Pop Star Speaks Out About Her Abortion Regret: ‘I Have a Grammy, But None of It Will Bring My Children Back’


As a singer, songwriter, producer, record label-owner and Grammy award-winner, Kaya Jones has accomplished much.

But an ongoing heartbreak was having two abortions, she told those assembled for the Walk For Life West Coast in San Francisco on Saturday.

“I come from an industry that promotes abortion,” the former Pussycat Dolls star stated. “It is not something that is unspoken.

“If you want to have a baby and you want to be a recording artist and successful, they encourage that you abort,” she said.

Jones recounted how she started her career at 13 and signed with Capital Records at 16 and “was told that I needed to look the part, be the part, and ultimately was to ‘sell sex.’

“Be visually stimulating to men,” is how Jones recalled her instructions from the record label. “Be visually encouraging to young girls — that this is what you should be, and this is what beauty is.”

“Nothing could have been further from the truth,” Jones told the gathered pro-life attendees.

She had her first abortion at 16 and did not tell her parents since their consent was not required. “You don’t need consent to kill a child,” Jones said.

“It harmed me, and I felt as though someone took something that belonged in my body,” Jones recalled. “I remember waking up and feeling like someone took my rib or my kidney, and it was never going to come back.

“Indeed it wasn’t. I don’t know the death date of my first child, and I will never know the birth date. And there’s no grave that I can go to to mourn the death,” she tearfully said.

By 19 Jones was in the Pussycat Dolls, a group that sold millions of records, and she was at the pinnacle of success.

At that height of fame, she again got pregnant. “This time I was told to get rid of it.”

“That’s what was told to me when I said I was pregnant,” Jones said. “It’s your career. Or your child.”

She chose the career.

Going from the place where she had the abortion to a rehearsal, Jones said she was bleeding as she danced and sang all day and eventually was hemorrhaging.

Two days later Jones performed in Las Vegas before 23,000 people in an event live streamed to 33 million worldwide.

Still suffering from the effects of the abortion while performing, Jones said, “As I continued to lose my baby, standing in the audience … there were two little girls in the front row that the Lord used to speak to me that day.

“The four-year-old looked at her mother and said ‘[Gasp] Mom, she’s a Pussycat Doll!’” Jones said. “That conviction from out of the mouth of babes hit me to my core.

“There was nothing that was beautiful about me in that moment. I was losing my child, and I had a responsibility to children and young women around the world.”

Jones realized at that moment she was celebrating the wrong things. “This is a lie.

“There’s nothing beautiful about it, no matter how much money you may have, no matter how much fame you may receive, no matter how many records you might sell … I have a Grammy, but none of it will bring my children back.”

Issues surrounding abortion ultimately are spiritual, according to Jones. “I know many people don’t want to talk about the darkness of abortion; they just want to sugarcoat  — ‘Oh, hey, it’s just a clump of cells. It doesn’t matter.’

“It does matter. There’s spiritual ramifications.”

Jones said she has had to deal with serious depression and anxiety and things people don’t want to talk about. There are mental issues because, she said, “You killed your baby.”

Jones ultimately turned her talk toward God. “Millions of babies have been aborted, and our world would be a better place if they were here,” she said. “But I have a feeling God is going to bring so much life into this planet starting this year because of the overturning of Roe versus Wade.”

In the course of her speaking, Jones made reference to apparently off-camera pro-abortion protesters who were nearby and called upon her listeners to pray for them.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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EVIL: Female Neighbor Caught on Video Gunning Down Beloved North Las Vegas Pastor in His Driveway in Front of His Wife and Children – Wife Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit

 Credit: FOX 5 Vegas

The final moments of a beloved father and 46-year-old Nick Davi, a pastor at Grace Point Church, have been revealed on tape as part of a wrongful death lawsuit filed by his wife, Sarah.

As FOX 5 Las Vegas reported, new court documents released Wednesday include a screenshot from a video taken by one of the pastor’s children, ages 12 and 15. They were inside the family’s car when their father was shot and killed in front of them.

The deadly shooting happened December 29, 2023, on Lookout Lodge Lane inside the gated Court of Aliante. Sarah was shot moments after Nick but managed to survive.

36-year-old Joe Junio, a neighbor of the Davis, is accused of killing Nick and was arrested at the crime scene. She has been charged with multiple crimes including murder, attempted murder, and child abuse.

Joe Junio Credit: North Las Vegas Police Department

Below is a video report on the incident and ongoing lawsuit:

According to documents reviewed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal , the incident occurred after Junio had feuded with Davis over the chickens and dogs she kept on her property.

Junio had allegedly harassed the family for weeks. This included throwing feces in their backyard, flooding their home, and issuing violent threats after Davis complained to the gated community’s homeowner’s association.

During one incident, Junio made a throat-slash gesture and told them they were next.

A fellow pastor of Grace Point Church, Ty Neal told FOX 5 Las Vegas that the Davis were terrorized to the point that had left their home and were staying elsewhere.

The lawsuit also claims the Homeowners Association (HOA) told Junio about those complaints. While HOA is not specifically named in the suit, the filing makes the following allegation: “The homeowner’s association knew or should have known that Defendant would likely perform violent actions against deceased and Plaintiff as a result of on-going association dispute.”

The suit further points out Junio did not have a license or permit to carry a firearm.

As of this writing, a GoFundMe for the Davi family has reached $90,249 of its $100,000 goal. Go here to learn more and donate.

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DEVELOPING: Trump Testifies in E. Jean Carroll Civil Defamation Trial


President Trump on Thursday testified in the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial in a Manhattan court.

Trump took the witness stand for about three minutes. The defense rested after Trump’s testimony.

JUST IN: Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba calls the former president to the witness stand in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation trial. pic.twitter.com/5s3RRKD6En

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 25, 2024

“The defense rested after former President Donald Trump briefly answered questions from his attorney Alina Habba.” CNN reported.

Jurors will return Friday morning to hear closing arguments.

“Judge Lewis Kaplan dismissed the jurors, instructing them to return Friday morning to hear closing arguments and said they’ll likely have the case to begin deliberating by lunchtime.” the outlet reported.

In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.

E. Jean Carroll is a mentally unwell woman who previously told CNN she fantasizes about rape.

Raving lunatic E. Jean Carroll

Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job” who’s “not my type.”

President Trump appeared in court last Wednesday as E. Jean Carroll testified in a trial where the jury will decide how much Trump has to pay for his so-called ‘defamatory’ statements about her.

Under cross-examination by Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba, E. Jean Carroll admitted she deleted emails under subpoena.

Far-left Clinton Judge Kaplan rushed to E. Jean Carroll’s defense after Alina Habba moved for a mistrial following Carroll’s admission to deleting massive amounts of evidence.

Carroll also made a stunning admission under questioning about her Trump media tour. She said she did 4 TV interviews and several podcasts to promote her book.

Roberta Kaplan: Did you promote your book – switching gears, sorry

E. Jean Carroll: I did 4 TV interviews. & 4 or 5 podcasts

Roberta Kaplan: What did you talk about?

E. Jean Carroll: The journalists wanted to hear about President Trump. I saw that the book was not selling – so I tried to talk about it

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Irrefutable Data: January 6ers Face Immense Bias by Washington DC Juries!



Washington DC residents have shown their true colors against Donald Trump and the January 6 defendants. And it ain’t pretty!

NEW polling data being released today from Triton Polling & Research shows an insurmountable bias against the J6ers, the likes of which we have never seen before. The Gateway Pundit has exclusively collected the data & comments from Jake Lang and his attorney, Steven Metcalf, who had this survey conducted to support his latest Change of Venue court motion.

The numbers don’t lie: 86.4% of Washington DC residents who are eligible jurors believe that ‘It is important that those who participated in the events of January 6 are punished to the FULLEST extent of the law to prevent this from ever happening again’!! These results are absolutely staggering! Besides the fact, it’s virtually impossible to get nearly 90% of people to even agree with what color the sky is – the DC jurors have unanimously agreed that January 6ers are worthy of extreme punishment – before they even review the facts & circumstances of a criminal case.

The results are even worse than you could imagine. The brainwashing of DC residents by Mainstream Media is astounding!

85.8% of the DC jury pool believes January 6 was an ‘Insurrection’, and 80.0% agree that January 6 was an act of ‘Domestic Terrorism!!

How can a January 6 defendant expect a jury member to be impartial when these people have been duped into believing the BIG LIE that J6 was an insurrection?!

If you believed the polling data couldn’t get any more atrocious, then you haven’t heard some of the most unconscionable results: 48% of DC residents who are eligible jurors agree with the statement ” The penalty for insurrection, treason or committing an act of domestic terrorism is life imprisonment or the death penalty, which would be a fair punishment for anyone who participated in any events of January 6th”. Stop the presses. Nearly 50% of the jurors on J6 cases are walking into the federal courtroom with such a strong prejudice against January 6 protestors that they actually believe (regardless of what they did!) that these men & women are worthy of the death penalty or life in prison!! How outrageous!!

The full polling data is available on J6ChangeOfVenue.com , warning the results may horrify you! Triton Polling & Research conducted this groundbreaking survey from January 4th to January 8th, 2024, and shows never before exposed inherent bias that DC Jurors are bringing with them into the courtroom. Over 420 DC Residents that eligible jurors were polled in a survey that meets the highest standards of ethics & methodology – designed to pass the heavy scrutiny of Federal Prosecutors & Judges who will be reviewing the data.

J6 Attorney Steven Metcalf who represents Lang had some strong words to the Government who has been subjecting J6 defendants to an unconstitutional bias jury.

“The outrageous jury bias that has been unearthed in this Triton polling proves without question the January 6 defendants have been withheld their Constitutionally protected right to an impartial jury. We now know without question – only way Jake Lang and the Jan 6ers van possibly receive a fair trial is outside Washington DC. We demand a Change of Venue”

Jake Lang, who has been incarcerated for over 3 years without a trial – followed up by saying, “For years I have watched dozens of my patriot brothers come back to the Gulag after long hard days of trial – completely drained and spiritually wartorn by the rigged court system. We have been utterly railroad, the deck is stacked against us, its David vs. Goalith. But now God has supplied us a sling – this data will be the stone that fells the giant corrupt DOJ persecution of Jan 6 patriots. We’re coming for every year you robbed of us!! See you in the appeals court!”

** Jake Lang and several J6ers will hold a Twitter Space tonight on X to discuss this injustice.

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Mitt Romney Says Trump Doesn’t Want to Solve the Border Problem (VIDEO)


Insufferable RINO Mitt Romney on Thursday claimed Trump doesn’t want to solve the border problem that Joe Biden created.

More than 11 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males – have crossed into the US on Joe Biden’s open border invitation in the past three years.

The Senate is fiercely working to give Ukraine another $61.4 billion in aid. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell echoed Schumer and said Ukraine funding is a top priority for lawmakers.

Senators are trying to tie Ukraine funding to ‘border enhancements.’

Trump opposed the Ukraine funding and said lawmakers should focus on closing the southern border.

Mitt Romney told CNN’s Manu Raju that Trump doesn’t want to solve the border problem.

“I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is is really appalling,” Romney said.

“But the reality is that, that we have a crisis at the border, the American people are suffering as a result of what’s happening at the border. And someone running for president not to try and get the problem solved. as opposed to saying, hey, save that problem. Don’t solve it. Let me take credit for solving it later,” he said.



Mitt Romney: “I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is is really appalling.” pic.twitter.com/L1LJex10JY

— Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 25, 2024

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