President Trump Slams Biden in Statement on US Troops Killed in Drone Attack by Iran Proxy in Jordan

President Trump Slams Biden in Statement on US Troops Killed in Drone Attack by Iran Proxy in Jordan


President Trump released a statement Sunday afternoon regarding the drone attack by an Iranian proxy group on U.S. troops in Jordan that killed three soldiers and wounded several dozen more.

Trump expressed his “profound sympathies” to the families of the fallen and prayers for the wounded.

Trump went on to slam Joe Biden for reversing his policies on Iran, actions that have provided the state sponsor of terror with billions of dollars used to fund terror proxies in the Middle East, putting the U.S. “on the brink of World War 3.”

Trump closed by saying, “Our Country cannot survive with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief.”

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

The drone attack on a U.S. Military Installation in Jordan, killing 3 American Servicemembers, and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America. My most profound sympathies go to the Families of the Brave Servicemembers we have lost. I ask all Americans to join me in praying for those who have been wounded. This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender.

Three years ago, Iran was weak, broke, and totally under control. Thanks to my Maximum Pressure policy, the Iranian Regime could barely scrape two dollars together to fund their terrorist proxies. Then Joe Biden came in and gave Iran billions of dollars, which the Regime has used to spread bloodshed and carnage throughout the Middle East. This attack would NEVER have happened if I was President, not even a chance – Just like the Iranian-backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the War in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have Peace throughout the World. Instead, we are on the brink of World War 3.

This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, and no more loss of precious American lives. Our Country cannot survive with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief.

Click here, here, and here to read the Truths.

Trump left Biden a Middle East that was more at peace than it had been in decades, with the ISIS caliphate smashed and the historic Abraham Accords peace agreement between Israel and several Middle East nations.

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Sen. Lindsey Graham Brutally Mocked by Conservatives After Demanding the US ‘Hit Iran Now. Hit Them Hard.’

Sen. Lindsey Graham Brutally Mocked by Conservatives After Demanding the US ‘Hit Iran Now. Hit Them Hard.’


Senator Lindsey Graham is once again showing off his love for war, calling for the US to “Hit Iran now. Hit them hard.”

Graham was widely roasted on social media by fellow Republicans after he issued his statement on Sunday afternoon.

The senator was responding to reports of a drone attack in Jordan that killed three U.S. service members.

“When the Biden Administration says ‘don’t’, the Iranians ‘do’,” Graham said in a statement posted to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “The Biden Administration’s rhetoric is falling on deaf ears in Iran. Their policy of deterrence against Iran has failed miserably. There have been over 100 attacks against U.S. forces in the region. Iran is undeterred.”

The Biden Administration can take out all the Iranian proxies they like, but it will not deter Iranian aggression. I am calling on the Biden Administration to strike targets of significance inside Iran, not only as reprisal for the killing of our forces, but as deterrence against…

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 28, 2024

“The Biden Administration can take out all the Iranian proxies they like, but it will not deter Iranian aggression,” Graham added. “I am calling on the Biden Administration to strike targets of significance inside Iran, not only as reprisal for the killing of our forces, but as deterrence against future aggression.”

The South Carolina senator continued, “The only thing the Iranian regime understands is force. Until they pay a price with their infrastructure and their personnel, the attacks on U.S. troops will continue.”

Hit Iran now. Hit them hard.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 28, 2024

“Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,” Graham concluded.

The thread was widely mocked by America First conservatives.

Childless warhawk seeks total annihilation.

— 9mmSMG (@9mm_smg) January 28, 2024

“Shut the hell up, you effeminate RINO creep,” Anthony Sabatini, a Republican congressional candidate, responded.

Shut the hell up, you effeminate RINO creep

— Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) January 28, 2024

Hit them with what? They/Them pronouns?

— Gabe (@GabeZZOZZ) January 28, 2024

“You gave all our artillery shells to Ukraine and the American president is busy squaring off against his own citizens in Texas,” conservative radio host Jesse Kelly wrote. “Who don’t think is gonna fight this war for you? We all know it won’t be you getting your hands dirty.”

You gave all our artillery shells to Ukraine and the American president is busy squaring off against his own citizens in Texas.

Who don’t think is gonna fight this war for you? We all know it won’t be you getting your hands dirty.

— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) January 28, 2024

“The war machine votes to leave our troops in the middle east as bait, funds our enemies until they kill Americans, then uses the dead troops as a justification for a new war,” America First congressional candidate and Gold Star veteran Joe Kent wrote. “This scam only benefits Iran & the defense contractors who own too many members of our government.”

The war machine votes to leave our troops in the middle east as bait, funds our enemies until they kill Americans, then uses the dead troops as a justification for a new war.

This scam only benefits Iran & the defense contractors who own too many members of our government.

— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) January 28, 2024

“Lindsey loves to send your kids to die, anytime, anywhere,” popular pro-Trump account “Catturd” wrote.

Lindsey loves to send your kids to die, anytime, anywhere.

— Catturd (@catturd2) January 28, 2024

Journalist Laura Loomer added, “War porn.”

War porn.

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) January 28, 2024

Red State columnist Buzz Patterson wrote, “I wish somebody would look at me like Lindsey looks at war.”

I wish somebody would look at me like Lindsey looks at war.

— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) January 28, 2024

“Lindsey is currently laying on his fainting couch humming bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran with cartoon dollar signs in his eyes,” memer Carpe Donktum wrote.

Lindsey is currently laying on his fainting couch humming bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran with cartoon dollar signs in his eyes.

— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 28, 2024

“Only if we can strap you to the missile,” Republican West Virginia delegate Geno Chiarelli wrote.

Only if we can strap you to the missile

— Geno Chiarelli (@GenoforHouse) January 28, 2024

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“Target Tehran”: GOP Senators Call on Biden to Strike Iran in Response to Deadly Proxy Attack on US Troops

“Target Tehran”: GOP Senators Call on Biden to Strike Iran in Response to Deadly Proxy Attack on US Troops


Several Republican Senators called on Joe Biden to attack Iran and its leaders in response to a deadly attack on U.S. troops in Jordan by Iranian proxy forces on Sunday. The drone attack on a base near the border with Syria killed three soldiers and wounded several dozen more, with reports putting the number of wounded troops between 25 and 34.

Screen image of a Fox News graphic on Sunday shows 159 attacks on U.S. troops in the Middle East by Iranian proxy groups since the October 7 mass murder terror attack on Israel by Palestinians in Hamas-controlled Gaza. The attack on the base in Jordan had not yet been added to the map.

In a statement on the attack, Biden blamed Iran proxy groups, “While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MI), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee: “It is time to act with purpose and resolve in response to attacks that have tragically taken the lives of American service members and injured scores more. We must respond to these repeated attacks by Iran & its proxies by striking directly against Iranian targets & its leadership. The Biden administration’s responses thus far have only invited more attacks. It is time to act swiftly and decisively for the whole world to see.”

We must respond to these repeated attacks by Iran & its proxies by striking directly against Iranian targets & its leadership. The Biden administration’s responses thus far have only invited more attacks. It is time to act swiftly and decisively for the whole world to see. (2/2)

— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) January 28, 2024

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX): “Target Tehran”

Target Tehran

— Senator John Cornyn (@JohnCornyn) January 28, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): “Hit Iran now. Hit them hard.”

Hit Iran now. Hit them hard.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 28, 2024

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): “The only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against Iran’s terrorist forces, both in Iran and across the Middle East. Anything less will confirm Joe Biden as a coward unworthy of being commander-in-chief.”

My statement following the Iran-backed attacks in Jordan that killed three U.S. service members and injured 25:

— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) January 28, 2024

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): “Will Pres Biden finally take decisive action against Iran???”

Will Pres Biden finally take decisive action against Iran???

— Chuck Grassley (@ChuckGrassley) January 28, 2024

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) released a statement that did not mention Iran, “We are saddened by the loss of three American heroes in Jordan last night, and we are praying for their families and for the 25 other service members who have been injured. America must send a crystal clear message across the globe that attacks on our troops will not be tolerated.”

We are saddened by the loss of three American heroes in Jordan last night, and we are praying for their families and for the 25 other service members who have been injured.

America must send a crystal clear message across the globe that attacks on our troops will not be…

— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) January 28, 2024

The attack has been claimed by the umbrella terror group Islamic Resistance in Iraq which is backed by Iran. There is some confusion as the Jordanian government said Sunday the attack hit Syrian territory and the Islamic Resistance said in a statement that three of the bases they attacked were in Syria and one in “occupied Palestinian territories.”

Jordan spox Muhannad Moubaideen said that attack did not take place within Jordan.
Mobaideen said that the attack targeted Al-Tanf base in Syria.
Islamic Resistance in #Iraq claimed responsibility for attack on 3 US bases, Al-Shaddadi, Al-Tanf in Syria& Al-Rukban in Jordan.

— Mete Sohtaoğlu (@metesohtaoglu) January 28, 2024

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Biden Campaign Reportedly Planning Event with Obama and Clinton for ‘All Hands on Deck’ Effort to Beat Trump

Biden Campaign Reportedly Planning Event with Obama and Clinton for ‘All Hands on Deck’ Effort to Beat Trump


The Biden administration is reportedly working with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for a fundraising event this spring.

The campaign team hopes that the first-of-its-kind event will energize voters who are currently not enthusiastic to vote for Joe Biden.

NBC News reports that they spoke to four people “familiar with the discussions” and that it will likely take place in March or April.

“The plan underscores the belief among Biden allies that the party needs an all-hands-on-deck approach to help him win a second term,” the report explained. “It’s also just one in a growing list of ways that Democratic leaders, and the Biden campaign, are gearing up for a general election they view as having the highest of stakes.”

The report added, “the campaign is increasing the pace of its hiring, particularly in battleground states, and ramping up its focus on voters whose support it believes will decide the November election, officials said. Biden, for instance, has tailored recent events to Black voters, including on Saturday in South Carolina. Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday in Nevada kicked off a series of small events with Latino voters.”

The Biden campaign reportedly plans to have Biden “out in the country” campaigning at least two days a week.

“It’s going to be very aggressive,” a White House official said.

“We’ve mixed up the events so the president is out there talking to people individually,” the official added.

If the fundraiser with former, more popular, Democrat presidents is successful, the campaign may do a second one later in the year.

“There is real focus and urgency around making sure we beat Trump,” a Biden adviser told the outlet. “Everyone is all in. And this kind of event early on is just the latest demonstration of that.”

Biden’s approval rating is far lower than Trump’s ever was. He currently holds the lowest approval rating of any president in his third year since 1974.

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Ultra-Woke Alaska Airlines Sued by Christian Former Employees Over Religious Discrimination

Ultra-Woke Alaska Airlines Sued by Christian Former Employees Over Religious Discrimination


Alaska Airlines is being sued by two Christian former employees who claim they were subjected to religious discrimination for opposing woke company politics.

The airline has already been making headlines after one of its plane’s doors blew off mid-flight.

The former flight attendants, Marli Brown and Lacey Smith, say the company encouraged them to engage in “open and critical dialogue” regarding the Equality Act — but fired them for criticizing its far-left political activism on LGBTQ issues.

The lawsuit claims the women were fired for being “Christians who hold traditional Christian beliefs, including the belief that everyone should be treated with kindness and the belief that there are only two sexes.”

The complaint continues:

Promising a culture of open dialogue, Alaska Airlines encouraged employees to ask questions, have difficult, courageous conversations with each other, and share their diverse perspectives. Yet, when Plaintiffs relied on that promise and posted a comment on the Company’s employee-only message board questioning the Company’s support of the proposed Equality Act, Alaska Airlines disparaged their religious beliefs, treated them as safety risks, and terminated them. fe Company then refused to reinstate them, treating them worse than flight attendants who were reinstated after making racist remarks in front of passengers, telling a coworker to expose her breasts to a passenger, and inappropriately touching a woman on a plane. fe Company’s disdain for employees with traditional Christian beliefs is evident.

The former flight attendants are represented by Stephanie Taub, Senior Counsel for First Liberty Institute (FLI).

“I went to access my schedule in the morning … I saw that Alaska had posted an article that just said Alaska supports the Equality Act,” Smith told Fox News on Friday. “There are a lot of different religious people who had issues with the Equality Act. And I guess I just had some questions with Alaska in terms of what that meant when they said things like, ‘Alaska supports the Equality Act’ … What does that mean for me?”

The lawsuit was filed in 2022, but the FLI filed a motion for summary judgment on Wednesday. Along with Alaska, the complaint also names the Association of Flight Attendants union.

Newsbusters reports, “Beyond the allegations of this lawsuit, Alaska Airlines also offers to refund travel costs up to $4,000 for employees who wish to kill their unborn children. The woke airline also embraces Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and gender ideology. In fact, in a March 2023 DEI statement, the company strongly implied they were racially discriminating in hiring.”

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