Another Biden Disaster: US Troops Now Being Forced Out of Chad – As a Majority of Troops are Being Forced Out of Neighboring Niger – Abandoning a $100 Million Airbase

Another Biden Disaster: US Troops Now Being Forced Out of Chad – As a Majority of Troops are Being Forced Out of Neighboring Niger – Abandoning a $100 Million Airbase


Another Joe Biden foreign policy disaster is in the works.

Joe Biden already turned over the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists in September 2021.

Biden abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years in July by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ secret departure more than two hours after they left.

The Taliban quickly took control of Bagram Air Base, which is only 30 miles north of Kabul, on August 15th and released thousands of terrorists held at its prison. The Americans and Afghans left the Taliban military equipment, uniforms, rations and even sports drinks.

The ISIS suicide bomber who murdered 13 US servicemen and women and 169 Afghans was released by the Taliban from the Bagram Base prison in July.

ISIS suicide bomber Abdul Rehman was incarcerated at the Bagram prison for the past four years until he was set free by the Taliban terrorists.

Abdul Rehman then murdered 13 Americans and 173 Afghans in a suicide bombing outside the Kabul Airport.

Last week we learned about Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy disaster.  The situation in Niger could top the Afghanistan withdrawal – if that is possible.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) totally embarrassed the US Army Secretary and exposed Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy catastrophe during questioning this week in the US House of Representatives’ Armed Services Committee hearing.

Gaetz exposed the latest Biden foreign policy failure – this time in Niger, Africa.

US troops are trapped in the country allegedly without water and medicine. The Army was likely hiding this to protect itself from embarrassment. Deployed Americans are in limbo and unable to do their jobs and the Biden State Department is completely outmaneuvered once again.

Matt Gaetz Embarrasses Army Secretary – Exposes Biden Regime’s Cover-Up in Niger! – Embassy Silent on the Hundreds of US Troops Stuck in Niger Reportedly without Medicine and Water

Secretary Wormuth and General Randy George testified before the House Armed Services Committee on April 16th.

Matt Gaetz posted the report on his congressional webpage.

US Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, a potential DEI hire, was stunned and speechless when Matt Gaetz confronted her about the trapped US soldiers in Niger a country in tremendous turmoil.

It now appears the US has a trade offer from the military junta in Niger.  The Russian-backed military junta in Niger will release the 1,000 US soldiers trapped at the base in exchange for the keys to the $100 million  American airbase in the country.

WAR: Niger’s Russian-backed military junta has agreed to release 1,000 US troops it was effectively holding hostage in exchange for Biden’s agreement to turn over our $100M airbase to Niger and Russian forces. The US media will barely mention this humiliation today.

— @amuse (@amuse) April 21, 2024

How is it possible that the Biden regime could be so inept?

How is it possible that the US military could be so incompetent?

Should Americans expect more from our Billion dollar investment into the military industrial complex?

Now Chad is forcing a majority of US troops out of the country.

JUST IN: US military forced to withdraw troops from Chad, NYT reports.

“The departure of US military personnel in Chad and Niger comes as both countries are turning away from years of cooperation with the United States and forming partnerships with Russia.”

— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) April 25, 2024

The Biden-Obama regime is destroying US credibility around the world.

This report is unbelievable. The US is no longer respected under Joe Biden.
The AP reported:

The United States will pull the majority of its troops from Chad and Niger as it works to restore key agreements governing what role there might be there for the American military and its counterterrorism operations, the Pentagon said Thursday.

Both African countries have been integral to the U.S. military’s efforts to counter violent extremist organizations across the Sahel region, but Niger’s ruling junta ended an agreement last month that allows U.S. troops to operate in the West African country. In recent days, neighboring Chad also has questioned whether an existing agreement covered the U.S. troops operating there.

The U.S. will relocate most of the approximately 100 forces it has deployed in Chad for now, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Thursday at a press briefing.

“As talks continue with Chadian officials, U.S. AFRICOM is currently planning to reposition some U.S. military forces from Chad, some portions of which were already scheduled to depart. This is a temporary step as part of the ongoing review of our security cooperation, which will resume after Chad’s May 6th presidential election,” Ryder said.

In Niger, the majority of the 1,000 U.S. personnel assigned there also are expected to depart, Ryder said.

U.S. and Nigerien officials were expected to meet Thursday in Niger’s capital, Niamey, “to initiate discussions on an orderly and responsible withdrawal of U.S. forces,” the State Department said in a statement late Wednesday. Follow-up meetings between senior Pentagon and Niger officials are expected next week “to coordinate the withdrawal process in a transparent manner and with mutual respect,” Ryder said.

Interesting information from the African reporter on RT.

The American Exodus: US withdraws troops from Chad

Follow us on Rumble:

— RT (@RT_com) April 27, 2024

The post Another Biden Disaster: US Troops Now Being Forced Out of Chad – As a Majority of Troops are Being Forced Out of Neighboring Niger – Abandoning a $100 Million Airbase appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Texas Grid Operator ERCOT Warns of Possible Emergency Next Week Due to Deficient Reserves

Texas Grid Operator ERCOT Warns of Possible Emergency Next Week Due to Deficient Reserves


Texas grid operator ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) on Friday warned of a possible emergency next week due to deficient reserves.

ERCOT manages electric power to more than 26 million Texas customers and represents 90% of the state’s electric load, according to the company.

In this ERCOT Trending Topic, we explain the purpose of a Control-Room-issued Advance Action Notice (AAN) and what this notice means for Market Participants and grid operations:

— ERCOT (@ERCOT_ISO) April 26, 2024

“The Texas electrical grid operator warned of a possible emergency early next week because of a potential shortfall of power reserves.” – Bloomberg reported.

“The Electric Reliability Council of Texas said Friday the grid may have deficient reserves from April 29 at 7 p.m. Central time through May 1 at 9 p.m. Ercot may delay or cancel planned power-plant outages and may need to shore up available supplies by about 2,800 megawatts.” Bloomberg reported.

3 years ago Texas got hit with a rare cold snap that spanned to the southern part of the state and the power grids gave out.

Power outages were initiated by ERCOT in February 2021 after the wind turbines froze.

Millions of Texans went without electricity for days.

Temperatures fell into the teens near Dallas and 20s around Houston with wind chills near zero.

According to state authorities, nearly half of the wind turbines in Texas froze, hurting the power supplies.

Millions of Texans suffered blackouts partly due to the frozen wind turbines.

Three years later and Texas still hasn’t moved away from ‘green’ energy sources to avoid power outages due to deficient reserves or because of frozen wind turbines.

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George Washington University Anti-Israel Protestor Carries Sign Calling for “Final Solution” Against Jews

George Washington University Anti-Israel Protestor Carries Sign Calling for “Final Solution” Against Jews

 An unidentified man carries a sign echoing the Nazi plan to eradicate Jews. Image: @zach_kessel/X

An unidentified anti-Israel protester was photographed at George Washington University (GWU) with a sign calling for the “final solution,” echoing the Nazi plan to exterminate all Jews.

The man was seen carrying a large Palestinian flag with a sign using the verbiage of Adolf Hitler to describe his plans for the “annihilation of the Jews” as anti-Israel protesters on Thursday occupied GWU’s campus.

Image: @zach_kessel/X

Sent from @GWtweets: a man at the encampment carrying a sign that says “Final Solution”

— Zach Kessel (@zach_kessel) April 25, 2024

The New York Post reports:

The school said Friday that the remaining protesters “and any who attempt to join them are trespassing on private property and violating university regulations.”

“We are aware that individuals who are not GW students have joined the protest, and we have taken steps to restrict access to University Yard,” said the uni.

“We continue to work with the [Metropolitan Police Department] to ensure the safety and security of our campus.

“We are aware that individuals who are not GW students have joined the protest, and we have taken steps to restrict access to University Yard.

“We will pursue disciplinary actions against the GW students involved in these unauthorized demonstrations that continue to disrupt university operations.”, which is working with police said.”

Princeton: Hezbollah terror flags

George Washington: “final solution”

Ilhan Omar & AOC: “but these are peaceful protests”

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) April 26, 2024

NGO Monitor provides extensive research on the NGO network that is orchestrating the antisemitic incitement on American college campuses.

In the wake of October 7, the exponential rise in antisemitic violence, incitement, intimidation, and harassment on and around campuses in the United States is not the product of spontaneous protests of individuals. Rather, they are tightly coordinated and well-funded by a network of radical and often antisemitic non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Within Our Lifetime, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, and Samidoun. Under the guise of human rights and justice, these NGOs work to undermine the economic, military and other ties between US and Israel, and to besiege and divide the US Jewish community.

All of these groups have supported and justified the October 7th massacre, as well as other attacks. Many of the NGOs in the network are directly linked to designated Palestinian terror organizations.

Read their extensive analysis here.

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POLITICO and CNN Previously Justified ‘False Electors’ Using Hawaii’s 1960 Precedent – Politico Edited That Part Out Six Months Later, After TGP Cited It

POLITICO and CNN Previously Justified ‘False Electors’ Using Hawaii’s 1960 Precedent – Politico Edited That Part Out Six Months Later, After TGP Cited It


Earlier this week, 11 Presidential electors in Arizona from the 2020 Election were indicted after a grand jury.  The Gateway Pundit reported on this weaponization of the “attorney general” in Arizona.  This is in addition to the criminal cases being brought in Georgia and Michigan, but also the lesser-known criminal and civil cases in Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and a settlement in Wisconsin. 

It is worth noting that while it seems easy to bring charges against these electors, it was infinitely more difficult to litigate the election claims themselves.  Most cases were dismissed on procedural grounds rather than merit.  See a list of lawsuits and their outcomes here.

Kris Mayes “won” the Attorney General race against Republican Abe Hamadeh by 280 votes, despite a major discrepancy in Maricopa County that disproportionately impacted predominantly Republican precincts when the Ballot-On-Demand printers printed 19″ ballots on 20″ paper.  This caused massive delays as voters tried to feed ballots through the tabulators over and over as the machines rejected them.  In addition to voters being forced to place their ballots in “Door #3” to (hopefully) be properly counted later in the evening, lines also began to wrap around buildings and parking lots filled up as delays began to surpass an hour to cast a ballot.  Many voters attested that they had to leave because they had other obligations and couldn’t wait in an hours-long line to vote.

Just In,

Katie Hobbs on behalf of the 2022 Maricopa County General Election recommends adjudicating the 2023 South Carolina Primary,

Just drop it to box 3 or slide it into a trash can,

— RealRobert (@Real_RobN) February 24, 2024

Here is the problem w/ what happened in Maricopa County on Election Day. This is Anthem, north of Phoenix at about 1:15 pm. Ruby red district of about 30K people. Only one polling location. Ballot tabulators not working in the morning. 2 hr wait to vote midday and still at 6 pm.

— Randy DeSoto (@RandyDeSoto) November 14, 2022


In July 2023, The Gateway Pundit published an article about lawfare being used against the alternate electors in the states with contested elections, specifically Georgia, as those electors were the ones being indicted at the time.  The article originally was to focus around the declaration of Professor Todd Zywicki, the George Mason Foundation Professor of Law at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University.  Zywicki is a well-accomplished legal scholar with several published academic papers specifically on laws governing presidential elections and transitions.

However, there were at least two articles from Mockingbird Media outlets that reinforced the position Professor Zywicki was taking regarding sending an alternate slate of electors in a contested election.  One was from CNN, before the days-long counting process ensued and Biden ‘prevailed’.  Around the same time we all went to bed on November 3rd with President Trump in a commanding lead in Pennsylvania (Trump up by 600,000 votes, or 11 points), Georgia (Trump up by 117,000 votes), and Michigan (Trump up by 6 points in Michigan at 4:50am, according to NPR).

In a November 4th, 2020 article, CNN’s Van Jones and Lawrences Lessig tried to show that Biden “still has a path to victory” and stated that:

The key – and this is the critical fact for 2020 as well  –  is that the Democratic slate [of electors] had also met on December 19 [1960], and had also cast their ballots in the manner specified by the Constitution. When they voted, no one knew whether their votes would matter. But at least someone recognized that the only way their votes could matter was if they were cast on the day that Congress had set.

The other outlet, Politico, was a little more researched in their reporting.  The 2022 article titled “See the 1960 Electoral College Certificates That the False Trump Electors Say Justify Their Gambit” claims that the difference between 1960 Hawaii alternate electors and the 2020 alternates was that election challenges in Hawaii 1960 were successful:

“Although the three Democratic electors in Hawaii took the same action — signing false certificates — it does not appear they ever faced similar scrutiny, in part because of what happened next.  Namely, that Hawaii’s recount ultimately did reverse the state’s election outcome.

I guess ‘criminality’ is ‘outcome-determinative’.

However, this is where it gets interesting.  Politico went on to write:

One crucial feature of the 1960 episode is that a state court weighed in on Jan. 4, 1961, two days before Nixon (then vice-president) oversaw the electoral vote count.

In that case, Judge Ronald Jamieson agreed that the certified Kennedy electors were legitimate. But, more significantly, Jamieson said it was important that those electors met and gathered on Dec. 19, 1960, as prescribed by the Electoral Count Act.

Rather than suggest the Democratic electors committed fraud, the judge pointed to their meeting as a key step that preserved their ability to be counted after the recount showed Kennedy had actually won the state.

The highlighted portions would unequivocally suggest that President Trump’s electors were justified in their actions based on past precedent.  However, those highlighted portions no longer exist in the current form of the Politico article that can be found here.  But the internet is forever and those quotes remain on the Wayback Machine archives that can be found here.

Sometime in the month following The Gateway Pundit publishing this piece that cited the above quote specifically, as well as Professor Zywicki’s expert declaration, Politico edited their article to remove (or edit) the highlighted segments.

At the bottom of the article, they write:

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly indicated that Jamieson acknowledged the unofficial slate of Democratic electors when he ruled that Kennedy had prevailed in the recount. He made no mention of the “contingent” slate in his ruling or judgment. The story also gave the incorrect date of Jamieson’s ruling. It was Dec. 30, 1960.

The author, Kyle Cheney, wrote on X:

Updating the story was also an opportunity to add a whole range of new primary source documents from 1960 that we obtained from NARA. They include Hawaii judge, Ronald Jamieson’s actual ruling and findings.

And then posted this screenshot, purportedly of the judgement from Judge Ronald B. Jamieson:


Politico also removed the last sentence The Gateway Pundit cited (“Rather than suggest the Democratic electors committed fraud…”) despite a strikingly similar citation being made in the Atlanta Journal Constitution and credited to Holly Pierson, counsel for defendant David Shafer and others:

“Rather than suggest the uncertified Democratic electors had committed crimes, Judge Jamieson hailed them as heroes, describing their meeting as a critically important step that preserved their ability for their presidential ballots to be counted after the Democrats prevailed in their election contest and the Governor certified the Democratic contingent presidential electors as having been elected,” Pierson and Gillen said.

The above-referenced quote comes from a letter that was sent to Fulton County DA Fani Willis’s office on March 26th, 2023 from Holly Pierson, counsel for David Shafer.  In the letter, in a footnote on page 4, it states:

In so holding, Judge Ronald Jamieson specifically noted that it was important that the uncertified Democrat presidential electors had met on Dec. 19, 1960, as prescribed by the Electoral Count Act, to cast their ballots. Rather than suggest the uncertified Democratic electors had committed crimes, Judge Jamieson hailed them as heroes, describing their meeting as a critically important step that preserved their ability for their presidential ballots to be counted after the Democrats prevailed in their election contest and the Governor certified the Democratic contingent presidential electors as having been elected.

We’ve reached out to Pierson as well as Professor Zywicki for more information regarding the footnote from the letter to DA Willis.

Either way, the declaration (below) from Prof. Zywicki in and of itself is a thorough explanation to the necessity of sending alternate electors in a contested election, especially electors that claim they are alternates, as was done in 2020.  He also points out that Democrats did the same thing on December 14th, 2020 in the contested Presidential Election of Bush v. Gore.

Zywicki Declaration by CannCon



The post POLITICO and CNN Previously Justified ‘False Electors’ Using Hawaii’s 1960 Precedent – Politico Edited That Part Out Six Months Later, After TGP Cited It appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Joe Biden’s America: Illegal Alien in Florida Arrested For Double Murder of Girlfriend and Her 4-Year-Old Daughter

Joe Biden’s America: Illegal Alien in Florida Arrested For Double Murder of Girlfriend and Her 4-Year-Old Daughter


Joe Biden’s America.

An illegal alien in Florida was arrested on Thursday by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department for double murder. He allegedly stabbed his girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter to death.

Investigators believe that Angel Gabriel Cuz-Choc, 31, was here illegally from Guatemala.

Bay 9 News reported:

DOVER, Fla. — Less than 24 hours after a brutal double homicide in Dover, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said Thursday it has arrested a suspect.

According to Sheriff Chad Chronister, 31-year-old Angel Gabriel Cuz-Choc has been taken into custody and will be charged. Investigators believe Cuz-Choc relocated to Hillsborough County from Guatemala within the last year.

Investigators are still working to identify the adult female victim and the young child. Chronister confirmed the young victim is a little girl who looks to be 4 or 5 years old.

“Our main concern was to identify him and find out how he entered our country. We learned with working with our partners in Homeland Security, he did enter this country unlawfully,” Hillsborough County Sheriff said.


Hillsborough County, FL: Yesterday, Angel Gabriel Cruz-Choc was arrested for a double murder in the stabbing death of his girlfriend and her four year old daughter.

The sheriff has stated that he entered illegally.

— Illegal Alien Crimes (@ImmigrantCrimes) April 26, 2024

The Biden administration has demonstrated that they have no intention of taking illegal immigration seriously.

In March, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was on CBSs “Face the Nation,” and would not say that Laken Riley’s murderer should have been deported.

“Should this man have been deported?” Brennen asked Mayorkas.

“One individual is responsible for the murder, and that is the murderer,” Mayorkas responded.


Biden DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas reads directly from his notes in response to the murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley by an illegal alien — but refuses to admit the murderer should never have been here in the first place.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 3, 2024

The Biden regime’s open border policies for over 3 years has resulted in a shocking 10 to 12 million illegal aliens entering our country.

That number equals about the population of 41 individual states.

The post Joe Biden’s America: Illegal Alien in Florida Arrested For Double Murder of Girlfriend and Her 4-Year-Old Daughter appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.