New Audio of Mysterious Knocking Sound From Titan Submersible Search Released (VIDEO)

New Audio of Mysterious Knocking Sound From Titan Submersible Search Released (VIDEO)


The mysterious knocking sounds that led rescue teams to believe the occupants of the Titan submersible were still alive have been released in a new documentary titled “The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute.”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, on the second day of the search for the Titan submersible, rescue teams reported hearing banging noises beneath the surface where the submersible was assumed to be lost.

The reports of the sounds led rescuers to believe the occupants of the submersible were still alive, but it was later reported the submersible imploded two hours into its journey, tragically taking the lives of all five men on board.

After analyzing the new audio, Navy officials reported the banging signs likely stemmed from “ocean noise” or “rescue ships.”


Mysterious Banging Sound From Titan Sub Search Heard For First Time In New Documentary Clip

— The Triune Times (@TriuneTimes) February 29, 2024

Per Forbes:

A new clip from Channel 5’s upcoming documentary “The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute” includes audio of the eerie “knocking” sound rescuers heard in their search for the Titanic exploration vessel that led them to incorrectly believe at the time that those onboard may have still been alive after the sub lost contact with the surface.

The audio, which was not previously released to the public, was given to the documentary’s producers by the Canadian Air Force team that led the search and rescue mission for the five people aboard the Titanic sub when it went missing on June 18, 2023.

Reports of rescuers hearing a knocking sound while searching for the sub emerged on the second day of the four-day search, and were confirmed on day three, but the Canadian Air Force told Channel 5 they’d heard banging from the first day and on every search flight.

A U.S. Navy official at the time told CBS News that analysis of the banging noises determined they were likely ocean noise or sounds coming from other search ships, and Chris Parry, a former admiral in the British Royal Navy, told TalkTV the sounds could have originated from the Titanic wreck.

Eerie ‘knocking’ sounds from Titan sub that gave rescuers hope heard in new audio

— New York Post (@nypost) February 29, 2024

After the reports of “potential signs of life,” it was discovered the Navy knew the Titan imploded days before it was officially announced the submersible imploded but failed to release this intel to the public causing the families of the loved ones on board to have false hope that their loved ones were still alive.


Navy Knew Titan Submarine Imploded Days Ago – Military Acoustic Detection System Picked Up Implosion Hours After Vessel Began Its Exploration

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WAYNE ROOT: “Do You Believe in Miracles?” Something Supernatural is Happening with President Trump. We are All Witnessing “The Trump Miracle.”

WAYNE ROOT: “Do You Believe in Miracles?” Something Supernatural is Happening with President Trump. We are All Witnessing “The Trump Miracle.”


By Wayne Allyn Root

“Do you believe in miracles?” Remember those words by sports broadcaster Al Michaels when the underdog US Hockey team won the Olympic Gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics. History has branded that game…

“The Miracle on Ice.”

See, in real life miracles do happen. We live in a negative, cynical world. Few of us really believe in miracles…and even fewer believe a miracle is happening, even when it’s happening right in front of us. But miracles happen all the time.

You just have to be open to seeing and believing in miracles.

I believe a miracle, sent directly by God, is happening right in front of us, right now. You just have to open your eyes.

President Trump is that miracle.

He’s sometimes crude and rude. He offends so many. He angers so many. “The powers that be” want him stopped at any cost- even if they have to frame him by making up crimes that never happened.

He faces so many indictments and trials. He faces over 700 years in prison. He is being fined hundreds of millions of dollars and banned from conducting business. If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison, he could end up losing his empire to bankruptcy.

He is painted as “Hitler” and “KKK” and a “white supremacist.” We are told he is “a threat to democracy.” If elected, his critics say, he will destroy America.

Virtually everyone in power is against him- from the DC Swamp, to the Deep State, to the Military Industrial Complex (that wants wars around the world), to his own government agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA) who frame him and spy on him.

All the groups who hold the most wealth and power in America are out to stop him- Wall Street, mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the Bar Association, the teachers union, Hollywood, Madison Avenue. They all hate him.

Foreign governments are desperate to stop him from ever gaining power again. Global organizations like the WEF, WHO and United Nations despise him. Almost every globalist billionaire in the world is arrayed against him- George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and all the rest.

Women call him “sexist.” Black Democrats call him “racist.” Gays call him “homophobic.” Muslims call him “Islamophobic” because of his unswerving faith and support for Israel. But American Jews vote against him.

Yet after all of that, President Trump holds the lead over Joe Biden in virtually every national poll; leads in every battleground state that determines the election; leads among Generation Z (the youngest voters); and in some polls leads among Latino and black males. A recent poll showed Trump leading among Jewish voters in New York state.

How is this possible? It’s supernatural. It’s biblical. It can’t be explained. It’s a real-life miracle.

Let me finish with two real-life stories that back my belief that a “Trump Miracle” is happening in front of our eyes.

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctors office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

And then real life story #2. My childhood best friend is a strong believer in God. But he is non-political. Yesterday he reached out to me via text to say, “I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”

There are those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Do you believe in miracles? It’s time to start believing. What’s happening is supernatural. Everyone is starting to see it. Everyone is starting to believe. The signs are there. Trump is “the Chosen One.” Trump is sent by God and blessed by God.

What we are all witnessing is “The Trump Miracle.”

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here:

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‘The View’ Hosts Worry About Biden’s Chances After ‘Uncommitted’ Protest Vote, Spar Over His Struggle with Young Voters

‘The View’ Hosts Worry About Biden’s Chances After ‘Uncommitted’ Protest Vote, Spar Over His Struggle with Young Voters


Participants on ABC’s “The View” were left wrestling with the massive “uncommitted” votes in Michigan’s Democratic primary on Wednesday.

As of early Wednesday afternoon the uncommitted votes totaled 101,436 or 13.2 percent of votes cast, according to The New York Times. Votes tabulated totaled more than 95 percent.

The uncommitted votes stemmed from concerns of those in Arab-Americans communities in the southeast part of the state about allegations of violence against Gaza residents in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, according to “The View” co-host Sunny Hostin.

“These are protest votes,” Hostin said. “These are votes — they’re uncommitted votes — and they’re saying, ‘Hear us. Listen to us. Hundreds of members of my family have been killed. Yes! That is my issue. That is my one issue.’”

It also is a critical issue among young voters, Hostin said, citing large numbers of uncommitted votes in the major Michigan college towns of Ann Arbor and East Lansing.

“The View” co-hosts debate the “Uncommitted” protest movement in the Michigan Democratic presidential primary:

Sunny Hostin: “They are telling you, this issue matters, hear us.”

Whoopi Goldberg: “That’s the same for me as sitting.”

— The Recount (@therecount) February 28, 2024

“What the Biden administration has to understand is that young voters — first time voters — are very concerned about this issue,” she said.

“And when it comes to Michigan, if you look at the breakdown,” Hostin continued, “19 percent of those votes came from the University of Michigan — young voters — in Ann Arbor.

“In East Lansing – home of Michigan State – uncommitted got 15 percent of the vote.”

And Hostin warned of the consequences to President Joe Biden if Arab-Americans are not heeded.

“There are 300,000 of the Arab population in Michigan,” she said. “And Trump carried Michigan in 2016 by about 11,000 votes.

“They are telling you — this issue matters, hear us,” Hostin concluded.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg voiced objection to votes of uncommitted as reflecting inaction.

“If I then say, ‘You’re not doing it fast enough for me, so I’m going to sit,” Goldberg said, then folding her arms, “that doesn’t help me.”

“They didn’t sit, though,” Hostin countered.

Goldberg replied: “They voted (uncommitted). That’s the same for me as sitting.”

A Reuters account indicated, the Biden campaign has been blindsided by seething resentment in Michigan over the administration’s support of Israel.

It puts Biden, a self-professed Zionist, in the middle of pressures from several groups, which traditionally vote Democratic.

[i] ;09 of X video
[ii] :44 of X video
[iii] 1:34 of X video

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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J6 Political Prisoner Matthew Beddingfield Needs Your Help: “We the People are Locked in a Battle Between Good and Evil”

J6 Political Prisoner Matthew Beddingfield Needs Your Help: “We the People are Locked in a Battle Between Good and Evil”

 J6 Political Prisoner Matthew Beddingfield

23-year-old political prisoner Matthew Beddingfield was arrested in February of 2022 a year after the January 6 protest at the Capitol.  He is now six months into his 38-month sentence.

Matthew wrote the following to The Gateway Pundit to share his story, his hopes for the future and his concerns about what is happening in our nation.

Read Matthew’s letter below:

Hello, My name is Matthew Beddingfield. I am a 23-year-old J6 prisoner from the Raleigh area in North Carolina. In January of 2021 I traveled with my Dad to DC to listen to Trump speak and use my First Amendment right to protest the stolen election. At the time, I had no idea how drastically the events that unfolded would affect my life.

In February of 2022, I was ultimately arrested for my participation in the mostly peaceful protest. I sat in Northern Neck Regional Jail for a little over a month, but after 3 bond hearings, I was let out on pretrial release. While I am thankful that I was not forced to sit in jail awaiting trial, the restrictions that were placed on my freedoms were unheard of for such a case, at least that’s what my lawyer and pretrial release officer both felt.

**Please help Matthew here.**

Aside from being placed on an ankle monitor, I was not allowed to access the internet, I was not allowed to have contact with my Dad, not allowed a bedroom door, and for the first 6 weeks, I was not even allowed to leave the house. After those 6 weeks were up, they finally allowed me to go back to work, but it wasn’t long after that when the prosecutor tried to revoke my bond for going to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings with my Mom. My bond was not revoked, thankfully, but it showed me how closely they were going to scrutinize every move I made.

I was out for a year when I was offered a plea deal with a guideline range of 36-47 months. This was a no-brainer decision, considering the first plea offer they gave me was between 4-5 years, and the alternative of going to trial and risking getting more time was out of the question. So in February 2023, I pled guilty to assault on a police officer. Then in July of the same year, I was sentenced to 38 months in prison.

So now I sit 6 months into my prison sentence. I’m thankful that I wasn’t placed far from home so I can receive visits from my family once a month. This whole situation has been the hardest on my Mom because she loves me more than anyone does. Right after her is my Dad, who feels like it’s all his fault for taking me, but I assure him that I don’t blame him because it wasn’t his fault that I went in; it was my own decision-making.

**Please help Matthew here.**

This whole situation has made me feel closer to my family than ever before because I realize how lucky I am to have them and that no one will ever support me like they have. I try to look at everything from a positive perspective, considering others are going through a harder time than I am. I’m glad that I do not have a wife and kids left behind at home because I can’t imagine how much harder it would make this situation.

I like to look at this point in my life as a test from God to help shape me into the man He wants me to be, one who is more resilient, humble, patient, and grateful for everything He has done for me. I look forward to getting out and moving forward with my life. When I get out, I hope to be able to start a business, build a family, and become a leader in my community.

I also hope to one day run for office as a representative so I can make my way into the Capitol by legitimate means considering our federal government lacks patriots. I am looking forward to the upcoming election in November with Trump, I pray he wins and holds up on his promise to release the J6 prisoners as well as fix the border crisis.

I denounce the narrative pushed by the media of an insurrection. I believe without the provocation by federal agents, the events that transpired would never have happened. January 6th was a setup by the feds to create the vision in the minds of the public that we are the “greatest threat to democracy.”

America is headed down a dark road of destruction, and I pray for the future of our nation. I believe We the People are locked in a battle between good and evil; with the truth and God on our side, we will win.

Thanks to everyone who shows their support to the J6 community.

Stay strong, patriots; the fight has only begun.

You can learn more about Matthew, or donate directly to him here.

To send letters of support to Matthew, visit The Patriot Mail Project.

The post J6 Political Prisoner Matthew Beddingfield Needs Your Help: “We the People are Locked in a Battle Between Good and Evil” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.