JUST IN: Harvey Weinstein Hospitalized Following Transfer to Rikers Island Jail After Rape Conviction Overturn

JUST IN: Harvey Weinstein Hospitalized Following Transfer to Rikers Island Jail After Rape Conviction Overturn


Disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein was hospitalized this Saturday following his transfer back to Rikers Island jail.

The 72-year-old is undergoing a series of medical tests ahead of his scheduled court appearance next week.

His attorney, Arthur Aidala, spoke to the Associated Press about his client’s deteriorating health.

Weinstein was initially examined at Rikers but was moved to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan for a more comprehensive evaluation.

“They examined him and sent him to Bellevue. It seems like he needs a lot of help, physically. He’s got a lot of problems. He’s getting all kinds of tests. He’s somewhat of a train wreck health wise,” Aidala said.

FOX News reported:

“Harvey is in the hands of NYC Department of Corrections and NYC H+H/Correctional Health Services and is having his medical needs tended to by DOCS and CHS,” Craig Rothfeld, Weinstein’s prison consultant and authorized DOCS representative, told Fox News Digital in a statement. “We are grateful for how smoothly they handled his eventual return to Bellevue’s prison ward.”

Weinstein’s representative, Juda Engelmayer, told Fox News Digital that Weinstein returned to Rikers Island on Saturday morning.

“At the same time, we‘re cautiously optimistic and are prepared to go to trial, if it comes to that,” Engelmayer added. “There are fewer charges now and the deck isn’t going to be illegally stacked against him. While we all enjoy the same rights when it comes to our justice system, a defendant has an additional right to due process. We are glad the Appeals Court judges saw it that way.”

Weinstein’s return to Rikers comes after his 2020 rape conviction was overturned by a panel of mostly female judges in New York’s high court in a narrow 4-3 decision on Thursday, as reported by The Gateway Pundit.

Weinstein, who was convicted of sexual assault and rape, was serving a 23-year sentence at Mohawk Correctional Facility. His convictions included the forcible performance of oral sex on a television and film production assistant in 2006 and the third-degree rape of an aspiring actress in 2013.

His legal battle took an unexpected turn when the New York Court of Appeals, in a narrow 4-3 verdict on Thursday, overturned his 2020 rape conviction. The court highlighted several instances of judicial error, specifically pointing out the testimony of women regarding uncharged sexual acts, deeming it improperly admitted and irrelevant to the case at hand.

“We conclude that the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts against persons other than the complainants of the underlying crimes,” the court’s 4-3 decision said, according to AP. “The remedy for these egregious errors is a new trial.”

Despite the reversal of the New York conviction, Weinstein continues to serve time for subsequent convictions in Los Angeles for rape, although he has signaled intentions to challenge that verdict too, according to NBC.

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has expressed its determination to re-try the case, emphasizing its commitment to the cause of sexual assault survivors.

“We will leverage every resource within our power to re-try this case,” declared the office on Thursday, reaffirming its dedication to prioritizing the experiences and wellbeing of survivors in their pursuit of justice.

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Four Vietnamese Nationals Arrested in England Over Facebook Ads for Human Smuggling

Four Vietnamese Nationals Arrested in England Over Facebook Ads for Human Smuggling


Four Vietnamese nationals have been arrested in England for running Facebook advertisements for a human smuggling operation.

The National Crime Agency says that the group would collect people brought to England on small boats and bring them to an address in Croydon.

On Monday, police arrested a 23-year-old woman and 64 and 34-year-old men for “suspicion of assisting unlawful immigration.” A 25-year-old man was also arrested for “people smuggling and drug offenses,” according to a report from Sky News.

The report explains, “In Paris, 12 people have also been arrested as part of the investigation into the group accused of sharing posts aimed at the Vietnamese community, advertising illegal crossings and charging those willing to make the trip thousands of pounds.”

“The older man arrested in London is thought to have acted as a driver, collecting migrants who arrived on small boats and on at least one occasion bringing them back to the Croydon address, the National Crime Agency (NCA) said,” the report continues. “He will now face extradition proceedings while the others were charged and appeared at Croydon Magistrates Court on Tuesday, they added.”

Home Secretary James Cleverly said in a statement, “We are using every possible lever at our disposal to crack down on people smugglers and break their supply chains.”

“Just last week, we signed a new agreement with Vietnam, strengthening our cooperation on illegal migration,” Cleverly added. “Together with law enforcement agencies such as the NCA, our French partners, and other countries like Vietnam, we are committed to dismantling the criminal gangs who are trying to turn a profit by abusing our borders.”

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How a Faith-Based Company is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement

How a Faith-Based Company is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement


(Note: Thank you for supporting American businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and working with them through the links below which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)

When Genesis Gold Group was first started, co-founder Jonathan Rose knew two things were necessary in order to thrive in the extremely competitive precious metals industry:

First, he knew they wouldn’t repeat the same deceptive marketing tactics “Big Gold” companies use to entice customers.

Second, he knew they needed spiritual guidance if they were going to succeed in reaching Americans who want their life’s savings protected from the tumultuous markets.

“If we are going to live up to our namesake, we have to be truly driven by Biblical principles… not only as individuals but as a company,” Rose said.

Millions of Americans have grown increasingly concerned about the trajectory of our nation. It made sense for Genesis Gold Group to launch by combining over 50-years of experience in gold and silver with proper guidance from faith leaders.

This is why Director of Philanthropy David Holland, was one of the first people they hired.

“As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I firmly believe good stewardship of a believer’s resources is important and a foundation for a close walk with Him,” Holland said. “It is not difficult to see, based on the lack of biblical values in both our government and financial system, that we are swiftly heading into unstable times.”

The challenges aren’t just coming from the economy or government. The precious metals industry itself is rife with “Big Gold” companies who are willing to use sketchy marketing tactics and over-the-top sales pressure to get Americans into overpriced products.

Self-directed IRAs backed by physical precious metals are becoming more popular for mature Americans who are concerned about inflation, unsustainable debt, the ongoing banking crisis, and “woke” ESG funds filling their retirement portfolios.

Click here to reach out today through goldbygenesis.com.

The challenge, as Rose noted, is that the vast majority of self-directed IRA products being pushed by “Big Gold” are not built with the customers’ best interests in mind.

“The process appears to be the same from one gold company to another but there’s a huge gap between how secular gold companies do business versus how we do it,” Rose said. “We guide our clients to back their retirement accounts with metals that are priced right and have the greatest opportunity for growth. Most gold companies look only at their own margins when filling their customers’ depositories.”

To change the industry, and thereby change the way Americans protect their retirement, Genesis Gold Group refuses to participate in the effective but deceptive marketing tactic of offering “free” silver with “qualified” purchases. It’s a gimmick through which gold companies overcharge for the metals their customers buy, then give them what essentially turns out to be a small rebate in the form of “free” silver.

The silver being offered isn’t actually free. It’s simply baked into the exuberant margins “Big Gold” companies charge for their precious metals products.

“We believe in two things,” Rose said. “We serve God and we serve our customers. We may not be willing to buy a paid recommendation from a Fox News host or former popular politician, but our real world customer testimonials tell the true story of Genesis Gold Group.”

Here are some of the things customers are saying about Genesis:

“With the downward turn in the market, I have been wanting to transfer my IRA to gold/precious metals. I am so happy that I came across Genesis Gold Group. They made the process seamless . . . They have knowledge, care, and patience with newbies, like me. They kept me informed along the way and reached out several times to see if I had any questions or concerns. I highly recommend them to anyone interested in investing in precious metals.”

“They made it so easy to transfer part of the funds out of my company 401K to set up a precious metals IRA. Everyone I’ve dealt with there is friendly and knowledgeable.”

“The people at Genesis Gold Group have been very helpful to get my 401k from stocks and bonds to silver coins on deposit. They are patient and explained each step and answered my numerous questions along the way.”

Hearing from customers drives Rose and his team to continue to believe in their mission.

“We hope we can change the industry, which is busy taking advantage of Americans without taking the time to appreciate the consequences,” Rose said. “But even if we can’t change other gold companies, we can definitely change the lives of people who put their trust in our services. Knowing that is more than enough for us to keep fighting the good fight.”

Click here to contact Genesis Gold Group today and receive a free Definitive Gold Guide and learn more about protecting your life’s savings from the various threats we’re facing today.

(Note: The information provided by Gateway Pundit or any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice.)

The post How a Faith-Based Company is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Cal Poly Humboldt Shuts Down After Pro-Hamas Activists Occupied the President’s Office (Video)

Cal Poly Humboldt Shuts Down After Pro-Hamas Activists Occupied the President’s Office (Video)


Cal Poly Humboldt, located on the coast in Arcata, about 280 miles north of San Francisco, shut down its campus on Friday after pro-Hamas/Communist activists took over President Tom Jackson’s office and set up an ‘occupy zone.’ One of the buildings was renamed “Intifada Hall” by the terrorist supporters. The school will be closed through May 10 with classes held online. Humboldt, which is a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), reports it has 5,858 undergraduate students with fulltime tuition and fees for the year costing $7,864.

The office of Cal Poly Humboldt President Tom Jackson was vandalized by Hamas supporters who occupied Siemens Hall, screen image via Ryan Burns/YouTube, April 27, 2024.

The school has acknowledged outside actors are in involved, saying, in a statement Wednesday (scroll down to April 24 at link), “There are unidentified non-students with unknown intentions, in Siemens Hall. This creates an unpredictable environment. In addition, all entrances to the building are barricaded, creating a fire hazard. Adding to health and safety concerns, many toilets are no longer working.”

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday about 100 tents are spread around the occupied campus, “UPDATE: About 100 tents covered the lawns adjoining Siemens Hall and extended across the Cal Poly Humboldt campus Saturday as Pro-Palestinian demonstrators protest in defiance of the university’s orders to leave Friday evening.”

UPDATE: About 100 tents covered the lawns adjoining Siemens Hall and extended across the Cal Poly Humboldt campus Saturday as Pro-Palestinian demonstrators protest in defiance of the university’s orders to leave Friday evening.https://t.co/qwzCjiaaGO

— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) April 27, 2024

Videos posted online show the takeover of the campus by pro-Hamas activists using Antifa tactics like using ‘riot shields’ to defend against police actions. Earlier in the week there were violent clashes with police on campus. (Police withdrew after battling the activists for several minutes.)

This may be the greatest video I have ever seen

Via @zerosum24 pic.twitter.com/OzsLmkj8GK

— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) April 23, 2024

Video posted Friday of riot shields being put together at the ‘occupied’ zone’.

The Cal Poly Humboldt comrades in their full splendor. pic.twitter.com/sd0SErN05E

— Kenji Tomari (he/his) (@dataredistro) April 26, 2024

Photos posted Friday:

Video posted Saturday by “Stu” shows the aftermath of the takeover of the Siemens Hall administration building housing the president’s office. Property destruction, trash and graffiti–lots of graffiti, “BREAKING: A look inside “Intifada Hall” at Cal Poly Humboldt. Students have “occupied and barricaded” two buildings and have encamped around them.”

BREAKING: A look inside “Intifada Hall” at Cal Poly Humboldt. Students have “occupied and barricaded” two buildings and have encamped around them. pic.twitter.com/eFJxrDGADE

— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 27, 2024

More video posted by Ryan Burns from the Lost Coast Outpost shows what the pro-Hamas activists did to the president’s office:

Lost Coast Outpost filed a report on the occupation with photos and more videos that can be read at this link.

Cal Poly Humboldt issued statements Friday closing the campus and offering amnesty from arrest and mitigation of disciplinary action for those who left by 4 p.m. The statements were posted on the school’s “Emergency” page.

Campus Closed Through the End of the Semester, Remote Instruction and Work Continue
April 26, 2024 – 12:30pm
Campus is now closed through May 10, and work and academic instruction will be remote as individuals continue to occupy Siemens Hall and Nelson Hall East. More details to follow about campus operations and remote work.

The occupation of Siemens Hall and Nelson Hall East is causing ongoing inability to open other campus facilities. Since Monday night, protestors have attempted several times to break into multiple locked buildings with the intention of either locking themselves in, vandalizing, or stealing equipment. Vandalism and theft have continued across campus.

Campus Offers Chance to Leave Buildings with No Immediate Arrest
April 26, 2024 – 2:10pm
As part of an ongoing and urgent effort to protect life and safety in the ongoing crisis of occupied buildings, Cal Poly Humboldt is offering any of those currently in the buildings the opportunity to leave with a guarantee of no immediate arrest. This does not, however, eliminate University conduct-related sanctions or legal implications.

Those who walk out peacefully by the deadline will not be immediately arrested and will be able to leave campus without being arrested. In addition, voluntarily departing in this way will be considered as a mitigating factor in University conduct processes and may reduce the severity of sanctions imposed.

This offer is open until 4 p.m., Friday, April 26. (Later extended to 5 p.m.)

The offer applies to both students and non-students who are currently occupying buildings and illegally camping around them.

The individuals inside the buildings were told about this opportunity earlier today. They are also being notified by email and other communications channels.

A number of individuals have continued to occupy Siemens Hall since Monday, and have made efforts to occupy other buildings on campus. While the situation is largely stabilized, there is continuing destruction of property and other lawlessness in the central part of campus. This has caused complex operational challenges that require the closure of other facilities on campus. The occupation is having a negative impact on other students, who are trying to complete classes at the end of the semester

The Cal Poly Humboldt campus is closed through the remainder of the semester, and work and instruction continue to be remote.

The school responded earlier Friday to the pro-Hamas activists’ list of demands which can be read at the “Emergency” page. The school would not commit to total amnesty:

4. Drop charges against and halt the harassment of student organizers by law enforcement.

University policy and conduct violations will follow established procedures, and there will be consequences for actions that violate policy or law. However, students who elect to evacuate the building and support efforts to clear the building will have their actions considered as a mitigating factor within those processes.

Background on Cal Poly Humboldt via Wikipedia (excerpt):

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt or Humboldt[Note 1][7]) is a public university in Arcata, California. It is one of three polytechnic universities in the California State University (CSU) system and the northernmost campus in the system.

The main campus, situated hillside at the edge of a coast redwood forest, overlooks Arcata, much of Humboldt Bay, and the Pacific Ocean. The college town setting on the California North Coast, 8 miles (13 km) north of Eureka, 279 miles (449 km) north of San Francisco, and 654 miles (1053 km) north of Los Angeles is notable for its natural beauty. It is the most westerly four-year university in the contiguous United States. Humboldt is a Hispanic-serving institution (HSI).

The university is divided into three colleges: the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; the College of Natural Resources and Sciences; and the College of Professional Studies.[6] It offers 58 bachelor’s degree programs, 14 master’s degree programs, 76 minors, and 4 credential programs.[3] Cal Poly Humboldt does not offer doctoral degrees.

The wave of pro-Hamas protests is being orchestrated by a global anti-Western Civilization alliance of Communists and Islamists. While issue is Gaza, as the saying goes, ‘the issue is never the issue, the issue is the revolution.’

The post Cal Poly Humboldt Shuts Down After Pro-Hamas Activists Occupied the President’s Office (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Holy Crap: Lost Joe Biden Gives Speech to Wounded Warriors with His Back to Them…Until Jill Finally Turns Him Around (VIDEO)

Holy Crap: Lost Joe Biden Gives Speech to Wounded Warriors with His Back to Them…Until Jill Finally Turns Him Around (VIDEO)


Joe Biden offered his praise and thanks to a group of wounded warriors at the White House earlier this week — but had his back to them for his entire speech until Jill Biden turned him around.

The bizarre gaffe occurred on Wednesday as Jill Biden launched the Wounded Warrior Project’s annual Soldier Ride from the White House lawn.

Joe Biden tells wounded warriors they are the spine of America after Jill helps him find the wounded warriors.

Joe is gone. If you can’t see it, you’re part of the problem. pic.twitter.com/6cB4kAW5yQ

— SULLY (@SULLY10X) April 26, 2024

The confused president walked to the opposite side of the stage from the veterans, kept his back to them, and declared that they are the “spine of America.”

Biden said he had just signed a bill that “all the wounded warriors and warriors care about, we just finally THANK GOD provided Ukraine with the money they need.”

“You are the spine of America,” Biden said before an awkwardly long pause. “That’s not an exaggeration. I really mean it. You’re the backbone. You’re the spine. You’re the reason we are the nation we are. You’re the best America has to offer. God love you all.”

Jill Biden finally turned him around and directed him toward the people he was supposed to be speaking to.

Biden said he had to leave because “Jill’s going to kick me in the rear end if I don’t get out of here and finish my job.”

The post Holy Crap: Lost Joe Biden Gives Speech to Wounded Warriors with His Back to Them…Until Jill Finally Turns Him Around (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.