‘We Are Marching on Our Heads’: After ‘Green’ Policies Turned Their Life Upside Down, Protesting French Farmers Converge on Paris


The French know their food, know their wine. National pride regarding their cuisine is a major cultural force in the Republic.

And it all starts, of course, with the agriculture.

Extremely organized and highly influential, French farmers have been brought to the brink of bankruptcy by what they see as a mix of low farmgate prices, green regulations and free-trade policies.

As in many other European nations, disruptive protests broke out in the southwest of France, and spread across the country.

French farmers blocked highways in their second week of swelling protests, moving ever closer to Paris, where they are expected to arrive today (26).

Protesting French farmers converge on Paris.

They say the protests will continue until their demands are met.

Reuters reported:

“‘All possibilities are still on the table’, Arnaud Gaillot, the head of the Young Farmers (Jeunes Agriculteurs) union told journalists when asked about reports farmers could start to disrupt traffic in Paris as soon as Friday. […] Asked when the protesters would lift roadblocks, Gaillot said to ask [Prime Minister] Attal: ‘It is he who holds the key’.”

The protest rapidly developed into a major crisis to be handled by inexperienced new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

“French intelligence services have warned the government that regional farming unions have called on their members to converge on the capital, Le Parisien newspaper and BFM TV said.”

While Attal will announce concrete proposals today, farmers are using bales of hay and tractors to block highways across France. On the southwestern outskirts of Paris, dozens of tractors led a ‘go-slow’ disrupting the morning rush-hour.

“‘We always have more rules to follow, we are always asked for more and we earn less and less. We cannot live from our work anymore’, 61-year-old farmer Jean-Jacques Pesquerel from the Calvados Coordination Rurale union said.”

Behind in the polls, President Emmanuel Macron worries that that farmers will help the rightwing parties. Conservative Marine Le Pen criticized the government for backing European regulations that hurt farmers.

“‘Emmanuel Macron addresses farmers with a hand on the shoulder and then knifes them in the back in Brussels‘, Le Pen told reporters. ‘The farmers’ worst enemies can be found in this government’, she added.”

But the left also wants in on the ‘fun’: second-largest CGT trade union called for joining forces with the farmers in a broader social front against Macron.

Traffic signs turned upside-down in a desperate protest.

All over France, farmers turn traffic signs upside down, in protest for green policies that upended their lives.

Euronews reported:

“Already bearing the brunt of the climate crisis, Europe’s farmers are speaking out against policies they say are contradictory, unfair and leave them worried for the future.

Roads have been blocked across France, manure and agricultural waste dropped outside public offices, and bales of hay spread through fast food restaurants.

It started last year when farmers began unscrewing road signs and putting them back upside down. They sometimes added the slogan ‘on marche sur les têtes’ meaning ‘we’re walking on our heads’ in reference to their world being turned upside down.”

Agriculture anger stems from different policies and funding cuts.

“Agricultural diesel was set to get more expensive as subsidies were removed, farmers were facing an extra €47 million per year in fees for water consumption and they say complicated regulations have made it difficult to know what they can or cannot do.

They also object to bans on pesticides and herbicides driven by the EU’s Green Deal and a new EU-wide treaty that could see the import of more Brazilian and Argentinian beef. Farmers claim competing with these countries is extremely hard as they aren’t bound by strict rules on animal welfare.”

And now the mounting pressure arrives in the ‘city of love’, Paris.

Drive-slows, barricades of straw bales, stinky dumps of agricultural waste outside government buildings are some of the actions by the protesters.

Associated Press reported:

“’We’re hit from both sides with high fixed costs but low prices. You don’t need a drawing to imagine what our balance sheets look like’, said Benoit Mazure, a regional representative of the influential FNSEA agricultural union.

Protest leaders said farmers would closely scrutinize measures expected Friday from the government in response to their demands before deciding on next steps.

‘The determination is total’, said Arnaud Rousseau, the [National Federations of Farmer’s Syndicates]  president. ‘We expect urgent measures’.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

The post ‘We Are Marching on Our Heads’: After ‘Green’ Policies Turned Their Life Upside Down, Protesting French Farmers Converge on Paris appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Lou Dobbs Tonight: Georgia Looks to Be Moving to Paper Ballots (VIDEO)


Last Friday, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom about the Dominion voting machines used in the Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulations in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom!


Lou Dobbs has been covering these explosive developments on Lou Dobbs Tonight on Frank Speech.

Lou Dobbs invited investigative journalist Amber Connor back on his show on Thursday night. Amber is reporting on the developments from inside the Fulton County courtroom this week.

On Thursday Amber told the Lou Dobbs Tonight audience that Georgia may be moving towards paper ballots.

Lou Dobbs: Well, whether Georgia uses election machines that they’ve used for the past six years or not is well going to be decided in a trial underway in Atlanta, Georgia. Tonight, we’re learning more details about the curling versus Roffensberger trial. Citizen journalist Amber Connor has been in the courtroom throughout the proceedings and joins us now with the latest force. Amber, great to see you this evening. So is it your judgment as you’re watching this, Amber, have they introduced tabulators more significantly into this case? Secondly, does it appear that which side seems to be ahead on points with the judge? Is it the state defense of these machines that have been clearly demonstrated to have vulnerabilities, or is it the counterparty to it all?

Amber Connor: I would say the judge is leaning towards the plaintiff’s defense, the occurling and Marilyn marks and coalition for good governance… But the curling plaintiffs are really pushing for only talking about the ballot marking devices. But when the proffers were offered by VoterGA, one thing that seemed to raise her eyebrow was when they had announced that they agreed with Dr. Halderman’s declaration, as well as Professor Starks, which was both the ICP in-person scanner and the ICC Mellon ballot scanners cannot detect photocopied ballots!…

Lou Dobbs: So let me ask you this Halderman demonstrated that machines can be hacked. He demonstrated that the ballot marking device is extraordinarily vulnerable. Then we’re left with the images, we’re left with the tabulators, and somehow it is narrowed to the point that it only would examine the ballot marketing devices. But the machines are obviously vulnerable. Even there is agreement here between the experts for the defense and for the plaintiffs. The reality is that the software fix can’t be put together because it would just take too long. That there is no question that there are vulnerabilities within the what is. It seems like a straightforward decision for the judge Totenberg. Either she’s going to let these vulnerable machines go forward in the election or she’s going to have to order up a paper ballot and a decision. It looks to me like it’s straightforwardly got to emerge from this trial. Is that right?

Amber Connor: Unless she surprises everyone and opts for a hybrid where when you walk in, you can choose a hand-marked paper ballot or choose the BMD and give the voter the choice concerning their comfortability. I don’t know. And that’s what’s riveting for me, is watching the judge throughout and her wanting to hear the evidence and actually be an honest broker. But it’s very difficult to look past the vulnerabilities of the machines. It’s very difficult… It’s hard to parse through why everyone isn’t agreeing that we need an impenetrable system and we don’t have that…

Lou Dobbs:  Is it fair to say there is agreement on vulnerability, that there is agreement on the ballot marking devices… It looks like the pressure is now on the judge to make a decision that’s going to affect these machines across the state of Georgia.

Amber Connor: …As it stands now, I think she is going to advise to go to handmarked paper ballots. You’re right. It can change.


The post Lou Dobbs Tonight: Georgia Looks to Be Moving to Paper Ballots (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Department of Defense Inks $235.8 Million Contract for Anthrax Vaccines


Biopharmaceutical company Emergent BioSolutions (EBS) signed a massive $235.8 million contract with the Department of Defense to supply the U.S. military with its BioThrax anthrax vaccine.

Yahoo Finance reported the Biothrax anthrax vaccine is expected to be used by all branches of the U.S. military.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the FDA approved Emergent BioSolution’s Cyfendus anthrax vaccine for adults 18-65 in July of last year.

Just months later after its approval, Emergent BioSolutions announced that the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) “exercised an option valued on an existing deal to procure additional doses of its recently approved anthrax vaccine Cyfendus (AV7909).”


#EmergentBiosolutionsInc #News #Contract #EBS #competitors Emergent BioSolutions Bags $235.8 Million Contract to Supply Anthrax Vaccine to U.S. Military: $EBS Emergent BioSolutions Inc, a Maryland-based life sciences company, announced it has been… https://t.co/yMnt4UTvH7 pic.twitter.com/Dnor87w00J

— CSIMarket.com (@CSIMarket) January 11, 2024

Per Yahoo Finance:

Emergent BioSolutions EBS signed an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) procurement contract for a maximum value of up to $235.8 million with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to supply its anthrax vaccine BioThrax.

The vaccine is intended for use by all branches of the United States military as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for anthrax disease.

The procurement contract consists of a five-year base agreement ending on Sep 30, 2028, with an option to extend the contract for an additional five years to Sep 30, 2033.

Before the end of the initial five-year base period, the DoD should place a minimum guaranteed purchase order for $20.1 million worth of the vaccine product. For the following years, the annual order size should be at least $20 million for a total value of up to $235.8 million.

In recent months, the Federal governmet and state officials have been preparing for a possible anthrax outbreak.

Previously, The Gateway Pundit reported public safety, health, and emergency management agencies across Ohio came together recently to conduct a three-day anthrax attack simulation.


Ohio Conducts Statewide Simulation of Anthrax Attack (VIDEO)

The post Department of Defense Inks $235.8 Million Contract for Anthrax Vaccines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


President Trump calls for all willing states to deploy their national guard to the Texas border @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸 https://thepostmillennial.com/br…


President Trump calls for all willing states to deploy their national guard to the Texas border

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸


The Post Millennial
BREAKING: Trump calls for all ‘willing’ states to deploy National Guard to Texas border and start the deportations

Many state governors have called to support Texas in the border crisis.


FBI luminaries starkly warn Congress that U.S. being invaded at border: ‘Alarming and perilous’ @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸 https://justthenews.com/govern…


FBI luminaries starkly warn Congress that U.S. being invaded at border: ‘Alarming and perilous’

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸


Just The News
FBI luminaries starkly warn Congress that U.S. being invaded at border: ‘Alarming and perilous’

“In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now,” the FBI executives wrote in letter to congressional leadership