Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Making Secret Move to Force His Way Into the Olympics: Report


Controversial male-born transgender swimmer Lia Thomas is quietly taking World Aquatics to court in an effort to get its rules changed to allow him to compete and to eventually qualify for the Olympics, according to a report.

Thomas made waves in 2021 when he joined the University of Pennsylvania women’s swim team after claiming to have transitioned to a female. He soon began racking up one win after another on the women’s team and eventually won several competitions at the 2022 NCAA Swimming Championships.

With the 2022 NCAA win, Thomas became the first male-born transgender athlete to with a Division 1 competition.

Before joining the UPenn women’s team, Thomas competed as a man, but as a member of the school’s men’s swimming team, he was a mediocre performer and never rose to the top of the standings, either nationally or in the school itself.

Thomas’s swath of wins in college women’s swimming caused an international furor over transgender athletes, with many maintaining that it is unfair to allow a person with a more powerful male body to compete alongside natural-born women.

After graduating at the end of the 2022 swimming season, Thomas found himself barred from competing professionally as a female swimmer because World Aquatics, the organization that governs professional swimming competitions, changed its rules to ban any male who transitioned after puberty from competing in the women’s categories.

Now, the UK Telegraph is reporting that Thomas has quietly launched a lawsuit against World Aquatics to force it to abandon its puberty-based rule so that he can begin competing in women’s swimming with an eye toward qualifying for the Olympics.

The Telegraph reported that Thomas has hired Canadian law firm Tyr to represent him in his case against World Aquatics.

The case is being pursued in Switzerland’s Court of Arbitration for Sport, which does not have open proceedings and typically hears its cases behind closed doors and in secret, the outlet added.

Indeed, the CAS court is so secretive that few knew that Thomas had brought his case to the CAS back in September. The fact has only now been made public.

World Aquatics has reportedly been attempting to convince the court to throw the case out on the basis that Thomas has not attempted to join USA Swimming and therefore is not impacted by the international swimming body’s rules, since he is not a member.

On the tail of his NCAA win, Thomas admitted to the U.S. media that he has Olympic dreams.

“It’s been a goal of mine to swim at Olympic trials for a very long time, and I would love to see that through,” he told Good Morning America in May 2022.

Thomas also asserted that he transitioned to be “happy,” not to win swimming competitions.

“The biggest misconception, I think, is the reason I transitioned. People will say, ‘Oh, she just transitioned so she would have an advantage, so she could win’. I transitioned to be happy, to be true to myself,” Thomas told ESPN.

Whether the World Aquatics rules are reversed or not, it seems unlikely that Thomas will have time to qualify for the 2028 Olympics, the Telegraph added.

Thomas’s lawyer, Carlos Sayao, who was also once a competitive swimmer, slammed World Aquatics’ rules as a “trans ban,” and told the Telegraph the rule is “discriminatory” and has caused “profound harm to trans women.”

“Trans women are particularly vulnerable in society and they suffer from higher rates of violence, abuse and harassment than cis women,” he added without evidence.

“Lia has now had the door closed to her in terms of her future ability to practice her sport and compete at the highest level.

“She’s bringing the case for herself and other trans women to ensure that any rules for trans women’s participation in sport are fair, proportionate and grounded in human rights and in science,” Sayao concluded.

For its part, World Aquatics stands by its new rules.

“The World Aquatics policy on gender inclusion, adopted by World Aquatics in June of 2022, was rigorously developed on the basis of advice from leading medical and legal experts, and in careful consultation with athletes,” said executive director Brent Nowicki.

“World Aquatics remains confident that its gender inclusion policy represents a fair approach and remains absolutely determined to protect women’s sport.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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SAVAGE ANGEL Alina Habba ERUPTS After Corrupt New York Kangaroo Court Denies Trump the Right to Speak and Slaps Him with $83 Million Judgement! WTH? (VIDEO)


Trump attorney Alina Habba WENT OFF after the crooked New York City court slapped President Trump with an $83 million judgment for speaking out against the disgusting lies of a crazed woman who said he lured her into a Bergdorf Goodman store some 25 or 30 years ago and raped her in a dressing room where they were trying on lingerie. The entire story lacks credulity and is like something from a Law and Order sketch.

Today, the crooked court ordered President Trump to pay E. Jean Carroll $83 million for something he said about this crazy woman back when he was president in 2019. Free speech is no longer allowed in this country, especially for Republican lawmakers, Trump supporters, and conservative journalists.

Alina Habba was also regularly abused by Clinton Judge Lewis Kaplan during the trial. On Friday, the far-left judge threatened to jail Habba for speaking in court!

Attorney Alina Habba: Ladies and gentlemen, you are not allowed to be stripped of every defense that you have. You are not allowed to be told that you can’t bring it up. And imagine a point where a judge tells the lawyer before your client, the former President of the United States, the leading candidate and obvious nominee for the Republican Party, before he takes the stand to defend himself. Ms. Haba, tell me the questions you’re going to ask in open court and tell me exactly what he’s going to respond. And then edited my questions, edited the response he was allowed to give.

And guess what my client did? He took the stand. He abided by the rules of this corrupt system that I have seen.

We will immediately appeal. We will set aside that ridiculous jury. And I just want to remind you all of one thing. I will continue with President Trump to fight for everybody’s first Amendment right to speak. Everybody’s a right to defend themselves when they are wrongfully accused. And to be able to say, I didn’t do it, and to double and triple and quadruple down and say, this is wrong. This is wrong. We are in the state of New York. We are in a New York jury. And that is why we are seeing these witch hunts, these hoaxes, as he calls them, and this is another one of them be brought in New York, in states where they know they will get juries like this.

Via Midnight Rider and Newsmax.

E. Jean Carroll is a mentally unwell woman who previously told CNN she fantasizes about rape.

BREAKING: Trump makes first comments after storming out of courtroom in New York, says, “The Courts are totally stacked against me,” says Clinton-appointed Judge Kaplan “refuses to allow the Anderson Cooper Interview on CNN (below) of E. Jean Carroll wherein Carroll says, “Rape…

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) January 26, 2024

Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job” who’s “not my type.”

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EXCLUSIVE: NYC Court Drops Latest Epstein Documents – Includes Ghislaine Maxwell’s Testimony

 Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested on charges that she helped Jeffrey Epstein recruit underage girls for sexual abuse. The two are seen here in 2005. (Photo: Joe Schildhorn/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

In a recent development in the case between Virginia L. Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell,  a transcript of a videotaped deposition of Ghislaine Maxwell taken in New York in 2016 was released on Friday.

The deposition, held at the law offices of Boies Schiller & Flexner, contains confidential information and has brought crucial details regarding the allegations and legal proceedings surrounding the case to the forefront.

Some key points:

Maxwell confirmed she began working for Epstein around 1992. Her role evolved over time, including overseeing construction projects and staffing for Epstein’s properties. Her active involvement decreased around 2002-2003, although she occasionally assisted Epstein till 2008-2009.
Throughout the deposition, Maxwell repeatedly denies recalling specific events or people. She claims she cannot remember introducing Virginia (presumably Virginia Giuffre) to Prince Andrew, nor can she recall Virginia staying at her London townhome or taking any trips that included her.
One of the critical sections of the deposition focuses on the year 2005, a period of significant interest due to allegations of the presence of underage girls at Epstein’s home. Maxwell’s responses during this line of questioning are notably guarded, with her lawyers frequently objecting to the form and foundation of the questions.
The questioning reveals that flight logs list initials corresponding to people who flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane, including “JE” for Jeffrey Epstein, “GM” for Ghislaine Maxwell, and others. Maxwell disputes the notion that her initials “GM” on the flight log always refer to her.
Maxwell is questioned about the frequency of flying with minors, particularly someone who was 17 years old. She states that she would not have known the ages of individuals on the flights.
Maxwell discusses the number of planes Jeffrey Epstein had and is uncertain about the specifics of his plane ownership after 2002-2003.
Maxwell is questioned about the use of travel agencies for booking flights, but no clear answer is provided in the provided excerpts.

The Gateway Pundit was among the initial news organizations to obtain the documents.

In July 2022, attorneys Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman from the Randazza Legal Group, together with John Burns, the General Counsel for Gateway Pundit, submitted a motion to become a party in the Guiffre v. Maxwell case in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

As a participant in the media, The Gateway Pundit asked the Court to release all documents revealing the identities of clients involved in the Epstein sex trafficking case.

This is a developing story. We will update this article.

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We’re at that 1938 moment


Leon Trotsky, founder of the Red Army and Stalin’s archrival said words to the effect, “You may not be interested in war. But war is interested in you.”  In 1940, Trotsky found war personally when he was assassinated in his well-guarded compound in Mexico City by one of Stalin’s people.  Mexico for years was a playground for KGB and now FSB personnel, with the American Government essentially ceding Mexico to the foreign adventurism of Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea; a veritable Mos Eisley of international rogues.  Currently, the ungoverned spaces of Mexico are the domain for Chinese overseers of the Drug Cartels as they wage war into America via Fentanyl, killing 10,000 Americans a month.  We may not want war, but it is finding Americans.

This direct, deadly war projected into America, comes across the open southern border by Chinese personnel, possibly Special Operators from the People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (SSF).  The SSF foray into America is but one of many developing regional conflicts and flashpoints that are now the foundation for an already in-progress World War.  If you asked an “expert” in 1938, “Is the world at war?” they likely would have said no and explained there were disconnected regional conflicts in Asia, Europe, and Africa, but nothing to worry about.  By 1939, the “experts” changed their tune.  We’re at that 1938 point, again.

Graphic by PIAT LLC

Regional conflicts in Europe and the Middle East

There appear to be at least fourteen regional/sub-regional conflicts or very flammable flashpoints in play around the world.  Regional Conflict #1 is Ukraine.  This bloody war must be looked at in the context of the “No Limits Agreement” established by China and Russia to topple America.  Putin promised a Russian “Desert Storm” to deliver Ukraine in 72 hours as the first step to take down America.  Last October, Hamas Terrorists poured into Israel to murder and kidnap over 1,400 as the next step of the strategic campaign to destroy Israel and push America out of the Middle East.

The Middle East Theater of the current World War is expanding rapidly beyond Hamas.  Iran is the direct war manager of the Middle East Front as the proxy for China.   Iran is overseeing the largest assault on merchant shipping since the Battle of Atlantic in World War II.  Iran is also directing a concerted effort to eject America from special operation base camps in Iraq and Syria through increasing levels of rocket and ballistic missile attacks.  Iran has also chosen, for some inexplicable reason, to foment conflict with next door, nuclear neighbor Pakistan, oddly enough another Chinese client state.  Rounding out the European/Middle East theater is the very possible thrust by Russia to establish a land bridge across Poland and Lithuania to Kaliningrad which will ignite full warfare across Europe.

Graphic by PIAT LLC

Multiple flashpoints in the Western Pacific and Asia

After the successful election on January 13, 2024, in Taiwan, China now has a quandary.  If they are to take Taiwan before a Trump second term, they need to execute their “railway timetable” of logistics preparation immediately to ensure a beachhead in Taiwan, the Philippines, or another location by April. The typhoon season starts in June.  North Korea has revealed a “Poseidon” like, nuclear powered, nuclear armed, drone, and seems focused on destroying South Korea and Japan.

China is being very assertive in its orchestrated mobocracy of fishermen, militia, and naval vessels essentially taking over Philippine shoals well within the Philippine economic zone.  The Malacca Straits – the very narrow passage way for 25% of world trade and 50% of Chinese energy imports is one of the deadliest Chinese chokepoints.  With pipelines from Iran to China still years away, China must secure this passage point which means a forced presence in Singaporean, Indonesian, and Malaysian territory.

Graphic by PIAT LLC

Most concerning – an invasion across the southern border and dumpster fires in the Americas

Returning to America, the presence of Chinese special operators muscling in on “legal cannabis” operations provides the opportunity to skim the cash rich operations and fund domestic rioting on a far larger scale than 2020.  This is in addition to the killing fields of Fentanyl.  The open border is providing masses to destroy Blue Cities such as San Francisco, Chicago, and New York.  In America’s front yard, flashpoints are raging in the possible invasion of Guyana by Venezuela and a vulnerable and dangerously low Panama Canal.  China has also established spy operations and military training in Cuba, which means “defensive” missiles may already be in place, missiles that could knock an airliner out of skies over Orlando.

World War III is in progress.  Biden can’t be bothered by this minutia as he takes photos with his “Dream Team”.  Not sure which planet this Dream Team is on, but Planet Earth has World War III in progress whether we like it or want it.  The “experts” missed World War II, they are clearly missing the data points on World War III (unless possibly they are willfully enabling the world contagion hoping no one notices).   The digital Fentanyl of TikTok has everyone distracted by Taylor Swift.  November can’t come soon enough.

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Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 01/26/24 — Mike Lindell’s Take on Voting Machine Controversy, Mitch McConnell to Blame Trump’s Role in Border Deal Failures, GA State Rep. Charlice Byrd Weighs In on Atlanta DA’s Controversy


Tonight, on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines with Ivory Hecker:

Are new terrorist attacks due on US soil thanks to an open border? A new letter suggests a warning – plus 25 states now stand with Texas in the ongoing border security fight between the state of Texas and the Biden Administration. Will supportive states send their National Guard troops to stand with Texas? And in Washington, Sen. Mitch McConnell warns leaders that if a border deal fails, Trump is to blame. What’s the context beyond these stories? Independent journalist Auden Cabello joins Ivory.

Then, the CEO of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, joins the show to discuss the full scope of this week’s courtroom voting machine hack. Plus, a mayor wins their race after one of his associates is filmed stuffing a drop box – all while a Republican won another race in a landslide in a Democrat stronghold. What’s next for voting security?

Next, Georgia State Representative Charlice Byrd joins the show to discuss the investigation into the Atlanta DA’s explosive correspondence with the White House in her attempt to target Trump. And with Biden in Wisconsin yesterday, Kamala Harris’ “threat” about democracy and what it means for the next election.

And the hottest story of the day – President Trump walked out of court today during Jean Caroll’s trial against him. Jesse Binnall, Trump’s Attorney, has the details.

Finally, with the most recent lunar rover upside down on the Moon, what’s the future of exploration missions? Ivory has all the details.

This and more, tonight on Beyond the Headlines.


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The post Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 01/26/24 — Mike Lindell’s Take on Voting Machine Controversy, Mitch McConnell to Blame Trump’s Role in Border Deal Failures, GA State Rep. Charlice Byrd Weighs In on Atlanta DA’s Controversy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.