Social Media Users Obliterate the FBI After It Uses Two WHITE Female Models to Boast They’re Combatting Looting by Organized Gangs

Social Media Users Obliterate the FBI After It Uses Two WHITE Female Models to Boast They’re Combatting Looting by Organized Gangs

 Credit: FBI Twitter Account

The corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened itself up to incredible ridicule online with a post boasting about combatting organized retail theft.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, looting has become a national crisis thanks to far-left prosecutors in major cities refusing to prosecute retail theft crimes in the name of “social justice.” Businesses from San Francisco to Washington D.C. are either closing or moving because the young thieves keep stealing their items while law enforcement does nothing.

The hard truth is primarily young people of color are committing retail thefts as part of organized flash mobs, though the media conveniently avoids addressing this fact.

But here is the FBI post in question regarding looting. Notice anything wrong with the picture?

Higher prices, dangerous products, and closing businesses. These are just some of the impacts Organized Retail Theft has on everyday Americans. Learn what the #FBI does to combat these crimes on the federal level to protect shoppers across the country:

— FBI (@FBI) February 26, 2024

The FBI decided to use two WHITE female models to assure the public they were focused on stopping retail theft. When was the last time anyone saw a mob of white girls stealing from Target or CVS?

This politically correct nonsense was not lost on social media users, who proceeded to destroy the FBI online:

But why aren’t they wearing MAGA hats? I’m pretty sure those are the ones doing all the shoplifting.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 26, 2024

Guys there just weren’t any photos of the actual lootings to choose from trust me.

— Tony Kinnett (@TheTonus) February 26, 2024

Clearly the shoplifting epidemic is being led by well-dressed white women in their 20s named Katelynn.

Go get ’em fellas!!!!!

— Cynical Publius (@CynicalPublius) February 27, 2024

Todays FBI

— Airborne87 (@HSAGreg) February 27, 2024

The FBI also wants everyone to be aware of the increase in KKK activities…

— Barton Bella (@BartonBella1) February 26, 2024

Gemini took control of the @FBI‘s account

— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) February 27, 2024

Oh great the FBI is on the case.

— Downs Report (@jamesmdowns) February 26, 2024

Surprised you didn’t go with something like this….‍

— Fweedom (@Fweedom5) February 26, 2024

Guys there just weren’t any photos of the actual lootings to choose from trust me.

— Tony Kinnett (@TheTonus) February 26, 2024

FBI spreading more white lies.

— Ellen Streiff (@EllenStreiff) February 26, 2024

The post Social Media Users Obliterate the FBI After It Uses Two WHITE Female Models to Boast They’re Combatting Looting by Organized Gangs appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Army Veteran Explains Why the U.S. Military is Struggling to Find New Recruits

Army Veteran Explains Why the U.S. Military is Struggling to Find New Recruits


It has been widely reported that the U.S. Military is struggling to recruit across pretty much all branches. Lots of reasons have been offered to explain this, including the military’s embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies.

Other theories include the new ‘wokeness’ of the military and Covid vaccine mandate policies.

One Army veteran named Jake Bequette, who ran for senate in Arkansas, had another explanation which makes a lot of sense.

The Washington Times reports:

Why would young Americans defend a nation that needs to be ‘dismantled’?

Recently, Ashish Vazirani, the Pentagon‘s acting undersecretary for personnel and readiness, testified to the House Armed Services Committee that the U.S. military missed its 2023 recruiting goals by 41,000.

Jake Bequette, an Army veteran and former U.S. Senate candidate from Arkansas, responded to this report by suggesting that no one should be surprised. Why? Because of what we’re teaching in our nation’s schools.

“In our education system today, so few young people are hearing real history,” Mr. Bequette said. “They’re hearing our American heroes being represented as evil racists … who were doing all these terrible things to disadvantaged people. And that really is shaping the views of America’s youth and making them have less respect for our institutions, have less respect for our history, and therefore making them less liable to want to put their lives potentially on the line to serve in our country’s military.”

The article goes on to offer real examples of radical leftist ideology currently being taught in American schools and colleges, making Bequette’s point for him.

So the left doesn’t want to enlist because they don’t want to serve a country they see as evil, and at the same time, the military has alienated the type of Americans who would traditionally enlist and serve. It’s a perfect recipe for disaster.

Jazz Shaw of Hot Air adds this:

If you are taught that America is so completely awful and broken, why in the world would you volunteer to put on a uniform, pick up a rifle, and go fight against our enemies? You’re far more likely to invite our enemies into our homeland to do the job for you. Perhaps that’s why we have so much less pushback against the Biden border crisis from the youngest voters. They have been conditioned to believe that we probably had it coming.

If Trump is reelected, this crisis is one of the first challenges he will face. If Biden is reelected, the problem will only get worse.

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Sharyl Attkisson Points Out How the Media’s Mistakes About Trump Always Go in Only One Direction (VIDEO)

Sharyl Attkisson Points Out How the Media’s Mistakes About Trump Always Go in Only One Direction (VIDEO)


The American media has always leaned decidedly left but the Trump years truly ripped off their mask. Most people in media no longer even try to pretend to be objective. They openly act like Democrat activists.

When reporting on Trump, which they all love to do, their mistakes are numerous and always go in only one direction.

Sharyl Attkisson, who is one of the few good journalists out there, recently did a report on this problem.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Here at Full Measure, we’ve documented the media’s uniquely harsh treatment of Trump since he first declared his run for the White House, including an explosion in the trend of false reporting by formerly well-respected national news outlets. We’ve also been tracking media mistakes under the Biden presidency to see if he’d fall victim to the same syndrome.

In other words, is the media making an unprecedented number of sloppy but innocent errors, or is their behavior part of a calculated strategy? Today’s cover story: what the record shows.

When President Biden spent last Christmas on vacation with family, he continued the longest string in two decades of a U.S. president not visiting the troops during the holiday. But there was no criticism in the press like there had been of his predecessor, President Trump. With Trump, the media was eager to blare negative headlines, even when false.

In 2018, NBC incorrectly reported that Trump stayed home at Christmastime, the first U.S. president since 2002 to skip visiting the troops. The news went global. But it wasn’t true. The media had jumped the gun. Trump and First Lady Melania left the White House Christmas Day to visit U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

On Thanksgiving, Newsweek made a similar error, falsely reporting that Trump was spending the holiday “golfing” at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. But the reporter had fabricated the golf story. Trump flew to Afghanistan on Thanksgiving to again be with the troops, making Trump the only president in U.S. history to visit troops in a combat zone both on Thanksgiving and so close to Christmas — though the press never reported that.

There’s much more and you can watch it all below:

Our media cannot be fixed. It is overwhelmingly populated with liberal activists who think their job is to take down Trump. None of that is going to change until more of these people are replaced by real journalists.

The post Sharyl Attkisson Points Out How the Media’s Mistakes About Trump Always Go in Only One Direction (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


NY Post: Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s ‘Control from Start to Finish’ of U.S. Fentanyl Trade @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸…


NY Post: Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s ‘Control from Start to Finish’ of U.S. Fentanyl Trade

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸

New York Post Previews ‘Blood Money’: Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s ‘Control from Start to Finish’ of U.S. Fentanyl Trade

China’s involvement in the fentanyl crisis “can be found in every stage of the poison’s spread in North America,” Peter Schweizer explains in an excerpt of his new book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.”