by | Feb 24, 2024 | Aggregate
The great European Farmers’ revolt is ongoing, with actions taking place in several countries at once.
While every nationality has its own specific demands, all over the old continent, the farmers are rejecting the failed, crippling EU ‘green’ policies and regulations that are bringing farmers to the brink – and may end up causing a manufactured famine.
Watch: on Friday, tractors’ deafening horns in Paris.
Friday: tractors’ deafening horns in Paris.
— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) February 24, 2024
After French farmers took hundreds of tractors inside Paris and blew their horns in a deafening protest, today (24) the mobilization was centered on the politically charged Paris Farm Show.
A group of farmers stormed into the fair just before the arrival of President Emmanuel Macron, raging ‘over costs, red tape and green regulations’.
Going head-to-head with police officers inside the fair, the farmers shouted and booed, calling for the resignation of Macron and using expletives aimed at the French leader.
Reuters reported:
“‘This is our home!’, they shouted, as lines of French CRS riot police sought to contain the demonstration. There were some clashes with demonstrators and the police arrested at least one of them, a Reuters witness saw.
Pascal Beteille, one of the demonstrators said he did not expect anything from Macron’s visit. ‘This is our home and he’s welcoming us with [general reserve police] CRS’, he told Reuters.”
Watch: French farmers forcibly break into Paris Agricultural fair.
French farmers break into Paris Agricultural fair.
— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) February 24, 2024
Macron met French farmers’ union leaders over breakfast, and later arrived in the trade fair.
“‘I’m saying this for all farmers: you’re not helping any of your colleagues by smashing up stands, you’re not helping any of your colleagues by making the show impossible, and in a way scaring families away from coming’, Macron told reporters after his meeting with union leaders.”
Watch: French Farmers clash with police inside the Agricultural fair in Paris.
French Farmers clash with police inside the Agricultural fair in Paris.
— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) February 24, 2024
An impromptu heated discussion between Macron and demonstrators ended up being broadcast live on French news channels.
“The Paris farm show – a major event in France, attracting around 600,000 visitors over nine days – is a political fixture, where presidents and their opponents are expected to engage with the public under intense media scrutiny.
Farmers’ protests which have spread across Europe, have stoked concerns in France and beyond about their political fallout, given they represent a growing constituency for the far right, expected to make gains in European Parliament elections in June.”
Watch: Chaos erupt in Agricultural fair between farmers and police.
Chaos erupt in Agricultural fair between farmers and police.
— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) February 24, 2024
French President Emmanuel Macron’s arrival was met with boos and whistles.
Associated Press reported:
“Police in full riot gear were deployed at the Paris Agricultural Fair to prevent them from getting close to Macron, who had a planned meeting with the heads of France’s main farmers’ unions.”
Watch: Farmers chant: ‘Macron demission’
Farmers chant: ‘Macron demission’
— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) February 24, 2024
“Meanwhile, protesters chanted slogans calling for Macron to ‘resign’ and blew into whistles to show their anger.
‘We won’t be able to respond to the farming crisis in a few hours’, Macron said. ‘It has taken months, years of work for those who came here to present their cattle, their work … This fair must go well and calmly’.
[…] ‘Anger can be expressed’, Macron said, warning against any ‘violence’.”
Watch: Farmers show how much they love Brussels’ diktats by toppling a EU agricultural display.
Farmers show how much they love Brussels’ diktats by toppling a EU agricultural display.
— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) February 24, 2024
Read more:
Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)
The post WATCH: Angry French Farmers Invade Paris Agricultural Fair, Clash With Police, Chant for Macron To Resign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
by | Feb 24, 2024 | Aggregate
The left has finally given a definition to their favorite boogeyman term of “Christian nationalist.” If you believe that your rights come not from government or a piece of paper, but instead come from God, that makes you a so-called Christian nationalist.
The Gateway Pundit reported,
Heidi Przybyla, a reporter for Politico, appeared on MSNBC this week and fretted as she explained that Christian Nationalists believe that Americans’ rights are granted by God and not Congress or the Supreme Court.
Leaving aside her ridiculous distinctions between Christian Nationalists and other Christians, the rights of Americans DO come from God and not the government, which anyone knows if they have read the country’s founding documents.
How is this person even allowed to comment on politics on TV with this level of dishonesty or stupidity? This is a perfect example of why trust in the media is in the gutter.
Here @MSNBC helpfully makes it clear their disdain for Christians in America.
She says that if you believe that your rights come from God, you aren’t a Christian, you are a Christian nationalist.
Somehow they seem to not mention that our own founding documents make this…
— Wade Miller (@WadeMiller_USMC) February 23, 2024
By this standard all of our founding fathers would be considered Christian nationalists.
Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
If your rights are given to us by government and not God, then they can also be taken away by government. In that case, many of the moral horrors of the past were not violations of human rights after all.
The Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v Sandford that black people were not citizens and had no right to sue in federal court. If rights come from government, then at that time black people did not have rights and the terrible things done to them could not be said to be a violation of their rights.
This is the left’s preferred worldview. They want government to act as God and be the supreme arbiter of human rights.
The truth is human rights come from God and supersede the laws of man. When the government infringes on those rights we understand it to be appalling because it violates natural order. No matter what the government says, human rights remain the same because they were established by God. If that holding belief is called Christian nationalism, then it describes the vast majority of Americans.
The post Victor Reacts: “Christian Nationalist” Defined as Believing Rights Come From God (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
by | Feb 24, 2024 | Aggregate
Former President Donald Trump blasted Joe Biden for being a “very nasty and vicious racist” during the Black Conservative Federation’s annual gala in Columbia, South Carolina, on Friday.
Trump said that Biden had been “palling around with notorious segregationists” in the past and tore into him for drafting a 1994 crime bill “that devastated the Black community.”
“On top of everything else, Joe Biden really has proven to be a very nasty and vicious racist. He’s been a racist whether you like it or don’t like it,” Trump said during his speech.
JUST IN: Trump calls Biden a “vicious racist” who “spent years palling around with notorious segregationists” and “boasted that his home state was a slave state.” WATCH
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) February 24, 2024
“Biden spent years palling around with notorious segregationists, you know that. He boasted that his home state was a slave state,” Trump continued. “He was very proud of that; he thought it was great. If you go back and look at his body language, the way he said it, he was very proud of it.”
Newsweek reports, “This appears to refer to comments Biden, then a Democratic senator, made in 2006 at the Columbia Rotary Club in South Carolina. During his speech at the event, Biden said he was from Delaware, which he described as a ‘slave state that fought beside the North.’ The Democrat added: ‘That’s only because we couldn’t figure out how to get to the South. There were a couple of states in the way.’”
Trump continued, “He said he didn’t want his children to grow up in a ‘racial jungle.’ Joe Biden drafted the 1994 crime bill which caused unfair sentencing disparities that devastated the Black community, Black families.”
In 1977, Biden gave a speech saying, “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”
Trump also discussed how the black community appears to be embracing his campaign this time around.
“I got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time, and a lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against,” Trump explained.
“My mug shot, we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population. You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know. They do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing—millions by the way.”
The post WATCH: Trump Says Biden is a ‘Very Nasty and Vicious Racist’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
by | Feb 24, 2024 | Aggregate
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It appears Fani Willis is trying to exclude evidence.
Soros-backed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis responded to a new court filing using her paramour Nathan Wade’s cell phone data to determine whether the two lied to the Court about when their romantic relationship began.
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, authorities geo-tracked Nathan Wade and found that Nathan Wade made at least 35 visits to Fani’s Hapeville neighborhood before he was hired as the lead prosecutor in the lawfare RICO case against President Trump and 18 Trump associates.
“Nathan Wade appeared to make at least 35 visits to the Hapeville neighborhood where Fani Willis was living before the district attorney hired him to lead Fulton County’s election interference prosecution, according to cellphone data included in a court submission filed Friday.” – The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
According to cell phone data, Wade visited the “Yeartie condo” where Willis was residing before he was hired in November 2021.
“Trump’s lawyers relied on data collected from Wade’s cellphone and cellphone tower transmissions to track his movements. It seems to contradict Wade’s testimony last week in which he said he had visited Willis at her condo in Hapeville no more than 10 times before he was hired in November 2021. It also indicates Wade twice arrived late at night at the condo and left early the next morning in the months before Willis and Wade said their relationship became romantic early in 2022.” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
A desperate Fani Willis responded to the latest allegations in a court filing Friday evening.
“The records do nothing more than demonstrate that Special Prosecutor Wade’s telephone was located somewhere within a densely populated multiple-mile radius where various residences, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and other businesses are located,” Fani Willis said in a motion reviewed by this reporter.
Additionally, Fani Willis submitted her calendar and emails to ‘prove’ she wasn’t with Nathan Wade on September 11-12 and November 30, 2021 – but the dates don’t match up with when the hook-ups took place.
Screenshots of Fani Willis’s calendar, emails with the dates that don’t match:
Fani Willis gets desperate.
Willis responds to the affair cell data by claiming her calendars/emails prove she wasn’t with Wade.
There’s a big problem.
The hook-ups took place on Sept 11-12 and Nov 30 of 2021.
The calendars/emails aren’t for those dates. (See examples.)
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) February 24, 2024
Nathan Wade and Fani Willis lied to the Court
The lies became more evident last week during an evidentiary hearing about misconduct by Fani Willis as Judge Scott McAfee weighs whether she should be disqualified from the Trump RICO case.
Last Thursday morning witness Robin Yeartie who worked in Fani Willis’s office testified that Fani Willis and Nathan Wade started their relationship in 2019 – before Willis assigned Nathan Wade as lead prosecutor in the RICO lawfare case against President Trump.
Next up Nathan Wade took the stand and was grilled about his sexual relationship with Fani Willis.
Nathan Wade sweat bullets as he was forced to admit he may have provided a false answer to an interrogatory (in a civil proceeding about his divorce case) about ‘entertaining’ Fani Willis while he was still married to his wife Jocelyn Wade.
Wade lied to the court in a civil proceeding about his divorce, provided false statements in a brief submitted and signed by Fani Willis AND lied on the witness stand.
Watch Wade lie about the number of times he visited Fani Willis’s condo in 2021:
Attorney for President Trump, Steve Sadow, specifically asked Nathan Wade under oath how many times he’d visited Fani Willis’s residence in 2021:
SADOW: So if phone records were to reflect that you were making phone calls from the same location as [Willis’] condo before…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 23, 2024
The post BREAKING: Fani Willis Responds to Affair Cell Data Claiming Her Calendars, Emails Prove She Wasn’t with Nathan Wade – BUT THE DATES DON’T MATCH UP! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
by | Feb 24, 2024 | Aggregate
The Republican Primary is well underway in South Carolina and already there are reports of issues with voting tabulators in at least one precinct in Richland County.
Real America’s Voice Michelle Backus was on the ground in Satchel Ford Elementary in Columbia, SC. She spoke Tony Burkes, a voter in that particular precinct. He said after he filled out his ballot and ran it through the scanner, he received an error message.
Now tell me if this sounds familiar: A poll worker then told the voter that “they didn’t have internet” and that he would have to “fold it and slide it into another slot. It looked kind of like a trash can.”
Richland County, SC uses the ES&S DS200 optical scanners, as well as the ES&S ExpressPoll and ExpressVote systems.
We have been told for quite some time that the tabulators do not connect to the internet. Election officials have claimed that pollbooks must be hooked to the internet in order to ensure voters are credited as voting after the process. According to the man, this occurred after he received a ballot and while he was scanning it in the tabulator.
He said there were several other voters that he saw at the time that were also puzzled by the issue.
RAV correspondent, @michellebackus_ on the ground in South Carolina talking with voters about some of the issues and suspicious activities they’re experiencing. #SouthCarolinaPrimary
Watch what Tony had to say! …
— Real America’s Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) February 24, 2024
This “other slot” is eerily reminiscent of the issues that were widespread throughout Maricopa County during the 2022 mid-term elections, as reported by The Gateway Pundit, which ended up causing massive lines and long delays in voting, as well as the inability for the voter to ensure their vote was properly tabulated.
Long lines in Anthem, Arizona with Poll Workers explaining that the @maricopacounty machines are not working.
Do not get out of line!
— Tyler Bowyer (@tylerbowyer) November 8, 2022
This story is developing…
UPDATE: Internet has been restored at this location and I haven’t heard of any other problems since here. MULTIPLE voters told me they experienced something similar when this was first reported in the am.
— Michelle Backus (@michellebackus_) February 24, 2024
The post Here We Go Again: South Carolina Voters Unable to Vote Reportedly Due to Internet Being Out – Voters Told to Put Ballots in “Another Slot” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.