The Era of Grand Treaties from the Cold War is Done – Get Over It and Start Acting Like It

The Era of Grand Treaties from the Cold War is Done – Get Over It and Start Acting Like It


The Kellog-Briand Treaty of 1928, the Treaty to Outlaw War worked really well, as we all know.  Within four years, World War II broke out in China as the starting point for a worldwide conflagration, which made the “Great War’ look tame and mostly peaceful.  Previously, the Washington Naval Treaty savaged the Allied Navies before World War II while the two major Axis powers cheated and put their finger underneath the scale to make sure their capital ships were much lighter than they appeared so as not to violate tonnage limitations.

Representative Mike Turner’s recent freak-out over something in space was unprecedented.  Was it a stunt to push Ukraine Aid?  Likely.  Was something happening in space?  Likely.  This media drama flare-up created many branches and sequels of national security thought.  First important take away – one of the remaining treaties from the Cold War era, the Space Treaty, is being roundly being ignored.  In the 1960s, the US created the amazing X-20 Dyna-Soar which spooked the Soviets into thinking America had a Fractional Orbital Bombardment capability, which made them sign the treaty.  We didn’t really have it, but we were on a pathway to developing it, we cancelled it and walked away after the Soviets signed the treaty.

Now, if the Russians have a nuke in space, the Chinese likely have 10, plus an X-20 like vehicle. Representative Turner’s theatrics also showed clearly the hyper-over-focus of the Intelligence Community on Russia, while ignoring the Chinese nuclear build up frenzy.  The IC perhaps is still being influenced by the fraud of the 51 Intelligence Officer Letter of 2020 and chooses to ignore the much larger Chinese threat.

Biden Team Obsessed with Treaties

The Blue Team loves treaties, which has created a cult for treaties in the American National Security apparatus. Working on a treaty team is the premier creme de la creme as far as gigs for the national security bureaucrat. You get to talk in abstract, sophisticated terms, using a fake British accent while living the high life in Vienna, Austria at the U.S. Government Office complex (same place the corrupt and penetrated Biden Iran Team of Rob Malley works). Curiously, Huawei appears to have a large footprint in the same building. Must be a total coincidence.

Vienna is not the only place treaty teams work. They get to go to all these beautiful places, eating smoked salmon, living a life detached from reality and actually having to accomplish something. Occasionally, they also get to go on TDY (Temporary Duty) trips for treaty verification, but only after many months of pre-coordination to ensure the inspectee hides everything. This is the Pakistan model of looking for Bin Laden. Looking for Bin Laden and finding Bin Laden are two totally different things. Pakistan and the National Security Bureaucrat know that the nano-second Bin Laden or a nuclear violation is found, the largesse, cushy trips, and smoked salmon will cease.

China signed the Bio Warfare Treaty, yet we still have Wuhan

Treaties work when they are enforced and there is a credible deterrence.  China signed the Biological Warfare Treaty and yet we had and have the Wuhan Laboratory.  Even worse, there’s now the evidence that Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute for Health helped fund this rogue lab that was operating in violation of the treaty.  What should have happened with Wuhan?  Credible deterrence would have been a robust American defensive capability against Bio-Weapons which was allowed under the Treaty – but American Bio Defense capabilities have evaporated.  The 1992 Nunn-Lugar legislation created the “Cooperative Threat Reduction Treaty” (CTRT) with the Soviets – but also was updated and evolved in 2003 and beyond to create the mysterious “Bio-Lab” program – for which the American public still does not have answers.  Bottom line – there was no deterrence, only assistance for the Chinese to create their offensive bio-lab in Wuhan while America created “bio-labs” using the the morphed CTRT.

Did the Russians violate treaties in the past? Absolutely. The blatant disregard by Russia for the Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty was a well-known secret for years. The Obama-Biden Team, though, did nothing but clutch pearls and seek to grovel to the Russians for more treaties. President Trump saw the utter foolishness of this and came to the obvious conclusion of why waste time and resources on a treaty that was patently absurd. This led to the move to re-introduce Tomahawk with Nuclear Warhead for regional deterrence which is now law in Section 1618 of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act which overrides the Biden Team’s opposition to nuclear Tomahawks to defend America and American Strategic Partners.

Treaties can play a role when they are enforced and deterrence is credible

Treaties only work if there is a credible deterrence in effect that malign nations like China or Russia respect and there is clarity and resolve to inflict cost for non-conformance. China and Russia knew President Trump would inflict cost and they responded accordingly.  They also know they can play the Blue Team indefinitely.

The original Cold War Treaties worked because there was a credible American nuclear, defensive biological, and chemical capability that was being maintained and improved.  When we didn’t think the Soviets and Chinese Communists were getting the message, we introduced new capabilities like the X-20, MX Missile, Pershing II, Ground Launched Tomahawk, and many other moves that deterred Chinese and Soviet gamesmanship.  With the Biden Team, there is no credible deterrence or enforcement.  This creates a highly flammable world that is far more dangerous than ever before.

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Judge Orders FBI Informant Who Blew the Whistle on Biden-Burisma Bribery Scheme to Remain Jailed Pending Trial

Judge Orders FBI Informant Who Blew the Whistle on Biden-Burisma Bribery Scheme to Remain Jailed Pending Trial


*Biden’s revenge*

A federal judge on Monday ordered the FBI informant indicted by Biden’s DOJ for blowing the whistle on the Biden-Burisma bribery scheme to remain behind bars pending trial.

Alexander Smirnov, the FBI’s Confidential Human Source who blew the whistle on the Biden-Burisma bribery scheme, was arrested again on the same charges last Thursday after the federal prosecutors deemed him a flight risk.

Smirnov, a dual citizen of Israel and the US, was previously released from pre-trial detention by Las Vegas-based magistrate judge Daniel Albregts. Prosecutors urged Albregts to keep Smirnov behind bars because he has ‘ties to Russian intel officials’ who could help him flee. They also claimed Smirnov had access to millions of dollars and could flee on an Israeli passport.

Albregts refused to detain Smirnov. He just wasn’t buying what the federal prosecutors were alleging.

“I understand the concern about foreign intelligence agencies potentially resettling Mr. Smirnov outside of the United States, his connections to them, but I think on some level that’s speculative as well,” Albregts said, according to Politico. “Because, as Mr. Chesnoff points out, I don’t know what Mr. Smirnov will be thought of in Russia, but my guess is at this stage he probably thinks that’s not the most attractive place to go either if he was in fact inclined to go hide somewhere.”

Prosecutors filed additional charges against Smirnov in California since the Vegas-based magistrate judge refused to detain him.

Smirnov was arrested last Thursday while he was meeting with his lawyers which shows he was likely not a flight risk.

US District Judge Otis Wright, a Bush appointee, denied Smirnov bail.

Fox News reported:

A California federal judge on Monday denied a bail release to ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, who stands accused of lying about the Biden family’s business ties.

U.S. District Judge Otis Wright ordered that Smirnov would remain in detention ahead of his trial, concurring with prosecutors who argued he presented a high flight risk. Lawyers for Smirnov argued that he had already invested significant funds into his efforts to defeat the charges, indicating he had no intention to flee.

“He didn’t try to run. He didn’t try to move money,” defense lawyer David Chesnoff said of Smirnov’s conduct in recent days.

Wright was unconvinced, however, telling Smirnov that he was “not satisfied there are conditions … that will satisfy my concern whether you will flee the jurisdiction.”

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Hunter Biden Claims ‘Future of Democracy’ Depends on His Sobriety

Hunter Biden Claims ‘Future of Democracy’ Depends on His Sobriety


This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here’

Hunter Biden has been a scandal that just keeps on giving for Joe Biden.

There were the millions of dollars he was given by Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, when Joe Biden was handling U.S.-Ukraine police for Barack Obama. And the scandal over how a prosecutor investigating the company was fired on Joe Biden’s orders.

Then there other payments from actual enemies of America overseas that came in to the family, apparently through channels run by Hunter Biden.

There were the scandalous drug- and booze-fueled events that appeared in a laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop.

There were the unpaid taxes – millions of dollars. There was that episode where he claimed on a federal gun purchase form that he wasn’t addicted at the time of the buy, but then he later wrote in a book he WAS.

Now Hunter Biden has given an interview in which he, modestly, claims that the “future of democracy” depends on his … sobriety!

It is the New Yort Post that has outlined his extravagant claims.

“Well, at least he’s modest,” the report begins. “First son Hunter Biden said in a rare interview published Monday that him staying clean is vital because ‘I have something much bigger than even myself at stake.’”

He claimed, talking with Axios, that, “We are in the middle of a fight for the future of democracy.”

Democrats often have claimed that “democracy” is at stake in the 2024 presidential race which likely will be Joe Biden against President Donald Trump. Their claim then is that a Trump victory would be the “end” of democracy. And Hunter Biden apparently believes more scandalous behavior on his part would reflect poorly on Joe Biden.

However, Biden has issued executive orders, during his time in office so far, like an omnipotent, changing definitions of words and altering rules and regulations that, effectively, change the laws, without approval from Congress. He’s claimed to have “forgiven,” actually moved from borrowers’ shoulders to the taxpayers’, billions of dollars in student loans after the Supreme Court said he couldn’t.

Hunter Biden’s claim comes as the Supreme Court is considering whether the Biden administration’s collusion with social media companies to restrict opinions and speech about the 2020 election, on COVID, on vaccinations, and more, was legitimate, or a constitutional violation.

Hunter Biden claimed, “You have to believe that you’re worth the work, or you’ll never be able to get sober. But I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here.”

Hunter Biden continued, “Maybe it’s the ultimate test for a recovering addict — I don’t know. I have always been in awe of people who have stayed clean and sober through tragedies and obstacles few people ever face. They are my heroes, my inspiration.”

The White House repeatedly has excused Hunter Biden’s behaviors as the result of his addictions, trying to generate sympathy for apparently illegal actions, not condemnation.

The young Biden himself has used his addictions as a defense against federal indictments and a House impeachment investigation of his father.

He initially refused to comply with a House subpoena to testify on those issues, but later backtracked and promised to appear before the House at a transcribed interview.

Hunter Biden said he was “irresponsible with my finances” while under the influence.

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WATCH: “We’ve Got a Runner at The IRS” – IRS Official SPRINTS Away When Confronted by James O’Keefe, Hides, Then Runs Again

WATCH: “We’ve Got a Runner at The IRS” – IRS Official SPRINTS Away When Confronted by James O’Keefe, Hides, Then Runs Again


James O’Keefe released new footage on Monday after chasing down an IRS Official who told his undercover journalist that the IRS is spying on Americans and it’s likely unconstitutional.

When confronted by O’Keefe and shown the video released last week, the IRS official denied his identity, saying, “That’s not me,” repeatedly.

The Gateway Pundit reported on O’Keefe Media Group’s undercover interview with Alex Mena with the IRS’s criminal investigations unit in New York. In the secretly recorded conversation, Mena revealed that the IRS uses artificial intelligence to spy on American citizens and businesses by combing through their bank accounts without a warrant.

WATCH: O’Keefe Strikes Again – IRS Official Tells O’Keefe Media Group Reporter That the IRS uses AI to Spy on Americans’ Bank Accounts: Is It Constitutional? “I doubt it,” says IRS Official Alex Mena

The IRS is also “going after the small people” and “destroying people’s lives,” and all of the agents are “like robots,” said Mena.

The 87,000 new IRS agents funded by the so-called Inflation Reduction Act have no interest in going after criminal organizations aiding and abetting the cartels at our southern border. Instead, they want to punish regular Americans who make mistakes on their taxes.

After denying his identity to O’Keefe, Mena began a marathon sprint “a mile down 7th avenue in NYC,” says O’Keefe.

Mena was then found hiding in a doorway before he started running again when they found him.

Watch below.

Via James O’Keefe:

IRS Official Alex Mena SPRINTS a mile down 7th avenue in NYC after O’Keefe shows footage of him calling the IRS AI programs ‘unconstitutional’

Mena then attempted to hide by standing in a shadowy doorway on Commerce Street, before O’Keefe found him and Mena began running again. Mena, who said he works with Criminal Investigations for the IRS, denied his own identity to O’Keefe, saying “that’s not me.”

When he was confronted with the hidden camera footage, Mena added, “I’m really sorry”

IRS Official Alex Mena SPRINTS a mile down 7th avenue in NYC after O’Keefe shows footage of him calling the IRS AI programs ‘unconstitutional’

Mena then attempted to hide by standing in a shadowy doorway on Commerce Street, before O’Keefe found him and Mena began running again.…

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) February 26, 2024

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NY Times: CIA Built 12 Secret Spy Bases in Ukraine Waging Shadow War Against Russia Since 2014 – John Brennan Caught in the Middle of It

NY Times: CIA Built 12 Secret Spy Bases in Ukraine Waging Shadow War Against Russia Since 2014 – John Brennan Caught in the Middle of It

 John Brennan promising to bring stability to Ukraine while at the same time constructing spy outposts in the country.

On Sunday, The New York Times published a rare US admission that US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine’s wartime decision-making but has established and financed high-tech command-and-control spy centers and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

According to Zero Hedge, The New York Times admitted that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine’s intelligence services has “transformed” the former Soviet state and its capabilities into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.”

Zero Hedge reported:

This means that with the disclosure of the longtime “closely guarded secret” the world just got a big step closer to WW3, given it means the CIA is largely responsible for the effectiveness of the recent spate of attacks which have included direct drone hits on key oil refineries and energy infrastructure.

“Without them [the CIA and elite commandoes it’s trained], there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians, or to beat them,” according to Ivan Bakanov, former head of the SBU, which is Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency.

A main source of the NYT revelationsdisclosures which might come as no surprise to those never willing to so easily swallow the mainstream ‘official’ narrative of eventsis identified as a top intelligence commander named Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy.

Clearly, Kiev and Washington now want the world to know of the deep intelligence relationship they tried to conceal for over the past decade.

Kanekoa the Great posted this viral report earlier today on X.

The New York Times disclosed yesterday that the CIA built “12 Secret Spy Bases” in Ukraine, waging a shadow war against Russia for the past decade.

After a U.S.-supported violent coup toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected government, CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv in April 2014.

Shortly after, the new Ukrainian government launched an “anti-terror operation” against its Russian-speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine.

For eight years leading up to Russia’s invasion in 2022, Ukraine’s government, with help from the CIA, relentlessly bombed Eastern Ukraine.

Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess match between Russia and the United States.

This is part of the story often ignored by the Western press.

The New York Times disclosed yesterday that the CIA built “12 Secret Spy Bases” in Ukraine, waging a shadow war against Russia for the past decade.

After a U.S.-supported violent coup toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected government, CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv…

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 26, 2024

Of course, at The Gateway Pundit reported, the US also had biolabs in Ukraine until recently.

Russian Defence Ministry briefing showing US-sponsored biolabs on Ukraininan territory. Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

It wasn’t that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine.

Back in March 2022, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.” Gabbard Told FOX News earlier that week.

“We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured and pathogens destroyed,” she added.


There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed

— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) March 13, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard made her statement based on testimony from the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in Eurasia, Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland admitted during testimony before a US Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine.

Less than 24 hours later, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that reports of biolabs in Ukraine were fake news propagated by Russia.

The Democrat-fake news-media complex then attacked anyone who brought up the biolabs in Ukraine.

Mitt Romney lashed out at Tulsi Gabbard, saying, “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.”

Then this happened– Russia released alleged captured documents from Ukraine exposing evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine.

Russia made the accusations in front of the United Nations General Assembly.

Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine (VIDEO)

Now this–

The Pentagon then finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime, and their fake news mainstream media!

The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.

The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.

Here is a screengrab from the US Department of Defense website.

The US intelligence services have been operating in Ukraine for years now.

Via DC Draino.

The NYTimes is now reporting that the US had 12 secret spy bases in Ukraine and helped topple the government in 2014

We also know there were Pentagon partnerships with Ukrainian biolabs

Plans for Ukraine to join NATO

Hunter Biden’s pay-pig deal with Burisma

Joe Biden…

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) February 26, 2024

The post NY Times: CIA Built 12 Secret Spy Bases in Ukraine Waging Shadow War Against Russia Since 2014 – John Brennan Caught in the Middle of It appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.