Conservative Republican Mayra Flores Raising Big Money to Win Back Texas Congressional Seat

Conservative Republican Mayra Flores Raising Big Money to Win Back Texas Congressional Seat


Mayra Flores, the conservative Republican Latina from Texas, made history two years ago by flipping a seat in Texas that had not gone to a Republican in 100 years.

Democrats scrambled to win the seat back in a special election months later. They spent massive amounts of money and pulled out all of the stops to win the election, edging Flores out.

Now Flores is fighting hard to win the seat back for the GOP and she is raising big dollar amounts to do it.

FOX News reports:

Hispanic community leader raises big bucks in quest to flip Dem-controlled border congressional seat

A conservative Hispanic community leader aiming to flip a Democrat-held congressional district that sits on the U.S. border with Mexico announced Monday she had raised a massive amount of money to boost her bid.

According to her campaign, former Republican Rep. Mayra Flores, who briefly represented Texas’ 34th Congressional District from 2022-2023, raised over $970,000 from 16,617 unique donors in all 50 states during the 4th quarter of 2023.

“I am overwhelmed and incredibly grateful for the continued outpouring of support for our campaign. Voters across the Rio Grande Valley and the country know that our southern border is a disaster, illegal immigration is out of control, and Democrats like Joe Biden and Vicente Gonzalez are solely to blame,” Flores told Fox News Digital.

“We are working every day to share our message of securing the border, lowering costs for families, improving education and healthcare, and restoring the greatness of our country — and that’s exactly what I’m going to do on day one when we retake this seat and put the people of TX-34 back in charge,” she added.

The GOP should be helping this woman as much as they can, she is great.

We are working every day to share our message of securing the border, lowering costs for families, improving education and healthcare, and restoring the greatness of our country. #TheAmericanDream

— Mayra Flores Vallejo (@MayraFloresTX34) January 30, 2024

God Bless Texas

— Mayra Flores Vallejo (@MayraFloresTX34) January 25, 2024

America needs more Republicans like Flores in office.

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Christian Veteran Who Beheaded Satanic Altar in Iowa Capital Charged with Hate Crime

Christian Veteran Who Beheaded Satanic Altar in Iowa Capital Charged with Hate Crime


Christian veteran Michael Cassidy, who beheaded a satanic altar in the Iowa capital over the holidays, has been charged with a hate crime.

The altar to Baphomet was installed by the Satanic Temple, with approval from the Iowa Legislature. It featured a goat’s head on a red-caped mannequin holding a crimson pentagram wreath.

The display caused massive controversy, with some arguing that the approval of the shrine was crucial to religious freedom and others arguing that it was a deliberate move to torment Christians — especially as it was placed near a Nativity scene.

On December 14, Cassidy ripped the head off and threw it in a trashcan.

Cassidy was charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief, a misdemeanor, the next day.

Speaking to The Sentinel shortly after the beheading, Cassidy said he had beheaded the statue in order to “awaken Christians to the anti-Christian acts promoted by our government.”

“The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment,” Cassidy said. “Anti-Christian values have steadily been mainstreamed more and more in recent decades, and Christians have largely acted like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water.”

BREAKING: @RepubSentinel can reveal that Michael Cassidy, a Christian and former military officer, tore down and beheaded the Satan altar in the Iowa Capitol:

— The Sentinel (@RepubSentinel) December 14, 2023

“I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged,” Cassidy continued. “My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted.”

Cassidy turned himself in to the police after destroying the shrine. The Sentinel reported that the Satanic Temple of Iowa confirmed they intend to press charges.

Polk County prosecutors have added a much more severe charge now, according to a charging document made public Tuesday obtained by the Des Moines Register.

The Register reports that Cassidy is now charged with felony third-degree criminal mischief committed “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statute.

“Evidence shows the defendant made statements to law enforcement and the public indicating he destroyed the property because of the victim’s religion,” Lynn Hicks, a spokesman for the Polk County Attorney’s Office, told the paper.

We have raised the initial $20,000 needed for @VoteCassidy and his legal defense in less than three hours. Thank you for your generosity! We will reopen the campaign if more funds are necessary.

— The Sentinel (@RepubSentinel) December 15, 2023

The report added, “Court records show Cassidy is scheduled to be arraigned on Feb. 15. He has raised more than $84,000 for his legal defense from nearly 2,000 supporters, according to fundraising site GiveSendGo.”

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ENDGAME: Ukraine’s Zelensky Reportedly to Fire General Zaluzhny After Months of Infighting

ENDGAME: Ukraine’s Zelensky Reportedly to Fire General Zaluzhny After Months of Infighting


The long-standing feud between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Commander-in-Chief General Valery Zaluzhny rapidly went from a simmer to a boil in November, showing to the world just how divided were the higher echelons of the country’s defense.

General Zaluzhny authored an article that said that the war ‘was in a stalemate’. He was harshly criticized by the Presidential office, and had a top aide fired seemingly in retaliation.

Read: Tension in Kiev: Zelensky Publicly Criticizes Commander-In-Chief Zaluzhny for Stating That the War Is ‘In a Stalemate’, Fires His Top Deputy

After that, the backers of Kiev watched astonished as Zaluzhny had his office bugged by Zelensky’s people, and the General’s young aide and friend died in a gift-bomb terrorist attack.

Then it surfaced that Zelensky was bypassing the ‘Commander-in-Chief’, and was giving orders directly to the battlefield commanders.

Read: Russian Media: Chastyakov, Assistant and Friend to Kiev’s Military Leader Zaluzhny, Was Killed in a ‘Gift Bomb’ Terrorist Attack by Their Countrymen of the Ukrainian GRU

Meanwhile Zaluzhny criticized Kiev’s firing of conscription heads, and refused to bear the polititcal brunt of conscripting HALF A MILLION new soldiers to rebuild the destroyed Ukrainian forces.

So yesterday (29), after months of speculation about his fate, Zelensky finally ‘offered a new role’ to the general. The four-star career military man dubbed the ‘Iron General’, rejected the ‘offer’, and it’s widely expected to be fired at any moment.

Financial Times reported:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is preparing to replace his top general in what would be the biggest shake-up of Ukraine’s military command since Russia’s full-scale invasion began two years ago.

Zelensky on Monday offered Valery Zaluzhny, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, a new role as a defense adviser but the general refused, according to four people familiar with the discussions.”

Read: MSM Lifts the Veil on the Undeclared Ukrainian Civil War Between President Zelensky and General Zaluzhny

FT’s sources say Zelensky had made clear to Zaluzhny that he would be removed from his current position.

On Monday, Zelensky’s spokesperson, Serhiy Nykyforov, and the defense ministry denied reports about Zaluzhny’s dismissal. ‘Dear journalists, we immediately answer everyone: No, this is not true’, the ministry wrote on its Telegram channel without providing additional context. The president’s office declined to comment further on Tuesday.”

The removal of Zaluzhny could cause an uproar both within Ukraine’s rank-and-file military and also on civil society, among whom he enjoys huge support.

Read: Zelensky Versus Zaluzhny: The Infighting Worsens as the President Gives Orders Directly to Battlefield, Bypassing the General That Is Polling Much Higher Than Him

Ukrainian polls reveal what’s probably the crux of the matter: more people trust Zaluzhny than Zelensky.

“Replacing Zaluzhny could also unnerve Ukraine’s western partners, including military officials who have worked closely with the general over the past two years to devise battlefield strategies.”

Read: Low Morale Grips Ukrainian Forces as Russians Grow Stronger – Beachhead Across the Dnieper ‘A Suicide Mission’ – Army Chief Zaluzhny’s Office Bugged by either Russia or Zelensky

Zaluzhny has not commented on the reports of his dismissal.

“Possible candidates are Oleksandr Syrsky, the commander of Ukraine’s ground forces, and Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the country’s military intelligence directorate. Both men are close to Zelensky.”

The Economist reported:

“To oust one of the most popular figures in Ukraine would be deeply controversial, and would mark a pivotal moment in Ukraine’s conflict with Russia.

[…] A dramatic day began with leaks from MPs, who had been informed, possibly strategically, about a ‘set of documents’ sent to a security committee for signing. Later, sources in the general staff and close to General Zaluzhny confirmed that a shake-up was in the works. The Economist has been able to confirm that an early-evening meeting took place at which the president informed his general that he had decided to dismiss him. Mr Zaluzhny was offered another role: secretary of the national security council. He turned it down.”

Ultimately, the row is seen as damaging to both men, and the disputes between Ukraine’s political leadership and military command worry Ukraine’s allies.

“The battle over General Zaluzhny’s future is unlikely to make renewed funding any more likely, as the commander is highly regarded in the West.”

Read: Ukrainian Commander in Chief Criticizes Presidential Firing of Mobilization Heads, as the Zelensky-Zaluzhny Feud Gets Out of Control

Meanwhile, Russian forces retook the initiative, are firing at least five times as many shells as their enemy, and making territorial gains in the east of the country.

“Mr Zelensky is not the only person to have noted his general’s popularity. Prominent opposition figures, hitherto sidelined by the need for national unity, have started to align themselves with General Zaluzhny. That process accelerated in recent weeks as rumors of the general’s coming ouster intensified. The previous president, Petro Poroshenko, who harbours little love for his successor, was quick to take advantage of the disarray. ‘Firing Zaluzhny, if true, would hit at the heart of national unity’, he wrote.”

Removing a man as popular with his soldiers and the public as the general ‘carries political and military risks’.

“It is not clear how this story will end. But if Mr Zelensky keeps his top commander on, he will look weak. If he fires him, the clumsy way it has been handled will only damage confidence in the leadership. As so often in this conflict, there are no easy wins.”

Read more:

Ukraine To Mobilize HALF A MILLION New Citizens for the War in Highly Unpopular Move – President Zelensky and General Zaluzhny Throw the ‘Hot Potato’ Blame to Each Other


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Rep. Massie Confirms Person Who Found January 6 Pipe Bombs is CURRENT US Capitol Police Officer (VIDEO)

Rep. Massie Confirms Person Who Found January 6 Pipe Bombs is CURRENT US Capitol Police Officer (VIDEO)

 DNC pipe bomber on January 6, 2021.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on Tuesday confirmed the person who found the January 6 pipebombs is a current US Capitol Police Officer.

Earlier this month new explosive J6 footage was released. It turns out that a plainclothes police officer found the DNC pipebombs at 1:05 pm on January 6.


Below, courtesy of Thomas Massie, is the most damning and explosive J6 footage yet released.

In my view this will end up demolishing the Regime’s J6 narrative and with it a major pillar of Dem’s 2024 strategy.

You paying attention Kamala?

— Darren J. Beattie (@DarrenJBeattie) January 18, 2024

Rep. Massie confirmed that the person who found the pipebombs is a current Capitol Police Officer.


BREAKING: @RepThomasMassie has confirmed the person who found the pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6th is a CURRENT U.S. Capitol Police officer.

This revelation was confirmed to Rep. Massie today by Capitol Police.

We will continue to investigate…

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) January 30, 2024

As previously reported — A mysterious suspect planted two pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC DC Headquarters on January 5, 2021. The alleged bomb was safely detonated by a bomb squad on January 6 – however, there is no proof the bombs were even operable.

In fact, FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin reported in May 2023 that the technicians who worked on the program told him the devices were inoperable.

Another solid piece from @KerryPicket … keeping the story alive

Cc: @RealStevefriend

— Kyle Seraphin (@KyleSeraphin) May 12, 2023

The culprit was caught on video but never caught by the FBI – the greatest intelligence service in the world.

The US Capitol was shut down on January 6 after the feds found the bombs near the Republican and Democrat Party headquarters.

The FBI still ‘can’t find’ the person who planted the bomb even though they have his license plate number.

It was also revealed that the J6 pipebomber was a ‘former’ government official.

Darren Beattie of Revolver News recently joined Tucker to discuss the explosive J6 footage released a couple of weeks ago.

Darren Beattie said what’s so shocking about the new footage is just how “utterly unconcerned both the metro PD and the Secret Service are about being informed that there was a pipe bomb literally within feet of them and within feet of their protectee, VP-elect Kamala Harris.”

The Secret Service allowed children to cross the street toward the bomb several minutes after it was discovered under the park bench.

Darren Beattie said according to sources who have seen the extended video, bomb robots showed up several minutes later and dismantled and diffused the pipe bomb.


It seems likely that government officials were involved in planting pipe bombs in Washington, DC three years ago, as part of an effort to keep Donald Trump from running for president again. Darren Beattie has details.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 18, 2024

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Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/30/24 — TGP’s Jim Hoft on SCOTUS Case; Border Convoy grows to 700,000 vehicles; Missouri AG may sue Biden; Supreme Court to hear free speech case; Musk’s Neuralink success; mysterious blob in Texas weather radar, and MORE

Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/30/24 — TGP’s Jim Hoft on SCOTUS Case; Border Convoy grows to 700,000 vehicles; Missouri AG may sue Biden; Supreme Court to hear free speech case; Musk’s Neuralink success; mysterious blob in Texas weather radar, and MORE


Tonight on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines with Ivory Hecker:


The “Take Our Border Back” Convoy is growing in numbers — now predicting 700,000 vehicles may participate this week. What’s next for the convoy? Plus, after the US Customs and Border Patrol allowed a terrorist into the country, the Missouri Attorney General threatens a lawsuit against Biden — all while a sick Texas Democrat puts out a call to “bomb” Texans who oppose open borders. And brazen illegal border crossing in San Diego was caught on camera. Kip Coltron from the Take Our Border Back Convoy joins Ivory with this, and more.

Then, the “most important free speech case in a generation” Missouri v. Biden, is set to be heard by the Supreme Court on March 18th, and it features lead Plaintiff Jim Hoft, Publisher and Founder of The Gateway Pundit. Jim joins the Ivory to talk about what’s next in this case — plus 8 ways the DOJ destroyed free and fair elections as we know it. Definitely a segment you won’t want to miss.

Next in our election segment, despite attempts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has stuck down a petition to ban President Trump from the ballot while another petition to remove Joe Biden will likely also be dismissed. And is America quickly morphing into Venezuela as a similar attempt there has been successful in keeping opposition candidates off the ballot?

Then, Michelle Backus from Real America’s Voice joins the show with more context about Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s outright contradiction of Joe Biden. Will prices fall? Not according to her. Plus while California Governor Gavin Newsom’s actively campaigning for Joe Biden, the governor is “worried” about third-party candidates. And Nancy Pelosi was caught in a shouting match with protestors outside her home, screaming “Go back to China!

Finally, on the technology front — billionaire Elon Musk announced his one of his ventures, Neuralink, was successful in implanting a brain implant to create a connection between the human brain and technology “and is recovering well.” Is this human progress, or a concern? Plus a mysterious blob was sighted on weather radar in Texas — and it’s left meteorologists puzzled. What could it be?

That, and more — tonight, on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines


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The post Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/30/24 — TGP’s Jim Hoft on SCOTUS Case; Border Convoy grows to 700,000 vehicles; Missouri AG may sue Biden; Supreme Court to hear free speech case; Musk’s Neuralink success; mysterious blob in Texas weather radar, and MORE appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.