It Begins… Politico Urges Trump Supporters to Skip His Historic Rallies

It Begins… Politico Urges Trump Supporters to Skip His Historic Rallies

 President Trump’s political rally in Waco, Texas in March 2023. ONLY President Trump can bring out this crowd of supporters.

The Democrat Party has done everything they can to ruin President Donald Trump. The junk lawsuits couldn’t stop him. The insurrection lies couldn’t stop him. The 14th Amendment smears couldn’t stop him. The FBI spying and lies couldn’t stop him. Lawfare charges by crooked District Attorneys. Threats of 700 years in prison for manufactured crimes. Stealing over $250 million from his business for paying off business loans. Brutal harassment of his family.

None of this stopped President Trump from his mission to save America from the Marxist horde and the power hungry elites.

Now, the left has a new tactic.

Politico today is now urging Republicans to skip Trump rallies. They don’t think its fair that tens of thousands will come out for Trump when Old Joe can only garner a few hundred supporters to come out and see him – and many of those are paid supporters!

Millions of Americans have seen President Trump speak in the past 8 years. The elites want it to stop.

From Politico.

The line snaked along the driveway, hundreds of people long. The weather was dreadful in southern New Hampshire — ice and the slush and the subfreezing temperatures — but Donald Trump’s faithful didn’t care. They were willing to wait two hours in the freezing cold, and three more in an airless ballroom, to witness what promised to be a triumphal occasion: The day before, their besieged champion had won a resounding victory in Iowa, and tonight’s rally would be his victory lap. The night held forth the possibility of Vintage Trump — punchy, emboldened, zany — and they were willing to wait for it.

Just after 7 p.m., Trump took the stage, two hours late. “If you think that it was easy to get here, you are wrong,” said Trump, who arrived in a militarized motorcade driven by combat-trained drivers. His audience — who had navigated their SUVs and pickup trucks across slick highways and frozen back roads — chuckled awkwardly. It was clear Trump did not want to be here.

Trump’s rallies, once the primary attraction in the MAGA universe, have become awkward sideshows in his grander political drama, which is now unfolding primarily in closed courtrooms and six-page legal orders. (Just that morning, Trump had appeared in court in New York.)

But something deeper than distraction or fatigue plagued the former president’s appearances in New Hampshire. Trump’s speeches have always been rambling and directionless, but in 2024, they have the additional drawback of being inescapably monotonous.

They can’t stop Trump. So now they are begging you to ignore him so they can continue their mass destruction of America.

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WAYNE ROOT: Here’s Why Delusional “Birdbrain” Nikki Haley is About to FACE the Humiliation of a Lifetime in Nevada and South Carolina.

WAYNE ROOT: Here’s Why Delusional “Birdbrain” Nikki Haley is About to FACE the Humiliation of a Lifetime in Nevada and South Carolina.


By Wayne Allyn Root

Why is Nikki Haley still in the GOP presidential race?

The GOP base is united around President Trump. We all know why he is running- to save America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, the great American middle class, and Judeo-Christian values. To “Make America Great Again.” To make America safe again. To make America’s borders secure again. To make America prosperous again. And to keep us out of WW3.

Now those are great reasons.

But why is Nikki running? She got soundly beaten in Iowa and New Hampshire. And those were her best states- by a mile. She has no chance in the next 48 states. As in 0. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

It’s all downhill from here for Nikki. Up next are the biggest humiliations of her life- in Nevada and her home state of South Carolina.

So why is Nikki still running? Why hasn’t she dropped out and endorsed President Trump for the good of the country…and for the good of the GOP?

That’s an easy answer.

Because she isn’t in the race for the good of America…or for the good of the GOP. She is in the race only for Nikki. She is staying in the race to gain fame and fortune. She wants the celebrity bestowed by the liberal establishment elite on anyone who stays in the fight against President Donald J. Trump.

Nikki wants to be the hero of the mainstream media, Hollywood and the publishers in New York. Which gets her bigger book advances…bigger speech fees…and maybe a TV talk show.

In other words, Nikki is on a delusional suicide run for herself. She doesn’t give a damn about the country…or you or me…or our kids. It’s all about the money.

Nikki Haley is the GOP’s very own “Money Honey.”

That says it all. What has Trump gained for being president? He was one of the wealthiest men in the world, with the life everyone dreams of. He had the biggest hit reality TV show in Hollywood. He was the biggest celebrity in the world. He was beloved by everyone. He got awards from black groups and Jewish groups.

But as President he faced two impeachments; nonstop threats to his life; hatred and demonization 24/7; weaponization by his own government against him; and the loss of most of his business partners. Now he faces four indictments and over 700 years in prison.

Yet Trump won’t back down. He’s back for more. And he’s doing it all for us. He loves America. He loves the American people. He’s sacrificing the rest of his life for us. That’s easy to see.

Compare that to Nikki’s desire for book deals, speeches and a TV talk show.

But that’s okay. What goes around, comes around. Sometimes you do get what you deserve. Nikki’s immediate future is filled with failure, pain and humiliation.

Let me explain what Nikki is about to face in Nevada and South Carolina.

Nevada is my adopted home state for 22 years. I host my national TV and radio shows from Las Vegas. I know and understand Nevada better than any TV host in America. Nikki is about to be humiliated in Nevada like nothing you’ve ever seen.

You see Nevada has both a GOP primary on February 6th and a GOP Caucus on February 8th. GOP presidential candidates had to choose which one to participate in. Trump wisely chose the Nevada Caucus on Feb 8th. All the delegates for the RNC Convention that chooses our presidential candidate will be awarded based on the Caucus. 100% of the delegates.

On the other hand, the Nevada GOP primary is meaningless. 0 delegates will be awarded based on the winner. As in zero, zip, zilch. So why would any candidate choose the primary over the Caucus? You’d have to be brain dead, right? Or a “birdbrain.”

Guess which one Nikki chose?

Nikki will be running alone in the GOP primary. It’s for all intents and purposes just Nikki and “none of the above.” If she manages to defeat “none of the above” (and that’s a big “if”) she still gets 0 delegates.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is running against Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy in the Nevada GOP Caucus. But they both dropped out of the race. So, Trump is running alone in the Caucus. He is guaranteed to get 100% of the Nevada delegates for the GOP presidential convention.

Nikki Haley chose the meaningless primary. She really is a “birdbrain.” Trump wasn’t kidding.

Just based on this decision alone, Nikki is unqualified to be President of the United States.

And then there’s South Carolina- Nikki’s home state. Polls show she’s losing by a close to 40-point landslide in her own state. South Carolina is about to hand Nikki the 2nd worst humiliation of her life. But I can say with pride…

Nevada is number one!

So why is Nikki still in the race? She could drop out now and avoid these back-to-back disasters and humiliations. But she is so delusional, or so selfish, or so focused on fame and fortune, or such a “birdbrain,” she doesn’t even see the train coming.

It’s the Trump Train.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here:

The post WAYNE ROOT: Here’s Why Delusional “Birdbrain” Nikki Haley is About to FACE the Humiliation of a Lifetime in Nevada and South Carolina. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


WATCH: Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters, Leaving Her Speechless

WATCH: Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters, Leaving Her Speechless

 Credit: Townhall screenshot/Fox news

During Fox News’s coverage of the New Hampshire Republican Primary Tuesday night, a one-sided fight broke out between conservative Fox News host Charles Payne and liberal Democrat strategist Jessica Tarlov after President Trump won.

As Mediaite reported, Tarlov opened up by whining that Trump “has an uncontrollable narcissism and rage about him when he feels insulted.”

Fox News anchor Bret Baier then turned to Payne, who responded that he thought it was mainly a “New York thing,” mentioning his experience growing up in Harlem. But then Tarlov interrupted him by claiming the country was at stake if President Trump returned to the White House.

Payne was not having her tacky response and quickly turned the tables on her. He decided that it was time to talk about the elephant in the room: Biden’s sick hatred of Trump supporters and how devastating it was to America. He specifically mentioned how he recently did a Google search on Biden hating MAGA, and it was filled with countless articles on the subject.

After Tarlov questioned who was writing the articles, he shut her down completely and included liberal corporate media outlets trashing MAGA in his blistering critique.

Payne concluded by noting Trump supporters want the same basic things all other Americans hold dear but are demeaned as racist in the process.

Tarlov was left completely without words at the end.

WATCH (segment begins with Baier’s question and Payne’s response):

Wow! Charles Payne spars with Fox News anchor and declares Biden’s hatred for MAGA is FAR WORSE than Trump’s personal feuds.


“Biden’s anger and vitriol and hatred for MAGA is far more worse than President Trump’s individual battles with someone who crosses him. That is…

— The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) January 24, 2024

Relevant transcript:

Payne: I don’t think it’s narcissism. When you have lived in New York long enough, you think it’s mainly a New York thing. When someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That’s how I grew up in Harlem.

Tarlov: Not if the country’s at stake, right (should Trump win)?

Payne: He became President of the United States with that same personality…Biden’s vitriol and hatred for MAGA is far worse than President Trump’s individual battles with someone who crosses him.

That is something that is really detrimental to this country, that the President of the United States despises HALF the United States! President Biden…I had a segment coming up, so I googled “Biden hates MAGA.”

Nothing but articles after articles after articles! He has expressed hatred for half the country!

Tarlov: Who was writing those articles?

Payne: It doesn’t matter! Because the bottom line is he has vitriol for them, and so does MSNBC, and so does CNN, and so does the New York Times. They have vitrol for half the nation they don’t look at them as fellow Americans.

(Tarlov opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out)

Payne (continuing): And it’s unfortunate. They try to paint them as racist. All the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community for their prosperity. They (MAGA voters) want the same thing, they demean them all the time.

The post WATCH: Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters, Leaving Her Speechless appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Thieves Drag Entire ATM from Van in Broad Daylight Following Audacious Bank Robbery in Crime-Ridden California (VIDEO)

Thieves Drag Entire ATM from Van in Broad Daylight Following Audacious Bank Robbery in Crime-Ridden California (VIDEO)


In a bold and brazen act of theft, a group of thieves successfully dragged an entire Automated Teller Machine (ATM) tied to the back of a van following an audacious bank robbery in Oakland, California, KTVU reported.

The ATM was ripped from its foundations outside a Bank of America on Hegenberger Road, and the incident occurred in plain sight on Sunday morning.

The entire act was filmed by a shocked bystander who provided the footage to local news outlet KTVU. The video shows the thieves attaching the ATM to a van with a rope before speeding away, causing sparks to fly as the metal machine scraped against the road.

Witnesses estimate that three to four individuals were involved in this startling theft.


NEW: Bank robbers drag entire ATM in broad daylight through the streets of Oakland, CA, not far from the In-N-Out location that announced they were closing down.

Oakland is like a 3rd world country.

The ATM was stolen from a Bank of America around 7:30 a.m.

One hour earlier, a…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 24, 2024

In a worrying trend for the city, this was not the only ATM theft that day. Another machine was stolen about an hour earlier from a different location on Alameda Avenue.

The Oakland Police Department, grappling with a rise in property crimes, later announced the arrest of one suspect, Anthony Pearson, in connection with the Bank of America robbery. However, the search continues for the remaining culprits.

The incident occurs amidst a backdrop of increasing crime rates in Oakland, with the city’s only In-N-Out Burger restaurant recently announcing its closure due to ongoing safety concerns. The popular eatery, despite being profitable, has been plagued by armed robberies and car break-ins, highlighting the broader crime challenges facing the city.

Compounding the issue is the city’s Soros-backed District Attorney, who is currently the subject of a recall effort.

This is a good reminder that crime has a very real effect on the quality of life in a community. When the criminals rule, everyone else suffers.

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Germany, France, Romania, Poland, Lithuania… Farmers All Over Europe Take a Stand Against Crippling ‘Green’ Policies

Germany, France, Romania, Poland, Lithuania… Farmers All Over Europe Take a Stand Against Crippling ‘Green’ Policies


The European continent is in turmoil, plagued by a multitude of self-inflicted maladies coming from the insane, failed globalist policies pushed by the EU: unchecked mass migration, unemployment, economic stagnation, LGBTQ lunacy, and – of course – the crippling climate alarmist ‘green’ regulations.

Perhaps no other sector of the economy was more impacted by the green lunacy than Agriculture.

European farmers, as in one voice, say that the green policies and taxes are taking them to the very edge of bankruptcy, in what becomes in all practical terms a ‘manufactured famine’.

So the protests have sprung up all over Europe, ahead of the EU elections in June, with the Agricultural workers demanding more government subsidies and protection from cheap grain from abroad.

The local demands vary, but they all claim to be taking the hardest hit from environmental reforms, and therefore they need more government subsidies to offset them.


Euronews reported:

“In Romania, farmers and truckers have been clogging up main roads with their tractor and trucks for a week and a half now. They’re demanding lower taxes and fairer subsidies, but so far talks with the government have failed, and they’re continuing to protest. They’re also angry over the growing cost of insurance for heavy machinery.”


German farmers on the streets since December, were joined shoulder-to-shoulder with eco-activists.  Farmers say that they are fully supportive of environmentally friendly, genetically unmodified farming, but for that, they do need subsidies or, at least, fair prices set for their products.

France: ‘we are on the straw’ (peniless).

“In France, mass protests forced the government to address farmers’ issues. Earlier, farmers vowed to block some motorways until [PM] Attal heard their demands. The FNSEA has said it will decide next week whether they will call for nation-wide action.

[…] The farmers say that authorities’ eco-transition policies make national producers uncompetitive. Not only does it make farms unprofitable, it forces France to buy food products from countries where environmental standards are weaker they claim.”


Some countries have their specific issues, of course, as is the case of Poland and the threat of cheap, substandard Ukrainian grain flooding their markets.

AFP reported:

Farmers launched over 160 road protests with tractors and farm machinery, blocking or slowing traffic as they beeped horns and waved Polish flags.

“‘We are opposed to uncontrolled imports of agriculture products from Ukraine’, Adrian Wawrzyniak, a spokesman for Farming Solidarity union, told AFP.”

Poland banned Ukrainian grain imports under the previous PiS government. PM Turk’s new pro-EU coalition coming to power in an October election found it wise to maintain it.

“Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Wednesday he would aim to ‘sign a deal’ with Ukraine regulating the transit and export of products, […] ‘so that the Polish market, Polish agricultural producers, Polish farmers are not threatened by an uncontrolled inflow of agricultural products from Ukraine’.”


Lithuanian farmers are staging four days of demonstrations in the capital, Vilnius. Their particular issues are the low prices for their produce, as well as the misguided anti-Russian sanctions hurting their businesses.

Sputnik reported:

“Protesters are bringing agricultural machinery and will hold a rally outside the government in Vilnius, said the Lithuanian Agricultural Council, the organizer. The city council issued a permit for a gathering of up to 850 tractors and other agricultural machinery.

Lithuania has been one of the leading champions of anti-Russia sanctions in the West. However, this policy has boomeranged against the small Baltic State, causing a spike in inflation and a slowdown in economic growth.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)


The post Germany, France, Romania, Poland, Lithuania… Farmers All Over Europe Take a Stand Against Crippling ‘Green’ Policies appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.