The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy


The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.

New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week.  The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.

That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.

In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud.  (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)

In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud.  This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.

No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.

That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.

It is not like Donald Trump is some private businessman, and this case transpired in the normal course of business.  He is the current frontrunner to be the next President of the United States.

This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.

For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for.  This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.

If Engoron orders for President Trump’s business empire to be dissolved, a step notably beyond what even Letitia James advised, then he will destroy the prospect of doing business in New York State for good, and likely throughout the country — a devastating outcome, that nobody should desire, given that it would surely bring the American Dream to an end.

Do New Yorkers understand what is at stake?  Have they totally abandoned belief in capitalism, free enterprise, the American Dream?  Do they realize their city will fail without visionary men doing business like Donald Trump?

There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.

Trump did not harm anyone, nor did he deceive anyone in his business dealings – the only crime he ever committed was running for President and speaking the truth. Full disclosure: both those things happen to be rights protected under the Constitution.

But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.

No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.

A sane court system would never in a million years lodge an $83 million damages award upon a washed-up, octogenarian sex columnist for defamation arising from an alleged rape in which the claimant could not even recall the most basic details, such as the year it took place, and waited nearly thirty years before filing a lawsuit once it became politically expedient to do so.

It is interesting that the recent change in New York State law that allowed E. Jean Carroll to bring her lawsuit beyond the normal statute of limitations was done by a rabid anti-Trump state legislator.

It is also interesting that the same financial backer of the Carroll lawsuit, Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, is a major Democratic donor, who also happens to be bankrolling Nikki Haley’s sorry excuse for a campaign at the same time.

These are not coincidences: this is clearcut election interference, brought to you by the same forces that orchestrated the covid lockdowns, the George Floyd-riots, and the myriad attendant rule changes to election law in the lead-up to 2020 election that made Biden’s heist, somehow both the most unpopular president in American history despite being the “president” to receive the most number of votes ever, inevitable.

A system of “justice” that values E. Jean Carroll’s reputation at $83 million, would, under normal circumstances, trigger immediate calls for tort reform.  In what universe is E. Jean Carroll’s life and work, who is now in her eighties — and thus has little of both remaining — even close to being valued at $83 million?

Her allegations are completely without merit, which is the reason why she delayed filing a lawsuit for thirty years until she found the political and financial support she needed from the Left.

But such an egregious figure is typical for a system that would also value Mar-a-Lago at $18 million.  The rot in the New York judicial system is deep, emblematic of the rot afflicting our society’s justice system writ large, but there the rule of law is being flouted in a particularly flagrant display.

These judges, district attorneys, and special prosecutors run roughshod over every last judicial norm because they think they can get away with it. They sneer at the rest of us with scornful derision because they think we will not stand up for our rights.

Let the clown show that Leftists has made of the New York justice system be an omen for what can and will happen to the rest of the nation without a powerful response by those on the Right who wish to preserve our Constitution and the rule of law in their true, original meanings.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.

The post The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Gloating E. Jean Carroll Offers to Take Rachel Maddow on Shopping Spree with Trump’s $83 Million (VIDEO)

Gloating E. Jean Carroll Offers to Take Rachel Maddow on Shopping Spree with Trump’s $83 Million (VIDEO)


A giddy, gloating E. Jean Carroll appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC Monday night to talk about her winning an $83 million judgement against President Trump in federal court in New York City last week over alleged defamation over comments made by Trump after he lost a civil suit involving a bizarre accusation of sexual assault in the 1990s in a New York City department store. Trump has vociferously denied the accusation by Carroll.

Carroll had taken a previous victory lap on the Monday morning news shows (TGP report by Cristina Laila here.)

Screenshot: MSNBC
Screenshot: MSNBC

Appearing with her smiling attorneys Roberta ‘Robbie’ Kaplan and Shawn Crowley, the 80-year-old Carroll gushed to Maddow about wanting to take her on a shopping spree with Trump’s money, saying, “First thing, Rachel, you and I are going to go shopping, we’re going to get completely new wardrobes, new shoes
Rachel, what do you want, penthouse? It’s yours, Rachel! Penthouse? And France? You want France? You want to go fishing in France?”

Crowley cut in saying, “That’s a joke.”

Carroll also spoke about being terrified in the days before the trial and having a “breakdown”, saying, “I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t go on.” Carroll told Maddow she would be willing to sue Trump again if her lawyers recommended it.

Break down of the award to Carroll (NBC News excerpt):

Former President Donald Trump must pay writer E. Jean Carroll over $83 million in damages for repeatedly defaming her, a jury found Friday.

The nine-person jury began deliberations in federal court in New York at 1:40 p.m. ET and reached a verdict in just under three hours.

The award included $11 million for damage to Carroll’s reputation, $7.3 million for emotional harm and other damages, and $65 million in punitive damages.

The verdict is the second for Carroll against Trump. A different jury last year found Trump liable for sexually abusing her in a New York City department store in the 1990s and for defaming her by mocking her claims after he left the White House. They awarded her $5 million in damages, a judgment Trump is appealing.

U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan — no relation to Carroll’s attorney —found Trump liable for defamation in the current case based on that jury’s findings. That finding barred Trump from testifying that Carroll’s claim was made up, but Trump still managed to do so in his short testimony. “I consider it a false accusation,” he said.

The Maddow Blog posted, “Apparently, imagining how to spend Donald Trump’s money is as fun as you might have guessed.”

Apparently, imagining how to spend Donald Trump’s money is as fun as you might have guessed.

— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) January 30, 2024

Excerpt from YouTube transcript, lightly edited for formatting:


Carroll: YES, RACHEL, YES!

Maddow: TELL ME.


Maddow: NOTHING.


Maddow: NO.


Lawyer Shawn Crowley: THAT’S A JOKE.


Videos of the complete Maddow interview posted by MSNBC to YouTube:

Conservative activist Greg Price commented:


– She doesn’t remember the year is supposedly happen.
– Her story mirrored the plot of a Law & Order SVU episode
– The dress she claimed to be wearing hadn’t even been designed yet
– Her lawsuit was funded by Reid Hoffman and thought of by George Conway and Molly Jong Fast.
– She said on CNN “rape is sexy.”
– She was involved in changing NY state law so she could sue Trump in the first place


– She doesn’t remember the year is supposedly happen.
– Her story mirrored the plot of a Law & Order SVU episode
– The dress she claimed to be wearing hadn’t even been designed yet
– Her lawsuit was funded by Reid Hoffman and thought of by George Conway and Molly Jong

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 30, 2024

The post Gloating E. Jean Carroll Offers to Take Rachel Maddow on Shopping Spree with Trump’s $83 Million (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Why are European Governments Urging Citizens to Stockpile Prescription Drugs?

Why are European Governments Urging Citizens to Stockpile Prescription Drugs?


(Note: Thank you, dear TGP readers, for your ongoing support of businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below. By ordering through the links provided below, you not only benefit this company but also support Gateway Pundit.)

European Governments Fear Prescription Drug Shortages – Urge Stockpiling

The question of whether or not you should be prepared for prescription drug shortages is not an issue that has received much coverage here in the U.S., nor is it an issue the Biden administration seems at all concerned about.

In Europe, however, the issue is not just getting attention from the media, some European governments are actually encouraging citizens to stockpile prescription drugs. From Politico’s Europe edition,

Adverts across Sweden tell patients with chronic diseases to make sure they have at least a month’s supply of medicines at home. “Self-preparedness is part of society’s work to secure patients’ access to medicines,” the country’sBoard of Health and Welfare states online.

The campaign is part of Sweden’s bid to prevent a repeat of the dangerous drug shortages faced across Europe last winter.

And it’s not just in Sweden,

And it’s not just in Sweden,

Germany, for example, has imposed mandatory stockpiles of at least six months’ supplies of drugs for all manufacturers 

Europeans are Rightfully Concernced about Shortages

European leaders are doing more than just responding to a hypothetical crisis, they are acting after the continent faced massive drug shortages last winter.

European consumers, like American consumers, are reliant on a pharmaceutical supply chain that has been almost entirely taken over by the Chinese.

As Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) pointed out in a report back in 2019, pre-COVID,

Chinese policymakers aim to make China’s domestic biotechnology industry the medicine cabinet of the world. To a large extent, they have already succeeded in achieving dominance in the lower end of the pharmaceutical and medical technology value chain. 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) of drugs in the American market come from overseas, primarily from China and India. In older drugs with low profit margins, Chinese drugmakers have often taken over production entirely from Western companies. Chinese manufacturers are already the sole suppliers of many API and lower-end drugs.

Since COVID, this reliance on China for prescription drugs has only gotten worse – and as tensions escalate between the US and China, the possibility that the Chinese use this leverage to their advantage becomes more and more concerning:

Experts suggest that the growth of the US and China pharmaceutical trade poses a serious risk as the adversarial relationship could result in supply chain closures. It’s not unrealistic that pharmaceuticals could be used as a weapon in a trade war, as was suggested in past Chinese strategic talks. Additionally, the FDA has less oversight over Chinese facilities, which generates questions about the safety of foreign manufacturers.

How Do You Protect Against Prescription Drug Shortages? BE PREPARED!

So if our leaders won’t step up and break China’s stranglehold on prescription drugs, what can individuals do to stay safe and healthy? The solution is to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

The Wellness Company and its great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media fighting against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of corrupt Big Pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic:

 “I’ve strongly recommended “stockpiling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family, and patients have benefited. Now, in the winter of 2024, this recommendation is even more crucial.”

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Note: The information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or used as a substitute for professional healthcare guidance. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding the purchase, possession, and use of prescription medications.

The post Why are European Governments Urging Citizens to Stockpile Prescription Drugs? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Tragic Loss: 14-Year-Old Girl Collapses and Dies During High School Basketball Game in Illinois

Tragic Loss: 14-Year-Old Girl Collapses and Dies During High School Basketball Game in Illinois

 Facebook: Anthony W. Crite Sr./MJRA

The Momence High School community is in mourning following the sudden death of a ninth-grade student during a junior varsity basketball game.

Amari Crite, 14, tragically passed away after collapsing on the court on Thursday evening, January 25, 2024.

According to the Daily Journal in Kankakee, Illinois, Amari was playing defense when she unexpectedly collapsed.

The exact cause of her death is still unknown and is currently under investigation by the Kankakee County Coroner’s Office, who stated that the cause of death is pending further study.

Superintendent Shannon Anderson released a statement expressing the profound sorrow felt throughout the school district:

“We are deeply saddened to confirm the heartbreaking news of the passing of one of our 9th-grade students on January 25, 2024. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends affected by this tragic loss.

At this time, we are prioritizing the well-being of our students, staff, and the broader school community. Mental health and counseling support will be available in all buildings on January 26 and as needed in the coming days and weeks to assist those who may be grappling with the emotional impact of this tragedy. We are deeply thankful to neighboring Districts and the mental health and grief counseling providers in the Kankakee County area that have volunteered their services to assist our community during this time.

We understand the interest from the media in covering this story, and we appreciate your sensitivity in approaching this matter. However, we kindly request for the privacy and grieving process of the family and the school community during this difficult time.

Our primary focus right now is on supporting one another and providing the necessary resources for our community to cope with this loss. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.”

In response to the tragedy, Amari Crite’s family has established a GoFundMe page to assist with funeral expenses. Michelle Crite, the organizer, and a family member shared a heartfelt message: “Our precious baby girl passed away last night January 25 when she collapsed at her basketball game. We are asking for any and everyone to help us give her the proper homegoing she deserves.”

The Momence Junior Redskins Association (MJRA) also paid tribute to Amari: “Our heartfelt condolences go out to the loved ones of the Crite Family as they cope with the loss of a daughter, sister, & friend. We ask that you all keep the family in your thoughts & prayers.”

Source: Momence Junior Redskins Association (MJRA)/Facebook

The Kankakee County Sheriff’s Office joined in offering condolences, stating, “The Kankakee County Sheriff’s Office stands with the Momence School District during this difficult time. Friends, family and classmates are all in our prayers.”

Source: Kankakee County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook


The post Tragic Loss: 14-Year-Old Girl Collapses and Dies During High School Basketball Game in Illinois appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
