Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/25/24 — Report: Obama Wants Biden to Quit, Texas Bolsters Border Defense, Arizona GOP Shake-Up, California Crime Scene, European Farmer Protests Escalate, Clinton’s Social Media Stir


Tonight on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines with Ivory Hecker:

While an increasing number of Democrats think Joe Biden shouldn’t run again, a former Obama advisor is suggesting he stays despite a new report that says Obama himself thinks Biden should quit. David Marcus – Author, Charade: The Covid Lies That Crushed A Nation joins Ivory Hecker to discuss this, all while Biden’s performance in now-blue Virginia is seemingly lackluster and while 8 in 10 Americans think Biden is an illegitimate president, we’ve got Ken Paxton’s take on the election theft as an Election Fraud cause continues in Georgia.

And we’re covering the latest in the showdown between the federal government and the state of Texas as more governors are joining Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s efforts to defend the southern border. Who else is standing up with Texas? Jimmie Garcia, Candidate, Texas State House joins the show to discuss.

And speaking of states – the chair of the Arizona Republican Party has officially resigns after a recording comes to light of him attempting to bribe AZ Senate candidate Kari Lake. Sen. Wendy Rogers, an Arizona State Senator has more about this.

Then, we’ve got the details of a shocking discovery of a grisly crime scene in a remote California desert area where six people were found dead on Tuesday night. You’ll want to stay tuned for this one.

And finally, independent journalist Miro Wolfsfeld has more on the massive farmer protests raging across Europe against new “green” policies – and what it means for food nationwide. Plus, Hillary Clinton’s latest cringy things: awkward dance moves and a tweet about Barbie?

That’s all tonight on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines with Ivory Hecker.


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The post Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/25/24 — Report: Obama Wants Biden to Quit, Texas Bolsters Border Defense, Arizona GOP Shake-Up, California Crime Scene, European Farmer Protests Escalate, Clinton’s Social Media Stir appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


(AUDIO) Former NY Congressman George Santos Says Congressional Member Storage “Cages” are a “F*cking Orgy Hotspot” – Leadership Dismissed His Complaints After He Sounded The Alarm


Former New York Republican Congressman George Santos reacted last night to news of a sexual blackmail and extortion scheme in Congress that was revealed to James O’Keefe by an unsuspecting whistleblower.

Santos used the opportunity to shed light on the “orgy hotspot” in congressional office buildings, which he brought to the attention of House Admin Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, who ignored Santos’ request to monitor the situation.

Previously, Santos hinted at this sexual activity in “the cages” that members use for storage in response to a Business Insider reporter’s pompous tweet.

You seem to confident here… should we be looking for some videos from you in the cages? You know that what happens in the cages don’t stay there right? LOL

— George Santos (@MrSantosNY) December 18, 2023

After the hardcore gay sex tape featuring Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a former staffer for Democrat Maryland Senator Ben Cardin, surfaced, this is not shocking if true. One Congressional staff member told The Gateway Pundit he had heard the rumors about the cages, which are really just storage rooms for members of Congress.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group released an explosive story after a congressional insider told him that congress members are coerced into voting a certain way by party leadership, leveraging secret affairs and “sex parties” against them.

“Madison Cawthorn wasn’t lying, neither,” said the source.

It also became apparent that the animus between competing parties in Washington is all a facade, as the intern for Republicans in Congress was actually a Trump-hating Democrat, which his former employer, Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), did not seem to care about.

Watch the explosive video here:

BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Releases “DC BLACKMAIL EXPOSED PART 1” – Congressional Intern Reveals Blackmail and Extortion Scheme After Affairs & Sex Parties: “Cawthorn Wasn’t Lying Neither” (EXPLOSIVE VIDEO)

Following the release of this footage, James O’Keefe hosted his weekly X Space titled “On The Inside With James O’Keefe” to discuss the bombshell revelations with journalists, members of the public, and former Congressman George Santos (R-NY). In concluding the X Space, O’Keefe hinted that a Biden Administration employee was also caught in his undercover journalism sting, and we should “stay tuned” for more.

Recall that 105 RINOs in Congress joined the Democrats and voted to expel George Santos from Congress, leaving Republicans with a slim three-seat majority, after Santos was targeted by the House Ethics Committee and hit with a 23-count indictment by the Biden DOJ. Santos was expelled before he was even proven guilty because DC doesn’t like outsiders.

Now, Santos is not holding back on exposing the inner workings of the Swamp.

Santos revealed that he was blackmailed from day one in Congress, not with sexual material or secrets, but with the threat of not being allowed to serve in his duly elected seat! This has happened before to several elected congressmen under civil-war-era restrictions in the 14th Amendment, as well as with Adam Clayton Powell Jr., a Democrat from New York, who the House refused to seat in 1967 due to allegations of corruption until the Supreme Court ruled in his favor.

SANTOS: To the extent of extortion in Capitol Hill, extortion is the currency, and I’m going to tell you my story of extortion and blackmail on Capitol Hill. So, I get elected on November 8, the New York Times article comes out about me on December 19, and we’re on Capitol Hill on January 3 to vote. I, at first glance, went to Washington, DC, with no intention to vote for Kevin McCarthy for speaker. He had not helped me. I had been shafted by people within his orbit. This was kind of a known secret, right? The moment I set foot in Washington, DC, my phone calls and my everything starts ringing, and everyone around me started saying you have to vote for Kevin, or else they’re not going to seat you. I was forced at that point in time to vote for Kevin McCarthy 15 times because I was threatened to not be seated, and there’s precedent to not seat a member of Congress. It’s happened to a former New York Democrat a couple of decades ago; there’s precedent. I was told either you vote this way, or you will not be seated.

Santos further revealed what he learned about “the cages” from a staffer who was invited to have sexual relations in the storage rooms starting at the seven-minute mark in the clip below.

Watch below:

SANTOS: I’ve never witnessed any sexual encounter on Capitol Hill, myself, so I can’t speak in first person. I have a staffer who we have this thing in the basement, and I was the first one to bring attention to the cages. Nobody talks about the cages, and I know that the name is almost like a pun, right? The cages are storage units in the basement of each house office building. In my case, the Longworth House Office Building is where my cage was. One of my staffers; I can’t say staff names because it kind of doxxes and puts them in a bad light. They’re all out there trying to get jobs.

SANTOS: As far as the cages go, the first thing he tells me, he’s like ‘Sir, the cages are a problem because member staff are going down there to have sex.’ And he literally was invited by some random person he was talking to on a hookup app or whatever. They wanted to hook up in the cages, and he was just like, Absolutely not. So he even told me, he had the decency to tell me, ‘this is literally how common it is that I was solicited to go have a hookup in the cages.’ And I brought that up to the House Sergeant at Arms and the house Admin Committee, which is chaired by Brian Stile from Wisconsin, and I said, ‘I think we need to install cameras in the cages because it’s becoming a f*cking orgy hotspot, and this is a massive liability.’ And what I was met with was ‘it’s not a pressing matter or a large issue, and it doesn’t warrant the resources.’ I guess it would be too expensive, and in short words, it would be too expensive to put cameras there to monitor the behavior. So they just kind of dismissed it.

O’KEEFE: How do we get to the bottom of this story to expose more blackmail in DC?

SANTOS:  Look, it’s simple. All you need to do is find the staffers who hold the keys to the votes in Washington, DC, and if you can get them to sing, it’s usually you’re looking at your legislative directors. So, that is the real big key. Those are the real power holders in Washington DC. It’s the Chief of Staffs and the legislative directors who are literally in bed with everyone and everything around them. And they’re the ones wielding power and making voting recommendations to their members. So, if there’s anybody you guys should be tapping into it’s trying to get a hold of as many legislative directors as humanly possible, especially active ones with members who are chairs of committees. Those are the ones who kind of send out the marching orders. And kind of put, in a crude way I’d say it this way, they’re the ones who put the bounty out for what’s the cost of a vote or whatever. And everyone knows what the costs and consequences are, so they kind of fall in line and try to make their members fall in line, so they don’t have any consequences.

The post (AUDIO) Former NY Congressman George Santos Says Congressional Member Storage “Cages” are a “F*cking Orgy Hotspot” – Leadership Dismissed His Complaints After He Sounded The Alarm appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Two Large Money Donors Ditch Neo-Con RINO Nikki Haley Despite Her Vow to Continue Presidential Race


Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will likely be hard-pressed to continue her doomed presidential campaign as large-money donors have begun to abandon ship.

CNBC reported Wednesday that notorious Billionaire LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman decided that he had wasted enough money on the Haley campaign and is closing his wallet. As TGP readers know, Hoffman has cut big checks to Joe Biden’s reelection effort and also donated $250,000 to a super PAC backing Haley.

The Daily Mail notes Hoffman previously wrote on his Linkedin page that donating to Haley was worth it to stop Trump because America would “survive’” her presidency even if she was not “as good” a president as Biden.

“Nikki Haley would not be as good for America as Joe Biden, but America would survive her administration,” Hoffman wrote.

“If America is to avoid another Trump presidency, it will be because Trump loses an election next year. If he is to lose, it will either be to Nikki Haley in the primary or Joe Biden in the general,” he continued.

Metal magnate and prominent GOP donor Andy Sabin is also throwing Haley under the bus. Sabin had contributed $1.7 million to GOP campaigns over three cycles.

Here is Sabin explaining to Fox Business host Neil Cavuto why Haley needs to get out.


GOP donor Andy Sabin to Neil: It’s time for Nikki Haley to walk away

— Neil Cavuto (@TeamCavuto) January 24, 2024

SABIN: Haley needs to drop out. Regardless of what anyone tells you, her money is going to dry up. Why would you fund someone who you know has no chance?

You have to know when to hold them. You got to know when to fold them. You got to know when to walk away. It’s time for Nikki Haley to walk away.

As TGP previously reported, President Trump scored dominant, double-digit victories in the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary to essentially lock up the GOP nomination. His victory in the Granite State was all the more impressive considering the massive amount of Democrat shenanigans encouraged by Haley to steal a win, as TGP previously revealed.

Nikki Haley’s PAC Is Using Money from Epstein Buddy Reid Hoffman to Target MSBNC and CNN Democrat Voters for New Hampshire Primary

Meanwhile, Haley finished third and a distant second to the 45th President in New Hampshire. Yet, she still believes a path forward remains as TGP’s Kristinn Taylor notes.

Hopefully, the donor abandonment of Haley’s campaign is only beginning. The sooner she is forced to drop out, the quicker the party can unite around Trump and defeat Biden or whoever the Democrats put up.

The post Two Large Money Donors Ditch Neo-Con RINO Nikki Haley Despite Her Vow to Continue Presidential Race appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


OH, NO: Japanese SLIM Lunar Lander Is Upside Down on the Moon Surface!


The bittersweet tale of the historic Japanese Lunar lander had another dramatic development, as photographic evidence shows SLIM module is UPSIDE DOWN on the surface of the moon.

Read: Japan Launches Lunar Mission With ‘SLIM’ Moon Lander and ‘XRISM’ X-Ray Telescope, In a Bid To Join the Space Superpowers Club

The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) appears to have landed on its nose, according to an image snapped by the robot probe SORA-Q, successfully ejected before the lander touched down last week.

Futurism reported:

“An abnormality in the main engine affected the landing attitude of the spacecraft,” the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency admitted in a statement.

The image also explains why SLIM had so much trouble generating power with its blocked solar panels, something that ultimately forced scientists to shut it down just three hours after touchdown.”

Read: Japan’s SLIM Lands on Lunar Surface, but a Problem in the Sun Panels Will Cut the Mission Dramatically Short

The lander apparently has no way to right itself.

The successful and precise lunar landing of SLIM made Japan the fifth country in the world to land a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon, after the Soviet Union, the United States, China and India. But the problems soon were apparent, the solar cells were not charing, and the lander had to be shut down three hours after landing, with just 15% of battery power left.

Japanese Agency JAXA was keeping a hopeful smile on things.

“‘If sunlight hits the Moon from the west in the future, we believe there’s a possibility of power generation, and we’re currently preparing for restoration’, JAXA wrote.”

The Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2 (LEV-2 / SORA-Q) has successfully taken an image of the #SLIM spacecraft on the Moon. LEV-2 is the world’s first robot to conduct fully autonomous exploration on the lunar surface.

— JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (@ISAS_JAXA_EN) January 25, 2024

Even with SLIM ‘asleep’, the image snapped by SORA-Q followed a plan B path to mission control, having been first relayed to a second robot called LEV-1 also successfully deployed while landing. LEV-1, for his part, was set up with a way to independently contact planet Earth.

JAXA is still calling the mission a big win.

“The accomplishment of LEV-1’s leaping movements on the lunar surface, inter-robot communication between LEV-1 and SORA-Q, and fully autonomous operations represent ground-breaking achievement,” the agency said. “It would be regarded as a valuable technology demonstration for future lunar explorations, and the acquired knowledge and experience will be applied in upcoming missions.”

Read more:

Waiting for the Sun: Solar Cells Face the Wrong Direction, Japanese Slim Lander ‘Put to Sleep’ on the Moon – Sunshine From the West May Salvage Mission




The post OH, NO: Japanese SLIM Lunar Lander Is Upside Down on the Moon Surface! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.