🎬 National Black Farmers Assn. Pres. John Boyd Jr. drops bomb on Biden administration handouts for student loan forgiveness and illegal aliens: “Th…


National Black Farmers Assn. Pres. John Boyd Jr. drops bomb on Biden administration handouts for student loan forgiveness and illegal aliens:

“They have no problem saying no to America’s farmers, but they have no problem saying yes to people who don’t deserve taxpayers’ money in this country.”

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸

via Western Lensman on X:


43% of small businesses were unable to pay their rent in full in April due to economic headwinds. That’s the highest rent delinquency rate since Marc…


43% of small businesses were unable to pay their rent in full in April due to economic headwinds.

That’s the highest rent delinquency rate since March 2021, per Bloomberg.

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸


US Small-Business Rent Delinquencies Rise to a Three-Year High

The delinquency rate for US small businesses climbed to a three-year high this month, reflecting the impact of rent spikes and declining revenue, according to a monthly survey.


🖼 🚨South Carolina Rep and Congressional Candidate Adam Morgan Blows Whistle: Is the Federal Gov giving voter registration forms to non-citizens?…


🚨South Carolina Rep and Congressional Candidate Adam Morgan Blows Whistle:

Is the Federal Gov giving voter registration forms to non-citizens?

Yes. A refugee sent us this form that was given to her in a packet at the Social Security Office in Spartanburg. She asked “Why are they giving these to non-citizens?”

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸

via Rep Adam Morgan on X:


AUDIO: Attorney Harmeet Dhillon Breaks Down “Fake Charges” Brought by Arizona AG Kris Mayes Against Trump 2020 Alternative Electors with Radio Host Garret Lewis

AUDIO: Attorney Harmeet Dhillon Breaks Down “Fake Charges” Brought by Arizona AG Kris Mayes Against Trump 2020 Alternative Electors with Radio Host Garret Lewis

 Attorney Harmeet Dhillon

Conservative attorney and Republican Party official Harmeet Dhillon joined Tucson radio host Garret Lewis’ Afternoon Addiction last week to discuss the latest election interference lawfare against Republicans in Arizona.

Dhillon represents GOP Arizona State Senator Jake Hoffman in fighting the bogus charges brought against 18 individuals by radical left Attorney General Kris Mayes, who stole the 2022 election by 280 votes from Trump Endorsed Abe Hamadeh.

Hamadeh also discussed the sham charges against Trump electors and his ongoing lawsuit contesting the fraudulent election in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit last week.

EXCLUSIVE: Former Arizona AG Candidate Abe Hamadeh Discusses AG Kris Mayes’ Witch Hunt Grand Jury Indictment Against Innocent Trump 2020 Alternate Electors and NEW AZ Supreme Court Appeal in Stolen Election Lawsuit

The Gateway Pundit reported that the still questionably elected Kris Mayes announced felony charges against 18 Trump allies and alternative electors last Wednesday afternoon for the non-crime of questioning the 2020 election and casting electoral votes for Trump. She defended her witch hunt and the curious timing of the indictment – just months before the 2024 general election.

However, the alleged crime is perfectly legal and has legal precedent.

Per Politico:

By December 1960, it was clear Kennedy had won. Only Hawaii’s result remained in doubt. Nixon had prevailed by just 140 votes, according to the initial results, which were certified by the governor. A recount was underway on Dec. 19, 1960, when presidential electors across the nation were required by law to meet and cast their ballots.

Nixon’s Hawaii electors met and cast their three votes in an official ceremony. But nearby, Kennedy’s three elector nominees gathered and signed their own certificates, delivering them to Washington as though Kennedy had won the state.

As was done in Hawaii, Arizona’s Trump electors met and cast their votes in case of a successful legal challenge while lawsuits challenging the stolen 2020 election were still ongoing. “That’s a protected First Amendment activity by these citizens,” said Dhillon.

Recall that the Arizona Attorney General at the time, Mark Brnovich, released a report on his investigation in April 2022, stating that “between 100,000 and 200,000 ballots were transported without a proper chain of custody,” and individuals would be prosecuted for election fraud. However, the weak, lethargic AG never followed through.

Even the election officials in Maricopa County, which accounts for roughly 60% of Arizona’s voters, knew the election was rigged with dead voters, ballot harvesting, and shady machine software and admitted that the County’s in-house audit of the 2020 election was “bulsh*t.” Former Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri previously stated that his colleagues lied because they were too scared to do a real audit in conversations while the Arizona 2020 election audit was ongoing.

President Trump was also named in the indictment “Unindicted Coconspirator-1” because he made a phone call about the ballot counting to former governor Doug Ducey.

The charges include nine counts of conspiracy, fraudulent schemes and artifices, fraudulent schemes and practices, and forgery. “Defendants and unindicted coconspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona’s voters,” the indictment falsely alleges.

Make no mistake; the charges are a warning shot to anyone who may want to challenge the 2024 election and meant to stain the reputations of Trump and Arizona Republicans running in 2024. See the full list of alternative electors and Trump associates facing felony charges in Arizona here.

“It sure sounds like the timing of this prosecution was specifically for purposes of trying to affect, in a positive way, Democrats’ chances, certainly with respect to the primary in Arizona that’s coming up in weeks and with the general election,” Dhillon told Garret Lewis.

She continued, “All the information that they needed to bring this frivolous and politically based indictment has been in the hands of these prosecutors in different states, thanks to the January 6 committee investigation in the House and thanks to the likely coordination of all of this between special counsel and the Biden administration literally for years.”

Mayes said the quiet part out loud before announcing the grand jury indictment in the latest election interference lawfare, declaring, “We absolutely have to get President Biden reelected.” This means shutting down the so-called election deniers when they shut down the voting centers, remove Republican observers from the counting rooms, and thousands of Joe Biden ballots magically appear.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, even the Associated Press admits, “Charges against Trump’s 2020 ‘fake electors’ are expected to deter a repeat this year.”

Full interview below:

Lewis: Joining me now because there were 11 people indicted yesterday, one of them is Senator Jake Hoffman. His attorney, Harmeet Dhillon joins me now. What’s your reaction to the fact that Kris Mayes admitted on national TV that she’ll do, I guess, whatever it takes to get Joe Biden reelected and look at what happened to Jake?

Dhillon: Yeah, well, my reaction is, who’s doing the election rigging here? Is it President Trump, or is it President Biden? Because it sure sounds like the timing of this prosecution was specifically for purposes of trying to affect, in a positive way, Democrats’ chances, certainly with respect to the primary in Arizona that’s coming up in weeks and with the general election because, frankly, all the information that they needed to bring this frivolous and politically based indictment has been in the hands of these prosecutors in different states, thanks to the January 6 committee investigation in the House and thanks to the likely coordination of all of this between special counsel and the Biden administration literally for years. So, the fact that they’re bringing this almost four years after the fact is clearly an example of election rigging by the Democrats.

Lewis: To me, it just shows how scared they are because they know what is about to happen, and they can’t stop it. Is there anything here at all? All I know is these 11 people signed a piece of paper, that’s what they did. They signed a piece of paper, and I don’t believe it’s illegal. There have been alternate electors that have been used in the 1800s to settle an election, so is there anything here that is actually illegal?

Dhillon: There have been alternative electors used in the 1960s by the Democratic Party. It was suggested in the 2020 election by Democrat activists, including Van Jones and Larry Lessig, to do it in Pennsylvania in the very election for which these citizens got indicted for their work in Arizona. So, you know, briefly, the facts are that they signed as alternate electors to preserve the opportunity in the event that ongoing litigation in Arizona, like there was ongoing litigation in other states where people have been indicted: Nevada, Michigan, and Georgia. In the event to preserve the opportunity, in the event of a successful outcome in court. That’s all. That’s a protected First Amendment activity by these citizens, and to indict them for that is really outrageous. It will not stand, but the point of the Democrats here is simply to throw sand in the gears of this election.

Lewis: Yeah, it’s just to scare people, I think, from ever, you know, wanting to actually say, ‘Hey, maybe something’s not right here’ or ‘We’re gonna do something about this.’ This is pure tyranny. So, where do you go from here? What is the next step? Is this going to be just challenged, do you have to go to a trial, what happens?

Dhillon: The next step typically in a criminal proceeding is, first of all, they have to serve everybody. And, you know, they just dumped these on the media yesterday, and eventually, they’ll serve people. And then, there’s typically a threshold process of motions to dismiss the indictment on various grounds, and boy, are there plenty of grounds in this case? So, I don’t want to tip our hand, but we’ll be doing motion practice like every other defense counsel, I’m sure. And then if there’s still a case left after we hopefully, you know, destroy it, if there’s still any case left after that, then there’ll be a discovery process where the government’s obligation is to turn over to the defense all the evidence they have in support of these ridiculous charges. But just to give you a couple of examples, they’re being prosecuted for conspiracy, fraud, and forgery. Fraud, throughout the United States and in the western speaking world, requires that somebody had acted in reliance and detriment on the actions that are complained of. Nothing happened here. These people signed a piece of paper. Nobody acted in reliance on the actions in order to change the outcome of an election. The United States Congress did not vote differently. Nobody voted differently as a result of this alternative electors blink. Forgery requires a guilty conscience and intention to fool somebody with your forged document. Again, the Trump campaign and everybody involved here was very out in the open and transparent that these were alternate electors, a contingent plan in the event of a positive outcome in court. Period, full stop. No forgery, no fall, no fraud. And then conspiracy is simply a mush that lazy prosecutors use to try to tie things and people together. This is absolutely laughable and frankly shocked me as a lawyer that a so-called Attorney General, who, by the way, I think is not the legitimate Attorney General of Arizona, concocted. So, we feel very strongly about this. Jake is a great client, he is a public servant in your state, and we are looking forward to going to court to clear him of the fake charges.

The post AUDIO: Attorney Harmeet Dhillon Breaks Down “Fake Charges” Brought by Arizona AG Kris Mayes Against Trump 2020 Alternative Electors with Radio Host Garret Lewis appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Oops: Gavin Newsom Asks Social Media Users to Help Design New California Coin and it Blows Up in His Face

Oops: Gavin Newsom Asks Social Media Users to Help Design New California Coin and it Blows Up in His Face


California Governor Gavin Newsom asked social media users to help design a new $1 coin to honor the state’s innovations on Thursday, and it unsurprisingly blew up in his face.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, the Golden State is suffering from various maladies under Newsom’s watch. These include a severe homelessness epidemic, skyrocketing crime, unaffordable taxes, and high electricity costs.

This has led to a mass exodus of businesses and residents. But Newsom, for some reason, thought social media users would lavish California with praise instead.

Calling all members of the Tortured Coin Designers Department…

CA is getting its own $1 coin to honor innovation, slated to be issued in 2026 – and we need your help!

What is a CA innovation you’d like to see featured on the coin? Send ideas to: [email protected] pic.twitter.com/oOdw4qICtZ

— California Governor (@CAgovernor) April 25, 2024

Newsom probably wishes he never clicked “publish” because the replies he received were universally negative. Many of these focused on the filthy streets, Californians leaving for greener pastures, and even Newsom’s tyrannical COVID-19 pandemic policies.

Here are some of the most savage replies:

I think these capture things nicely. pic.twitter.com/o8j4MqaTls

— Jim Stanley (@JimStanleyCA) April 25, 2024


— Shanna I (@ShannaW99167418) April 25, 2024

Innovation…. wait this is an EPIC FAIL…. pic.twitter.com/4jFLrBqbgw

— TInaMariePx2 (@PerezTMx2) April 26, 2024

This sums it up pic.twitter.com/4pzGobCRWM

— Christwocool (@christwocool) April 25, 2024


— Lex Jurgen (@Lex_Jurgen) April 26, 2024

Innovation ….Got it pic.twitter.com/0hCOcJzVZJ

— TInaMariePx2 (@PerezTMx2) April 26, 2024


— Weaponized News (@WeaponizedNews) April 25, 2024

This seems innovative. pic.twitter.com/Mrojz3wZt2

— Fuzzy Chimp (@fuzzychimpcom) April 28, 2024

Kind of asked for it on this one, lol pic.twitter.com/0AuydZrolm

— Bradley Guerke (@BradleyGuerke) April 29, 2024

The post Oops: Gavin Newsom Asks Social Media Users to Help Design New California Coin and it Blows Up in His Face appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
