Guatemalan Poppy Farmers Suffer as Fentanyl Overtakes Heroin in the US

Guatemalan Poppy Farmers Suffer as Fentanyl Overtakes Heroin in the US



A Guatemalan Army service member participates in a poppy crop eradication operation in the municipalities of Ixchiguán and Tajumulco, July 3, 2022. (Photo: Guatemalan Army/ Twitter)

Many Americans are concerned that over 150 of their fellow citizens overdose on fentanyl every day, but do they ever stop to think about how this shift to fentanyl negatively affects the lives of opium and cocaine growers in Latin America? This seems to be the question being asked by human rights groups, and as always, the blame and the cost are put on the United States.

Fentanyl makes better business sense for the Mexican cartels compared to opium. It can be easily manufactured using chemicals sourced from China. Highly potent and compact, fentanyl is easy to transport and distribute. Unlike opium, its production is not affected by weather conditions, making it a more reliable option. Additionally, fentanyl labs can avoid detection and eradication efforts, unlike poppy farms, which are easily spotted by authorities using drones.

The decrease in demand for opium has resulted in a drastic drop in prices. Opium, which previously fetched $64 an ounce, is now trading for $9.60 an ounce. According to a Guatemalan poppy grower interviewed by the New York Times, “Poppies used to help a lot of people make ends meet.” The report further states, “Now.. the steep decline in poppy prices inflicted so much economic pain that ‘before the money runs out, people depart for the United States.’”

Apparently, the price of coca leaves used to manufacture cocaine is also declining, affecting 200,000 Colombian households that depend on the drug to make a living. Rights groups are focused on these people, missing the larger point that Latin American governments should be taking care of their people and that they should never have reached a point where a large percentage of the population is dependent on the drug trade.

According to the Congressional Research Service, “criminality related to drug trafficking has replaced political and regional conflicts as the primary source of citizen insecurity in the Americas.” Now, a drop in drug prices is adding to the hardship.

Across Latin America, governments fail to address their own economic and social problems or curb crime, often blaming the US instead. Some advocate for the legalization of hard drugs, mistakenly believing it will solve all their issues. They argue that drug legalization in the US will lower prices, weakening cartels and reducing violence in Latin America.

However, evidence from marijuana legalization and hard drug decriminalization in parts of the US shows increased drug use and overdoses. Moreover, because legal drugs are taxed, tested, and certified, illegal drugs remain cheaper, and the criminal gang-controlled illegal drug market persists unchanged.

Meanwhile, from Mexico to Colombia, corruption among law enforcement, courts, and politicians is facilitating the drug trade. Legalizing drugs in the US or Latin America will not resolve these countries’ issues.

Even with the decline in drug prices, opium continues to be cultivated in the poorest, mountainous region of Guatemala, where mature plants are processed into gum. This gum is then transported across the border to Mexico, where cartels refine it into heroin for distribution in the United States. And the US continues funding drug eradication programs because local governments are either unable or unwilling to control the cartels.

Since the 1970s, the US has allocated billions of dollars to Latin American governments to combat drug production and smuggling. American taxpayers fund the provision of weapons, training, equipment, and vehicles to local security forces. In Guatemala alone, the US is granting $10 to $20 million annually in aid to the military and law enforcement. With this funding, Guatemala succeeded in eradicating 7 acres of opium farms in 2023, down from over 2,000 acres in 2017.

The US was also financing aerial spraying of herbicides in drug-growing regions. However, human rights groups sent a letter to President Biden, urging him to cease funding these programs. They argued that such actions convey “a message of cruelty and callousness with which the United States should no longer be associated.”

The villagers in Guatemala are complaining that spraying and other eradication efforts are stripping away their livelihoods. Lucky for them, Guatemala still acts as a transit country for cocaine smuggled from the Andes and for fentanyl precursor chemicals from China. Given that the US is footing the bill for everything else, it’s surprising that no one has suggested having the US finance a retraining program for displaced opium farmers, teaching them to smuggle other drugs into the United States.

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POS Mitch McConnell Bashes Trump on Meet the Press – Will Stay on as Senate Leader Until After Election So He Can Work Diligently to Keep Trump from White House

POS Mitch McConnell Bashes Trump on Meet the Press – Will Stay on as Senate Leader Until After Election So He Can Work Diligently to Keep Trump from White House


Let’s all quit pretending, the Republican Party is dead.
Dirty Trump-hater Mitch McConnell trashed President Trump on Meet the Press.

If GOP members of Congress are not already voting with Democrats, they’re too weak to stand up to the Marxist mob destroying our country.

On Sunday morning Mitch McConnell sat down for an interview with far-left Meet the Press, a virulently anti-Trump “news” program.

During his interview POS McConnell blamed President Trump for the events on January 6, 2021.

Via Kyle Becker.

“I don’t regret anything I said… I haven’t taken anything I said then back.”

Mitch McConnell stands by remarks that former President Trump is “practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of January 6” and should potentially be held “criminally responsible”

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 28, 2024

It is widely known at this time that President Trump called for 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard troops to the US Capitol two days before the January 6 protests.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned them down. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser also turned them down!

Earlier this month National Guard whistleblowers testified before Congress that NOT ONLY was the National Guard turned away by Nancy Pelosi before January 6, but the National Guard was ready to be deployed on January 6th but the Pentagon delayed their orders until HOURS AFTer the violence started.

PELOSI’S INSURRECTION: National Guard Whistleblowers to Testify They Were Ready to Be Deployed on Jan.6 But Pentagon Delayed Orders – Will DESTROY J6 Committee’s BIG LIE!

Mitch McConnell knows this yet he lied again about President Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021.
Now you know why he is referred to here as a POS.

McConnell is determined to screw Trump in the 2024 election just like his pal Paul Ryan did in 2018.


Former Capitol Police CHIEF Steven Sund reveals what REALLY HAPPENED on J6. Democrats have been LYING about J6 the ENTIRE Time. J6 will FOREVER be remembered as the day Nancy Pelosi FORCED Capitol police to stand down AFTER President Trump ordered 20,000 troops to be there…

— Kenny (@Kennykwh1120) April 28, 2024

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COL John Mills (ret): Conditions for Current and Future Ukraine Aid

COL John Mills (ret): Conditions for Current and Future Ukraine Aid


For the time being, additional military aid has been approved to Ukraine.  At the next possible opportunity though, there should be a move by Congress, or a new Administration to apply control measures to this aid to bring it in alignment with how U.S. military aid is normally applied.

The Ukraine War should be looked at as the first of several regional conflicts implemented against American under the “No Limits” agreement between Xi and Putin to topple America.  But at the same time, there are serious and fact-based concerns with money laundering, fraud, and corruption in Ukraine.

Russia is the major tributary state of China in the Chinese Communist Party’s move to defeat America.  Russia should be looked at as neither friend, nor enemy – instead they are a totalitarian regime with nuclear weapons, that has chosen to align itself with China.

There was a period when world history could have been changed and a historic rapprochement with Russia established. That was the 1990s, when Russia was teetering on the verge of collapse.

For some inexplicable reason, Secretary of State Madeline Albright and company in the Clinton Administration chose to bravely step forward and kick Russia in the teeth when Russia was on its knees.  So unfortunately, that ship has sailed, and Russia is on the Chinese Team and China intends to topple America through Unrestricted Warfare.

Appointing a dedicated Inspector General to oversee Ukraine Aid

The role of the Inspector Generals (IGs) in U.S. Departments and Agencies is very important. Not well understood is that IGs often are armed, badged, and have arrest authority.  One reason for this is that when investigating malfeasance, even darker and capital misdeeds may be uncovered.  In Iraq and Afghanistan, there were robust IG efforts that uncovered multiple instances of grotesque fraud, waste, and abuse.

An IG has now been appointed for Ukraine.  That is good news.  This happened last fall in October 2023.  It is interesting that once the appointment of a part time IG for Ukraine happened, Haiti suddenly performed assigned duties flawlessly and re-collapsed.

Haiti is where the Clinton’s learned the art of money laundering, but by the Obama-Biden era, the realization was that Haiti did not scale.  This is why the Obama-Biden Team started seeking larger scale opportunities like Panama, Malta, and Cyprus.

In the early days of the Russian invasion in 2014, the Obama Team couldn’t have cared less about Ukraine – until they realized the vast scale of money laundering opportunities.  Then they were suddenly all in.

The current arrangement is that the DOD IG is dual hatted as the Ukraine IG.  This unacceptable – Ukraine needs a dedicated IG.  In my efforts on election integrity, I’ve become far more learned on IG-like capabilities within the states.

I’ve been a bit shocked – most states have a nascent IG function, if any at all – most often it’s an additional duty buried in the State Patrol. More States should have a far larger and more robust IG operation.

Securing the Southern Border

The unwillingness of Congress to assign equal or greater importance of securing the Southern, and now Northern Border is insulting to most Americans.  If the American homeland border was secure, there would be far greater willingness of the American people to consider condition-based support for Ukraine.

10,000 Americans a month are now dying from Fentanyl made in Mexico, by the Cartels, under Chinese supervision, with 100% of the formulary components coming from China.  Almost all Fentanyl comes across the Southern Border.

120,000 dead Americans a year is greater than all the American combat deaths from forty years of combat in Vietnam combined with the entire War on Terror.  Everyone reading this likely knows a friend or family affected by Fentanyl.

New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco now have large No-Go zones due to the Fentanyl Apocalypse.  In addition, the flood across the border consists of multiple Brigades of Chinese Special Operators who immediately converge on high cash operations like “legal cannabis”, massage parlors, casinos, abortion clinics, and similar ventures.

Globalists and Deep Staters want Government Digital Currency so they can control society and behavior – but they like the carve out and will maintain these high cash operation exceptions that can be locally-skimmed and used as mini-Ukraines and mini-Haitis for tactical de-stabilization activities (such as the “Palestinian” Protests).

Accelerate the expansion of the American Industrial Base

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is back in Yale lecturing mode as he talks down to the Defense Industrial Base.  “Defense industry ‘still underestimating’ global need for munitions” is Jake’s talking point.

Jake has never run anything except his mouth and wouldn’t know an assembly line from a hole in the ground.  Newsflash to Sullivan, the Defense Industrial Base would gladly churn out more weapons to replenish American stocks and actually give the Taiwanese the arms they’ve already paid for – if a contract was signed.

The reality is that the negotiation of contracts is significantly lagging.  No one expands production without signed contracts.  We don’t need a forever war defense industrial complex, but we do need the world’s best Arsenal of Democracy 2.0 to build up American readiness so that a greater worldwide conflict with China and Chinese proxies is deterred.

We just blew $1B worth of ordnance defending Israel against Iran, the second biggest Chinese proxy, which worked well and was worth the investment.  The game is on, and the stakes are mortal in the world showdown with China.  But unchecked largess flowing to Ukraine is not helpful to American interests and condition-based aid must be resolved at the earliest possible moment.  PS – another condition of the aid – full revelation of the extent and role of Government provocateurs in J6 and nullification of all J6 prosecutions.

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Judge Joe Brown Goes Off on Barack Obama and “Lowdown Scummy Bastard” and “Piece of Urban Trailer Park Trash” Joe Biden in Explosive Interview (VIDEO)

Judge Joe Brown Goes Off on Barack Obama and “Lowdown Scummy Bastard” and “Piece of Urban Trailer Park Trash” Joe Biden in Explosive Interview (VIDEO)

 Screenshot: Inside Edition/Youtube

In a recent bombshell interview with YouTube creator “The Real Dana,” Judge Joe Brown unleashed a torrent of criticism against several high-profile individuals, including John Legend, Fani Willis, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, whom he referred to as a “lowdown scummy bastard.”

Brown’s remarks came after Legend publicly supported Biden and called President Donald Trump “racist.”

Judge Brown held nothing back as he traced the issues within the American criminal justice system and its impact on black communities back to legislative actions that he attributed to Biden and other lawmakers in past decades.

“Most of what is wrong with the criminal justice system in the United States of America, this trickled down from the federal level to the state level that negatively impacts blacks and other minorities, was started off in 1979, 1981, 1983, 1987, 1991, and 1994, thanks to Joe Biden, Stennis, Eastland, and Byrd ” Brown said.

“And you can thank them for some of the problems with American criminal law, as they negatively impact black folk. This mess about all of these people in jail, first offenders for one rock, you can thank Joe Biden for with his mess about crack, even though it seems to have settled into his household quite heavily,” Brown added.

Judge Brown went on to recount a meeting he claimed to have witnessed where Biden allegedly made racist comments about Black people, adding that these attitudes were reflected in Biden’s legislative actions over the years.

“I heard the low-down, scummy bastard say it in front of me. It was in Dover, Delaware. He was on the podium. He said, ‘Negroes are animals, and they turn the streets into jungles, and they need to be put in zoos where they are safe and can be observed.’ He said, ‘Negro children are animals, and they turn schools into zoos. And I don’t want my children going to a school with Negroes, and it turned into a zoo.’ I heard him say that. I saw him when he said it. He’s a liar,” said Brown.

“He had to withdraw from the presidential campaign in 1988 because he lied about his academic career. He got found out early for having plagiarized some things that caused his expulsion from an academic institution. He’s a piece of urban trailer park trash who’s had nothing but government jobs his entire life and has turned out not to be a very rich man because of the bribes, the extortion, and the downright payoffs he has gotten under the table illegally,” Brown added.

Beyond his criticism of Biden, Brown also took aim at Fani Willis, suggesting her actions were politically motivated and part of a “witch hunt” against Trump. He implied that the investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents was an attempt to shield Biden and Obama from incrimination based on evidence found on a laptop belonging to Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

Brown’s diatribe did not spare Barack Obama or John Legend, whom Brown dismissed as being unqualified to speak on political matters due to a lack of relevant background. He also chastised the public for what he believes is a misinterpretation of Biden’s track record on race-related issues.

“Every damn thing I’ve seen about Biden, for the last 50 years, I have been hearing making one racist remark after another,” Brown added, expressing his disapproval of Biden’s past policies and comments.

Judge Brown concluded his heated commentary by praising Donald Trump and addressing the broader political landscape and the tactics used to engage black voters, expressing disdain for what he views as pandering and insincere strategies.

“You’re getting a singer [John Legend] coming on. He’s got a right under the First Amendment to express his opinion. So do these clowns, including the one-third of the cast that were trannies who were dancing half-naked on the strip poles. They’ve got their right to do that as a form of expression, but that is insulting the black folk that they should be persuaded by it.”

“The unemployment rate for black folk was the lowest it’s been since 1968 under Donald Trump. The earning capacity of black folk was the highest it’s been since 1968 under Trump. The greatest amount of money, percentage-wise of the national budget and in actual dollars, devoted to HBCUs since 1968 under the Johnson administration was under Donald Trump. And it goes on. He endorsed the platinum plan that Ice Cube, who had made some study of the situation, was trying to work out with him.”

“But in spite of that, we’ve got this character who is a disaster, getting up there and trying to get us to accept this with his grin on his face when it is a complete lie. It’s a propagandistic fabrication, and it is insulting to insinuate that we are foolish enough to buy that.”

Watch the full interview below:

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Beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary and Euro Elites Are Losing It – Elon Musk Weighs In – VIDEO

Beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary and Euro Elites Are Losing It – Elon Musk Weighs In – VIDEO

 Eva Vlaardinbroek exposes the end game of the globalist elites and their Great Replacement Theory at CPACHungary in April 2024.

CPAC Hungary was held this weekend in Budapest, Hungary.

The conference was attended by conservatives from though out the continent and America.

The unexpected highlight of the weekend conference may have been the riveting speech by the beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

Eva did not hold back in her defense of Christian Europe and the current assault by the globalist left to destroy our civilization.

Here is the transcript from Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s CPAC speech.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Hello, Hungary. Hello, Budapest. Hello, fellow Europeans and American friends. Thank you so much for having me. Allow me to skip from Mathies for a moment and dive right into a subject that is not so cheerful, but very, very necessary to discuss. Let me walk you through the past seven days in Europe.

This week in Stockholm, three Three elderly women in their 70s were stabbed in broad daylight on the streets. In London, four people were stabbed in a time span of just 42 hours. In Paris, hundreds of Afghan migrants took to the street to riot. And – also in France, yet another church was burned down to the ground. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just a few incidents in just a couple of days on our beautiful continent. But we all know that these incidents aren’t incidents anymore. If there’s one thing that’s for sure is that we know, and our governments also know, that there is a link between mass migration and crime.

In a Dutch city of Dordrecht, something interesting happened the other day. They announced, and this is a small city in the Netherlands, in my home country, that a new asylum center will be put in that little town. And what did the municipality do? They said, We are going to offer citizens who live in the vicinity of this center, a thousand euros to take extra safety measures. Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, even beheadings. But let me be clear about one thing. This did not used to happen before. This is a newly imported problem.

Samuel P. Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago when he wrote, and I quote, In the new world of mass migration, the most pervasive, important, and dangerous conflict will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities. Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations. Well, boy, was he right? And the worst part is, we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it. When another white boy or a white girl dies at the hand of an immigrant, We might shake our head, we might let out a sigh, we might even get angry for a minute or two, and then we go on with our lives. We offer the family thoughts and prayers, but nothing ever changes.

Ladies and gentlemen, what does that say about us? This is the response of a society that has already given up, a society that has already accepted its defeat. But is this true? Have we given up? Do we really accept the new reality that our globalist leaders have in mind for us? I know one thing for sure, and that is that if nothing changes, if we don’t start to seriously fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries, then this time that we live in will go down in history as the in which Western nations no longer had to get invaded by hostile armies in order to be conquered. This time will then go down in history as the period in which the invader was actively invited in by a corrupt elite. And not only did this corrupt elite invite the enemy in, they made the native population pay for it, too.

Everyone who has eyes can see it. The native, white, Christian, European population is being replaced at an ever-accelerating rate. Let me back this up for you with some statistics from my home country. Let’s take Amsterdam, the capital. Amsterdam currently consists of 56% migrants. The Hague, 58% migrants. Rotterdam, almost 60% migrants. Of course, most of these immigrants come from non-Christian, non-western, African and Middle Eastern countries. Conclusion, the Dutch population is already outnumbered in the majority of our cities. But let’s look onwards. London, 54% migrants. Again, conclusion, native population outnumbered. Brussels, color me shocked, 70% migrants. Conclusion, native population, majorly outnumbered. Other Europeans will, of course, follow suit soon if they haven’t already.

I’m going to draw the forbidden conclusion here. The great replacement theory is no longer a theory, it’s reality. What’s interesting about replacement is that the establishment will either deny its existence or when they admit to it, they say that it’s a good thing that the native European population is soon no longer a majority on its own continent. Dutch national disgrace, and dubbed Climate Pope, Frantz Timmermans, already stated in 2015 that diversity is humanity’s destiny, and that Europe will be diverse.

And of course, by now, I think we all know what they mean with the word diversity. It means less white people, less of you. Imagine this in an Asian or an African country. Imagine their leaders rejoicing in the fact that their people will soon no longer be a majority in their own country. Absolutely unthinkable, unimaginable. Reasonable. So what in the world is wrong with our leaders? The underlying sentiment of what they say is always the same. Our establishment claims that white people are evil and that Our history is somehow fundamentally different from that of others. Consciously or unconsciously, they have sucked up the lies and the anti-white dogmas of the neo-Marxist critical race theory.

That’s what the totalitarians in Brussels are trying to force you, the Hungarian people, a sovereign nation, to accept immigrants despite the fact that the population has said no, and so has the government. But make no mistake, the majority of the Dutch people haven’t asked for this either. Just like Brussels is forcing Hungary to accept these words of immigrants, they are doing the same now, even in the smallest of towns in the Netherlands. No part may remain remain Dutch in the traditional sense of the word. No part of Europe may remain European. It’s not difficult to understand why. If the old Europe still exists in certain places, then people will be able to compare the new Europe to the old, and news flash, they will prefer the old. That’s why the Eurocrats hate Hungary so much.

And their message is clear. Our way of life, our Christian religion, our nations, they have to go without exception. Their vision of the future is the neoliberal, unrecognizable Europe, where every city becomes like Brussels. Ugly, dirty, unsafe, zero social cohesion, where the buildings are constantly under construction and they never, ever seem to finish. Even when they do, the end result is ugly or somehow than what they started with. What are we left with? A permanent state of isolation, confusion, and disorientation. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the New World Order.

So what’s the antidote? A strong Christian Europe of sovereign Nation States. That’s why we need to outright reject the lie that nationalism causes war. It’s not nationalism or national sovereignty that causes war. It’s expansionism. Where in Europe do we find that nowadays? In one place and one place only, Brussels. Isn’t it funny how the same people who erode our national sovereignty and love to do it, give it all up to the Eurocrats there, that those people are now telling us that we need to spend billions and billions of euros on the national sovereignty of Ukraine? It’s a joke, honestly, and it’s a pretty sick, expensive, and dangerous joke.

During a recent interview, I got asked by an interviewer, Do you think that you ever go too far? Do you think that you’re ever too radical? I thought about it for a second and I said, No, I don’t think I go too far. Truth be told, ladies and gentlemen, I think we in Europe do not go far enough. I think that if we really think about the organized structural attack on our civilization, that we don’t do enough. Do we do enough to stop the attack on our families, on our continent, on our countries, on our religion. When we hear about another murder, another stabbing of a young innocent child, do we do enough? When we know that our national sovereignty has been given up in last than a century to Brussels, Do we do enough? When we hear that Christian kids in Germany are now converting to Islam to fit in, do we do enough? I don’t think so. The Totalitarian Institute of the European Union needs to come down. Let me be clear, I don’t believe in reforms. When the foundation of your institution is rotten, and that is the case in Brussels, you can rebuild the house on top of it all you want, but it’s still going to crumble.

So the only answer is the Tower of Babel needs to be destroyed. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the daughters and sons of the greatest nations on Earth. And we need to ask ourselves, what has happened to us? Where do we come from? And more importantly, where are we going? Our elites have declared a war on us, and now it is time for us to put on the full armor of God, fight back, and win. Thank you so much.

Here it is! The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about.

I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever…

— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) April 27, 2024

Elon Musk later weighed in on Eva’s remarks.

“The problem with “Great Replacement Theory” is that it fails to address the foundational issue of low birth rates.

Record low birth rates are leading to population collapse in Europe and even faster population collapse in most of Asia. Immigration is low in Asia, so there is no “replacement” going on, the countries are simply shrinking away.

If this doesn’t turn around, then any countries on Earth with low birth rates will become empty of people and fall into ruin, like the remains we see of the many long dead civilizations.”

The problem with “Great Replacement Theory” is that it fails to address the foundational issue of low birth rates.

Record low birth rates are leading to population collapse in Europe and even faster population collapse in most of Asia. Immigration is low in Asia, so there is no…

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2024

Eva’s speech already has 36.7 million views in less than 48 hours.

This speech is the reason why the Biden administration and Western elites are so desperate to control speech. They can’t allow the people to have access to free thoughts and differing ideas. Because the elites are leading Western civilization to ruin. It appears that was their plan all along.

The post Beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary and Euro Elites Are Losing It – Elon Musk Weighs In – VIDEO appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.