DeSantis Responds to Joe Biden’s War on Women and Proud Abolishment of Title IX: “We Will Not Comply” (Video)

DeSantis Responds to Joe Biden’s War on Women and Proud Abolishment of Title IX: “We Will Not Comply” (Video)


The Gateway Pundit reported that the Biden regime proudly announced that women will be forced to allow men in their locker rooms and bathrooms with a new 1577-page Title IX ruling.

Women will be forced to compete against men. And women will be forced to accept men on their sports teams.

Women and young girls will be forced to share locker rooms and bathrooms based on gender identity rather than biological sex.
Young girls everywhere will be subject to the type of sexual exposure allegedly faced by the female athletes forced to share a locker room with trans swimmer Lia Thomas.

Preferred pronouns are also now mandated, and even the single use of the “wrong” pronoun can require discipline.

And, as May Mailman, Director of Independent Women’s Law Center, notes, Title IX is not a college law.  This will impact girls as young as those in the Headstart program, geared to children from three to five years old, those in daycare, and those in Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had strong words for Biden and his attack on women, “We will not comply.”

“Florida rejects Joe Biden’s attempt to rewrite Title IX.  We will not comply, and we will fight back.”

“We are not going to let Joe Biden try to inject men into women’s activities.”

“We are not going to let Joe Biden undermine the rights of parents. And we are not going to let Joe Biden abuse his Constitutional authority to try to impose these policies on us here in Florida. We stand with opportunities, we are not going to let Biden get away with it.”

“We will not comply.”


Florida’s response to Joe Biden trying to inject gender ideology into education, undermining opportunities for girls and women, violating parents’ rights, and abusing his constitutional authority:

We will not comply.

— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) April 25, 2024

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CRINGE: SNL’s Colin Jost Turns White House Correspondents Dinner into Biden Rally, Slobbers Over His Supposed ‘Decency’ (VIDEO)

CRINGE: SNL’s Colin Jost Turns White House Correspondents Dinner into Biden Rally, Slobbers Over His Supposed ‘Decency’ (VIDEO)


Saturday Night Live star Colin Jost was the designated “comedian” for the White House Correspondent’s Association dinner on Saturday and there were no prizes for guessing his political views.

After “roasting” Trump and Biden with a series of tame and not particularly funny quips, Jost launched into an emotional tirade about his late grandfather where he praised the president’s supposed “decency.”

“My grandfather, a Staten Island firefighter, voted for you, Mr. President,” said Jost. “He voted for you and the reason that he voted for you is because you’re a decent man. My grandpa voted for decency and decency is why we’re all here tonight.”

“Decency is how we’re able to be here tonight,” he continued. “Decency is how we’re able to make jokes about each other and one of us doesn’t go to prison after — we go to the Newsmax after-party.”

Biden, meanwhile, used his remarks at the dinner to implore the media to support his campaign.

“I’m sincerely not asking you to take sides, but asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment,” he told the audience.

Here is Biden’s message for the press corps: “I’m sincerely not asking you to take sides, but asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment.”

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 28, 2024

The 81-year-old also joked about spearheading the political persecution of Donald Trump.

“I had a great stretch since the State of the Union,” Biden slurred. “But Donald has had a few tough days lately. You might call it stormy weather. What the hell.”

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Cardiologists Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Possible Cause of Young Professional’s Heart Problem

Cardiologists Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Possible Cause of Young Professional’s Heart Problem

 (Credit: Florencia Tarque/Facebook)

Medical professionals are beginning to take a closer look at the potential adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly following a series of health complications among younger adults.

Florencia Tarque, a 29-year-old Director of International Recruiting at Puulse Marketing, has come forward with a personal health crisis that her cardiologists suggest may be linked to her COVID-19 vaccination.

“Attention: Cardiologists are now saying my heart problem is more than likely a result of the COVID vaccine,” she wrote on Facebook.

Tarque, an athlete who has maintained a lifestyle centered around wellness, experienced a shocking medical scare earlier this month when she was admitted to the hospital after three electrocardiograms (EKGs) indicated signs of a heart attack.

Despite the alarming EKG results, an angiogram performed urgently revealed no blockages, leaving both Tarque and her medical team baffled. It was later determined that she had developed myopericarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle and surrounding tissue.

The image above shows the wrist of Florencia Tarque following her angiogram procedure. Tarque describes the process as painful, having been awake throughout. (Credit: Florencia Tarque/Facebook)

Tarque expressed her frustration and anger in a series of social media posts, particularly emphasizing the mandatory nature of the vaccination for her job and travel commitments.

“I’m angry because tons of 20-something-year-old athletes now have heart problems,” she said, reflecting a concern that has been echoed in various communities across the globe.

In a follow-up post, Tarque disclosed that an MRI confirmed she had indeed suffered a heart attack, despite the lack of coronary blockages or other typical indicators of such an event.

Angiogram showed no blockage or coronary problem the day I had my heart attack. Three EKGs showed heart attack. Week later my MRI confirmed heart attack,” she said.

“29 years old, played sports my whole life. No health issues. WTF,” she wrote, encapsulating her shock and disbelief.

There are many similar cases to Tarque.  Functional medicine practitioner Jon Mitchell commented, “I have many clients who have had a lot of random health stuff pop up after getting the shot. Autoimmune, clotting throughout the body, brain abnormalities, cardiac issues, iron deficiency, etc. Some docs are acknowledging it, but very few are speaking up. It’s infuriating.”

The majority of the so-called healthcare experts continue to assert the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to the virus far outweigh the risks of side effects.

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HUMILIATION: Secretary Blinken’s Hostile Reception in Failed China Trip (VIDEOS)

HUMILIATION: Secretary Blinken’s Hostile Reception in Failed China Trip (VIDEOS)


One would be hard-pressed to describe US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken as competent of effective, but in fairness he is mostly given impossible missions and often sees his work undone by the chaotic Joe Biden administration from hell.

We don’t need a thousand words to establish that, because Blinken himself has told us everything we need to know by his facial expressions here, after he worked hard to set up a bilateral summit between Joe Biden and China’s Xi Jinping, only to see his effort trashed in a second by the ‘self-propelled grandpa’:

The trip seemed doomed from the start, and indeed it began in a humiliating fashion: when leaving his plane in Shanghai, Antony Blinken was greeted without a red carpet, and met by Shanghai Party Committee and Politburo member Chen Jining – a very low level local official.

This is the diplomatic equivalent of a slap in the face – protocol dictates the head of the State Department should be met by the Minister of Foreign Affairs – but things were about to get even worse.

Watch: Blinken arrives in Shanghai: no red carpet, low-level official receives him.

Blinken arrives in Shanghai: no red carpet, low-level official receives him.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) April 27, 2024

Blinken soldiered on, and the meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi want as badly as one would expect, with the Chinese diplomat openly displaying the adversarial tone of the meeting, saying that the US ‘should not interfere in China’s domestic affairs or suppress its development’, nor should it cross China’s ‘red lines’.

Sputnik reported:

“China’s demands are consistent. It always advocates mutual respect for core interests. The United States should not interfere in China’s internal affairs, should not suppress China’s development, and should not cross Beijing’s red lines regarding China’s sovereignty, security and development interests,” Wang said as quoted by China Central Television (CCTV).

China’s legitimate rights to development are being constantly suppressed and its core interests are being challenged, the Chinese Foreign Minister emphasized.

Wang said China-US relations are facing various obstacles, ‘with negative factors that continue to grow and accumulate’.

Blinken, of course, presented his own list of grievances, stating that the United States is ready to take new measures and impose sanctions against China against the background of the situation in Ukraine.

“If China does not take measures to solve this problem, the US will do it [impose sanctions].”

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) April 27, 2024

Of course, Blinken could not convince China to stop helping Russia, or achieve any progress in the bilateral relations.

He said Russia is using Chinese products to build up its military industry.

“Beijing will not be able to achieve improved relations with Europe by supporting the greatest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War.”

The meeting with Xi Jinping was the most embarrassing moment of the trip, when the Chinese leader was caught on camera impatiently asking an aide: ‘When will he leave?’

‘This evening’, an official answered.

The footage goes on to show Blinken entering the room and trotting towards Xi, who extends his arm the least amount possible, in a clear body language sign of control of the situation, and of lack of respect and appreciation towards the US diplomat.

Xi: ‘When will he leave?’ Aide: ‘He is leaving this evening’.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) April 27, 2024

To top it off, Blinken’s departure from China was even more melancholic: NO OFFICIAL CHINESE REPRESENTATIVES attended, and he was seen off by the U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns.







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J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Discovers He Has Cancer While Serving Time in Prison  – Please Help This Young Father, Veteran and Patriot Below

J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Discovers He Has Cancer While Serving Time in Prison – Please Help This Young Father, Veteran and Patriot Below

 J6 political prisoner and veteran Dominic Pezzola

Earlier this week Barb Turpin wrote The Gateway Pundit to share the very sad news that her son Dominic Pezzola was recently diagnosed with cancer while serving time in prison.

Barb blames the medical neglect Dominic endured since being held in prison.

Barb wrote this:

I’m hoping you will post an update on Gateway Pundit about my son now having Cancer because of the medical neglect in All of the facilities he’s been in. Dominic was on Doctors care before January 6th and was diagnosed with Barrettes Esophagus which is an erosion of the esophagus. He was put on very strong medication to prevent it from becoming cancer and he needs to get an upper GI test every 1-2 years.

Dominic was denied his medication each time he was moved and had to fight to get it. He suffered many times since his incarceration because he didn’t get his medication. He was promised several times he was going to get the upper GI test but to this day hasn’t. Dominic wants to get the word out ASAP about this because he’s not the only one going thru the medical neglect as we all know. My son being diagnosed with Cancer could have been prevented. We don’t know yet if it is Esophagus Cancer, what stage or what will be the recommended treatment as of now. They said he won’t be sent to the hospital to find out those answers for at least four weeks.

Jim, I’m devastated, heartbroken and extremely worried for my son. After all it’s the Bureau of Prisons system that is responsible for this neglect and diagnosis. How can we have faith that they will do what’s right and HOW will he get the care he needs. If you want to speak with me about this I’m always available.

Thank you and God Bless
Barb Turpin

J6 political prisoner Dominic Pezzola with his children.

** Please help Dominic and his Family Here

Dominic also sent this epic statement from prison.

Statement from Dominic Pezzola, April 2024, after he was diagnosed with cancer.

Jenn Baker wrote more about Dominic’s situation at Condemned USA Substack.

Unfortunately, because the BOP limits the inmates to 500 minutes of phone calls per month, Dominic, with only ten minutes left for the month, will be sitting alone with this diagnosis for the next six days until his minutes refill. This has been a very trying time for the Pezzola family. They welcome all the support and the love given to them from the American people and thank you for sticking by them.

FCI Butner has been in the spotlight as just one of the many prisons that have become dilapidated and should be shut down. The amount of black mold, asbestos, and decay these prison buildings have are beyond inhabitable. The kitchen at FCI Butner has fallen in on itself. The conditions of the kitchen make it impossible for the prison to be sure they are providing food that is safe and in line with Food Safety Practices.

This is only one instance of what is happening with the walls of this particular prison, and the treatment of Dominic Pezzola is just the tip of the iceberg.

There’s an online petition to address questions of the condition of the prison to the NC Health Department. If you are interested in helping with this, go to:


Please do not make specific calls to the prison regarding Dominic.

If you would like to support him and his family:

** Help Dominic and his Family Here

The post J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Discovers He Has Cancer While Serving Time in Prison – Please Help This Young Father, Veteran and Patriot Below appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.