LAWLESS REGIME: Trump Advisor Peter Navarro Will Be Sent to Prison by Biden Regime During His Appeal Process

 Peter Navarro outside a biased DC court in September.

In September, former Trump advisor Dr. Peter Navarro, 74, was convicted of criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena before Liz Cheney’s January 6 investigation.

Navarro did not comply with the subpoena with the half-baked and partisan committee because he said Trump told him to assert executive privilege. The partisan DC jury previously convicted Navarro on two counts of contempt after deliberating for four hours.

Biden’s corrupt DOJ sought a six-month prison term for Navarro. On Thursday, Obama-appointed judge Amit Mehta sentenced Peter Navarro to 4 months in prison and ordered him to pay a $9,500 fine.

** Please donate to Peter Navarro’s GiveSendGo campaign!

Judge Amit Mehta barred Navarro from making the executive privilege argument after DOJ prosecutors accused the former Trump aide of ‘hiding behind executive privilege claims.’

Following the sentencing by Obama Judge Mehta, Navarro’s attorneys immediately filed an appeal of his conviction on two counts of criminal contempt of Congress on Thursday.

Peter Navarro has filed an appeal of his conviction on two counts of criminal contempt of Congress, minutes after receiving a four month prison sentence.

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 25, 2024

What did not make headlines is that 74-year-old Peter Navarro will sent to prison by the Biden regime during his appeal process.

By the time his appeal is heard in court he will likely have served his four months in prison.

Peter is in the position where he wins the appeal after having served four months in prison.

The government has only two justifications to send a defendant to prison pending appeal. One is flight risk, and the court acknowledged that Peter Navarro is not a flight risk. The other reason is when it is unlikely the defendant will win on appeal because there’s no real constitutional issues involved. That definitely does not apply to Peter’s case.

This is complete lawlessness by the Biden regime.

** Please donate to Peter Navarro’s GiveSendGo campaign!

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WAYNE ROOT: This is THE Most Dangerous Moment in America’s History. We are All Texans Now.


By Wayne Allyn Root

Now that President Trump has (for all intents and purposes) wrapped up the GOP presidential nomination for the third time, Democrats are dead- and they know it. If this next election is about a fair, honest, popular vote- Democrats lose by a landslide in November.

Desperate Democrats see it in the latest polls. They can feel it as young people, blacks and Latinos all move towards Trump. Black community leaders in Chicago are even announcing because of the open border disaster they will vote Republican in November. There is no one left. Democrats are facing a massive defeat in November.

But that’s why this is the most dangerous moment in America’s history.

We have an evil “enemy from within” inside the White House with Biden (and his boss Obama). And they can see their reign of terror is ending. They’re desperate to hold onto power, but they see it slipping away.

They have two choices now…

Either try to win the election by rigging and cheating at unimaginable levels…far worse than in 2020.

Or burn the country down on the way out the door, so that Trump inherits a disaster- a country on fire…divided like never before…on the verge of collapse…on the verge of civil war…on the verge of World War 3…and in the throes of a massive foreign invasion overwhelming our economy, schools and healthcare system.

I had an uncanny crystal ball eight years ago. So, heed my warning now- eight years later.

On October 30th, 2016, I was the opening speaker for presidential candidate Donald J. Trump in Las Vegas- one week before the 2016 election. It seems like a lifetime ago. I told the crowd this was a life-or-death moment for America. Either we elected Trump, or we’d face the end of America.

I predicted exactly how Democrats would intentionally destroy America.

Hillary would be the 3rd term of Obama. She (and her boss Obama) would finish the job Obama started by opening the southern border and inviting the entire world in. Tens of millions of foreign invaders would be waved into our country- many of them criminals…many of them terrorists…many of them military-age males sent by our enemies like China…many of them carrying disease…all of them collectively requiring trillions of dollars of money printing and debt to pay for their cradle-to-grave welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and the massive costs of police, courts and prisons from the crime wave they’d bring.

Then I finished up my speech by warning, if Hillary and her boss Obama got their chance to “fundamentally change” the demographics of America with this evil open borders plan, there would NEVER be another Republican president. The Democrat Voter Fraud Machine would register these tens of millions of illegal aliens to vote Democrat.

I warned that electing Donald J Trump was our last chance to elect a Republican in our nation’s history.

Trump won that 2016 election- as I predicted. As a matter of fact, I made the biggest bet of my life on Trump to win and made a small fortune. Because of Trump’s upset victory, there was no Hillary, and no third term of Obama.

Trump turned the nation around and made the border secure, and created prosperity and jobs, and peace around the world. He made America great again. He was the greatest president of my lifetime- surpassing even Ronald Reagan.

But then dirty, desperate-for-power, Democrats created a new plan. They rigged and stole the 2020 election with millions of fake mail-in ballots. Now they had their third term of Obama- delayed by four years. Next they put into play the exact plan I warned about and predicted in 2016- they opened the borders and invited the whole world in.

Now comes the most dangerous moment in history.

There are 12 months from today through Presidential Inauguration Day on January 20, 2025. No matter what else Democrats do to try to maintain power…no matter what evil plans they put into play…no matter if President Trump wins again…Democrats know one thing…

They have twelve months to accelerate this intentional destruction of America, through this mass foreign invasion.

So, heed my warning: “You ‘aint seen nothing yet.” Ten million illegals have already come in. Those are just the ones that got caught. Another ten million were “got aways.” That’s 20 million in three years.

That’s a foreign army inside our country.

But now Biden and his boss Obama have twelve months to “make it rain” like never before. They will accelerate the plan. This is their window. 20 million illegals in three years will look small, compared to what Democrats will do in the next 12 months.

They will wave in 20 million illegal aliens, or 30 million, in only a 12-month period. What you’re about to see at our southern border is unimaginable chaos, crisis and catastrophe. This is how they steal the upcoming election, or if they lose to Trump, this is their “parting gift.” Their middle finger to Trump and America.

They want to fill America with so many illegal aliens, criminals, Hamas terrorists, MS-13 gangbangers, welfare addicts, and military-age males from China, that even Trump can’t turn it around. He inherits a failing country on the verge of collapse and civil war.

The next 12 months is their window.

That’s why Texas is so important. At this moment in time, Texas holds the future of America in its hands. Biden (and his boss Obama) will do anything to stop Texas. Can Texas stand up to the president, the federal government, and the Supreme Court? Can they show red Republican states how to block the foreign invasion? Can they keep America safe until the cavalry (Trump) rides in? Our future rides on Texas. Will they stand strong, or will they fold?

We’re all Texans now.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here:

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Biden Regime Freezes All Natural Gas Projects, Citing Alleged Climate Change Crisis and Recent Catastrophic Weather Events — Trump Campaign Responds


Joe Biden is destroying this country from within.

On Friday, Joe Biden put a temporary hold on the approval of both pending and upcoming requests to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) from new projects, Reuters reported.

This decision might postpone the determination on new facilities until after the election on November 5, including the CP2 facility proposed for the southwest coast of Louisiana.

During this pause, the Department of Energy (DOE) will undertake an assessment to evaluate the “economic and ecological consequences” of proposed projects aimed at exporting LNG to Europe and Asia, regions currently experiencing high demand for this fuel.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, in a teleconference with reporters, indicated that the review process would span several months.

Biden, in a statement, emphasized the significance of this decision. Read his full statement below:

In every corner of the country and the world, people are suffering the devastating toll of climate change. Historic hurricanes and floods wiping out homes, businesses, and houses of worship. Wildfires destroying whole neighborhoods and forcing families to leave their communities behind. Record temperatures affecting the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans, especially the most vulnerable.

From Day One, my Administration has set the United States on an unprecedented course to tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad – securing the largest climate investment in the history of the world, unlocking clean energy breakthroughs that will power a clean economy and create thousands of jobs, advancing environmental justice for all, and rallying world leaders to transition away from the fossil fuels that jeopardize our planet and our people.

But more action is needed.

My Administration is announcing today a temporary pause on pending decisions of Liquefied Natural Gas exports – with the exception of unanticipated and immediate national security emergencies. During this period, we will take a hard look at the impacts of LNG exports on energy costs, America’s energy security, and our environment. This pause on new LNG approvals sees the climate crisis for what it is: the existential threat of our time.

While MAGA Republicans willfully deny the urgency of the climate crisis, condemning the American people to a dangerous future, my Administration will not be complacent. We will not cede to special interests.

We will heed the calls of young people and frontline communities who are using their voices to demand action from those with the power to act. And as America has always done, we will turn crisis into opportunity – creating clean energy jobs, improving quality of life, and building a more hopeful future for our children.

According to a source, the regime is re-evaluating its stance on these projects as part of Joe Biden’s broader climate agenda and in anticipation of a challenging reelection campaign. This shift is partly driven by the need to appeal to younger voters increasingly concerned about climate change and environmental issues.

Bloomberg reported:

The administration’s pause comes as environmentalists have seized on projects, including Venture Global LNG Inc.’s CP2 export terminal planned for the Gulf Coast, as a litmus test of the president’s climate change commitment.

The pause could have implications for more than a dozen proposals now awaiting review at the Energy Department, including ventures planned in Louisiana by Commonwealth LNG and Energy Transfer LP.

The issue is politically fraught for Biden — forcing him to balance an array of competing priorities. A months-long review would effectively foreclose decisions on additional LNG exports until after the Nov. 5 presidential election.

Environmentalists, such as Bill McKibben, who successfully led the campaign to block the Keystone XL oil pipeline roughly a decade ago, have pressed Biden to shift course on LNG and made clear they are scrutinizing every fossil-fuel project approval under his watch.

The halt in permits represents “the first step in stopping these mega-climate bombs,” said Allie Rosenbluth, US program manager for the environmental group Oil Change International. “Stopping LNG exports is a make-or-break issue for his climate record this election.”

Trump Campaign Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt issued a statement:

“Joe Biden has once again caved to the radical demands of the environmental extremists in his administration. This decision to block the approval of new facilities to export American natural gas is one more disastrous self-inflicted wound that will further undermine America’s economic and national security. On day one, President Trump will unleash American Energy to lower the cost of living for all Americans, pay down debt, strengthen national security, and establish the United States as the manufacturing superpower of the world.”

Speaker Mike Johnson also responded to this outrageous decision.

“President Biden’s decision to place a pause on pending natural gas export terminals is outrageous. By bending the knee to climate activists, the President is empowering Russia, weakening U.S. energy security, and forcing Europe’s reliance on dirty, Russian exports. An abject failure.”

President Biden’s decision to place a pause on pending natural gas export terminals is outrageous.

By bending the knee to climate activists, the President is empowering Russia, weakening U.S. energy security, and forcing Europe’s reliance on dirty, Russian exports.

An abject…

— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) January 26, 2024

This decision was criticized on social media.

Create a hoax, provide an expensive solution to the hoax that involves wealth redistribution, sacrifices, and more government control. End result: The climate will remain unchanged, most people will become much poorer while a few become very rich. Scam of the century.

— CatDog99 (@dog99_cat) January 26, 2024

When Keystone was stopped, petroleum was then transported via train, truck. Is that more environmentally friendly? Now the Left is stopping the cleanest form of energy. This is actually about pushing the self-sufficient middle class into the dependent underclass. #DeepState #NWO

— walford (@wralford) January 26, 2024

Crippling the economy is what he is doing. AND climate change is a TAX on the ppl. How many taxes are the ppl going to pay thieves in power? Why is there even a TAX in USA when the USA prints $$? Is it a system of slavery while the Billionaires with their offshore accounts escape…

— Justice/Ubun2 (@dgtlUbun2) January 26, 2024

Wow. Natural gas is the cleanest form of energy we have aside from nuclear. This is not good. What is this administration doing?

— WokeGPT (@bravenstunning) January 26, 2024


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Georgia State Senate Votes 30-19 to Create Committee to Investigate Trump-Hating Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis For Criminal Misconduct and Corruption


Georgia Republicans are taking charge to hold corrupt Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis accountable for her corrupt actions.

As The Messenger reported the GOP-controlled Georgia State Senate on Friday approved the creation of a committee to investigate Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis by a 30-19 vote for criminal misconduct and corruption, primarily related to her affair with prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Willis has led the frivolous investigation into President Trump for questioning the suspicious 2020 Presidential Election results in Georgia and is prosecuting him for speech crimes. Wade was hired to be a special prosecutor in the case.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this week the State Senate was expected to take this step. This step became necessary after Governor Brian Kemp (R) decided against initiating a criminal investigation into Willis last week, opting to wait for a non-operational oversight committee to take up the matter.

State Senator Greg Dolezal (R-Forsyth) filed legislation on Monday to create a Senate Special Committee on Investigations, which will have full subpoena power and can require testimony under oath.

The multitude of accusations surrounding Ms. Willis, spanning from allegations of prosecutorial misconduct to questions about the use of public funds and accusations of an unprofessional relationship, underscores the urgency for a thorough and impartial examination,” Dolezal said in a statement. “We owe it to the public to ensure transparency, accountability, and the preservation of the integrity of our justice system.”

The committee will be made up of six Republicans and three Democrats as TGP noted. Once passed by the Senate, the Committee on Assignments will be responsible for appointing the members.

During a debate regarding the establishment of the committee, Democrats slammed Republicans for focusing on “bedroom politics” and hearsay.

“All we’ve heard is allegations, and most of it comes from an ex-wife who’s mad and wants to get some money,” Democratic State Sen. David Lucas whined. “We have a system. Let it play out.”

The Messenger reports if the committee finds Willis guilty of wrongdoing or misconduct, they will have the power to recommend changes to the state law or budget.

TGP’s Cristina Laila previously reported Willis had an ‘improper’ romantic relationship with a top Trump prosecutor Wade in her office. She also “financially benefited” from the relationship.

Wade’s estranged wife Jocelyn Wade produced the receipts on the affair in a court filing last week, including bank statements. For example, the bank statements prove Nathan Wade bought Fani Willis flights to Miami and San Francisco.

In August, Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election. A Fulton County grand jury returned a 41-count indictment, which included RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump.

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Jack Smith Opposes Unsealing of Discovery Material in Classified Docs Case Because One Document Confirms Existence of Another FBI Investigation


Special Counsel Jack Smith is fiercely working to keep discovery material under seal in the classified documents case against Trump playing out in a federal court in Florida.

Jack Smith indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in June.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

In July Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

Earlier this month President Trump’s lawyers filed a motion asking Judge Cannon to compel Jack Smith to turn over documents.

The documents produced by the special counsel’s office were heavily redacted.

A press coalition included The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Fox News, and other outlets have also requested the unsealing of the discovery material.

Jack Smith opposed Trump’s motion to disclose discovery material in a 4-page filing reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

The special counsel argued the discovery material must be kept under seal because one document confirms the existence of another FBI investigation…presumably into Trump.

“Accordingly, the Government objects to the unsealing or public dissemination of any information in the motions brief or its exhibits that (a) reveals the identity of any potential Government witness; (b) reveals personal identifying information for any potential Government witness; or (c) constitutes Jencks Act material for any potential Government witness. In addition, one document identifies two of the signals intelligence sub-compartments that are redacted in the Superseding Indictment, and another document identifies the FBI code name of a separate investigation,” Jack Smith wrote.

One reason Jack Smith opposes unsealing most of the material is bc one document confirms the existence of another FBI investigation presumably into Trump:

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) January 26, 2024

It is unclear which FBI investigation Jack Smith referenced, however it has been publicly reported that the FBI opened an investigation into Trump’s ‘possible involvement in January 6’ in April 2022.

Jack Smith requested certain documents to remain sealed in full.

The classified documents trial is currently set for May 20, 2024, however it may get postponed if Jack Smith’s January 6 DC trial set for March 4, 2024 is delayed.

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