Trump Appeals Democrat Judge’s Decision to Ban Him from Illinois Ballot

Trump Appeals Democrat Judge’s Decision to Ban Him from Illinois Ballot


President Trump appealed Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tracie Porter’s ruling to remove him from the Illinois ballot.

Porter, a Democrat, barred Trump from the 2024 primary ballot under the 14th Amendment after she concluded he engaged in an insurrection.

The legal theories are based on Section 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment which states public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US may be disqualified from public office.

Trump has not been charged with engaging in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.

This case ended up in the Cook County court after the Illinois State Board of Elections last month unanimously voted they lacked the authority to bar Trump from the ballot.

Judge Porter stayed her order until Friday to allow Trump to file an appeal.

Trump’s lawyers also asked Judge Porter to extend the stay to her order until the appeals court makes a decision.

“Staying the judgment until the Illinois appellate courts finally decide this case would reduce the great risk of voter confusion and logistical difficulties for election officials,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in the filing, according to CNN.

President Trump is currently battling similar challenges in other states. Legal challenges have notably escalated in Maine and Colorado.

Last month President Trump asked the US Supreme Court to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to bar him from the 2024 ballot.

The Colorado Supreme Court last month disqualified Trump from the 2024 ballot.

The US Constitution has three requirements to be president:

Be a natural-born citizen of the United States.
Be at least 35 years old.
Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.

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JUST IN: Home of Top Eric Adams Aide Raided by FBI Two Days After NYC Mayor Calls For Changes to Sanctuary City Law So Criminal Aliens Can be Deported (VIDEO)

JUST IN: Home of Top Eric Adams Aide Raided by FBI Two Days After NYC Mayor Calls For Changes to Sanctuary City Law So Criminal Aliens Can be Deported (VIDEO)


The home of a top aide to New York City Mayor Eric Adams was raided by FBI agents Thursday morning.

FBI agents descended on the Bronx home of Winnie Greco, a top aide who is under investigation for using her position to benefit her improperly.



The claim is that Winnie Greco misused her position by offering a campaign worker a job in return for renovating her kitchen.

— Kacee Allen (@kaceerallen) February 29, 2024

It is unclear if the FBI raid was related to the city’s Department of Investigation inquiry.

The New York Post reported:

FBI agents hit the Bronx home of a top aide to Mayor Eric Adams Thursday morning, a law enforcement source confirmed to The Post.

Agents were spotted at the Pelham Bay home of Winnie Greco, who is already under probe by the city Department of Investigation over allegations she improperly used her government position to get perks.

It wasn’t immediately clear if Thursday’s law enforcement action, first reported by News 12 Bronx, was connected to that investigation.

In November the FBI seized NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ cellphones and iPad amid a federal corruption investigation related to his 2021 campaign.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the FBI conducted a raid on the Brooklyn residence of Brianna Suggs, the chief fundraiser for New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

FBI agents conducted coordinated raids on the residences of a New York City Hall staffer, a former Turkish Airlines executive, on the same day the FBI conducted a raid on the Brooklyn residence of Brianna Suggs, the chief fundraiser for New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

Brianna Suggs has been instrumental in raising funds for Adams’ campaigns, amassing over $2.5 million for his 2025 re-election bid, according to the Daily Mail.

The latest FBI raid comes just two days after NYC Mayor Eric Adams called for changes to New York City’s sanctuary city law to be changed so that criminal illegal aliens can be deported.

More than 100,000 illegal aliens have been sent to New York City in the last couple of years.

Biden’s border invasion is so bad that Adams, a Democrat, is now desperate to deport criminal aliens.



NYC Mayor Eric Adams is calling for NYC’s sanctuary city law to be changed so that criminal illegal aliens can be deported.

Democrats don’t even want to live under their policies.

— Congressman Troy E. Nehls (@RepTroyNehls) February 27, 2024

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British PM Sunak: Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Descending Into ‘Mob Rule’

British PM Sunak: Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Descending Into ‘Mob Rule’


The war in Gaza has turned many western societies into powder kegs of social tension. And the United Kingdom is no exception.

A few days after a Tory MP was suspended from his party for saying that London’s mayor Sadiq Khan was controlled by Islamists, the issue has taken a much bigger proportion.

Pro-Palestine protesters are weaponizing the already grave problem of migrant violence, and terrorizing MPs in a way that has mobilized Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s attention.

Shouted accusations of being a ‘genocide enabler’ and having ‘blood on your hands’ are feared to be about to escalate into violence against politicians who support Israel.

Some politicians are considering new security measures, such as sitting near the door on public transport and limits meetings with the public.

Reuters reported:

“After the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that sparked the war in Gaza, more than 10 British politicians spoken to by Reuters said the abuse directed at them had become more intense. At least one cited this as a factor in deciding not to seek a new term in parliament in an election later this year.

All spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were fearful that giving their names would increase the threats and abuse.

The conflict in the Palestinian enclave has inflamed tensions across the globe, bringing protesters onto the streets in support of both sides and dividing opinion among leaders over how to end the bloodshed.”

Even seasoned politicians used to receiving abuse from the public fear the tone has worsened a lot, and could easily slip into violence.

Many are considering wearing ‘stab vests’ in meetings or even building safe rooms.

“Last week, parliamentary speaker Lindsay Hoyle sent parliament into chaos when he broke with precedent to allow the three main parties to set out their positions on a call for a ceasefire in Gaza. That was designed to prevent lawmakers from having to choose between backing a ceasefire, abstaining or voting against one to follow their party orders.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called on all sides to ‘take the heat’ out of the issue but some of his Conservative lawmakers have been accused of Islamophobia in their responses. They deny the charge.”

$39 million will be spent in new security provisions for lawmakers and other officials.

Some lawmakers have decided to quit over intolerable threats.

The Guardian reported:

“In comments that have concerned civil liberties groups, the prime minister also demanded a crackdown on protests outside parliament, political parties’ offices and town halls that may prevent use of a venue or ’cause alarm harassment or distress’.”

Ministers have criticized regular mass protests, which have escalated over the Israel-Gaza conflict, and disruptive tactics used by groups such as Just Stop Oil.

“Downing Street said ministers and senior police agreed to sign up to a new ‘democratic policing protocol’ that would see police treat demonstrations outside MPs homes as ‘intimidatory’, a minimum standard of police response to demonstrations against MPs and guidance for officers policing protests and other “democratic” events.

During the meeting Sunak told police chiefs they had to demonstrate they would use the powers they already have, saying it was ‘vital for maintaining public confidence in the police’.

In a stark assessment of the UK’s political processes, he added: ‘There is a growing consensus that mob rule is replacing democratic rule. And we’ve got to collectively, all of us, change that urgently. But we also need to demonstrate more broadly to the public that you will use the powers you already have, the laws that you have’.”

Read more:

British PM Sunak Again Faces Friendly Fire by Tories, Accused of Betraying Brexit and Bowing To European Woke Legislation

The post British PM Sunak: Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Descending Into ‘Mob Rule’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


MASSIVE Groups of Military Age Males From Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and More Filmed Traveling Through Darién Gap in Panama to be Flown into US by Biden Regime (VIDEO)

MASSIVE Groups of Military Age Males From Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and More Filmed Traveling Through Darién Gap in Panama to be Flown into US by Biden Regime (VIDEO)

 One of many campsites with 60+ illegals in the Darién Gap headed for America

Real Americas Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam is currently in the Darién Gap between Colombia and Panama, reporting on the international human smuggling operation coordinated by the cartels, globalists, and the Biden Regime.

The Biden Regime is now granting asylum to illegal immigrants in South America and flying them by plane into the United States to arrive “as refugees who have already met the requirements and will be legally allowed to live and work in the U.S.,” according to the Associated Press.

Bergquam shared a photo of a group he discovered on Tuesday night showing “over 50 men from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Nepal, all being smuggled in the middle of the night.”

Hold the United Nations, the NGOs, the Cartels and the Democrats accountable! #JoeBidenDidThis,” Bergquam said in a caption on X:

Breaking: In the middle of the Darien Gap Panama again, at a Senafront base that just happens to have enough signal to send you a picture of what we uncovered last night. Over 50 men from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Nepal, all being smuggled in the middle of the…

— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) February 27, 2024

This morning, Bergquam shared footage of another group with “over 60 single males from Africa, India and Pakistan heading our way.”

“This is just one of the countless numbers of groups in a constant flow to the United States,” said Bergquam:

BERGQUAM: This is just one of the groups in the jungle right now. They split up into smaller groups, and they camp in different locations. So, imagine this in 100 different locations throughout the jungle right now. So, when the sun comes up, they get back in line, and they start making their way to their next overnight spot, all guided by the cartels.

More Breaking footage from deep inside the Darien Gap: Another massive group of illegals including over 60 single males from Africa, India and Pakistan heading our way. And this is just one of the countless numbers of groups in a constant flow to the United States thanks for the…

— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) February 29, 2024

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Bergquam and his partner, Oscar Ramirez, discovered “15-acre facilities” that the United States is using to process and smuggle these illegals into the United States before they even reach the border.

WATCH: Ben Bergquam Reports from Darién Gap That US is Funding Processing Centers in South America and Flying Illegals into America BEFORE They Reach The Border

“The numbers at the border go down, but the numbers that are going into our country go up,” Bergquam said.

Bergquam also reported finding “UN condoms ” at the border of Colombia and Panama, likely used by cartel members to rape the small number of women and children who are traveling with the large groups of men. The Biden Regime and globalist organizations are helping these animals traffick and rape women on their journey into the US.

More used UN condoms on the top of the Mountain of Death, the border between Colombia and Panama on one of the routes through the Darien Gap.

*More to come when we get out!

Hold the United Nations, the NGOs, the Cartels and the Democrats accountable! #JoeBidenDidThis

Law &…

— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) February 28, 2024

Bergquam and Oscar Ramirez encountered another group of illegals from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India, seemingly setting up camp for the night.

Ramirez explains that the illegals told him in Spanish that they paid $320 per person to get off the boat and be taken somewhere they could be smuggled into America, and it’s “all men!”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, an illegal alien who traveled from Iran to Jacumba, California, recently warned Ben of the Islamic terrorism and other foreign adversaries that are coming through our southern border. “If I was governor here, I would be afraid,” the unidentified man said, noting that “all these people” coming across our borders are “military age.” The Iranian man added, “Islamists will come here, get the guns, get the C4 detonation, and kill people. They’re not good.”

As Bergquam notes in the video below, “The question isn’t if an attack is going to happen, it’s when an attack is going to happen.”

RAMIREZ: I was just having a conversation… and we started seeing a bunch of lights coming in from the east part, where we are going to go up tomorrow. More than 50 lights coming down, and we were like, that’s a big group. I decided to come down here to see what’s going on to see if there were families or whatever it was, and I bumped into migrants from Pakistan, migrants from Sri Lanka, migrants from India, and all men. This is the thing that worries me. It’s all men. All of them, they’re men. Clearly, they’re being smuggled by the [gangs] that operate in Colombia, and all of them are saying that they’re paying a package. I had an interview with a migrant from Venezuela saying that the packages where we were at: $320 per person to get them from the boat into a place that they can get smuggled.

BERGQUAM: Behind us, a massive group of men came in—huge national security threat. We went down there to investigate this, and I just want you to look at this video–all men from the Middle East, Pakistan, from Bangladesh, from Sri Lanka, from India, all men, all being smuggled by the cartel. And this is happening every single night in different parts across Central and South America. This is what Joe Biden did. Joe Biden invited this national security threat. The question isn’t if an attack is going to happen, it’s when an attack is going to happen.

Shocking footage from the Darien Gap! On the first night in the jungle, we were awakened in the middle of the night by group of all men from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India that were clearly being trafficked.

When asked what they thought, one of Senafront guys said…

— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) February 29, 2024

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WATCH LIVE: Kari Lake Holds Press Conference With US Senate Republican Chair John Barrasso to Discuss Violent Crime Stemming from Biden’s Wide Open Border

WATCH LIVE: Kari Lake Holds Press Conference With US Senate Republican Chair John Barrasso to Discuss Violent Crime Stemming from Biden’s Wide Open Border


Kari Lake is holding a press conference with US Senator John Barrasso, who has endorsed Lake’s bid for Senate, today at 3 pm MST.

Lake said on X earlier that Senate Republican Chair John Barrasso is in Phoenix to campaign with her.

I am thrilled to have the Chair of the Senate Republican Conference, @barrassoforwyo, in town campaigning with me!

Thank you, Senator!

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) February 29, 2024

Fox reports,

A top Senate Republican is heading across the country this month to hit the campaign trail with conservative firebrand Kari Lake in Arizona, a state seen by many in the GOP as crucial to the party winning a majority in Congress’ upper chamber, as well as the White House, in November.

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., who serves as chair of the Senate Republican conference, will join Lake in Phoenix on Feb. 29 for a number of campaign stops that will focus on the border crisis and the economic issues they say are plaguing Americans under the Biden administration.

“Kari Lake has put Arizona on the map for a Republican takeover in November. Kari Lake will bring Arizona hard work and no-nonsense to the U.S. Senate. I’m excited to campaign with her in Arizona,” Barrasso told Fox News Digital on Wednesday.

Kari Lake told The Gateway Pundit, “We are going to be talking about violent crime stemming from the Bidenvasion.”

This comes after the tragic murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley, a University of Georgia student, was murdered by a Venezuelan illegal last week.

According to an affidavit unsealed, the barbaric savage who murdered Laken Riley “disfigured her skull.”

These are the people that Joe Biden and the Democrats rolled out the red carpet for.

Lake is currently polling higher than her open-borders leftist opponents Ruben Gallego (D) and Kyrsten Sinema (I) in a three-way matchup in the latest poll from Rasmussen.

Western Journal reports,

The poll, conducted by Rasmussen Reports and the Bull Moose Project, found that Lakewas ahead in both a two- and a three-person race, depending on whether Sinema sticks out her campaign.

With three people in the race, Lake holds a 4-point lead over Gallego, 37 percent to 33 percent, with Sinema taking 21 percent of the vote.

If Sinema were to abandon what’s likely a lost-cause candidacy, things look only slightly better for Gallego, with Lake taking 45 percent and Gallego 42 percent, according to the poll.

In a two-person race, 8 percent said they were undecided and 4 percent they wouldn’t vote. In a three-person race, 7 percent say they were undecided and another 2 percent wouldn’t vote.

The latest poll from @Rasmussen_Poll shows that any way you slice it, with Sinema or without, I am beating @RubenGallego.

The people of Arizona despise @JoeBiden‘s agenda, & they’re not going to send the radical (Ruben) who enabled it to the United States Senate.

I am on a…

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) February 29, 2024

Lake previously vowed to secure Arizona’s southern border by declaring an invasion and using powers granted to the states in the Tenth Amendment to take back control from the federal government and finish the wall.

This is why the crooks in Maricopa County stole the election from her by shutting down 60% of voting machines across the county on Election Day when Republican in-person voters turned out for Kari Lake.

The press conference with Barrasso also comes after Mitch McConnell, 82, announced he will step down as the Senate Republican leader in November.


It is speculated by some that Barrasso may be in the running to take over McConnell’s seat next year.

Arizona angle: Sen. John Barasso is one of the names being floated to take McConnell’s spot.

He has a press conference with Senate candidate Kari Lake scheduled for tomorrow in Phoenix.

— Cameron Arcand (@cameron_arcand) February 28, 2024

Lake is expected to once-again demolish the mainstream media nutcases who pretend that the border is secure and that Republicans are the problem.

Video incoming…

Watch live below:

The post WATCH LIVE: Kari Lake Holds Press Conference With US Senate Republican Chair John Barrasso to Discuss Violent Crime Stemming from Biden’s Wide Open Border appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.