WATCH LIVE @ 8 PM ET: Kari Lake Hosts Rumble Livestream to React to AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit’s Resignation, Smears Against Her

WATCH LIVE @ 8 PM ET: Kari Lake Hosts Rumble Livestream to React to AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit’s Resignation, Smears Against Her


Kari Lake is scheduled to host a live stream tonight and take questions from the public after the newly exposed bribery attempt by the disgraced Arizona GOP Chairman aimed at keeping her out of politics.

The live stream will begin at 8 PM ET.

TUNE IN LIVE at 6pm Arizona Time

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) January 24, 2024

Watch live below.

On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit reported on an audio recording that proves that RINO Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff DeWit, an agent of the Uniparty, asked Kari Lake to “take a pause” and step aside from politics for two years while offering her a job on behalf of powerful people “from back East” in Washington, D.C.

“The ask I got today from back east was—this has to be between us—is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out,” said DeWit before asking Kari to name her price last year.

However, Kari Lake got pissed and told DeWit, “I’m not willing to accept that. I’m going to be the biggest f*cking pain and these people’s asses. Go back and tell them that I’m running, and I’m going to be the biggest pain in their f*cking ass.”

Refusing to back down to the Swamp, Lake continued, “They’re going to have to f*cking kill me to stop me.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, DeWit resigned from the AZGOP with a dishonest statement, where he smeared Kari Lake as someone who “cannot be trusted to engage in private and confidential conversations” and accused her of coercing him to resign with a threat.

Jeff DeWit Resigns as Arizona Republican Party Chair after Audio Tape of Him Attempting to Bribe Kari Lake Surfaces, Claims Tape Was “Selectively Edited” and Says There is an Even “More Damaging Recording”

DeWit used the opportunity to attack Lake and play the victim card, accusing her of an “ethical breach” and “selectively edit[ing]” the tape to deceive voters. He then represented himself as an innocent person in an “unpaid role that demands the amount of time of roughly two full time jobs.”

This is the same excuse he used when an audio tape of DeWit declaring that he is “off the Trump Train” and supporting Ron DeSantis’ failed presidential campaign surfaced. The Gateway Pundit reported on the tape and DeWit’s claims that it was “fake” or “chopped up.” He also claimed the tape of him denouncing Trump was “creatively edit[ed].” In an attempt to distance himself from his own remarks, DeWit even told The Gateway Pundit that he was lying to the person in the recording.

According to DeWit, he is now resigning because he faces the possible “release of a new, more damaging recording.” As if the bribery scandal wasn’t already incredibly damning to his reputation and integrity!

However, Lake fired back in her own statement, saying, “No one from the Kari Lake campaign threatened or blackmailed DeWit.”

“It is unfortunate that Dewit hasn’t recognized how unethical his behavior was and still hasn’t apologized to Arizona Republicans,” Lake added, noting that the latest audio recording of DeWit also “speaks for itself.”

Listen to the full recording here!

I am getting a lot of questions about the bribery scandal & corruption in DC.

I have decided to go LIVE on Rumble tonight at 8:00 ET (6:00 AZ time) to answer your questions.

I hope you’ll join me!

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) January 24, 2024

Tune in live on X and Rumble at 8 PM ET:

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) January 25, 2024

The post WATCH LIVE @ 8 PM ET: Kari Lake Hosts Rumble Livestream to React to AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit’s Resignation, Smears Against Her appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Top UK General Says Civilians Will Have To Be Conscripted Into a ‘Citizen’s Army’ To Fight Major War Against Russia

Top UK General Says Civilians Will Have To Be Conscripted Into a ‘Citizen’s Army’ To Fight Major War Against Russia


The war-mongering in Europe has gone into overdrive, with military chiefs sounding the alarm to ‘imaginary wars’, trying to drum up support for Ukraine and to hypercharge Russophobia as the patience of the citizens in general with this conflict narrative has greatly diminished.

Now, the top UK general says they live in a ‘pre-war’ scenario, and insists that only ‘citizen armies’ will be able to defeat the coming Russian avalanche to disrupt the Western societies.

The head of the British army alerted UK citizens to be prepared for a war fought on the scale of the great conflicts of the 20th Century – and that they may need to be mobilized.

Euronews reported:

“Speaking at the International Armored Vehicles exhibition in London, General Sir Patrick Sanders said the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a sign of things to come, warning that the lessons of previous wars must be remembered before it is too late.

‘Our predecessors failed to perceive the implications of the so-called July Crisis in 1914 and stumbled into the most ghastly of wars’, he said. ‘We cannot afford to make the same mistake today. Ukraine really matters’.”

General Sanders insisted that the scale of this potential conflict he envisions ‘must not be underestimated’.

“‘This war is not merely about the black soil of the Donbas, nor the re-establishment of a Russian empire, it’s about defeating our system and way of life politically, psychologically, and symbolically. How we respond as the pre-war generation will reverberate through history. Ukrainian bravery is buying time, for now’.

The general also called for a near-doubling in size of the British army. The UK military in general plans to reverse a long-term recruitment crisis that has shrunk its numbers even as British forces participate in various missions overseas.”

While traditional mobilization sending people to the frontline was important, everyday British citizens must be prepared for a level of civic mobilization not seen since WW2.

Sanders’ calls for a ‘whole-of-nation’ war echo German defense minister Boris Pistorius, who made radical pleas for Germany to prepare for war with Russia.

In a move that’s recurring in PM Rishi Sunak’s embattled government, officials had to go out and dismiss the general’s ideas.

ABC News reported:

“Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesman, Max Blain, said the government ‘has no intention’ of introducing conscription.

‘The British military has a proud tradition of being a voluntary force. There are no plans to change that’, he said.

He added that ‘engaging in hypothetical wars’ was ‘not helpful’.”

Read more:

Rishi Sunak Quickly Backtracks, Guarantees UK Is NOT About to Send Troops to Ukraine


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Massachusetts Ballot Commission Rejects Effort to Bar Trump From 2024 Ballot

Massachusetts Ballot Commission Rejects Effort to Bar Trump From 2024 Ballot


A legal challenge to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot in Massachusetts has failed…so far.

The Massachusetts State Ballot Law Commission this week rejected a challenge to ban Trump from the 2024 primary ballot citing the 14th Amendment.

“We believe that Mr. Trump’s candidacy for this office and placement on the Massachusetts ballot violates the Constitution, so we are challenging the constitutionality,” said Shannon Liss-Riordan, an attorney for the challengers, according to CNN. “It is the job of this commission to hear objections to the legality of placement of candidates on the ballot.”

The legal theories are based on Section 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment which states public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US may be disqualified from public office.

Trump has not been charged with engaging in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.

“The panel rejected the case on procedural grounds Monday, finding that the commission didn’t have jurisdiction to address the matter,” CNN reported.

President Trump is currently battling similar challenges in other states. Legal challenges have notably escalated in Maine and Colorado.

The Maine Superior Court last Wednesday ordered Trump back on the ballot pending a decision from the US Supreme Court.

President Trump appealed Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows’ 2024 ballot ban to the state superior court last Tuesday.

Last month Maine’s psychotic Democrat Secretary of State Shenna Bellows unilaterally barred Trump from the 2024 ballot because she decided the former president is an insurrectionist.

Earlier this month President Trump asked the US Supreme Court to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to bar him from the 2024 ballot.

The Colorado Supreme Court last month disqualified Trump from the 2024 ballot.

The US Constitution has three requirements to be president:

Be a natural-born citizen of the United States.
Be at least 35 years old.
Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.

The Massachusetts Ballot Commission’s decision can be appealed.

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Women and Children Win! Ohio Bans Sex Changes For Minors and Protects Female Sports After State Senate Overrides RINO Governor Mike DeWine’s Veto

Women and Children Win! Ohio Bans Sex Changes For Minors and Protects Female Sports After State Senate Overrides RINO Governor Mike DeWine’s Veto


Doctors can no longer mutilate minors in Ohio, and female sports are now protected there thanks to courageous Republicans defying their RINO governor Wednesday.

As CBS News reported, the State Senate voted to override Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, a common-sense measure that sought to prohibit gender-affirming care for minors and to restrict transgender athletes’ participation in girls’ and women’s sports.

The official tally was 24-8. The Ohio House earlier overrode DeWine’s veto against Ohio House Bill 68 in a 65-28 vote as TGP’s Cristina Laila revealed.

With both the House and Senate passing their overrides with veto-proof majorities, House Bill 68 is now law.

Sen. Nathan Manning from Cuyahoga County was the only “Republican” who joined the Democrats to vote against the override as CBS News notes.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported DeWine exercised his executive authority to veto House Bill 68 in December and whined to reporters at a press conference afterward that the bill was too complex.

I think it’s very important that we all remember that all those on each side of this issue sincerely and truly believe their position best protects children. These are truly complex issues and reasonable people, reasonable people can draw vastly different conclusions. This bill would impact a very small number of Ohio’s children.

But for those children who face gender dysphoria and for their families, the consequences of this bill could not be more profound.

Republican state Sen. Kristina Roegner, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, correctly argued on the Senate floor Wednesday that gender mutilation of minors has become a “profit center” for hospitals seeking to turn them into “permanent patients.”

She continued:

There are men, and there are women, and there are boys, and there are girls, and they are different. Gender is not fluid. There is no such thing as a gender spectrum.

Officials expect the law to take effect in roughly 90 days according to CBS News.

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Democrat Dean Phillips Attends a Trump Rally – Tells CNN He was Amazed at How Friendly the People Were (VIDEO)

Democrat Dean Phillips Attends a Trump Rally – Tells CNN He was Amazed at How Friendly the People Were (VIDEO)


Dean Phillips is the Minnesota Democrat who is challenging Joe Biden for the Dem nomination. He is not likely to get very far, but he is getting some attention from the media.

This week, he appeared on CNN and told the story of how he recently went to his first Trump rally. He was amazed at how friendly and diverse the crowd was.

This is something we have seen happen before. When a liberal meets real Trump supporters, they are often shocked to learn that they are nothing like the way Democrats and the media portray them.

Real Clear Politics provides a transcript:

PHILLIPS: Well, I mean, I think it would take — it would take a really unusual look at these numbers. And, look, the governor’s not a bad guy. He knows Trump’s going to win. He’s trying his best to prevent that. I respect that.

But the writing’s on the wall. If Nikki Haley’s in this race a few weeks from now I would be really surprised. And that’s the truth. And the fact is, we have a duopoly, a two-party system that is literally working against voters, and voters who don’t want to show up and vote in primaries and then get frustrated by the choices we have in November. That’s part of the problem. We have a crisis of participation.

And I’ve got to tell you guys, I went to a Donald Trump rally a couple nights ago. Never been to one. I had an event across the street. I saw the line of people waiting in the cold for hours and I thought, what the heck, you know, I’m going to be a leader who actually invites people, doesn’t condemn them, I met probably 50 Trump people waiting in line. Every single one of them, thoughtful, hospitable, friendly, all of them so frustrated that they feel nobody’s listening to them but Donald Trump. A diverse crowd. People who had never been to a Trump event before. My party is completely delusional right now, and somebody had to wake us up. And if that’s my job, so be it.

Here’s the video:

Democrat presidential candidate Dean Phillips went to a Trump rally and found out that Trump voters are thoughtful, kind, diverse, hospitable and generally awesome people who feel like no one is listening to them but Trump. He now says Dems are delisiomal.

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 23, 2024

It’s too bad that more Democrats don’t do what Dean did and learn the truth for themselves.

The post Democrat Dean Phillips Attends a Trump Rally – Tells CNN He was Amazed at How Friendly the People Were (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.