DC Police Arrest 9 and 13-Year-Old Children for Attempting to Rob a Woman at Knifepoint in the Middle of the Night


Two children, aged 9 and 13, have been arrested in Washington, DC, after attempting to rob a woman at knifepoint.

The Metropolitan Police Department said the incident occurred Friday, January 26, 2024, at approximately 12:40 a.m.

The suspects have not been publicly named, likely due to their ages.

According to a press release from the department, one of the suspects assaulted the victim and attempted to grab her purse.

The victim, who also has not been publicly named, pepper-sprayed one of the suspects to try and ward them off.

At this point, the other suspect pulled out a knife and “lunged at the victim multiple times.”

MPD Arrests 9-year-old and 13-year-old for attempting to rob a woman with a knife.

Read more: https://t.co/IocUgoKXA8 pic.twitter.com/cNAEyGc4RN

— DC Police Department (@DCPoliceDept) January 26, 2024

Luckily, the victim was able to call 911.

Both of the children were arrested at the scene.

The juveniles have both been charged with Assault with Intent to Commit Robbery While Armed (Knife).

The Daily Caller reports:

MPD has recently reported that D.C. witnessed a 39% surge in violent crimes in 2023. Overall crime spiked by 26% compared to 2022, while arson offenses rose by 175% and violent robbery increased by 67%.

Democratic D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser stated in February 2023 that the city was short 800 police officers and would take more than a decade to refill the empty positions.

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Democrat Former Los Angeles Councilman Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison for Corruption, Taking Bribes


A Democrat former Los Angeles councilman has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for corruption.

Jose Huizar, 55, served from 2005 through 2020 when he was arrested.

Last year, Huizar pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act related to a $500,000 bribe from a real estate developer and one count of tax evasion.

“Federal prosecutors in the case argued that Huizar monetized his position in the government and had secured more than $1.5 million in cash bribes, gambling chips, luxury hotel visits, political contributions, prostitute services, expensive meals and more from developers who had projects in the downtown L.A. district he oversaw,” The Hill reports.

LA politician Jose Huizar turned his City Council district into a RICO scheme.

Today a judge sentenced him to 13 years in prison, and his lawyers said some people think he’s the best councilman downtown ever had.

Here’s Huizar trying to get his bribe money back from an aide. pic.twitter.com/eEeoLiD0IN

— Meghann Cuniff (@meghanncuniff) January 26, 2024

On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge John F. Walter handed down the 13-year sentence, as well as $443,905 in restitution to the City of Los Angeles and $38,792 in restitution to the IRS.

“No one is above the law,” said United States Attorney Martin Estrada. “Today’s sentence shows that even a powerful elected official like Huizar will be held accountable for engaging in criminal misconduct. Huizar was elected to serve the interests of the hard-working people of Los Angeles, but he instead served his own personal interests in a long-running, pay-to-play, bribery scheme. Our community deserves better.”

The day before his sentencing, Huizar wrote to the judge asking for leniency. He claimed the charges against him are harming his children’s futures and mental health.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Walter said the 13-year sentence was needed to “engender respect” for the nation’s anti-corruption laws and acknowledge the extreme harm caused by Huizar — to his family, to his constituents, to the city and to democracy itself. Huizar, he said, had been the prime architect of a criminal enterprise that relied on bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice and other crimes to achieve its goals — enriching himself and his associates, and expanding their political power.

“He was the sole and powerful driving force” that made each of the pay-to-play schemes so successful, the judge said.

“This years-long investigation uncovered one of the most audacious public corruption cases in this city’s history,” said Donald Alway, the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office.

Alway continued, “This case would not have been possible without the dedication of agents and prosecutors – and importantly – the cooperation of many citizens who were fed up with rampant malfeasance by public officials. Mr. Huizar ignored the needs of his constituents and instead, served his own interests by accepting bribes and a wide assortment of luxury perks from wealthy real estate moguls and others who could afford Huizar’s political favors at the taxpayer’s expense. My hope is that this case brings more citizens forward to the FBI when they suspect corrupt practices and foreign influence.”

Huizar was working to help get his wife Richelle Huizar elected to take over his seat at the end of his term when he was arrested.

The disgraced politician must turn himself into federal authorities on April 30.

Huizar is from Mexico and became a US citizen while he was in college.

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Joe Biden Hates Jews: Biden Regime Reversed Trump Policy and Sent Nearly $1 Billion to UNRWA in Gaza Since 2021 – Whose Members Participated in Mass Slaughter of Jews on Oct. 7 (VIDEO)

 Joe Biden reversed Trump policy and gave nearly $1 billion to UNRWA in Gaza – whose members were involved in Oct. 7 slaughter of 1,300 Jews in southern Israel.

Via FOX and Friends Weekend.

Joe Biden reversed Trump policy and sent over $1 billion to UNRWA since he entered office. UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

President Trump announced in 2018 that the United States would no longer be funding UNRWA until the Palestinians until they made a deal for peace with Israel. The left-wing Brookings Institute said this would bring war. It brought peace instead. Trump then went around the Palestinians and forged the historic Abraham Accords with Israel and several Muslim nations in the Middle East.

When Joe Biden came into office he changed everything and today the Middle East is again at war and Israel has suffered the worst attack on Jews since World War II. Nice work, Joe!

This week we learned that at least 12 UNRWA staffers took part in the mass slaughter of innocent Jews on October 7 in southern Israel.

Joe Biden, like his mentor Barack Obama, has blown up the progress in the Middle East and brought war and suffering to the region. It only took him three years to create this chaos.

Via Midnight Rider.

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“I’ve Been Waiting for this Court Case” – Mike Lindell Weighs in on Explosive Halderman Dominion Voting Machine Testimony in Georgia Courtroom (VIDEO)

 My Pillow fournder and owner Mike Lindell joined Ivory Hecker on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines to discuss the explosive testimony from the Curling v. Raffensperger case in Georgia.

On Friday night My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell joined Ivory Hecker on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines. This was Mike’s first appearance on the show since the explosive testimony last week by elections machine expert Professor J. Alex Halderman in Fulton County, Georgia.

A week earlier, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom in the Culling vs. Raffensperger lawsuit on the insecure Dominion voting machines used in Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulations in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom!


BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

His testimony was part of a long-running lawsuit by election integrity activists set as a bench trial.

The plaintiffs seek to remove what they say are insecure voting machines in Georgia in favor of secure paper ballots.

on Friday night Mike Lindell weighed in on Halderman’s explosive testimony. Please note that Lindell is being sued for 1.3 billion dollars by the Dominion voting machine company for his comments on their insecure product.

Ivory Hecker: Mike, so good to have you on the show. It sounds like this court case in Georgia is really vindicating you for all the times you’ve been called a conspiracy theorist.

Mike Lindell: Absolutely. And I’ve been waiting for this court case. Remember everybody, this originated about four years ago, and we’ve been waiting for this Halderman report for years. And I was actually in Louisiana hearing, Senate hearing once, and all the machine companies were there. And they asked another machine company, ES&S, are your machines more vulnerable or less vulnerable than Dominion? And they said, let me make this clear. All machine voting machines have backdoors. They’re all vulnerable. But we were waiting for this report. It never came. Never came because Brad Rasenberger kept blocking it. By the way, he’s the plaintiff in this case, the Secretary of State of Georgia. … But then when this went forward, it started January 9, this case. And yes, when he hacked in with a pen and flipped votes right in front of the judge, this should have been the number one story in the world.….

…That’s where you have your FOX News of the World. You didn’t hear it on there, FOX News will not talk about anything with elections… This should have been the number one story. Instead, the number one story was FOX News cancels My Pillow. And why don’t they want me on there? They don’t want me on there because I’m going to talk about securing our election and getting rid of these electronic computers in our elections and going to paper ballots…

…You know, this is huge news. And I actually speak next week in Las Vegas. My whole team, the election crime bureau on the cause of America, we are invited out there by turning point ahead of the RNC convention gathering, and we’re going to show the 168 all our plan to secure our elections and get rid of these machines.

They called Mike Lindell a conspiracy theorist. They can’t call him that today!

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WWE Founder Vince McMahon Resigns from TKO Group After Being Accused of Sex Trafficking


WWE founder Vince McMahon has resigned from his role as executive chairman of WWE and UFC parent company TKO Group Holdings after being sued for sex trafficking.

A former employee, Janel Grant, filed a lawsuit in Connecticut federal court on Thursday.

Grant claims that she was pressured into having a sexual relationship with McMahon to get a job with WWE in 2019.

After she was hired, she claims she became “the victim of physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault and trafficking,” according to the lawsuit.

“When McMahon pushed Ms. Grant for a physical relationship in return for long-promised employment at WWE, she felt trapped in an impossible situation: submitting to McMahon’s sexual demands or facing ruin,” the complaint says.

The complaint continues, “Given McMahon’s omnipotent position at WWE, coercion was inherent in his increasingly depraved sexual demands.”

Those demands, according to Grant, include defecating on her head during a threesome.

The lawsuit also named John Laurinaitis, the WWE’s former head of talent relations and general manager.

“Specifically, while McMahon was CEO of WWE and Ms. Grant was employed as an entry level coordinator in the legal department, McMahon recruited individuals to have sexual relations with Ms. Grant and/or with the two of them, directed Ms. Grant to visit Defendant Laurinaitis prior to the start of workdays for sexual encounters, and expected and directed Ms. Grant to engage in sexual activity at the WWE headquarters, even during working hours,” the lawsuit says.

According to a report from NBC New York, Grant claims that McMahon “directed her to have sex with a WWE ‘superstar’ and other men.”

The lawsuit seeks to void a nondisclosure agreement she alleges she signed in 2022 after McMahon agreed to pay her $3 million to keep quiet. She says McMahon paid her $1 million “but failed to make any further payments.”

McMahon has denied the allegations but announced his resignation on Friday.

Vince McMahon in new statement as he officially resigns from TKO:

“I stand by my prior statement that Ms. Grant’s lawsuit is replete with lies, obscene made-up instances that never occurred, and is a vindictive distortion of the truth. I intend to vigorously defend myself… pic.twitter.com/xpEK5qnNpn

— Wrestle Ops (@WrestleOps) January 27, 2024

“I stand by my prior statement that Ms. Grant’s lawsuit is replete with lies, obscene made-up instances that never occurred, and is a vindictive distortion of the truth,” McMahon said, according to a report from Deadline. “I intend to vigorously defend myself against these baseless accusations, and look forward to clearing my name.”

“However, out of respect for the WWE Universe, the extraordinary TKO business and its board members and shareholders, partners and constituents, and all of the employees and Superstars who helped make WWE into the global leader it is today, I have decided to resign from my executive chairmanship and the TKO board of directors, effective immediately,” he continued.

WWE boss Nick Khan also told staffers in an internal email obtained by Deadline that McMahon had resigned, and “will no longer have a role with TKO Group Holdings or WWE.”

Deadline reports:

This latest suit against McMahon was filed just over 48 hours after it was announced that TKO had made a 10-year, $5 billion deal with Netflix for the streamer to get in the ring starting next year with WWE‘s Monday Night Raw, as well as other programs from the company. The disturbing lawsuit and now McMahon’s resignation also come as WWE’s 37th Royal Rumble is set for tomorrow. Streaming and on pricey pay-for-view, the Rumble features wrestlers from the Raw and Smackdown units meeting up in St. Petersburg, Florida and fighting it out in the ring. The lucrative event will clearly not feature Vince McMahon now.

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