Raunchy Drag Show During New Mexico Prom Leads to Principal Being Removed and Several Employees Placed on Leave (VIDEO)

Raunchy Drag Show During New Mexico Prom Leads to Principal Being Removed and Several Employees Placed on Leave (VIDEO)


A New Mexico high school principal has been removed, and several employees were placed on leave after a raunchy drag performance at the prom left parents outraged.

Students say that the drag performer flashed their crotch, “did twerk on a couple of students,” and “let students twerk on them.”

The lewd performance took place at the prom for Atrisco Heritage Academy High School in Albuquerque on April 20.

Can someone please explain how school administrators thought it was a good idea to have a drag queen perform at senior prom in attire that some kids would not even wear in a swim class? pic.twitter.com/8MMSP4IPFQ

— Louder with Crowder Dot Com (@LWCnewswire) April 26, 2024

NBC News reports, “In a video on TikTok, students can be seen gathering around the performer in thigh-high black boots and a matching body suit, as the performer is bending over, squatting and dancing provocatively.”

The performer has been identified by local station KOB 4 as “Mythica Sahreen.”

“Honestly, it was really interesting, and I didn’t mind it. But the thing is it’s the place and where it happened, full of minors, you know, it wasn’t very appropriate for prom,” a student told the station.

Another student added, “Could have kept it more on the side of like it being more PG with the fact that they kind of did twerk on a couple students it wasn’t exactly the best, but it was something that did happen. And they did let students twerk on them.”

NEW VIDEO: Adult Drag Queen Stripper Touches Students in Lewd Performance at @ABQschools High School Prom. This is unacceptable! Principal Irene Cisneros must be FIRED. Contact APS Board – demand Atrisco Heritage Academy Principal Cisneros be fired NOW: https://t.co/mzJWbLAWZm pic.twitter.com/mNbX3jSt1N

— Elisa Martinez (@elisa1121) April 25, 2024

“They kind of busted down, and I’m pretty sure they showed their crotch a little bit. The clothing was a little skimpy, if that’s the correct way to put it,” said another student.

Lovely. Instead of allowing students to enjoy prom, @ABQschools Atrisco Heritage Academy had a drag queen stripper perform. AT PROM.


Imagine if this was an adult female stripper performing for kids at prom.

Contact: Principal Irene Cisneros
below info or here:… pic.twitter.com/p3Td1rXYTs

— Elisa Martinez (@elisa1121) April 24, 2024

The drag queen told the station that he works with the school’s Gay–Straight Alliance.

“He claims he did not get paid for the performance, and it went up the correct chain. However, he wouldn’t tell us who exactly that included or who booked him,” the report adds. “There is commentary on one version of the video going around, claiming the performer stripped during the prom. But there is no video showing that to be true, and the students say they never saw that happen.”

BREAKING: @ABQschools officials announce in email, NEW ACTING PRINCIPAL to replace disgraced Irene Cisneros who allowed Drag Queen Stripper performance at prom.

GREAT NEWS for outraged parents & students! #LeaveTheKidsAlone https://t.co/P69d54I5qi pic.twitter.com/kSMz4Zo6Eh

— Elisa Martinez (@elisa1121) April 25, 2024

Channell Segura, chief of Albuquerque Public Schools, emailed parents and told them that an investigation is underway to determine how this was allowed to happen.

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The Gateway Pundit Contributor Larry Johnson Briefs United Nations Security Counsel on the Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing – VIDEO and TRANSCRIPT

The Gateway Pundit Contributor Larry Johnson Briefs United Nations Security Counsel on the Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing – VIDEO and TRANSCRIPT

 Larry Johnson speaks to the United Nations Security Council on Friday, April 26, 2024, on the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipleline.

The Gateway Pundit contributor Larry Johnson spoke before the United Nations Security Counsel in New York City on Friday, April 26, 2024.

Larry Johnson delivered remarks on the Nord Stream pipeline bombing.

Here is the transcript from Larry’s presentation at the United Nations on Friday.

Larry Johnson: Thank you, Mr. President. My compliments to the distinguished members of the Security Council. My name is Larry Johnson. I’m here today to speak in support of Russia’s desire to have the United Nations Security Council conduct an open and comprehensive investigation of the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline in September of 2022.

I’m here at my own expense without compensation for my time. All material and comments are my own. My goal in addressing you today is simple. I want to propose steps that I believe can help resolve the mystery of the source of the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline and thus help resolve the tensions that resulted from that unprecedented attack. Perhaps I bring a unique unique perspective to this issue because of my past experience with intelligence operations and analysis during my time with the Central Intelligence Agency, with counterterrorism policy and investigations while serving in the State Department Office of Counter Terrorism, with the scripting and execution of more than 200 counterterrorism training missions for US military Special Operations Forces while working as a contractor, and with successful international money laundering investigations carried out in my role as the managing partner of Berger Associates.

One of these investigations included a successful case conducted on behalf of the European Union and the governors of Columbia. But let me start with President Harry S. Truman. I think I am the only one in this August Hall who grew up in Independence, Missouri, and attended middle school across the street from Mr. Truman’s home. I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Truman briefly one morning in September of 1970, as he strolled up North Delaware Street towards his presidential library, accompanied by a single bodyguard. What a difference 54 years makes. It is true that Mr. Truman presided over the start of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. That is an unfortunate legacy. But I want to remind the Council of Mr. Truman’s words to the fledgling United Nations in October of 1950. A 74-year-old message is still relevant and worth remembering.

“At the present time, the fear of another great international war overshadows all the hopes of mankind. This fear arises from the tensions between nations and from recent outbreak of open aggression in Korea. We, in the United States, believe that such a war can be prevented. We do not believe that war is inevitable. One of the strongest reasons for this belief is our faith in the United Nations. The United Nations has three great roles to play in preventing wars. First, it provides a way for negotiation and the settlement of disputes among nations by peaceful means. Second, it provides a way of utilizing the collective strength of member nations under the charter to prevent aggression. Third, it provides a way through which once the danger of aggression is reduced, the nations can be relieved of the burden of armaments.”

I believe it is not only the responsibility, but the sacred duty of the Security Council to take the lead in bringing about a settlement of the Nord Stream matter by peaceful means. I will not review the mountain of evidence that implicates my own country, the United States, in this act of war against the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany. There was no compelling national security interest to justify the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, which has inflicted significant economic pain on the people of Germany. This attack accomplished nothing in terms of helping bring an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and Ukraine’s NATO facilitators. It made matters worse.

During my time at the CIA, I acquired an understanding of how covert action was planned and executed in places as diverse as Afghanistan and Central America. Such operations are not conducted spur of the moment. They are funded, planned, rehearsed before being executed. Seymour Hirsch’s account of the US covert action against the Nord Stream pipeline is consistent with the knowledge I acquired during my time at the agency in the late 1980s. When I began working for Ambassador Morris Busby in the office of the Coordinator for counterterrorism at the US State Department in the fall of 1989, one of my first tasks was getting country clearances for the FBI as they investigated the terrorist bombing of the plane of Pan Am 103, which crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland, in December of 1988. One of the most important lessons I drew from that experience, which I believe is relevant to the Nord Stream matter, was the difference between a criminal investigation and intelligence activities. Great care was exercised to ensure that the evidence gathered by the FBI was neither tainted nor spoiled by intelligence activities. It was a fine line, but Ambassador Busby made sure that the FBI and the CIA stayed in their own lanes.

And maybe that is the most important lesson of all. The leadership demonstrated by Ambassador Busby. Professional, mature leadership is essential to the successful investigation of complex international operations that result in attacks like Pan Am 103 and the Nord Stream Pipeline. Although the criminal indictments against the two men implicated in carrying out the bombing did not come until November of 1991, the evidence that cracked the case was in hand by March 1990. That’s only 15 months after Pan Am 103 fell from the skies, and it’s 20 months before the criminal indictments. Compare that investigation with the indifference and lack of curiosity demonstrated by the NATO countries with respect to Nord Stream. It has been 19 months since the pipeline was destroyed, and the NATO countries appear to have adopted the posture of the three wise monkeys. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

I have some insight into the logistics and execution of the attack on Nord Stream, thanks to work I did on behalf of the US military Special Operation Forces. That work commenced in the spring of 1994 and ended in 2016. During those 22 years, I was part of a team that scripted multiple counterterrorism exercises. We would create scenarios such as a group threatening to use a biological weapon in a North African country, and then replicate the diplomatic and intelligence traffic, reporting the threat to stimulate a response by the particular military diplomatic task force, tasked both to analyze, contain, and defeat the threat. In the course of this work, we also had to think like saboteurs or terrorists, understand their motives, understand the capabilities required to carry out such an attack, and identify the kinds of resources and training that would underpin such a terrorist operation. Four years after I started consulting with the US military, I, along with four others, started Berger Associates. Two of my partners previously worked with the Drug Enforcement Administration. One ended his career as the Chief of International Operations of DEA. The other ran storefront undercover money laundering operations here in New York City. One of our first jobs was the investigation of what is commonly known as the Bank of New York Russian Money Laundering Case. We also organized investigation and collection of evidence that was used to file a Civil Racketeer, Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, also known as RICO. This was done against major tobacco companies which were laundering money for drug cartels. Two separate causes of actions were filed on behalf of the plaintiffs, the European Union, and the governors of Columbia.

My point in mentioning this history is to emphasize that even in complex international investigations without access to classified material, we were able to gather massive quantities of evidence which would have been admissible and stood up in a US criminal court. In doing these investigations, I learned that Disneyland has it right. It is a small world, after all. The nexus between criminal organizations, major international corporations, financial institutions, and intelligence organizations is not a fantasy. It is real and involves hundreds of billions of dollars.

My experience convinces me that a properly funded investigation carried out by professionals will uncover documents, informants, eyewitnesses that can prove beyond a reasonable doubt who carried out the Nord Stream pipeline bombing. The nations assembled here have one advantage in an investigation that we as private investigators operators did not have. You have signals intelligence, satellites. You have data storage, for example, that can provide intelligence, ranging from the movements of ship to the movement of money. When you combine that data with conventional evidence, you have a powerful means for identifying who ordered and executed the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline.

I can say this much with certainty about that operation. It was carried out with the financial and material support of at least one nation state. There are written records, almost certainly highly classified and stored with very limited access. But there may be available evidence outside such classified records that can illuminate the act significantly, if not solve the mystery.

My message to you today is simple. Follow the money. Also ask,, who benefits? I believe the refusal to conduct a thorough investigation of this matter cast a cloud over the Security Council.

In closing, I reiterate President Truman’s vision enunciated 74 years ago. You have it in your power to provide a way for negotiation and the settlement of disputes among nations by peaceful means. But such negotiations must proceed from a solid, supportable understanding of who performed the act. I believe you can reach that conclusion with a proper investigation that only you, the members of the Security Council, have the power to perform. Thank you, Mr. President.

I thank Mr. Johnson for his briefing.

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VIDEO: Laura Loomer Confronts Fani Willis at Miami Party for Black County Officials with Half-Naked Women – Watch Fani Flee!

VIDEO: Laura Loomer Confronts Fani Willis at Miami Party for Black County Officials with Half-Naked Women – Watch Fani Flee!


Laura Loomer confronted Fani Willis on Friday night at the National Association of Black County Officials (NABCO) in Miami, Florida.

Fani was attending the event with her lover and former lead attorney Nathan Wade.  The two lovebirds are still traveling together on business/pleasure trips. It’s not clear who’s paying the bills.

Willis paid Wade over $653,000 between 2022 and 2023 while the two were dating.  Wade was forced to step down from Fani’s case in mid-March against President Trump after the two were caught lying to the court about the timing of their affair.  It’s not clear why Wade was forced to step down but not Fani who also perjured herself in court about when the two started their affair.

Laura Loomer confronted Fani on stage at the NABCO event in Miami:

Laura Loomer:  Fani, why are you trying to persecute Donald Trump?… Why are you trying to persecute Donald Trump?… Why are you weaponizing our justice system to go after President Trump, Fani?… Fani why are you weaponizing our justice system against Donald Trump?…

The venue had several women walking around half naked. It was a classy place.

It appears like Nathan Wade was with Fani Willis at the event.

Laura Loomer: She ran away.

Laura wrote this on X: “Why are there strippers at the event Fani Willis is speaking at? It’s appalling that the Biden supported DEI District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, who is trying to jail President Trump, spoke at an event tonight where strippers were walking around half naked and many people in attendance were smoking weed!”

Here is the video posted by Laura Loomer.



Tonight, after Fani Willis finished speaking at the National Association of Black County Officials (NABCO) black networking event/party in Miami, FL, I confronted her while she was standing on stage.… pic.twitter.com/nU6k9YYX9R

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) April 27, 2024

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Keith Olbermann Cancels New York Times Subscription, Complains Their ‘Grudge’ Against Dementia Joe ‘Endangers Democracy’

Keith Olbermann Cancels New York Times Subscription, Complains Their ‘Grudge’ Against Dementia Joe ‘Endangers Democracy’


Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has cancelled his New York Times subscription over what he claims is their “grudge” against Joe Biden.

Posting on the X platform, Olbermann claimed he had been a subscriber to the Times since 1969 but would not return until its publisher, A.G. Sulzberger, was removed. 

In a screenshot attached to his post, Olbermann checked a box indicating he had “concerns about the New York Times’s coverage,” before adding that Sulzberger’s “grudge against Joe Biden is intolerable and endangers democracy.”

Goodbye, @nytimes
Subscriber since 1969
Not again until Sulzberger is gone pic.twitter.com/w09gp4Xfry

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) April 26, 2024

Olbermann’s comments come after a report from Politico that revealed the White House and The New York Times are currently engaged in a “petty feud.”

In a statement released this week, the Times blasted Biden for refusing to grant the paper more access and sit down interviews:

Mr. Biden has granted far fewer press conferences and sit-down interviews with independent journalists than virtually all of his predecessors. It is true that The Times has sought an on-the-record interview with Mr. Biden, as it has done with all presidents going back more than a century. If the president chooses not to sit down with The Times because he dislikes our independent coverage, that is his right, and we will continue to cover him fully and fairly either way.

However, in meetings with Vice President Harris and other administration officials, the publisher of The Times focused instead on a higher principle: That systematically avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations doesn’t just undermine an important norm, it also establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to avoid scrutiny and accountability.

Olbermann, meanwhile, is notorious for his leftist rants and inappropriate behavior. Last month, he openly fantasized about Donald Trump’s assasination, stating there is “always the hope” he would end up the same way as Abraham Lincoln.

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Bill Barr Triggers CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Won’t Back Down on Voting For Trump (VIDEO)

Bill Barr Triggers CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Won’t Back Down on Voting For Trump (VIDEO)


Former Attorney General Bill Barr is not backing down on his support for Donald Trump, much to the dismay of CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.

Barr, who broke with the president over his refusal to investigate the widespread evidence of massive voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election, said that despite his concerns about Trump he remained a far better option than Joe Biden.

Bill Barr responds to Donald Trump mocking him after he said he would vote for him in 2024. And it’s something. pic.twitter.com/YmHeC1WM6m

— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) April 27, 2024

His intention to vote Trump was clearly triggering to Collins, who despite starting out at the conservative Daily Caller has now staked out a role as the voice of the liberal establishment.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

BARR: So it’s not about me. I think that, that I’ve said this all along. If faced with a choice between two people, neither of which I think should be president, I feel it’s my duty to pick the person who I think would do the least damage to the country. And I think Trump would do less damage than Biden. And I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy, I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement. And in the Biden administration.

COLLINS: The Biden administration, or President Biden himself.

BARR: Biden’s, Biden’s support for the progressive agenda.

COLLINS: I think a lot of people hear that. And the case that we just talked about that went before the Supreme Court, essentially, and say, how can you see that and say that Biden is a greater threat to democracy?

BARR: Well, where are we losing our freedoms? We have our freedoms being constrained that they’re being constrained by, the progressive government and, you know, democracy especially, you know, from the Anglosphere democracies, the Five Eyes and so forth. The threats never been for autocratic government on the right.

COLLINS: But how specifically, is Biden threatening democracy?

BARR: The threat to freedom and democracy has always been on the left. It’s the collectivist, socialist, agenda. And that is where we’re losing our freedom. Parents are losing the freedom to control, their children’s education. And, you know, people can’t speak their mind without losing their jobs and things like that. This is worse than the McCarthy era. Where is that coming from? It’s not coming from the right.

COLLINS: Those two things that you just noted there, you believe are worse than a president of the United States trying to subvert the will of the people by overturning the results, no question.

BARR: No, I think I think a country well, all the things together, like we’re not enforcing our borders, we have open borders, we have lawlessness, in our cities, we have regulations coming fast and fierce. So telling people what kind of stoves they can use and what kinds of cars they have to drive and, you know, eliminating cars and and so forth. Yeah, those are those are the threats to democracy.

COLLINS: But but President Biden is not in control of what some school boards across the country.

BARR: He’s using the administrative–

COLLINS: You can make that argument, but.

BARR: He’s making.

COLLINS: How is that the same thing?

BARR: Major changes are being made in our country without without the democratic process. And they’re being made by bureaucrats in these agencies.

COLLINS: You, okay? Pause! You cannot argue that Republicans across the country are not doing that as well. My own hometown. There’s a huge fight at the library over which books kids can read. This is not something that is a single-party fight.

BARR: Do you think there are? Don’t you think there should be some limits on on what people are able to read? I agree, young people.

COLLINS: I just think people look at what you’re saying and they don’t. And maybe, maybe even Republicans who have concerns about what’s happening with school boards or, you know, the culture and don’t maybe abortion, even don’t equate that with with January 6th and Trump’s efforts. When you told him the the election was not stolen and he still went out there and said it was stolen and led a lot of people to believe that they don’t, those things aren’t equal. It feels like a false equivalency.

BARR: Well, I disagree, I think, and I think, the country is much more susceptible to losing freedoms by the excesses of the left, and they have been steadily and that’s clear. People lose their jobs. Kids can’t speak out in the classroom. They have to go along with what the professor says in order to get good grades and so forth. It’s become like Stepford Nation being directed by, the progressive elites.

COLLINS: It is what you said recently, which was that, you know, the conduct that was involved with Donald Trump, you said trying to subvert and prevent the progress, the execution of probably the most important process we have, which is the peaceful transfer of power after an election. Name one thing that Biden has done that’s worse than that.

BARR: I think this whole administration is a disaster for the.

COLLINS: Is worse than subverting the peaceful transfer of power.

BARR: Did he succeed?

COLLINS: Only because Vice President Mike pence stood in the way? And now the people who are lining up again say that they will not do what Mike pence did.

BARR: Look, I was very loud and saying, I thought it was a whole the whole episode was shameful. And I’m and I’m very troubled by it. And that’s why it’s not an easy decision. But I think when you have a Hobson’s choice, you have to pick the lesser of two evils.

Earlier this week, Trump thanked Barr for his endorsement but also accused him of letting the country down with his conduct in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.

“Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him “Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy” (New York Post!),” Trump wrote on Truth Social.” Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word “Lethargic” from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA2024!


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