“We’ve Got to Do This Immediately!” – Warhawk Nikki Haley Says US Should Strike and Kill Iranian Leaders Inside Their Country (VIDEO)

“We’ve Got to Do This Immediately!” – Warhawk Nikki Haley Says US Should Strike and Kill Iranian Leaders Inside Their Country (VIDEO)


Nikki Haley is on the warpath. Haley wants to blow up the mullahs in Iran like Soleimani. Take them out with a missile strike.

That ought to calm things down in the Middle East!

Brian Kilmeade: You’re saying now’s the time to hit Iran?

Nikki Haley: Now’s the time to hit their leaders. It’s different. Don’t go and bomb the country.

Brian Kilmeade: What about their infrastructure?

Nikki Haley: The infrastructure in Iraq and Syria. You start with that first. You do the sanctions and you take out a couple of their leaders. That’s the way…

Brian Kilmeade: In their country?

Nikki Haley: If they’re in their country, you do like Soleimani, when they left the country. You figure out where they are. Our special operations can do that. And then you take them out. That will send a message. We’ve got to do this immediately.

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Trouble in Paradise? Senator Fetterman’s Wife Gisele Fetterman Deletes Social Media Pages Amid Rumors About Marriage

Trouble in Paradise? Senator Fetterman’s Wife Gisele Fetterman Deletes Social Media Pages Amid Rumors About Marriage


Trouble in paradise?

Senator Fetterman’s wife Gisele Fetterman deleted her social media accounts amid rumors about her rocky marriage to the Pennsylvania Democrat.

BREAKING: Senator John Fetterman’s wife Gisele deletes all pictures with him on social media.

According to reports she is currently single. pic.twitter.com/SleP06Bkxn

— misha꙳ (@schizarella) January 30, 2024

Gisele Fetterman deleted her Instagram and X accounts.

Her marriage to Senator Fetterman is reportedly on the rocks over his support for Israel.

UPDATE: Gisele deletes her Instagram, close friends confirm this is due to John’s incessant support for for the war. https://t.co/wW8vEFr8wu

— misha꙳ (@schizarella) January 30, 2024

Gisele Fetterman has been by her man’s side since he suffered a major stroke in May 2022 during Pennsylvania’s primaries.

“I didn’t want to go – I didn’t think I had to – but @giselefetterman insisted, and as usual, she was right.” John Fetterman said praising his wife for her support amid his stroke.

Gisele released a follow-up video (now deleted) saying that Fetterman loves Pennsylvania so much his “heart asks for a rest.”

“I guess when your heart is that big and it carries so much love for his state, sometimes it asks for a rest,” Gisele Fetterman said in May 2022.

On Friday, I wasn’t feeling well, so I went to the hospital to get checked out.

I didn’t want to go – I didn’t think I had to – but @giselefetterman insisted, and as usual, she was right.

The good news is I’m feeling much better + I’m well on my way to a full recovery. pic.twitter.com/WQ5X6QgQen

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) May 15, 2022

Gisele Fetterman has acted as John Fetterman’s nurse and handler after his massive stroke. She also fiercely defended him against criticism of his slurred speech and attacked an NBC reporter who exposed her husband’s inability to speak.

Mrs. Fetterman said the NBC reporter should be punished for doing her job.

“What a disserve she did, not only to my husband but to anyone facing a disability and working through it!” Gisele Fetterman said in October 2022. “I don’t know how there were not consequences, right? I mean she was ableist!”

“What she did in her interview is appalling to the entire disability community and I think to journalism! So I was shocked and I’m still really upset about it!” she added.

Gisele Fetterman has often been spotted near her husband’s side, has intervened on his behalf and batted down reporters.


I attempted to ask Lt. Gov. John Fetterman if he was satisfied on the construction progress of the Fern Hollow Bridge prior to @POTUS Biden’s speech on October 20, 2022 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Fetterman’s wife tells me that they are there to celebrate and not do interviews. pic.twitter.com/LfLaXMZTpB

— Kyle Mazza (@KyleMazzaWUNF) October 20, 2022

She also supported her husband after he spent several weeks in a psych ward for clinical depression.

John Fetterman with his wife.

Although it appears Gisele Fetterman enjoyed the spotlight, last year she wrote in an op-ed for Elle Magazine that she “never wanted to be in the public eye.”

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Victor Reacts: Sanctuary City Reality Check! Denver Buckles (VIDEO)

Victor Reacts: Sanctuary City Reality Check! Denver Buckles (VIDEO)


It is always fun to point and laugh when reality hits liberal cities.

As previously reported by the Gateway Pundit,

The supposed ‘sanctuary city’ of Denver, Colorado, is going to start limiting the amount of time that illegal border crossers can spend in shelters.

Like many blue cities, Denver is learning that city resources are not infinite and that a community can be quickly overwhelmed when an army of people suddenly appears in town. They are already shipping people to other places.

One has to wonder how the city is going to enforce this policy.

Turns out, it is a lot easier to be a so called “sanctuary city” when you don’t have to feel the weight of illegal aliens. Now that the city is going to be hit with a bill of over $100m they are ready to get rid of the illegals. Many of the illegals aliens in Denver reportedly came by bus from the Texas-Mexico border.

The left’s moral grandstanding has come back to haunt them. We must secure our nation’s borders or we will have no nation at all.


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EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lindell Speaks About Ronna McDaniel’s Failures and Calls on Her to Resign, Says Lawsuit to Ban Voting Machines is Going to The US Supreme Court

EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lindell Speaks About Ronna McDaniel’s Failures and Calls on Her to Resign, Says Lawsuit to Ban Voting Machines is Going to The US Supreme Court


MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Monday at Turning Point Action’s Restoring National Confidence Summit to discuss Ronna McDaniel’s failures as RNC Chairwoman to fight for election integrity and his fight to restore elections through getting rid of the corrupt voting machines.

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The event, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, two days before the 2024 RNC Winter Meeting with hundreds of County GOP Chairmembers and RNC voting members, featured presentations on election fraud and how the grassroots GOP can get out the vote. Unlike grassroots Republicans across America, the RNC, under Ronna’s leadership, doesn’t care about winning or ensuring honest elections.

Mike Lindell spoke at the event yesterday following a presentation on “Truth & Transparent Elections” by Cause of America and the Lindell Team.

Watch day one of the event here.

While speaking at the event, Mike Lindell slammed Ronna McDaniel’s recent claims that “Republican-on-Republican infighting” caused losses in 2022, while ignoring election fraud. He further called on Ronna to resign as Chairman of the RNC.

“Republican voters want to hear us talk about the border, fentanyl, Israel, our kids, crime, inflation, and they want to see us take on Joe Biden,” said Ronna, ignoring the massive fraud that took place in states like Arizona, where 60% of voting machines failed on election day — the same day that Republicans turned out 3:1 to support their candidates.

As Laura Loomer reports, Ronna “may announce her resignation at the RNC Winter Meeting in Nevada this week.”

SCOOP: Ronna Romney @GOPChairwoman may announce her resignation at the RNC Winter Meeting in Nevada this week.

She is planning to announce her resignation in Nevada this week to sell her $10 million credit line idea to the 168 RNC members as a way to save face with the Trump…

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) January 29, 2024

When asked if Mike will run again for RNC Chair, he told The Gateway Pundit, “Probably not.” He continued, “I’ve got to keep going with what I’m already doing is what I would do as Chair anyway.”

“We’re doing what the RNC should have been doing,” Mike added before telling The Gateway Pundit that a federal lawsuit to ban the use of “black box voting machines,” which was previously shot down by an Obama Judge in Arizona, is going to the United States Supreme Court.

Mike also commented on testimony in Georgia by professor and election expert J. Alex Halderman in the Federal District Court.

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

Recently, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom in the Culling vs. Raffensperger lawsuit on the insecure Dominion voting machines used in Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulations in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom!


As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, Mike Lindell was canceled by Fox News, likely because of his efforts to fight for honest elections. Lindell gave us the latest on his cancellation by Fox and offered free shipping on all orders PLUS up to 60% off using promo code TGP at Mypillow.com!

New Deals At The Gateway Pundit MyPillow Discounts Page – Plus Free Shipping With Promo Code TGP!

Watch the full interview below:

The post EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lindell Speaks About Ronna McDaniel’s Failures and Calls on Her to Resign, Says Lawsuit to Ban Voting Machines is Going to The US Supreme Court appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Video of Ilhan Omar Repeatedly Calling Somali Leader “Our President”; Saying, “The President and I Have a Special Relationship, I Call Him Uncle and He Calls Me His Girl”

Video of Ilhan Omar Repeatedly Calling Somali Leader “Our President”; Saying, “The President and I Have a Special Relationship, I Call Him Uncle and He Calls Me His Girl”


A video from 2022 of Somali refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) speaking in the Somali language to a gathering of Somali-Americans in Minneapolis and, according to posted translations, repeatedly calling the visiting President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, “our president,” and saying “Somalia is our home,” is raising new questions about her loyalty to the United States. Omar added she has a “special relationship” with Mohamud. In a visit a week later to Somalia, Omar again called it “our country” while addressing Somali government leaders.

The video from December 15, 2022 resurfaced Tuesday after calls for Omar to be expelled from Congress, stripped of her naturalized American citizenship and deported arose in response to a speech she gave on Saturday to Somali-Americans in Minneapolis.

Two versions of an excerpt from Omar’s 2022 speech were posted on Monday. In the clips, Omar is lavishing praise on Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who also addressed the gathering.

Omar said, according to translations, “I am very honored to have the chance that our president, president of Somalia, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, let us give him a warm welcome, Minnesota! (her comments about the cold December weather in Minnesota were edited out in one version.) The president and I have a special relationship. I call him uncle and he calls me his girl. Welcome to your home. Our home is your home. Welcome to Minneapolis. We are very happy that Hassan is our president. Somalia is our home. It is home to all the people gathered here. We do not feel that it is far from us. Somalia is our heart. It is in our hearts. We always think about Somalia.”

This is an edited version posted by End Wokeness that cut out Omar’s comments about the cold December weather in Minnesota, saying Mohamud’s next visit should be in the summer.

Rep. Ilhan Omar refers to the President of Somalia as “our president”

“We have a special relationship. I call him uncle and he calls me his girl.”

“Somalia is our home. It is our heart. We always think about Somalia.” pic.twitter.com/yxHqyk35OQ

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 30, 2024

Unedited version posted by Drew Pavlou with mostly similar translation but with commentary in the captioning (and a few seconds extra at the end about “peace”:

In this bizarre speech Ilhan Omar pledges allegiance to the President of Somalia, tells the audience she calls him “uncle,” concludes by praising a Somali military operation against Somaliland (a region which has been independent for more than 30 years) pic.twitter.com/tVGt1nhWBP

— Drew Pavlou 柏乐志 (@DrewPavlou) January 30, 2024

The full speech without translation can be found on Facebook.

A week later, Omar again referred to Somalia as “our country” in remarks made in Somalia while addressing with government leaders (VOA excerpt):

U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar hailed recent victories scored by the Somali government and local community forces against al-Shabab militants in central Somali regions.

Omar, who was born in Somalia, has been visiting the country since Thursday. In Mogadishu, she met with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre and members of the Cabinet and parliamentarians on Monday.

Speaking at a dinner in her honor hosted by Barre, Omar congratulated the Somali leaders for the “big success” against al-Shabab militants.

Omar called for collaboration in defeating the group she accused of “dishonoring” Islam.

“Our country and our religion have been associated with terrorism [because] of the dishonor they brought on us,” she said. “We have to get rid of them as Somalis and as Muslims and pray and support each other in that work.”

The post Video of Ilhan Omar Repeatedly Calling Somali Leader “Our President”; Saying, “The President and I Have a Special Relationship, I Call Him Uncle and He Calls Me His Girl” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.