Fast-Paced Russian Offensive Yields Over a Dozen Conquered Cities and Villages, as Ukrainian Morale Is Collapsing Along the Front, With Over 100K Troops Deserting Their Positions

Fast-Paced Russian Offensive Yields Over a Dozen Conquered Cities and Villages, as Ukrainian Morale Is Collapsing Along the Front, With Over 100K Troops Deserting Their Positions


In the much-hyped Summer 2023 offensive, Ukrainian troops repeatedly failed to breach the formidable Russian defensive fortifications of the ‘Surovikin Line’, despite hundreds of billions of western military aid in money and equipment.

Kiev’s assaults faced seemingly impenetrable minefields, multi-layered trenches, dragon teeth and anti-tank ditches, and left a mountain of destroyed tanks and armored cars as a testimony for the new realities of war.

Today, drones, artillery and missiles, coupled with new ‘eyes in the sky’ IRS capabilities (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) have made offensive actions muh more difficult than in the past.

As the Ukrainian offensive efforts wound down, Russia took the initiat5ive fully leveraging its superior firepower and better trained and equipped troops, and by using a ‘death by a thousand cuts’ strategy, kept nibbling at the 600 mile-long frontline, keeping the badly outmaneuvered Ukrainians always in a rush to scramble reinforcements to and fro.

The result, in these last four months, have been quite different than in Kiev’s case, and the localities conquered by the Russian Federation forces have now amounted to well over a dozen cities and villages.

The news of the advances are so rapid and chaotic that I asked social platform X’s AI chatbot Grok to help me with a comprehensive (but not exhaustive list). What follows is Grok’s initial list edited and complemented by me:

Avdiivka: after Russian forces seized this key Donbas city, they rapidly followed up with several nearby villages: Severnoye, Sjeverne, Lastochkyne, Stepove, Orlivka and Berdychi.
Pervomaiske, Donetsk region – Russian forces announced the capture of this village after a year and a half effort.
Semenivka – Russian forces captured this Donetsk village.
Kiselivka – Russian forces have captured part of this Kherson Oblast village.
Novokalinovo – Russian troops are advancing in this Donetsk area, with successes reported in the center of the village.
Otscheretyne – Moscow forces captured most of this Donetsk town, northwest of Adviivka.
Pervomaiske and Vodyaine – These areas in Donetsk were reported to be fully occupied by Russian forces after a year of fighting.

I understand that to some, this above enumeration may come across as a meaningless list of foreign-sounding names, but one cannot escape the understanding: it’s a lot of places.

The list above (once again, not exhaustive) shows that all localities, with the exception of southern Kiselivka in the Kherson Oblast, were concentrated in the Donetsk Oblast (region).

Donetsk is undoubtedly the main immediate objective of the Russian special military operation, because Donetsk and the already conquered Luhansk were the two Russian majority, former Ukrainian breakaway regions that ignited this whole situation.

While the Russian Federation forces have imposed a overwhelming pace to their advances, so far we haven’t seen a complete breakdown of the Ukrainian lines as many feared.

But the seriousness of the problem Kiev faces can be understood by the fact that two Ukrainian sources – including former President Volodymyr Zelensky advisor Oleksi Arestovytch – have revealed that OVER 100K TROOPS have deserted their positions and are unaccounted for.

Now, a report comes from the battle for Oscheretyne: a ‘blunder’ by Ukrainian troops allowed the Russians to capture large parts of the settlement unopposed.

Business Insider reported:

“Russian troops were able to take most of Ocheretyne, northwest of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine, after an apparent rotational error involving Ukraine’s elite 47th Mechanized Brigade and its 115th Mechanized Brigade.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade was due to be relieved by the 115th along the front line just east of Ocheretyne.

But as the 47th pulled back, Russia’s 30th Motor Rifle Brigade attacked, taking advantage of a gap left by the pending arrival of the 115th.”

The commander of the 47th, Mykola Melnyk, famous for losing a leg during the summer offensive, wrote a rather shocking account on Facebook: the Business Insider translation is “The drastic advancement of the Russians became possible because certain units just fucked off.”

Automatic translation is a bit more tame:

“The Russians entered the outskirts of Oscheretyne yesterday. The rapid advance of the Russians became possible due to the fact that certain units simply lost their positions. I hope they will be disbanded and retrained as attack fighters.”

[That is shocking because it’s the military equivalent wishing them death by putting them on the most dangerous position.]

Russians flags fly over Avdeevka.

Melnyk also touches on a fundamental problem for Kiev: there are no troop rotations. They are just expected to fight until they die.

“The holes that ended up are plugged by those who were planned to be taken to recovery, so 47 OMBr is back in action. Another month and it will be a year without rotation.”

A spokesperson for the 115th Brigade denied the allegations. “The unit did not abandon its position,” he said, according to the Financial Times.

Needless to say, this ugly mudslinging between Ukrainian military units is indicative of the dangerous collapsing morale.

Russian flag flies over Artemovsk (Bakhmut).

In our coverage here of the battle for the key Donbas town of Chasov Yar, we reported about how some elite Azov Nazi units now have rebelled and sometimes do not obey orders:

“But while the fierce Ukrainian defenders have been reinforced with artillery and drones, and electronic warfare devices, as per a Reuters report, the striking feature of this battle is the fact that Nazi Azov brigades seem to be ‘sitting this one out.’

The experience from previous sieges apparently has made the most ideological Ukrainian forces weary of defending ‘to the end’ localities that they deem un-defendable.

Aleksander Khodakovskiy [ironically] writes:

“Information has emerged that Azov, the menace of all the ‘Moskals’, has again refused to sacrifice itself for European values. […] in Ukraine, those who made the mess are now pushing forward the gray masses, who were driven against their will, while they themselves prefer to save themselves for future political feats.”

The telegram channel from the Z 105th regiment:

“However, not everyone faces threats like ‘pincers’, ‘cauldrons’, and other blockades. The 3rd brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (formerly known as “Azov”) is one such example. These nimble soldiers have already departed from Chasov Yar in advance, drawing from their experiences in Mariupol and honing their skills in Avdeevka.”

Besides the 3rd Assault Brigade AZOV refusing to go to Chasov Yar, the 67th Mechanized Brigade (‘right sector unit’) refused orders and left Chasov Yar and reportedly will be dissolved.”

While the new US military aid package will diminish the firepower disparity against Kiev in the short run, and the new mobilization laws will diminish the dire lack of ‘human resources’ in the long run, the collapsing morale of the troops seems to have no antidote in sight.

Meanwhile, Russia advances. Fast.

Read more:

Chasov Yar: Russians Want To Conquer City Before ‘Victory Day’ on May 9th – Besiegers Advance, Pound Defensive Positions – Azov Brigade Keeps Out of the Confrontation (VIDEOS)



The post Fast-Paced Russian Offensive Yields Over a Dozen Conquered Cities and Villages, as Ukrainian Morale Is Collapsing Along the Front, With Over 100K Troops Deserting Their Positions appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


‘Uranium One’ FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain Discusses Los Angeles County DA’s Cover-up of Konnech CEO’s Arrest and Release

‘Uranium One’ FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain Discusses Los Angeles County DA’s Cover-up of Konnech CEO’s Arrest and Release


Last week, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, led by Soros-backed district attorney George Gascon, is being accused of dropping the charges against Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech and a China-born naturalized citizen to the United States, due to political motivations.

Yu was accused of, among other things, sending Personal Identifying Information (PII) of voters and poll workers to Chinese-owned companies.  In China, all stored data is accessible by the government.

Nate Cain, the founder of the company Cain and Associates and tasked with assisting in the investigation of Konnech, joined Why We Vote last night to discuss his findings.  Cain revealed that he was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement that would give the LA DA’s Office authority to order Cain to destroy or hand over evidence.  Fortunately, Cain amended the contract authorizing him to inform other law enforcement authorities, including federal agencies.  He also added a stipulation that if he was not paid, the NDA would be voided.

You can watch the full interview with Nate Cain here (Konnech information begins around the 27:10 mark).

Do you want to know how they get away with subverting our elections and election laws??

George Soros-funded District Attorneys.

Holy. Shit.

— CannCon (@CannConActual) April 27, 2024


The case in Los Angeles County was not brought directly by George Gascon, but rather his Deputy District Attorney, Eric Neff.  Neff was a “Grade II Deputy District Attorney” in the “Public Integrity Division”, which handles public corruption in Los Angeles County.  Neff has since filed a Tort claim, a precursor to a civil lawsuit, as published by Margot Cleveland and The Federalist.

The Tort Claim from Neff asserts:

“In or about October 2020, Mr. Eugene Yu, who owned and operated Konnech Inc., a Michigan-based company, submitted a sole-source contract for the software services of “PollChief” with the County of Los Angeles.  According to the contract…”PollChief” was asserted to be a “high-performance election management software that organizes the administration of elections.”  The contract was for a maximum of $2,909,500 over five years, which was a significant increase over the previous $200,000 contract also with Konnech.

As part of that contract, Konnech gained access to the PII of election workers and was entrusted with protecting that information with “strict contractual requirements”.  Neff claims that Konnech “misled Los Angeles County into believing that Konnech had implemented security procedures to safeguard PII”.  DA Gascon “alleged evidence that showed Konnech used third-party contractors based in China” thus “fail[ing] to abide by security procedures to protect such data”.

Neff recognized this breach of contract and began to gather more evidence against Yu.  On October 4th, 2022, a search warrant in Michigan was executed and Yu was arrested.  According to Neff, “It was immediately clear that Konnech’s deception of LA County with regards to its practices with poll worker information was even worse than initially feared.  Konnech was sending sensitive PII data to Chinese-owned and operated third-party contractors through Chinese-owned and operated messaging applications.

On October 6th, two days after the warrant was executed, President Trump Truthed “Go George, Go”.  Neff claims that “from this point onward, despite the criminal case against Mr. Yu, DA Gascon and President Trump are connected which is devastating to DA Gascon’s political career.”

Over the next six days, from October 6th thru October 12th, Neff’s “entire chain of command” would “thoroughly” review the evidence against Yu, including “four management-level prosecutors” and “the highest ranking non-elected prosecutor in the office”, Chief Deputy District Attorney Sharon Woo.  They all approved of the filing.

Through a series of moves, DA Gascon “through his subordinate chain-of-command” made Neff the second chair on the case and brought in DDA Grade III Luke Sisak from Cyber Crimes to supervise Neff in the prosecution.

From the Tort Claim:

“On November 10, 2022, prior to the demurrer hearing in court, Mr. Sisak met with Mr. Neff and informed him that management from the DA’s Office had ordered the case be dismissed.  Neff verbally complained to Mr. Sisak that there was no legal basis for the dismissal and that no one informed him of the dismissal prior to that morning.  More importantly, Mr. Neff objected to the dismissal because he had reasonable cause to believe that his participation in the dismissal was against the law.  It was a politically based dismissal not in furtherance of justice.”

Neff claimed that under Penal Code section 1386, “neither the Attorney General nor the district attorney can discontinue or abandon a prosecution for a public offense” without permission of the Court.  Neff, once again, claimed that the dismissal was for DA Gascon’s political gain.

When Neff brought these concerns to his superiors, claiming political motivations in the dismissal, he was placed on administrative leave pending an internal investigation.  In March 2024, a year and a half later, Neff was notified that no disciplinary action would be taken against him.  He was demoted from “prosecuting political corruption” to a “less desirable” assignment in the Welfare Fraud Unit.  Neff called it “an assignment commonly known in the DA’s Office to punish prosecutors where DDAs are not favored by management.”

Eugene Yu has since fled the country but not before the LA County DA’s office paid him $5 million for “violating his rights”.  According to NBC Los Angeles:

Attorneys for Konnech and its owner, Eugene Yu, said they were happy for their client, and said his business was devastated as a result of the public accusations.

“The Los Angeles DA’s arrest of Mr. Yu based on utterly false charges — charges the DA dropped 5 weeks later — and the resulting publicity cost Mr. Yu his life savings and Konnech over 50 percent of its customers,” said Yu’s attorney, Dean Z. Pamphilis.

“Now, just four months after we sued on behalf of Mr. Yu and Konnech, Los Angeles County has agreed to settle the lawsuit, paying $5 million and agreeing to publicly proclaim Mr. Yu’s innocence,” he said in an email to NBCLA.

“Mr. Yu is extremely pleased that his innocence has now been publicly confirmed, and he and Konnech look forward to start to recover from the significant losses which they suffered.”

Last night, Nate Cain, founder of Cain & Associates, joined the Why We Vote podcast to discuss the work they performed assisting the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office in executing the search warrant against Konnech and Eugene Yu.

Cain & Associates, including CEO Harry Haury, were tasked by the LA DA’s Bureau of Investigations to provide “specialized Highly Adaptable Cybersecurity Services (HACS)” including cyber-forensics, live capture, search, find & recovery, data examination/analysis, network enumeration & security, and advanced persistent threat analysis of foreign adversaries.

According to Cain’s findings, “Yu obtained a patent from the US Patent Office for Konnech’s voting equipment.”  Yu’s patent partners are Jun Yu Zhejiang and Guojun Shao, both from China.  Cain stated, “This red flag had yellow stars all over it.  Our government ignored it and, in the LA County District Attorney’s [Office], George Gascon’s case, he covered it up.”

The post ‘Uranium One’ FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain Discusses Los Angeles County DA’s Cover-up of Konnech CEO’s Arrest and Release appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Tucker Carlson: 1 in 5 ballots in the last selection was fraudulent. @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸…


Tucker Carlson: 1 in 5 ballots in the last selection was fraudulent.

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸

Full interview:

About One in Five Ballots in the Last Election was Fraudulent, Handing Biden the Presidency

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BLM Leader John Sullivan Who Sought to “Incite Violence” on Capitol Hill Is Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for His Actions on Jan. 6 – Famously Filmed Ashli Babbitt’s Murder in US Capitol

BLM Leader John Sullivan Who Sought to “Incite Violence” on Capitol Hill Is Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for His Actions on Jan. 6 – Famously Filmed Ashli Babbitt’s Murder in US Capitol


NOTE TO READERS: NOT ONE single mainstream media outlet is willing to be honest with the American public and play video of John Sullivan’s extensive history as a BLM and Antifa organizer.

Antifa-Black Lives Matter leader John Sullivan or Jayden X pictured inside the US Capitol on January 6

Antifa-BLM organizer John Sullivan was sentenced on Friday to six years in prison for his actions on January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol.

Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol riots.
As reported previously, Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th.

“We About to Go Get that MotherF***er! – It’s Time for Revolution!” – VIDEO – BLM Threatens to Rip President Trump from White House

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6 as he damaged federal property.

Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington.  This was a lie.  He is a leader of the Utah Antifa-BLM movement and was previously arrested in Utah.

Sullivan also organized an Antifa-Insurgence rally on January 6th at the Washington Monument at 11 AM before they stormed the US Capitol.
The mainstream media refuses to report these facts.

The media and January 6 committee missed this for some reason?

Antifa leader Jayden X spent one night in jail and was then released.

The Gateway Pundit first reported on Jayden X back in August 2020 during the BLM riots in Washington DC.

John Sullivan, Jayden X, spoke at the rallies calling on BLM radicals to “go get that motherf**ker” in the White House.

“We About to Go Get that MotherF***er! – It’s Time for Revolution!” – VIDEO – BLM Threatens to Rip President Trump from White House

The media conveniently ignores this too.

Axios reported:

Utah man who claimed he was acting as a citizen journalist when he joined Jan. 6 rioters and filmed scenes inside the U.S. Capitol, including the fatal shooting of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, was sentenced Friday to six years in prison.

The big picture: John Earle Sullivan, who prosecutors said earned more than $90,000 from selling his video footage of the Capitol breach, was convicted in November of several charges including felony obstruction of an official proceeding and civil disorder.

The 29-year-old from Salt Lake City was also sentenced to 36 months of supervised release and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution, according to the Department of Justice.

Context: Sullivan, who was wearing a ballistic vest and gas mask when he joined rioters storming the Capitol, was heard on video yelling expletives, including “we’re about to burn this s–t down!,” “we’re f–king s–t up” and “I’m gonna make these Trump supporters f–k all this s–t up,” per court documents.

He told the mob he had a knife and offered it to them as he filmed them trying to break open doors to the House Chamber and the Speaker’s Lobby, prosecutors said. Congress members, staff and journalists were inside the House of Representatives at the time.
Video evidence shows Sullivan climbing through a broken window at the Capitol building and eventually reaching the Speaker’s Lobby, where he can be heard encouraging a mob breaking glass panes in the door and telling police officers to “go home” before Babbitt climbs through and is shot, per the DOJ.

The post BLM Leader John Sullivan Who Sought to “Incite Violence” on Capitol Hill Is Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for His Actions on Jan. 6 – Famously Filmed Ashli Babbitt’s Murder in US Capitol appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.