Megan Rapinoe Demands Trans Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Women – Remember When Her Team Faced Teenage Boys?

Megan Rapinoe Demands Trans Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Women – Remember When Her Team Faced Teenage Boys?


Former soccer star Megan Rapinoe appears to not have learned her lesson whatsoever, advocating for transgender athletes to compete in women’s sporting events even though she lost to a team of teenage boys a few years ago.

On Tuesday, Rapinoe signed a letter along with numerous other athletes that called for the NCAA to ensure men claiming to be women would be able to compete against women.

“We, the undersigned, call upon the NCAA, a governing body meant to serve athletes and our wellbeing, to ensure that the lifesaving power of sport is accessible to all athletes who compete in championship and emerging sports at and for NCAA-member institutions – including transgender athletes,” the letter’s opening paragraph reads.

It goes on to say banning men from women’s sports would “severely [limit] the capacity of your member institutions to protect and support their athletes.”

The letter largely relies on emotional appeal while making broad, bogus claims such as that “studies used to justify the exclusion of transgender athletes are methodologically flawed and misinterpreted to further discrimination.”

“We call on you to be on the right side of history and affirm that sport is truly for us all. Do not ban transgender women from NCAA women’s sports,” the letter concludes.

Taking part in such an act is nothing new for Rapinoe, a lesbian LGBT activist who has generated headlines with her left-wing political posturing.

In March, she called out Christian U.S. soccer player Korbin Albert for sharing social media posts that said homosexuality and “feeling transgender” were immoral.

But as always, while Rapinoe and her fellow leftists wish to create a world where everyone is equal and nothing is set in stone, the reality is far from that.

In 2017, while she was still on the U.S. Women’s National Team, they faced the FC Dallas under-15 boys team to prepare for a friendly match against Russia, as CBS Sports reported at the time.

They lost.

While it was far from a shutout, losing 5-2 to a team of boys who can’t even drive a car yet shows just how big of a difference sex plays in physical ability.

Imagine the score if these boys were men. That’s a reality that could come about as more and more male athletes claiming to be women are allowed into women’s sports.

It will only ruin the ability of women to compete.

It’s shameful that as Rapinoe leaves the sport, she advocates for changes that will make it harder for other women to succeed.

As swimmer and women’s sports activist Riley Gaines wrote on X, “Megan Rapinoe, in typical virtue-signaling fashion, is pulling up the ladder behind her.”

“No one would know who Megan Rapinoe is [if] it weren’t for women’s sports lol,” she said.

Megan Rapinoe, in typical virtue-signaling fashion, is pulling up the ladder behind her.

No one would know who Megan Rapinoe is it weren’t for women’s sports lol

— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) April 25, 2024

Perhaps more women in sports — and the organizations that govern them — should reject Rapinoe and her woke nonsense.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Russell Brand Announces He Will Be Baptized This Sunday (Video)

Russell Brand Announces He Will Be Baptized This Sunday (Video)

 Russell Brand shares he will be baptized on Sunday.

Popular actor and podcaster Russell Brand has embarked on a spiritual journey in recent months, increasingly focusing on Christianity and Catholicism.

Breitbart News reports that “Last year, he expressed his need for God in his life, insisting without Him he ‘cannot cope in this world.’”

Earlier this year, he began wearing a crucifix around his neck.

The Gateway Pundit reported that he recently taught his viewers how to pray the rosary during an episode of his show.

I pray the Rosary, have you tried it before?

— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) April 18, 2024

Now, Brand has announced that he is “taking the plunge” and will be baptized this Sunday.

“This Sunday, I’m taking the plunge. I’m getting baptized.”

“At the moment, I’m very curious as to what you, who have been baptized, feel about it.  What your expectations are, of the event, prior, and what its actually like.”

“What’s been explained to me is that it is an opportunity to die and be reborn. An opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ’s name like it says in Galatians…that you can live as an enlightened and awakened person.”

“I know a lot of people are cynical about the increasing interest in Christianity and the return to God.  But to me, it’s obvious. As meaning deteriorates in the modern world as our value systems and institutions crumble, all of us become increasingly away that there is this eerily familiar awakening and beaconing figure that we’ve all known all our lives within us and around us.  And for me, it’s very exciting.”


Baptism. This Sunday I’m taking the plunge! How was it for you?

— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) April 26, 2024

The post Russell Brand Announces He Will Be Baptized This Sunday (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Another Republican Rep. Abruptly Announces Retirement! Florida Rep. Bill Posey Won’t Seek Reelection

Another Republican Rep. Abruptly Announces Retirement! Florida Rep. Bill Posey Won’t Seek Reelection


Another one!

Florida GOP Rep. Bill Posey on Friday abruptly announced he will be retiring from Congress at the end of the year.

The 76-year-old was first elected to represent Florida’s 8th Congressional District in 2008.

“It has been the greatest honor of Katie’s and my life to represent you in Congress,” Bill Posey said in a statement. “And, polls suggest that because of YOUR support, I could remain in the job forever, and we were looking forward to another spirited campaign for a final term in office. However, earlier this week circumstances beyond my control now require me to suspect my re-election campaign.”

“I will continue to devote all possible resources to continue representing you through the end of my current term, helping President Donald Trump return to the oval office, and supporting former Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos, in whom I have the greatest trust and confidence, to take up my battles against the swamp and replace me as your Congressman,” he said.

Bill Posey endorsed Mike Haridopolos to replace his seat.

“For many years, Mike has served as my Congressional Finance Committee Chairman, while I have mentored him to replace me,” Posey said. “Mike was, and remains, my first choice to represent you, me, and our district in Congress.”

Last week GOP Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS) announced he won’t seek reelection in November. He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2020.

According to Axios, more Republican lawmakers are expected to announce retirements in the next few weeks.

More than 23 House Republicans have announced they will not seek reelection in 2024.

Last month RINO Representative Mike Gallagher (WI) announced he would exit the House in mid-April.

Following the resignation of Mike Gallagher, Kevin McCarthy, Bill Johnson, Ken Buck and the ousting of George Santos, the Republicans are left with a one-seat majority!

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WATCH: Tucker Carlson Discusses Poll Finding ONE IN FIVE Voters Who Voted by Mail-in Ballots Admitted to Committing Fraud in 2020 With Heartland Institute’s Justin Haskins

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Discusses Poll Finding ONE IN FIVE Voters Who Voted by Mail-in Ballots Admitted to Committing Fraud in 2020 With Heartland Institute’s Justin Haskins


Tucker Carlson recently spoke with Justin Haskins, a senior fellow at the Heartland Institute, to discuss the findings from a recent poll showing that one in five voters admitted to breaking the law regarding voting practices in the 2020 election.

As the famous Kari Lake song goes, “81 million votes, my ass!”

As The Gateway Pundit’s Brian Lupo previously reported, the poll conducted by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports “found one in five voters who cast mail-in ballots during the 2020 presidential election admit to participating in at least one kind of voter fraud.

Keep in mind that 43% of 2020 voters cast ballots by mail. There were approximately 155M ballots cast in the 2020 Presidential Election. 43% of that would mean over 66M voted by mail.

The poll consisted of 1,085 likely voters. Republicans made up 33% of those polled, while 36% and 31% were Democrats and “other,” respectively. When broken down by age, 32% were 18-39, 46% were 40-64, and 22% were 65 or older:

SHOCKING: New Poll Finds ONE IN FIVE Voters Who Voted by Mail-in Ballots Admitted to Committing Fraud in 2020 Election

“One in five” of 66M would amount to potentially over 13.33M ballots that were illegally cast. But 2020 was “the safest and most secure election in history.”

Additionally, The Gateway Pundit reported on the phony mail-in ballot signatures on 2022 ballots after receiving access to likely fraudulent 2022 ballot envelopes and historical signatures through a legal public records request. See the obviously fake signatures here.

According to the results of the poll:

17% of mail-in voters admit that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are “no longer a permanent resident”
21% of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member
17% of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member “with or without his or her permission”
8% of likely voters say they were offered “pay” or a “reward” for voting in 2020.
10% of respondents – not just those who voted by mail – claimed that they know “a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance who has admitted…that he or she cast a mail-in ballot in 2020 in a state other than his or her state of permanent residence.”

“About one in five mail-in ballots in the last election was fraudulent, handing Biden the presidency. We know this because the people who committed the fraud have admitted it in a new poll,” said Tucker in the caption of his latest episode.

Watch below:

Tucker: It’s now apparently a criminal offense, a felony in this country, to suggest the 2020 presidential campaign was not on the level. That crime appears to form the basis of one of Donald Trump’s pending indictments. But actually, it’s worth denying the legitimacy of that election because it was not fair. Critical information was withheld from voters through censorship and yes by the government. That is a fact. It’s also a fact that Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million to control voting in various places around the country and affect the outcome. That’s not legitimate. It was also conducted in many places through electronic voting machines, and no country should ever use electronic voting machines because, fundamentally, they cannot be trusted. Why would you trust them? But then there’s the question of outright cheating, voter fraud. Was there voter fraud? Well, we know there was some, but was it widespread? That is a hard allegation to prove, though, of course, many people believe there was widespread fraud. Well, now it turns out we know for a fact that there was, and in fact, it can be proven with a poll. Just ask people, did you personally commit voter fraud? Well, that has just been done. And the answer is a huge percentage of people asked in the poll admitted, “yes. I committed voter fraud.” It’s remarkable. Justin Haskins is a senior fellow at the Heartland Institute. He joins us now with details. Justin, thanks so much for coming on. If you could just start by giving us the results, the shocking results of this poll, and we’ll go from there.

Haskins: It was pretty straightforward. We asked people a series of questions. The first of which is or one of the first questions was, did you vote in the 2020 election? And did you vote with an absentee ballot? And if they answered yes to both of those questions, then we asked a bunch of questions related to voter fraud. We didn’t tell them that we were asking did you commit voter fraud. We just asked them about various behaviors. So, for example, we asked people, did you vote in a state where you’re no longer a legal resident? That’s a pretty straightforward question. If you’re not a permanent resident of a state, you can’t vote there. 17% of people, nearly one in five, said yes, they did do that. We asked people, did you fill out a ballot for someone else on their behalf? That’s also illegal. You’re not allowed to fill out someone else’s ballot. 21% of people said yes to that question. We asked if people forged the signature of a friend or family member on their behalf with or without their permission. We actually put that in the poll question. And 17% of people said yes to that. So, all told, it’s at least, and I say at least, one in five mail-in ballots involve some kind of fraudulent activity, but we didn’t just stop there. We also asked everyone whether they voted via mail-in ballot or not, so in-person voting as well, do you know anyone who personally, in your personal life, a friend, a family member, an acquaintance, or someone from work, has anyone ever admitted to you that they did one of these kinds of forms of voter fraud and 10% and 11% — e asked two different questions on that — said yes, people admitted to me that they committed voter fraud.

About one in five mail-in ballots in the last election was fraudulent, handing Biden the presidency. We know this because the people who committed the fraud have admitted it in a new poll.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 26, 2024

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Dershowitz Warns the ‘Useful Idiots’ Now Protesting are Being Groomed for Terrorism

Dershowitz Warns the ‘Useful Idiots’ Now Protesting are Being Groomed for Terrorism


This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘They simply want to be part of current protest movements’

There are hundreds, no thousands, of university-age students participating now in the anti-Israel protests on campuses across the nation.

Most of them have little idea of the reason for their protests, according to longtime liberal lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

He said they’re “useful idiots” to those who have a more nefarious motive behind the protests and the violence.

But the threat is that they are being groomed for future terrorists.

Dershowitz, the Felix Frankfurther Professor of Law, emeritus at Harvard, wrote in a column at the Gatestone Institute, where he is a fellow, that those protesters include university, high school and even middle school students.

They are protesting Israel, the U.S., and Jews.

“Some of the signs say ‘pro-Palestine,’ ‘ceasefire now’ and ‘end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.’ But these benign statements hide a far more malignant agenda, the end of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, the end of America as the world’s leading power and the end of democracy and the free market economy. Even if there were a unilateral ceasefire, accompanied by massive humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, many of these protests would continue, because Gaza is merely an excuse for a much wider agenda: to destroy Israel and destroy America,” he warned.

New York protesters, he pointed out, recently called to repeat the atrocities of Hamas’ attack on Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, “a thousand times.”

“There were shouts of ‘We are Hamas,’ ‘Death to America,’ ‘Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,’ ‘Israel go to hell’ and ‘Jews to back to Poland.’ The chant of ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ is pervasive. Free of what? Free of Jews,” he said.

Nobody, he said, has been caught with a sign calling for a two-state peace solution.

The calls for “revolution” actually bypass the Middle East issues and aim directly at America, he said.

“As in the 1960s, many of these students are being groomed to be the terrorists of the future – in the manner of Kathy Boudin and Bernardine Dohrn back then – and, in the United States, a fifth column, the aim of which is taking down America,” he said.

The are four players in the protests: Arabs and Muslims who hate Israel and Jews, “old line radicals,” anarchists and America-haters, organizers who handle money and organize violence, and then those “useful idiots.”

They have “little or no knowledge of the substantive issues. They simply want to be part of current protest movements, which are popular on campuses and among many of their peers. It is this last group that is most troubling, because many of its members are good and decent people who are being led into dangerous territory by their elders.”

He said, “That these useful idiots are young does not make them less dangerous. Young students were instrumental in bringing to power tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot and Mao.”

He conceded that because they’re young, they still can change ideologies. But he said consequences should accrue to those who are violent.

Those should include “arrest and prosecution – for physically intimidating, blocking and harassing Jews or any minorities. Such actions are not protected by the First Amendment, university disciplinary rules, or employers after graduation.”

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

The post Dershowitz Warns the ‘Useful Idiots’ Now Protesting are Being Groomed for Terrorism appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.