Bidenomics: GDP Drops Lower than Expected in First Quarter as Inflation Rises to 3.7%

Bidenomics: GDP Drops Lower than Expected in First Quarter as Inflation Rises to 3.7%


The GDP dropped faster than expected in the first quarter of 2024. Real GDP increased 1.6% after rising 3.7% in the fourth quarter of 2023 based on government spending.

Meanwhile, inflation rose to 3.7% in the first quarter – squeezing consumers who are already strapped in the Biden economy.

Zero Hedge described the seriousness of this latest economic news to consumers.

Abysmal economic data released on Thursday painted a not-so-rosy picture for the US economy. In the last 3 post-pandemic years, nominal growth has been positive while quality of life has deteriorated behind the scenes of officially released data, and the latest data continues the trend.

GDP growth slowed from 3.4% to 1.6%—missing economist expectations by 90 basis points (0.9%). Not bad enough? Core PCE inflation has also accelerated (on a quarterly basis) from 2% to 3.7%. I wouldn’t weigh these numbers as gospel, since they are not yearly figures, but the fact remains that nominal growth is sputtering and consumer prices, the most sticky ones, are red hot:

FOX Business Network reported:

U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) dropped faster than expected in the first quarter, but a key metric used by the Federal Reserve to measure inflation kept rising, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

Real GDP increased at an annual rate of 1.6% for the January-through-March period after rising 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) advance estimate released Thursday. Economic forecasts had called for a deceleration of growth over the previous month, with the expectation that the economy would expand by 2.4%, according to a Reuters report.

Compared to the fourth quarter, the deceleration in real GDP in the first quarter primarily reflected decelerations in consumer spending, exports and state and local government spending and a downturn in federal government spending. This slowdown was partly offset by an acceleration in residential fixed investment…

…The personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, excluding food and energy prices — a key metric the Federal Reserve tracks to measure inflation — increased by 3.7% after rising to 2% in the fourth quarter.

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“The RINO Establishment Republican Party’s Biggest Nightmare is a Candidate They Can’t Control.” New York State GOP EXPOSED! OP-ED.

“The RINO Establishment Republican Party’s Biggest Nightmare is a Candidate They Can’t Control.” New York State GOP EXPOSED! OP-ED.


Op-ed by United States Senate Candidate Cara Castronuova

The establishment Republican party’s biggest nightmare is a candidate they can’t control.

That is why my own party is trying to get me kicked off the ballot to run for United States Senate in New York. Furthermore, my spineless RINO opponent is now suing me in the New York State Supreme Court to remove me from the ballot.


What a loser.

The spineless individual running against me in the Republican primary has such a small set he launched a lawsuit against me to have my 15,000 plus petitions invalidated as another angle to get me knocked off the ballot.

What a…

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) April 21, 2024

The Democrat in disguise that I am running against in the Republican primary donated to Leticia James’ election campaign in 2022 when her campaign promise was to PROSECUTE TRUMP. Treacherous.

I need YOU HELP to remain on the ballot and defeat my Leticia James loving RINO opponent.

I made the decision to play offense and sue the Board of Elections and the New York State GOP in Federal Court. This lawsuit is important to the freedoms and Constitutional rights of so many people. It is much bigger than me. If I win (and I have legal precedent on my side) it will open ballot access for many more America First, non-establishment candidates to run for office in the future.

Currently, New York State is home to the most draconian set of unconstitutional laws designed to keep non-establishment candidates off the ballot and on the plantation. The laws are designed to avoid primaries at all costs in BOTH parties, giving voters virtually no choice as to who their candidates will be representing them in the general election. This is election interference and voter disenfranchisement of the highest level.


We The People want to pick our own candidates. We are and tired of the coronations. We are sick of the tomato can candidates the establishment keeps putting up to lose.

Please come…

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) April 9, 2024

Here’s the deal- I need your help to fight a court battle that I truly believe has merits to change things. It is a fight for the People to have a say in who they elect. A win with this lawsuit that can give the power back to the people and take it away from the Uniparty elite.


As an investigative journalist running for office, my intention is to not only win this lawsuit and this race, but investigate and report on what I find out about the election process that it of interest to the public. As a Senator, I will report to the public the corruption I find within the government- much like what Rand Paul is doing with Dr. Fauci and the CDC.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

There is nothing the establishment uniparty fears more than candidates they cannot control. Candidates that have their own moral compass.

If the party did not nominate & back you, you owe them nothing and they know it.…

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) April 26, 2024

Over the past few months spent as a non-establishment Republican candidate for US Senate, I have discovered firsthand that if the party does not hand pick you or “coronate” you, they will fight to the death to get rid of you. Because if you owe nothing to the party, you can actually fight for the People. GOD FORBID you can actually make decisions using your own moral compass, rather than the compromised compass of the RINO’s that have infiltrated the People’s party.

The establishment leaders in the GOP would rather run a losing candidate than one that cares about the People first. They will fight tooth and nail to remain in their coveted second place position and continue on with their grift, cashing in at the expense of the rest of us.


Here in the RINO infiltrated party of New York State, a few in charge “coronate” a single candidate for Senate or other important positions. They then abuse their power and use the judicial system to block any primary challenger from getting a fair shot and giving the actual people a choice in their candidate. There are rare exceptions but the general rule is this – the RINOs choose a mediocre IQ candidate that probably 1) made some nice donations to their committees or 2) proved they know how to “take orders” in some lower level government position. The most important qualification is the person must be part of the “club” and the get the “understanding”.

The understanding is you have sold your soul. You are no longer are allowed to use your own mind. You owe your position to the party and you will behave like a good little lap dog and do whatever it is they command of you. The understanding is “IF YOU WIN, YOU OWE US FOR LIFE.”


What that means is the classic establishment pick that got a free ride to the top will NEVER be able to effectively fight for We The People. They will always be puppets of the establishment leaders that put them there. They will never be able to make their own decisions, or write bills or speak out about things that are not approved by their puppet masters. Because of this tremendous conflict of interest, they will never be able to serve the people they represent. That is the root of all evil in New York State. That is why we are in dire straights. Our politicians CANNOT make decisions and pass laws that put our best interests forward as they will always be slaves to the greedy few that run the party.

This is not the way a constitutional republic works.

Cara Castronuova with President Trump.


We the People want representation.


I will be a Senator from New York that actually abides by the Constitution and cares about YOUR LIBERTY. I am a grassroots America First candidate that has tremendous support in New York State from many freedom loving groups that I have fought alongside- the medical freedom community, the January 6th community and poical prisoners, and many that know me as a journalist and from my writing here on “The Gateway Pundit”. I collected well over the 15,000 signatures required by New York’s draconian state law to get on the ballot with the help of YOU- the Gateway Pundit readers who sent me their signatures on petitions by mail.

After I met the ridiculous signature gathering requirements, you would assume my own party would be excited they have a popular candidate that proved they actually have a shot at winning the general election.


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A post shared by Cara Castronuova (@caracastronuova)


Rather, the state party became fearful because I did it without their help and therefore owe them nothing. They retaliated by fighting to invalidate my petitions at the Board of Elections and funding my opponent (their puppet) to sue me in court. I must now fight my own party blow for blow to remain on the ballot, just like every other non-establishment candidate in New York that dared challenge them. In a play straight out of the Democrat handbook, they are dragging me through the court system to have my petitions “invalidated”. They do this to non-establishment candidates year after year until most are so exhausted, beat up and broken that they want to scream “MERCY” and give up.

I will not give up.

The RINO’s cannot continue to push around the regular good-hearted, hard working people that the Republican Party rightfully belongs to. I will fight for the tens of thousands of Registered Republicans that signed petitions asking for a primary. The Republican Party cannot continue to disrespect the will of the people of their own party.


Patriots, your donations will go to my legal expenses for my court case that I will fight with every ounce of my being. It is now my mission to fight for ballot access for the regular American like you so you have the option to run for office and serve your country without having to sell your soul. I will fight for voter choice for over 20 millions voters in New York so they have say in a primary with multiple candidates to chose from. The party needs to understand that the People have the right to choose our elected officials- it is NOT up to a few elitists in a backroom to decide.


Cara Castronuova is running for the US Senate from New York State.

If I win my lawsuit, it will help change the draconian “ballot access” laws that have made it impossible for decades for an average American citizen in the state of New York to run for office without selling his or her soul to the party.

IF IT DOESN’T HAPPEN THIS YEAR IT MAY NEVER HAPPEN. My Federal Court case could change the laws and open the door for populist, freedom-loving candidates like me to get into office now and in the future.

Donate now and help me change ballot access laws in New York State.

If we can change the law here in New York by fighting it through the court system, we can change New York forever. Imagine if we could have ten beautiful candidates running for races here in New York next election cycle- candidates that are not bough and paid for establishment puppets.

New York could be a sane place and a safer place, rather than the insane asylum the Uniparty has turned it into.

How great would it be if we had regular people running for office the way the founding fathers intended…that do not have to sell their souls to a party to get into office. Firemen, teachers, construction workers, YOU, me…people that actually think like the people we are elected to represent. Elected representatives that owe nothing to a few elitist men that got them where they are.

People that could represent us and OUR best interests- not the interests of a few men at the top of the party.

THAT IS WHY BALLOT ACCESS LAWS ARE SO IMPORTANT and that is what my case is about.

Please help me change ballot access laws and pave the way for candidates like you and me!

And remember, in the end GOD wins.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights.  You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post “The RINO Establishment Republican Party’s Biggest Nightmare is a Candidate They Can’t Control.” New York State GOP EXPOSED! OP-ED. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


WWIII Watch: Ukraine Bombs Oil Field Inside Russia the Same Day Biden, Democrats and RINOs Signs Ukraine War Funding Bill

WWIII Watch: Ukraine Bombs Oil Field Inside Russia the Same Day Biden, Democrats and RINOs Signs Ukraine War Funding Bill

 Ukrainian drone swarm strikes a major Russian oil depot in the Smolensk region of Russia on Friday.

Ukraine bombed the Russian oil field in the Smolensk region inside Russia on Wednesday.

This was the same day that Speaker Mike Johnson, Democrats, RINOs, and Joe Biden signed over another $60 billion to the eastern European nation in its now — offensive campaign — against Russia.

Joe Biden signed into law on Wednesday an aid package providing crucial military assistance to Ukraine, capping months of negotiations and debate.

Then Ukraine blew up a Russian oil field.

The Biden regime, Mike Johson, RINOs and Democrats support this war.

Only President Donald Trump can put an end to this madness.
Only Trump can prevent World War III.


Ukrainian drone swarm strikes a major Russian oil depot in the Smolensk region of Russia.

Ukraine continues its intensified campaign against Russian oil and gas infrastructure.

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 24, 2024

Drones sent by Ukraine’s SBU security service struck two Rosneft-owned oil depots in Russia’s Smolensk region in an overnight attack, a Ukrainian intelligence source said

— Reuters (@Reuters) April 24, 2024

Business Insider reported:

Ukraine launched a new wave of long-range drone strikes on oil depots in Russia this week as part of a campaign targeting the Kremlin’s critical infrastructure.

Drones sent by Ukraine’s security service hit two Rosneft-owned oil depots in Russia’s Smolensk region on Wednesday, multiple outlets reported, citing a Ukrainian intelligence source.

A source in the Ukrainian defense sector told Agence France-Presse that the depots stored 26,000 cubic meters of fuel.

Metallurgical and pharmaceutical plants in Lipetsk in southwest Russia have also been attacked, reports say.

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Police Investigate Disturbing Incident After Man Caught on Live TV Bizarrely Biting Young Boy’s Ear at World Snooker Championship (VIDEO)

Police Investigate Disturbing Incident After Man Caught on Live TV Bizarrely Biting Young Boy’s Ear at World Snooker Championship (VIDEO)

 Screenshot: BBC

Authorities are conducting an investigation after a man was captured on live television bizarrely biting a young boy’s ear during the World Snooker Championship at The Crucible in Sheffield, England.

South Yorkshire Police are reviewing the footage following the incident, which was brought to public attention due to widespread concern after a clip was shared on social media.

Screenshot: BBC

The disturbing incident was caught in the background as seven-time world champion Stephen Hendry was speaking during a break in the afternoon session on BBC, according to the Daily Mail.

The man, whose relationship with the boy remains unclear, appeared to rub his beard and whisper something to the child before disturbingly biting his ear.

The child, surprisingly, did not seem distressed as he waved at the camera after realizing they were being filmed, prompting mixed reactions from the public. Some viewers suggested the boy’s smile could be a defense mechanism, with one social media user commenting, “And he’s doing it in public imagine what’s going on in private.”

Others are more hopeful, with a comment reading, “That baby was so thankful that camera was there and caught it FINALLY!! It’s our job now to make sure he is okay.”

A spokesperson for South Yorkshire Police told Daily Mail: “Yesterday, Thursday 25 April at 9.20 pm, we received a call to inform us of a video circulating on social media of a man and a boy at the Crucible in Sheffield. We are aware of the footage and officers will be reviewing the content.”

We can confirm we have received reports to inform us of this video.

— South Yorkshire Police (@syptweet) April 25, 2024

The World Snooker Tour has also acknowledged the incident, emphasizing its seriousness and confirming that it is now a matter for the police to handle.


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Maricopa County RINO Stephen Richer and Soros Tied Protect Democracy Continue to Drag Out Defamation Lawsuit and Harass Kari Lake for Discovery After No-Contest Plea – Seek MILLIONS in Damages

Maricopa County RINO Stephen Richer and Soros Tied Protect Democracy Continue to Drag Out Defamation Lawsuit and Harass Kari Lake for Discovery After No-Contest Plea – Seek MILLIONS in Damages


Attorneys for Kari Lake were back in court on Wednesday, fighting to obtain a hearing on damages before a jury in First Amendment-hating RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer’s defamation lawsuit against Lake.

Attorneys for Richer reportedly seek damages amounting to millions of dollars.

Recall The Gateway Pundit’s recent reporting on a 2021 op-ed that Richer submitted to the National Review Magazine, where he reveals that he believes the First Amendment is “the biggest threat to elections and Democracy,” that his constituents are “idiots” and that “it may be time to revisit our First Amendment jurisprudence.” Jack Butler, editor of The National Review, rejected the draft op-ed, citing Richer’s attack on freedom of speech; however, Richer apparently gave a similarly written speech, ironically in commemoration of Constitution Day, to students of the Maricopa County Community College District, which was approved by the district beforehand.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Kari Lake recently pled no contest in the lawfare defamation case brought against her by fake “Republican” Stephen Richer and Protect Democracy – a far-left group of Soros and Obama-linked henchmen who are trying to silence all election critics on the right. Instead of allowing the Soros-linked far-left Protect Democracy to subpoena and dig through her personal communications and campaign secrets and wasting more time or money on the bogus lawsuit, Lake decided it was time to focus on her campaign. Lake is expected to face Soros-backed far-left Marxist Ruben Gallego in the 2024 general election for the U.S. Senate.

Despite Richer and the fake news media’s claims to the contrary, Lake never admitted to defamation. She only conceded that she did say things that hurt Richer’s feelings while still maintaining that nothing she said was defamatory. As stated in Lake’s Motion for Default Judgement, “It is often said that defaulting admits the allegations in the operative complaint. This is a misnomer.” The filing then cites case law, which states, “An entry of default serves as a judicial admission of all well-pleaded facts in the complaint. A party against whom default is entered, however, is not held to admit facts that are not well-pleaded or to admit conclusions of law. If a complaint does not include well-pleaded facts for a required showing, entry of default does not mean that required showing has been made.

Closer Look: Kari Lake Didn’t Admit to Defaming RINO Election Official Stephen Richer in Defamation Case, She Outmaneuvered the Soros Thugs: “My Words Are True, But How Did They Hurt You?” (VIDEO)

Lake’s no-contest plea came after the Arizona Supreme Court, led in part by Vice Chief Justice Ann A. Scott Timmer, rejected Lake’s appeal in Richer’s anti-American defamation lawsuit.

It can be recalled that Ann Timmer’s sister Laurie Roberts, is a rabidly anti-Lake propagandist for the leftist Arizona Republic. And prior to Lake’s appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court, Laurie Roberts authored an article titled, “Kari Lake is in deep defamation doo doo after Court of Appeals ruling,” where she boasted about Lake’s loss and criticized her for using a First Amendment defense.

Roberts, who told The Gateway Pundit she speaks to her sister, Justice Timmer, “all the time,” could potentially be perceived as an influencer in Timmer and the Arizona Supreme Court’s opinions on Lake, though she contends that they “never” discuss politics. It looks like a conflict of interest for Roberts’ dishonest journalism and for Ann Timmer’s position on the state’s highest court.

Before Wednesday’s hearing, Lake’s attorneys sent the following letter to Richer’s attorneys on April 15, rejecting a proposed scheduling order and highlighting how Richer’s campaign and political image have actually benefitted from Kari Lake’s alleged defamation. The letter also showcases statements from Richer, which Lake attorneys say underscore “his exuberance at subjecting Kari Lake and the other Defendants to burdensome discovery.”

“We’re ready, and have been ready for some months, to start discovery. Lotta documents, recordings, etc we’d like to look at. And depositions… we’re gonna need a bigger boat…” Richer bragged in an X post last month.

We’re ready, and have been ready for some months, to start discovery.

Lotta documents, recordings, etc we’d like to look at.

And depositions… we’re gonna need a bigger boat…

— Stephen Richer—MaricopaCountyRecorder (prsnl acct) (@stephen_richer) March 20, 2024

Per 12 News AZ:

Lake’s lawyers asked the Maricopa County judge handling the case to proceed to a speedy hearing before a jury on monetary damages for Richer.

Neither Lake nor Richer were in court Wednesday for a status conference but their attorneys told the judge they cannot agree on what to do next.

Richer’s side has claimed damages could be in the millions, which Lake’s team has denied in court filings.

Lake’s attorneys want the case to go to a damages hearing, saying Richer’s team needs to outline compensatory damages.

Attorneys for Far-left Soros-tied Protect Democracy representing Stephen Richer are still seeking a discovery phase to dig through Kari Lake’s records and communications and seemingly interfere with her election for U.S. Senate. This clearly is a hit job on Kari Lake by her political opponents and Soros-backed entities, and Lake’s Soros-backed opponent, Ruben Gallego, will surely benefit.

Lake attorney Tim LaSota told the court, “We’ve admitted the facts and this is just a way to try and continue what we think this case has been about from the start… sideline Ms. Lake from the Senate campaign.”

Additionally, Richer’s attorney claims that this is not only about Richer’s feelings being hurt or monetary damages for the elected official but damages to his reputation as well.

However, as stated in an April 20 court filing by Kari Lake’s legal team, which is similar to their April 15 letter and again highlights Richer’s benefits from her alleged defamation, including a massive surge in fundraising numbers, “Richer’s own social media postings belie any damages to his reputation.”

On February 25, 2024, Richer posted on X that he had already fundraised $250k for this election cycle, nearly as much as the roughly $309k raised during the entire 2020 cycle. Additionally, last week, Richer showed his X followers that his campaign currently has more than $261k in cash on hand.

The filing also combats claims that Richer is entitled to punitive damages, that he can prove physical injury, and that he will be able to show proximate cause to prove that Lake is responsible for criticism and alleged threats through discovery.

Richer also cannot deny that he has publicly made, and continues to make, statements highly critical of Donald J. Trump,” the Response from Lake contends to show how Richer is responsible for his own lack of popularity among Arizona Republicans. It should also be remembered that Richer oversaw early voting in Lake’s stolen 2022 election for governor and founded and operated the Pro-Democracy Republicans dark money PAC aimed at eliminating candidates with a MAGA agenda, and he admits to voting for Democrats last election cycle. 

Read the full April 20 Response Brief from Lake’s attorneys below:

The post Maricopa County RINO Stephen Richer and Soros Tied Protect Democracy Continue to Drag Out Defamation Lawsuit and Harass Kari Lake for Discovery After No-Contest Plea – Seek MILLIONS in Damages appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.