PANIC IN BRUSSELS: EU Council’s President Charles Michel Gives up European Parliament Run to Keep Hungary’s Orbán From Holding Interim Presidency

PANIC IN BRUSSELS: EU Council’s President Charles Michel Gives up European Parliament Run to Keep Hungary’s Orbán From Holding Interim Presidency

 Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and European Council President Charles Michel.

Conservative champion, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is still driving European Union’s leaders insane with his firm stance on Ukraine military help, and a host of other failed Globalist EU policies.

So much so that president of the council of European Union leaders, Charles Michel, was forced to abandon his decision to run in this year’s European Elections, lest this move handed nemesis Orbán the control of the Council – just as leaders are plotting to completely ostracize Hungary in the EU.

Michel faced harsh criticism that his leaving the Presidency to run for a seat in the European Parliament would have undermined his current role at a crucial time.

His reversal now come as an embarrassment for Michel. Less than a week before he chairs a summit meant to produce a deal on vital wartime financial aid for Ukraine, he has his judgment questioned by many power players in the EU.

Reuters reported:

“Michel’s reversal came just a few weeks after he announced he would run in June’s European Parliament election – a move that sparked criticism as it meant he would have to leave his post several months before its official end on Nov. 30.

That raised the prospect of the European Council of EU leaders being chaired by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who maintains ties to Moscow, has blocked the Ukraine aid plan and is accused of democratic backsliding by EU lawmakers.”

In a long Facebook post, Michel defended his original decision to run in the election, but admitted that the criticism had prompted him to reconsider.

“I will not be a candidate in the European elections. I will devote all my efforts to my current responsibilities with steadfast determination until they come to an end. […] I don’t want this decision to distract us from our mission or undermine this institution and our European project nor be misused in any way to divide the European Council, which I believe must work tirelessly for European unity. […] I will always be a fervent advocate of a Europe that is democratic, strong, united and master of its own destiny. At the end of this mandate, I will reflect on the nature and direction of my future commitments.”

The Guardian reported:

“[Michel’s] decision had prompted speculation that Orbán could accidentally become the president from July if member states were not able to find a successor quickly enough.”

The leaders of the main EU institutions are usually chosen [NOT elected] after the European elections, which will happen in June.

But the political process can take many months, and under EU rules, the country that holds the six-month rotating presidency takes on post in the absence of a president-elect.

“With Hungary due to take on the presidency for the second six months of the year, this would have handed Orbán the reins.

The president’s role involves chairing European Council meetings and brokering agreements among member states including the current battle to get Hungary to back the support package for Ukraine.”

It would indeed be a complete absurd for PM Orbán to become President of the European Council right at the time when the major power brokers in the EU are scheming have the 26 nations to strip Hungary of its voting rights by implementing the ‘nuclear option’ of activating article 7 of the EU treaty.

Read more:

EPIC Hungary’s Orbán on EU ‘Blackmail’: ‘There Is Not Enough Money in the World To Force Us To Accept Mass Migration and To Put Our Children in the Hands of LGBTQ Activists’

The post PANIC IN BRUSSELS: EU Council’s President Charles Michel Gives up European Parliament Run to Keep Hungary’s Orbán From Holding Interim Presidency appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


SICK: Texas Democrat Posts Tweet Seemingly Calling for Bombing American Citizens Who Support Texas Against the Biden Regime Over the Border – Conservatives Respond

SICK: Texas Democrat Posts Tweet Seemingly Calling for Bombing American Citizens Who Support Texas Against the Biden Regime Over the Border – Conservatives Respond

 Credit: @GeneforTexas

A far-left Texas state legislator over the weekend posted a tweet suggesting the U.S. military would be justified in taking out Americans for daring to own guns and standing with Texas.

X user @EndWokeness posted a tweet Friday listing the ten states with the most guns per capita. He noted they are all states backing Texas in their ongoing battle with the Biden regime over the border.

Over half of the adults in these states own firearms.

10 states with the most guns per capita:

1. Montana (66.4% of adults)
2. Wyoming (66% of adults)
3. Alaska (64.5% of adults)
4. Idaho (60.1% of adults)
5. WV (58.5% of adults)
6. AR (57.2% of adults)
7. MS (56.3% of adults)
8. AL (55.2% of adults)
9. SD (55.1% of adults)
10. ND…

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 26, 2024

After seeing this post a day later, Texas Democrat State Rep. Gene Wu suggested the proper response was for the U.S. Military to drop bombs on these Americans.

It’s all fun and games… until someone eats a drone fired Hellfire missile.

It’s all fun and games… until someone eats a drone fired Hellfire missile.

— Gene Wu (@GeneforTexas) January 27, 2024

Conservatives responded to the post viciously:

This makes you the Nazi you know? Right?

— EducatëdHillbilly (@RobProvince) January 28, 2024

Cheering on the murder of your fellow citizens is quite the take for someone that owes the roof over his head to those same citizens.

— Bleu Cheque (@VERBAL_CHANCLA) January 28, 2024

Hey Gene……

— David Peurifoy (@fracanimal61) January 28, 2024

You live next door to these people you clown

— Frog of W@r (@14froger14) January 28, 2024

Didn’t work on Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam

— Gordon (@StopTheCoup2020) January 28, 2024

Wu’s post also sounds eerily similar to the words of Joe Biden when speaking about those who oppose his regime. As the TGP previously reported, the so-called “president” has twice threatened millions of conservatives over the past year with fighter jets.

Wu was one of several Texas Democrats to illegally flee the state for DC to deny a statutorily required quorum. The stupid reason behind the cowardly action was to stop Republicans from using the majority to pass a badly needed election integrity bill.

The Texas legislature eventually voted to have the Sergeant-of-Arms arrest them, and Wu and others finally came back.

The post SICK: Texas Democrat Posts Tweet Seemingly Calling for Bombing American Citizens Who Support Texas Against the Biden Regime Over the Border – Conservatives Respond appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Karine Jean Pierre on US Troops Killed in Drone Attack: “Three folks who are military folks, who are, who are brave, who are always fighting, who were fighting on behalf of this administration…”

Karine Jean Pierre on US Troops Killed in Drone Attack: “Three folks who are military folks, who are, who are brave, who are always fighting, who were fighting on behalf of this administration…”


This is why the Biden administration has John Kirby handle the big boy briefings. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre appeared on MSNBC Monday morning without her ever-present binder to talk about Sunday’s deadly drone attack on U.S. troops in Jordan and the result was predictably embarrassing for the nation .

Three U.S. troops were killed and several dozen wounded in the drone attack early Sunday local time on a base in Jordan near the border with Syria that was claimed by the Iran-backed Islamic Resistance of Iraq.

Jean Pierre was speaking from the White House lawn in her appearance on Morning Joe where she attempted to convey the administration’s condolences.

Speaking without notes or binder, Jean Pierre put on a brave face as she struggled to string together coherent sentences.

Jean Pierre, “What I will say, our deepest, uh, obviously our deepest condolences uh, go out, and our heart, heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost uh, three, three brave, uh, three brave, uh, three brave, uh, three folks who are, who are military folks who are brave who are always fighting, who were fighting on behalf and, of uh, this administration, of the American people obviously more so more importantly uh, we lost those souls as the President said yesterday when he was in South Carolina.”

Transcribed by TGP.

Video clip posted by the Media Research Center:

KJP: “Our deepest condolences go out to those three folks… who are brave who are always fighting, who were fighting on behalf of this administration.”

Wrong, Karine. Our service members signed up to serve their Country; they died because of your administration.

— Media Research Center (@theMRC) January 29, 2024

In contrast, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby appeared on NBC’s The Today Show Monday morning and said, “Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this violence, certainly the families who got the worst possible news this weekend.”

John Kirby, the spokesperson for the White House national security council, speaks to @SavannahGuthrie about how the U.S. could respond to the drone attack on a base in Jordan that killed three American soldiers and the status of Hamas hostage negotiations

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) January 29, 2024

Earlier this month, Axios reported on tension between Jean Pierre and Kirby over sharing the White House briefings (excerpt):

They share a podium — and a mutual frustration. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the National Security Council’s John Kirby frequently split the podium at media briefings, but behind the scenes their relationship is fraught with tension, White House sources tell Axios.

Why it matters: As President Biden heads into a tough re-election campaign, his top-ranking spokespeople are at odds while navigating a situation in which there’s one press secretary in name but two in practice — one for domestic policy, the other for foreign policy.

Zoom in: Some of the tension stems from how much time each gets at the podium each day.

…In the more than 30 press briefings and gaggles since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, Jean-Pierre has briefed reporters solo just once — during a gaggle on Air Force One.

Jean Pierre also appeared on CNN on Monday where she did much better.

Not sure what caused Jean Pierre to get tongue-tied on MSNBC, but spokesmen get demoted or let go for such unprofessional presentations.

As Allie Beth Stuckey observed, ” Karin Jean-Pierre truly has no command of the English language. Whatever coherent thoughts she may have, she is completely unable to get them out of her mouth in a way that anyone can understand. It seems that the minimum requirement for a press secretary should be the ability to talk. She doesn’t have that. And when you have a perpetually discombobulated president, it’s especially important to have a spokesperson that can at least offer a semblance of clarity and confidence. Instead, KJP confirms everyone’s greatest fears about this administration: that it’s run by stupid, incompetent people with no patriotism and no grasp at all of any problem our nation is facing.”

Karin Jean-Pierre truly has no command of the English language. Whatever coherent thoughts she may have, she is completely unable to get them out of her mouth in a way that anyone can understand. It seems that the minimum requirement for a press secretary should be the ability to…

— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) January 29, 2024

The post Karine Jean Pierre on US Troops Killed in Drone Attack: “Three folks who are military folks, who are, who are brave, who are always fighting, who were fighting on behalf of this administration…” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


National File Posts Contents of Ashley Biden’s Diary – Website Crashes

National File Posts Contents of Ashley Biden’s Diary – Website Crashes

 Ashley Biden, under the leering eye of daddy, Joe Biden, poses for a photo at a much earlier time.

As previously reported, Ashley Biden, Joe Biden’s youngest daughter, left her diary under a mattress at the Palm Beach rehab home following a stay at a treatment facility. Two individuals who found Ashley Biden’s diary at a halfway house later sold the diary to James O’Keefe and Project Veritas.

In a January 2019 entry, Ashley Biden recalled how she used to shower with her father, Joe Biden, and suggested it may have contributed to a sex addiction.

The diary describes Ashley and her father Joe Biden taking showers together at an inappropriate age.

“I have always been boy crazy,’ Ashley wrote. ‘Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).’ she wrote in a January 2019 entry, according to the Daily Mail.

James O’Keefe was later the victim of a late-night FBI raid and was arrested by the Biden regime.

Breitbart News editor Joel Pollak argued that Project Veritas is protected under the First Amendment.

“First Amendment jurisprudence has established that news organizations cannot be prosecuted just because they publish materials that may have been obtained illegally — as long as they were not involved in the unlawful process of obtaining them.” Joel Pollak wrote.

“The key point of contention in the investigation may turn out to be whether Project Veritas was involved in instigating the theft of the diary, or if it simply obtained the diary independently of the process through which it was unlawfully obtained.” Pollak added.

The National File on Monday posted the contents of Ashley Biden’s diary.

The website crashed.

You’ll have to read about her showers with her daddy at age 8 at another website.

For the record – The Gateway Pundit was offered the diary but we passed on it at the time because we could not verify it. Now we know – It’s real!

The post National File Posts Contents of Ashley Biden’s Diary – Website Crashes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Inside the Democrats “Deep State” Plan to Oust Joe and Insert Michelle Obama (Video)

Inside the Democrats “Deep State” Plan to Oust Joe and Insert Michelle Obama (Video)


There is a lot of talk about Michelle Obama being the Democrat nominee for the Presidency. Joe Biden has shown no signs of leaving. So how do the Democrats make this happen? The reality is, they already prepared for it. Party rules make it easy to insert whoever they want as the nominee come convention time in August. This podcast explains the rules that few people know exist. Those rules allow party elites to pick their choice over the peoples choice. There is only one problem, they have to get Joe Biden out of the way. They have a plan for that too!


Does Michelle Obama want the job? The answer is yes. We uncovered the audio from Michelle herself, that proves she will be the next shadow president for her husband. We can not allow Barrack Obama to call the shots for another 4 years.

The post Inside the Democrats “Deep State” Plan to Oust Joe and Insert Michelle Obama (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.