Joe Scarborough and Mika Panicked That Pro-Hamas College Campus Protests Will Get Trump Elected (VIDEO)

Joe Scarborough and Mika Panicked That Pro-Hamas College Campus Protests Will Get Trump Elected (VIDEO)


Joe Scarborough and Mika of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ had a recent meltdown over the insane protests happening on college campuses, because they’re worried that these displays are going to help elect Trump.

They might have a point. People are sick and tired of the left’s behavior and have noticed that the left riots whether Democrats win or not. If they’re going to behave this way no matter the outcome, they will be ignored and more people will back Trump for the economic benefits to the country.

Joe talks about the many similarities to 1968, when the Democrats lost big.

RedState has details:

Oh Noes! Joe Scarborough Frets That Ongoing Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Will ‘Elect Donald Trump!’

Is Joe concerned about Jewish students at Columbia University who are afraid to leave their apartments? Is he concerned about the potential for violence? Is he worried about the disruption of classes?

Nope, none of the above.

What really worries Scarborough is that the failure of left-wing university administrators to quell the demonstrations might lead to the election of the Devil’s spawn —Donald Trump — in November.

Oh, the humanity!

Mika kicked off the festivities on Monday’s edition of “Morning Joe.”

Ahead, the latest on the protests over Gaza that are spreading to more and more college campuses.

And, we’re going to have an exclusive, first look at Forbes’ list of the new Ivies, universities who are poised to replace the elite institutions, in part because of their handling of the protest. It is a much bigger story…

And I’ve got to say, just the absolute weakness of the administration, the cowardice of the administration, and, unfortunately, on these elite colleges, having people that are now running these elite colleges on faculty boards that, that, that burned down college campuses in the 1960s, that were responsible for the election in part of Richard Nixon in 1968 because of the chaos on college campuses, because of the chaos in Chicago.

Watch the clip below:

Joe Scarborough Rages At University Leaders’ Silence Over Anti-Israel Protests

— Illinois girl Desi (@d_ewinger) April 29, 2024

Joe and Mika have basically become cheerleaders for Biden. If they’re worried, that’s a good thing.

The post Joe Scarborough and Mika Panicked That Pro-Hamas College Campus Protests Will Get Trump Elected (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


“We Will Honor All the Martyrs”: Hamas Supporters at Columbia Smash Windows, Take Control of Hamilton Hall in Overnight Attack (Video)

“We Will Honor All the Martyrs”: Hamas Supporters at Columbia Smash Windows, Take Control of Hamilton Hall in Overnight Attack (Video)


The Islamo-Communist revolution taking place on college campuses took another step forward overnight with the takeover of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University in New York City. Dozens of Hamas supporters who have been staging a campus ‘occupy protest’ against Israel and the United States smashed windows and stormed the building apparently unimpeded by law enforcement while hundreds more gathered outside the building to secure the entrances.

Screen image of Hamilton Hall takeover via Jessica Schwalb, X Twitter.

The attack came after a day of dithering by campus administrators.

Please visit the link to read the complete statement from President Shafik:

— Columbia University (@Columbia) April 29, 2024

The action by the protesters took place 56 years to the day, April 30, 1968, when police forced an end to a week-long student occupation of Hamilton Hall. Since then, Hamilton Hall has been the sight of protest actions, such as a 1985 protest calling for divestment from South Africa.

April 30, 1968
Police arrest 86 students occupying Hamilton Hall—out of 700 arrests made as negotiations broke down. Faculty linked arms to protect students

April 30, 2024
As negotiations break down & faculty link arms again, students occupy Hamilton

— Prem Thakker (@prem_thakker) April 30, 2024

Taking over Hamilton Hall as done in 1968, Columbia students unfurl a banner that reads “Hind’s Hall,” in reference to Hind Rajab, a six-year-old girl killed by Israeli forces.
Hundreds of students cheer as the banner is revealed, erupting into chants to “Free Palestine.”

— Prem Thakker (@prem_thakker) April 30, 2024

A long banner, “Intifada”, hung from Hamilton Hall.

Intifada banner out of Hamilton Hall @Columbia

— Jessica Costescu (@JessicaCostescu) April 30, 2024



— Jessica Schwalb (@jessicaschwalb7) April 30, 2024

Smashing windows to secure the door with a u-lock:


— Jessica Schwalb (@jessicaschwalb7) April 30, 2024

Doors being blocked:

Really being resourceful

Where is law enforcement ????

— Jessica Schwalb (@jessicaschwalb7) April 30, 2024

A couple students intervened to prevent a door being blocked by protesters.

These men in the blue are heroes, preventing the mob from shoving another table in front of Hamilton

— Jessica Schwalb (@jessicaschwalb7) April 30, 2024

No police after two hours:

There is absolutely no police anywhere despite several 911 calls from students

— Jessica Costescu (@JessicaCostescu) April 30, 2024

The peaceful counter-protesting students were assaulted by the mob:

Student is assaulted by mob. @NYPDDaughtry Many students have called the police but where are you???

We are in danger.

— Jessica Schwalb (@jessicaschwalb7) April 30, 2024

Same chant as at GWU riot last night:


— Jessica Schwalb (@jessicaschwalb7) April 30, 2024

The student newspaper Columbia Spectator is doing a good job posting updates (excerpt):

BREAKING: Dozens of protesters occupied Hamilton Hall in the early hours of Tuesday morning, moving metal gates to barricade the doors, blocking entrances with wooden tables and chairs, and zip-tying doors shut.

— Columbia Daily Spectator (@ColumbiaSpec) April 30, 2024

At around 1:28 a.m., protesters draped a Palestinian flag from a window on the third floor. Minutes later, protesters used newspapers to cover the windows on the doors. Protesters unfurled a banner from the leftmost side of Hamilton, reading “Gaza Calls Columbia Falls,” at around 1:38 a.m.

From the Hamilton balcony, protesters unfurled another banner at around 1:40 a.m., reading “Hind’s Hall.” The name refers to Hind Rajab, a six-year-old Palestinian who was killed by the Israeli military in Gaza on Jan. 29.

“We will honor all the martyrs, all the parents, mothers, fathers,” protesters chanted. “We will honor all the martyrs, all the children, sons, and daughters.”

The protesters on the balcony led several call-and-response chants with those gathered outside the building. Protesters chanted “Columbia, you will see, Palestine is almost free” and “This building is now liberated.”

Following the chants, the protesters announced that they would occupy Hamilton until “Columbia meets every one of our demands.”

At around 1:56 a.m., protesters draped another banner from the top of the building’s facade that read “Intifada.”

Protesters began chanting “no divestment, no commencement” at around 2:23 a.m. Minutes later, protesters unfurled a fourth banner which read “Student Intifada” from a Hamilton window facing the Sundial.

UPDATE: Press release by the occupiers, “Resistance is justified in the movement for liberation”:

OFFICIAL CUAD PRESS RELEASE: Occupation of Hamilton Hall

— CU Apartheid Divest (@ColumbiaBDS) April 30, 2024

The post “We Will Honor All the Martyrs”: Hamas Supporters at Columbia Smash Windows, Take Control of Hamilton Hall in Overnight Attack (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.