

Credit: The Washington Free Beacon

Mrs. Charleston also lifted words from Louis Pérez, a historian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Alejandro de la Fuente, a historian at Harvard; and Ada Ferrer, a historian at New York University, and more as the Beacon notes. Here is how she copied Perez.

Credit: Washington Free Beacon

Harvard has lost over 1 billion in donations since the Gay scandal. Will this be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back?

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Grassroots Hero Scott Presler Discusses His Voter Turnout Efforts, Says He Expects to Flip The Pennsylvania State House From Blue to Red Without Help From The RNC!

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Grassroots Hero Scott Presler Discusses His Voter Turnout Efforts, Says He Expects to Flip The Pennsylvania State House From Blue to Red Without Help From The RNC!


Conservative grassroots activist Scott Presler spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Monday at Turning Point Action’s Restoring National Confidence Summit to discuss his heroic efforts in increasing Republican voter registration and turnout.

Turning Point Action’s event, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, two days before the 2024 RNC Winter Meeting, had hundreds of County GOP Chairmembers and RNC voting members in attendance and featured presentations on election fraud and how the grassroots GOP can get out the vote. This is far more than the do-nothing RNC is expected to do at their meeting later this week.

Unlike grassroots Republicans across America, the RNC, under Ronna Romney McDaniel’s leadership, doesn’t care about winning or ensuring honest elections.

Watch our exclusive interview from the Summit, discussing election integrity with Mike Lindell here!

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this month, Presler’s grassroots efforts to register and activate voters to sign GOP presidential candidate petitions saved the only shot conservatives have at a Presidential Election in Rhode Island. Before Scott took the helm, not a single candidate qualified for the GOP presidential primary in the state.

It should be noted that because of his efforts, President Trump not only made it on the ballot, but he got twice the signatures necessary and surpassed Joe Biden in candidate petition signatures. Where was Ronna McDaniel and the RNC during this potential crisis for the party?

Scott Presler Gets Results UNLIKE RONNA! Conservative Activist Helps GOP Candidates Qualify for April Primary in Rhode Island Thanks to His Persistence and Influence – Trump Got More Signatures Than Biden!

Scott is so effective that the Uniparty GOP takes credit for HIS work to Save America. As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Ronna McDaniel recently announced the GOP, with her at the helm, had “flipped” Beaver County, Pennsylvania, from blue to red. However, it was Scott Presler’s voter registration efforts that brought the mass of Republican registrations.

Presler says he is now working on flipping Centre County, Pennsylvania, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and Lucerne County, Pennsylvania, from blue to red. Republicans are roughly 1,500 voters away from flipping Centre, 3,300 voters away from flipping Bucks, and 4,300 voters from flipping Lucerne! If Scott and the local Republicans succeed, they will likely flip the Pennsylvania State House from blue to red. “This would make nationwide news,” said Scott.

Presler is also building coalitions across the nation to boost voter turnout for conservatives who otherwise would not vote, such as the 40% of hunters in Wisconsin or the 80,000 Amish in Pennsylvania. He is currently focusing his practical efforts on saving states like Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Still, these measures can be taken in any state to increase Republican voter turnout!

While this may not seem to make a difference with the corrupt voting machines and Democrats’ phony mail-in ballots still in play, it will only make it harder for them to cheat. Who’s going to believe that Joe Biden–a legitimate brain-damaged dummy–got more votes than he did last election?

Regardless, this is more than the Republican National Committee has ever done to ensure that Republicans win elections!

You can support and donate to Scott Presler’s grassroots voter registration and turnout efforts at!

Watch the full interview below:

CONRADSON: Tell us more about some of the stuff that you’re doing to make sure these people are trained, ready to go registered voters. And I know you told me about some of the coalitions you’re working on and tell us more about that.

PRESLER: My organization is Early Vote Action, And yes, I am focused again on Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. And I’ll tell you, next weekend, for example, it’s going to be a weekend of gun show voter registration. We’re going to be in Monroeville, Pittsburgh; we’re going to be in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at the Great American Outdoor Show, which Trump will be at. And so we’re talking tens of thousands of people and the opportunity to get them all registered, and register them to vote as a Republican in closed primary states like Arizona and Pennsylvania. And we’ll also be at the Philly Expo Center, we’ll also be in Fountain Hills, Arizona. And so, really, this is about teaching the grassroots; okay, you go to, you call up the vendor: “Hey, my name is Jordan. I’m a trained volunteer registrar in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. May I have permission to register voters? I’m not pitching a party, I’m not pushing a candidate. I simply want to get all of our gun enthusiasts and hunters registered to vote.” Because, for example, in Wisconsin, 40%—40 guys, not 14, four-zero %, of hunters are not registered to vote. In a state like Wisconsin, where Joe Biden won by 20,000 votes, is it possible that hunters could literally save the state of Wisconsin and, therefore, save Western civilization? Yes. And think about this for a second; I know early voting is a contentious issue, but guys, Joe Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,000 votes. Guys, there are 80,000 Amish in Pennsylvania. Did you know that? And get this, the Amish get married on Tuesdays in November. Jordan, what happens on Tuesdays and November? What if we actually got the Amish registered to vote, and we got them either a mail-in ballot or we got them to vote early? Oh, my gosh. Hunters, Veterans, Amish, students, these are the coalition’s that we’re building across all of these states, and that I believe are going to help make sure that we defeat Joe Biden and elect a completely republican government this November.

CONRADSON: And you know, it’s these great ideas that, I believe it was New Jersey, you saved the only shot that conservatives have at getting a Republican presidential candidate on the ballot. Is that correct?

PRESLER: Well, actually, it was the state of Rhode Island. And so, you were close. It’s up in that area. But Rhode Island sent out this email to everyone saying, guys, we’re in danger of not having any candidates on the Republican presidential ballot. And so literally within 24 hours, I posted on social media, we went to my application, which is called Early Vote Action on iPhone and Android, we uploaded a text message list to 1000s of Republican registered voters and Rhode Island and said, look, go to the Warwick office, you go sign the papers, and sign up for everyone. I want to be clear: I’m help to boost the Republican Party everywhere. You, in your primary, are allowed to choose whoever you want. I’m just here to defeat Joe Biden. And so, I’m proud to say that within 24 hours, we, the grassroots, because of our working together, were able to make sure that all of our Republican candidates received enough signatures to get on the ballot. And President Trump actually got more than Joe Biden in his home state of Delaware. So I’m a little bit proud.

CONRADSON: Another thing you were able to do, in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, you were able to flip the county from blue to red. The RNC and Ronna McDaniel took credit for it. Why is it that the RNC is so ineffective in places like this with registering voters and getting out the vote that they feel the need to steal credit from grassroots activists like yourself?

PRESLER: Well, you know, I’m not gonna go there. Instead, I want to take this opportunity to thank Chairman Roman Kozak. Chairman Kozak is actually running for state representative in Beaver County, and he’s the chairman of the Beaver County Republican Party. So instead, I want to thank the grassroots. I want to thank the people that have been knocking on doors and doing the voter registration, but furthermore, guys, we are 1500 voters from flipping Centre County from blue to red. Centre County is Penn State University at State College, the largest campus in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We are 3,300 voters away from flipping Bucks County. And by the way, there’s a special election for Candace Cabanas in Pennsylvania’s 140th District in Bucks County on February 13th, that we have the opportunity to flip the State House from blue to red. This would make nationwide news, Jordan. Furthermore, we are also 4,300 voters away from flipping Lucerne County NEPA Northeast Pennsylvania from blue to red. So, we’re doing this targeted. We’re being everywhere. We’re going to farmers markets, gun shows, we are going where the people are to meet them where they are with our conservative vision.

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Bizarre Obelisk Shaped RNA Bits Disovered in Human Gut By Stanford Scientists

Bizarre Obelisk Shaped RNA Bits Disovered in Human Gut By Stanford Scientists


Scientists at Stanford University have discovered a new “viruslike entity” that is shaped like obelisks.’

Science Magazine reported that a group of scientists from Stanford University unearthed obelisk-shaped viruslike entities that dwell in the human gut and mouth.

According to the team at Stanford, the “obelisks” have genomes that consist of loops of RNA, and sequences belonging to them have been discovered all around the globe.

Gizmodo reported the scientists uncovered almost 30,000 of these special sequences by “analyzing databases that categorized the active genes of gut and mouth microbes, using an algorithm to look for unknown genetic sequences that could represent independent viroid-like loops of RNA.”

In human guts a @Stanford research team found, “nearly 30,000 RNA circles, each consisting of about 1000 bases and likely representing a distinct obelisk. They were unlikely to be bona fide viruses,” but these micro-critters may be altering bacterial activities inside of us.

— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) January 29, 2024

Per Science:

As they collect and analyze massive amounts of genetic sequences from plants, animals, and microbes, biologists keep encountering surprises, including some that may challenge the very definition of life. The latest, reported this week in a preprint, is a new kind of viruslike entity that inhabits bacteria dwelling in the human mouth and gut. These “obelisks,” as they’re called by the Stanford University team that unearthed them, have genomes seemingly composed of loops of RNA and sequences belonging to them have been found around the world.

Other scientists are delighted by obelisks’ debut. “It’s insane,” says Mark Peifer, a cell and developmental biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The more we look, the more crazy things we see.”

It’s not yet known whether obelisks affect human health, says Matthew Sullivan, an integrative biologist at Ohio State University, but they could alter the genetic activity of their bacterial hosts, which in turn could affect human genes.

Most people know RNA, or ribonucleic acid, as DNA’s alter ego—ferrying proteinmaking recipes encoded in a DNA-based gene to molecular “kitchens” outside the cell nucleus that string together a protein’s amino acids. But more than 200 viruses, including those that cause flu, Ebola, and COVID-19, bypass DNA, having genomes composed only of RNA. Their genomes include sequences encoding the proteins that make up a viral shell and ribozymes, enzymes that let a virus copy its original RNA once inside a cell.

“A new kind of viruslike entity that inhabits bacteria dwelling in the human mouth and gut. These “obelisks,”…, have genomes seemingly composed of loops of RNA and sequences belonging to them have been found around the world.

— Michael Wagner (@MichiWagner4) January 30, 2024

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Texas Governor Greg Abbott Delivers a Warning to Sanctuary Cities

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Delivers a Warning to Sanctuary Cities


“Be careful what you wish for, ’cause you just might get it,” as the Pussy Cat Dolls sang more than a decade ago on “When I Grow Up.”

Democratic mayors of sanctuary cities may have to start playing it as their theme song.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas issued a warning to sanctuary cities around the country on Monday, letting them know that he has no intention of stopping the transportation of migrants out of the Lone Star State.

“Texas has transported over 102,000 migrants to sanctuary cities,” Abbott wrote on the social media platform X.

“Overwhelmed Texas border towns should not bear the brunt of Biden’s open border policies. Our transportation mission will continue until Biden secures the border.”

Texas has transported over 102,000 migrants to sanctuary cities.

Overwhelmed Texas border towns should not bear the brunt of Biden’s open border policies.

Our transportation mission will continue until Biden secures the border.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) January 29, 2024

Like the frustrated parents of teenagers throwing ragers in the basement, Abbott is telling sanctuary cities that it’s time they take responsibility for the guests they invited.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, for instance, is one of the country’s most prominent Democrats wailing about the impact of President Joe Biden’s immigration crisis.

But in 2019, when he was still Brooklyn Borough president, and Donald Trump was in the White House, Adams issued an open invitation to the world to come to the Big Apple, as Fox News reported in a Jan. 13 article:

“To anyone in the world fleeing hatred and oppression, the ultimate city of immigrants wants you to remember: you’re ALWAYS welcome here,” Adams wrote.

Make no mistake, New York City will ALWAYS stand up to @realDonaldTrump and call out his cynical plots to divide our country. To anyone in the world fleeing hatred and oppression, the ultimate city of immigrants wants you to remember: you’re ALWAYS welcome here.

— Mayor Eric Adams (@NYCMayor) April 16, 2019

It was a generous invitation — as long as Texas and other border states were the ones who were really footing the bill for food and accommodation for illegals.

But Adams has been singing a different tune ever since Abbott started sending the guests over to the actual party venue.

“We’re getting an average – just think of this number, there are weeks we get 4,000 migrants that come into our city,” Adams told “Good Morning America” on Jan. 11, according to Fox News. “When you have anywhere [from] 2,500 to 4,000 coming in a week, and you have to find housing, food, shelter, clothing, educate the children, health care, that’s not sustainable.”

“The problem is, when you parole someone into a country, you should have a decompression strategy on a national level to spread it throughout the country and not target just certain cities,” Adams also stated.

Actually, the problem is that the “certain cities” Adams is talking about are exactly the same cities that went out of their way to tell the whole world how open they are to illegal immigrants.

They gave themselves the designation of “Sanctuary City,” like a giant “Vacancy” sign over their spot on the map. And now people are taking them up on their offer.

Funny how that works.

In November, according to The Associated Press, the mayors of other self-proclaimed “sanctuary cities” — the Democratic strongholds of Chicago, Denver, Houston and Los Angeles — joined Adams in writing a letter to Biden describing migrants sleeping in police stations, converted cruise ship terminals, and other inadequate facilities.

They’re running out of space and money, and the panic is starting to set in.

The days of virtue-signaling about compassion are long gone.

Like the Pussy Cat Dolls sang, growing up isn’t always as easy as it looks.

And be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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