Developing: David Pecker’s Testimony Destroys Prosecution’s Case Against Trump

Developing: David Pecker’s Testimony Destroys Prosecution’s Case Against Trump


The Alvin Bragg lawfare case against President Trump is already falling apart in its New York courtroom.

It was obvious from the start of this latest garbage lawsuit against President Trump that there was never a case against Trump but the Marxists in New York insisted on pushing forward with the case anyway.

Now they are hoping that a corrupt court and leftist jurors will find Trump guilty of the latest made-up crime they are throwing at him in hopes to sway uninformed Americans to vote for Old Joe in 2024.

On Thursday David Pecker destroyed the prosecution’s case.

Pecker is the former CEO of American Media until August 2020. He was the publisher of National Enquirer and several other popular publications.

He testified that Trump “had no idea what [he] was talking about” when he asked about reimbursing Michael Cohen for the Stormy payment

He also said the “catch & kill” scheme was devised by him and Michael Cohen–NOT Donald Trump!

FOX News reported:

FOX reporter: Pecker also said when he spoke to Trump about Trump reimbursing Michael Cohen for paying adult film actress Stormy Daniels, Trump told him he had no idea what Pecker was talking about.

Pecker testified again about purchasing the lifetime rights to former Playboy model, Karen McDougal’s story as well. He said he did that in part because he and Cohen had concerns it would hurt Trump’s campaign. Notably, he did not say those concerns came from Trump himself.

There never was a case here against President Trump anyway. Now, the primary witness confirmed President Trump knew nothing about this payment discussed in the case.

Another nothing-burger goes up in flames.

Via Johnny MAGA:

David Pecker’s testimony today destroyed the prosecution’s case

He testified that Trump “had no idea what [he] was talking about” when he asked about reimbursing Michael Cohen for the Stormy payment

He also said the “catch & kill” scheme was devised by him & Cohen–NOT Trump

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) April 25, 2024

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Mitch McConnell: $61 Billion Ukraine Aid Package ‘Not a Whole Lot of Money’

Mitch McConnell: $61 Billion Ukraine Aid Package ‘Not a Whole Lot of Money’


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has insisted that the recent U.S. foreign aid package to Ukraine was a small change for the American taxpayer.

In an interview with Fox News’s Dana Perino, McConnell said that the $61 billion foreign aid package passed by Congress last week was “not a whole lot of money.”

“It is only 0.2 per cent of our gross domestic product, so put in that context, it’s not a whole lot of money for us, but it’s a very significant step for them because it gives them the more sophisticated weapons they need to hold the Russians at bay,” he explained.

“Russians are trying to take their country and they have an enormous incentive, and it doesn’t require any of our personnel, we’re not getting any Americans killed, we’re helping them defend their independence and also degrade the military of one of our biggest adversaries,” he continued.

Fox News’ Dana Perino: “Is $60 billion [in the foreign aid package] enough money for Ukraine to push back Russia decisively?”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): “Well, we hope so.”

— The Recount (@therecount) April 24, 2024

The bill, which passed on a 79-18 vote, combines $60 billion in aid for Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel’s war against Hamas, and approximately $4 billion designated for the Indo-Pacific region. It also includes a provision that could potentially result in the banning of TikTok within the United States unless the company agrees to divest.

Earlier this week, McConnell also slammed conservative talk show host Tucker Carlson for the “demonization” of Ukraine among the Republican grassroots.

“I think the demonization of Ukraine began by Tucker Carlson, who, in my opinion, ended up where he It should have been all along, which is interviewing Vladimir Putin. And so he had an enormous audience, which convinced a lot of rank and file Republicans that maybe this was a mistake.”

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UNMASKED: J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Exposes James Ray Epps Breaking Federal Law In Leaked FBI Call: ‘We Were Listening To The, Uh, Speech’ [Part 2]

UNMASKED: J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Exposes James Ray Epps Breaking Federal Law In Leaked FBI Call: ‘We Were Listening To The, Uh, Speech’ [Part 2]

 ***Please support political prisoner Ryan Samsel’s legal defense here. ***

Alleged government plant James Ray Epps repeatedly claimed during his leaked interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigations that he stopped on the Ellipse in Washington DC at the Stop the Steal rally on January 6, 2021, to listen to former President Donald Trump’s speech.

“I mean this is what I tried to do. I mean I tried to calm them down,” Epps is heard telling an FBI agent a series of lies on a Jan. 8 2021 recorded phone call obtained by The Gateway Pundit.

“And the next morning we went down to the Capitol, — oh, not the Capitol,” he continued, “the, the, uh, the place where the president was going to speak. And we listened.”

In reality, as Trump delivered the momentous speech on the Ellipse, Epps was on a strange expedition, imploring every person he encountered to go into the Capitol building, where many would later be shot by police, bombed by cops with flash grenades, tear-gassed by law enforcement officials, murdered, entrapped with stacks of federal criminal charges and entrapped by the FBI for trespassing.

“As soon as President Trump is finished speaking, we are going to the Capitol! It’s going in that direction. That’s where our true problems lie,” he yelled at every bystander he encountered on the streets of the nation’s capital during Trump’s speech.

How could Epps have stopped to listen to the president’s speech when he was fixated on a bizarre expedition to direct demonstrators to, “Go to the Capitol!” and relentlessly cajoling the massive crowd to “Go.. in…to the building!”

As exhibited in J6 A True Timeline, the banned documentary showcasing the timeline of the events of January 6, President Trump took the microphone at 12:01 PM. Trump spoke at the Elipse for 40 minutes while Ray Epps, the entire time, was filmed on the streets directing the crowd to the Capitol building.

Epp’s demonstrably false claim about stopping to listen to Trump’s speech is among numerous falsehoods the only “insurrectionist” heralded by the corporate press told the bureau, in clear violation of federal law.

Lying to corporate press and state-run mainstream media primetime on 60-minute or and all access interviews with the New York Times, is one thing.

Flagrantly lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigations is a federal violation governed by 18 U.S.C. § 1001, punishable by up to five years in prison.

The penalty could be extended to a maximum of eight years if the misstatement relates to any act of international or domestic terrorism. The statements do not have to be made under oath to get charged under this federal statute.

Making false statements that violate federal law are related to the crimes of obstruction of justice and perjury, which are penalized under 18 U.S.C. § 1621 and 18 U.S.C. § 1505.

One of the most common ways for someone to face a federal false statement charge involves lying to FBI agents during an interview. Federal prosecutors frequently use the False Statement Accountability Act to indict or threaten to indict someone they believe is not cooperating with a criminal investigation.

Federal prosecutors sought to incarcerate former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn for violating 18 U.S.C. § 1001. Flynn pled guilty to making false statements to the FBI surrounding the bogus Russia probe then withdrew his plea prior to sentencing and was pardoned by Trump. Trump advisor Roger Stone was dragged out of his home by the FBI in a predawn raid for allegedly providing false statements to the FBI and pardoned by the former president.

But Ray Epps is above the law.

As TGP reported, on Jan. 8, 2021, hours after Epps discovered his photo was published on the Most Wanted List for his role in the Capitol riot, the 62-year-old former Oath Keeper called the FBI and asked a federal agent to remove his picture from the bureau’s website and provided numerous false statements about his actions on January 5 and 6, 2021.

He devoted most of the call to persuading the bureau to target J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel, whom Epps whispered to and stalked during the riot, and criminally implicating other demonstrators he implored to, “Go into the building!”

TGP allowed Samsel to review the exculpatory evidence prosecutors withheld during his trial in violation of Brady v. Maryland.

“This is all scripted,” Samsel told TGP in an exclusive interview. “[Epps] is a paid agitator and we are going to get to the bottom of it.”

Epps insisted on the call with the FBI that he “kind of put his arm around” Samsel to “try to calm him down. If true, it would have been a sudden deviation from the mission he had been on for hours, walking the streets of DC inciting people to break the law.

“Ray Epps never whispered in my ear to ‘calm down,’” Samsel shot back. “What he said was, ‘Don’t pull you’ve got to push. I got people, or wait until more people. That’s exactly what he said. I’ve challenged the government to this, and I said, ‘Well, why don’t you have me take a polygraph test and have Ray Epps take a polygraph test.’

“They don’t want him to take a polygraph test because he’s lying. He’s lying about so, so much.”

***Please support political prisoner Ryan Samsel’s legal defense here. ***

The former Marine at the center of the Capitol attack’s most persistent conspiracy theories and his wife Robyn conspicuously insisted he went to DC to “calm them down” a combined 16 times on the unredacted 27-minute call.

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment provides that “in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right … to be confronted with the witnesses against him” at trial. Generally, the right is to have a face-to-face confrontation with witnesses who are offering testimonial evidence against the accused in the form of cross-examination during a trial.

But US district federal judges have trashed the US Constitution under the installed Biden regime. Ryan Samsel has never had the opportunity to face his accuser.

Revolver News’ Darrin Beattie called attention to Epp’s Jan. 5 alibi attending.

“He just, ‘Went to D.C. to defend Trump and to attend the speech on a last-minute thing with his son,’ to attend Trump’s speech on election fraud. The only thing is, Epps didn’t attend the speech,” Beattie noted on Tucker Carlson’s former Fox News broadcast before Carlson was fired from the network allegedly for exposing the fedsurrection.  

“Epps travels all the way from Arizona to DC, this ‘big Trump supporter,’ and he doesn’t even attend the speech,” Beattie continued. “Instead, he fixates on this bizarre mission to get everyone to go into the Capitol.” 

As police sprayed the crowd with deadly CS gas and flash grenades, Epps boasted to his nephew in a  2:12 pm text message on Jan. 6 that he, “Orchestrated it.”

In July 2021, the FBI removed Epps from its Most Wanted List.

Last Sept., Epps pleaded guilty to one count of engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds. On Jan. 9, Epps was sentenced to a year of probation, ordered to pay $500 in restitution and to serve 100 hours of community service for his role in the riot.

“Jan. 6 violence was not generated by the FBI; it was generated by people like me who supported President Trump and listened to his lies,” Epps told Chief Judge James Boasberg at his sentencing.

A self-proclaimed former Trump supporter, Epps told Judge Boasberg he now “knows Joe Biden won the election and said he underwent a “life-changing reality shift” when the “Trump cult” turned on him and his wife and hopes to help others “learn the truth” of the 2020 election results.

Prosecutors argued several “distinctive and compelling mitigating factors” set Epps’s case apart from other rioters’ cases, noting Epps turned himself in two days after the riot and attempted to de-escalate conflict between law enforcement and rioters at least five times that day.

Epps’s sentencing was underway at the same time Trump was in the same D.C. federal courthouse. Trump’s legal team was arguing before a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel that his federal election interference case should be dismissed because he was acting in his official capacity as president. 

Epps gets no prison time.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia has charged Trump with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, one count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, one count of conspiracy against rights in Washington, DC for contesting the most ostensibly rigged election in US history. 

In the 39 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,385 individuals have been charged in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol.

While Epps walks scot-free, Samsel was convicted of eight eight felony counts for joining the crowd in pushing over flimsy bike racks surrounding the Capitol grounds at the start of the riot, carrying a cop who was toppled over by the protesters pushing the bike racks to safety, providing medical aid to another protester who police shot in the face, protecting the wounded demonstrator from arrest and then getting shot at by police. Samsel, himself, was almost shot in the face by police during the Capitol riot. In footage of the police lacing the crowd with deadly less-than-lethal munitions, an explosion visibly ignites inches away from Samsel’s head and he sustains the scars on his ear from the injury. 

***Please support political prisoner Ryan Samsel’s legal defense here. ***

The Pennsylvania barber and former MMA fighter questions why Ray Epps continues to be given special treatment by the government when January 6 has destroyed his life.

FBI agents apprehended Samsel with lasers of their AR15s pointed at his head while raiding his Pennsylvania home on January 29, 2021. Over the past three and half years in pretrial incarceration, Samsel has been tortured and brain injured from beatdowns by federal agents, and repeatedly denied life-saving surgery. In one instance, he was strapped in a four-point restraint chair backward and ruthlessly beaten as officers spat his face calling him “white supremacist” and “domestic terrorist.” Currently detained in MDC Brooklyn, the same jail system where Jefferey Epstein allegedly killed himself, Samsel has been transferred to 19 different correctional facilities 28 times over the past three years.”

“I want to challenge the government, even if they may retaliate and assault me for exposing the truth like they usually do —  you can’t fear, folks. I’m curious as to why I am being treated like this, and guys like Ray Epps are in the comfort of their homes?”


Samsel provided TGP his medical records substantiating his claims about being repeatedly assaulted, once almost killed by guards in the DC gulag after refusing to cooperate with authorities in a plea agreement, and was nearly beaten to death in Pennsylvania while incarcerated after guards discovered he was surviving on food J6 political prisoner Zachary Rehl managed to “fish” him through the toilet when he was being starved. 

“These pictures were taken about three weeks after I was assaulted in the DC jail. Even my hands were bruised, because they were punching my hands, and punching my hands until my hands were literally the color black. Look at the difference between how I am treated, and some of these other guys who went to trial and refused to plea,” Samsel said. “Why are guys like Ray Epps being treated perfectly fine?”

“This is selective prosecution. Epps is a free man with his family at home when I’ve been constantly moved to dozens of different jails – I’ve been in New York; Ive been in Philly, I’ve been in Virginia, moved everywhere and each place I’ve gone I’ve been extremely mistreated. Still to this day I haven’t gotten any medical treatment. I put God first. If they want to take my life, all they can do is destroy my body. I want to take care of it as best I can, but if they want to kill it, you can have it. Come get it. The soul — you can’t destroy my soul.”


In an April 2021 in-person interview with the FBI, Epp continues to bureau, even contradicting what he told the bureau on Jan. 8.

Stay tuned.

***Please support political prisoner Ryan Samsel’s legal defense here. ***

The post UNMASKED: J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Exposes James Ray Epps Breaking Federal Law In Leaked FBI Call: ‘We Were Listening To The, Uh, Speech’ [Part 2] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


New York Is Trump Country

New York Is Trump Country


A lesser man staring down a criminal conviction, even on utterly bogus charges, might break under the stress of the event, or succumb to doubt and despair.  But Donald Trump, as the saying goes, is made of sterner stuff.  This stuff was readily on display Thursday morning in Midtown when he was greeted to a hero’s welcome before a litany of construction workers, representing the Steamfitters Union 638.  Close to a thousand union workers, many of them still registered Democrats, arrived at the crack of dawn – before the President’s scheduled court proceeding – to serenade the President with a traditional New York homecoming.

What was especially remarkable about the event, which was spearheaded by the New York Young Republican Club, was not so much the enthusiasm among this traditionally Left-leaning voter bloc.  Nor even was the fact that legions of them braved unseasonably chilly temperatures to come out at the crack of dawn, deep in the belly of the beast of liberal Manhattan, to showcase their support for President Trump (of note: their leader, Bob Bartels, said that “President Trump is leading Joe Biden three to one” of their 9,000-member union).

Nay, what was truly remarkable about the largely impromptu meetup was how organic it felt, and how strong President Trump’s support remains, even as he is hamstrung by an illegitimate court proceeding that in large part is preventing him from campaigning in this crucial election year in more important battleground states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia.  Nevertheless, only Donald Trump can make a tour de force out of what was really just a cobbled together side act for a campaign that has been slowed down by a weaponized justice system.  Even so, the turnout, media presence, and optics of the union workers event would be envied by many other presidential campaigns (especially Joe Biden) — which would consider an event of this notoriety a main act.

Indeed, since his criminal trial began in New York City, President Trump has utilized the opportunity to experiment with more grassroots-style campaigning methods – making lemonade out of lemons.  Last week he strode into a Bodega in Spanish Harlem, to tremendous acclaim, in a neighborhood that was mostly Hispanic and Democratic-leaning.  This week he met with Union Workers in the heart of Manhattan.  In the coming weeks, he has teased rallies in the South Bronx and Madison Square Garden (and perhaps other locations in New York, too), and will also be campaigning in neighboring New Jersey, where he is already scheduled to appear for a May 11th rally in Wildwood.  New Jersey, much like New York, is another deep blue state.  And yet, several reputable polls have placed him within a 5-point reach of Biden there, which is even closer than New York, where the President has also significantly narrowed the gap to within single digits in recent months.

In fact, President Trump has been so successful with these less structured campaign events that some pundits have characterized them as more powerful, and effective, methods of outreach than even his now world-famous rallies, which have become a staple of the 45th President’s political brand.  However, by taking his message directly to the people, particularly in areas that have suffered true blight at the hand of the Biden regime’s destructive policies – whether through their unwillingness to crack down on crime, or their refusal to manage the border crisis, or their stripping away Americans’ right to defend themselves with a firearm – the message has been a powerful one, activating voter blocs in the process that would otherwise not normally vote for a Republican presidential candidate.

The bottom line is that virtually all Americans are worse – far worse – now than they were four years ago when President Trump was still in office, even during the height of covid.  Our economy has been brought to a crawl, weighed down by lingering inflation (which has almost completely eroded the value of the dollar), stagnant wages, enervated supply chains, mediocre growth, crushing debt, and offshoring of industry.

Our border crisis has reached a catastrophic level: illegals flood cities like New York like never before, and government officials are clueless about how to handle it, afraid of being politically incorrect and doing what is necessary – a wholesale deportation – to undo the great damage wrought to our society by the Biden Regime’s suicidal policies.

Our system of justice has been weaponized beyond repair – and Americans feel these effects viscerally, not just vicariously through the political persecution of Donald Trump.  Faithful Catholics are being added to FBI lists, while parents who dare so criticize woke public school curricula are treated as domestic terrorists by the Biden Regime’s Department of Injustice — and imposed heavy-handed legal penalties.

Legions of January 6th defendants, whom President Trump rightly terms “political hostages” — are being held in detention, so many of their due process rights denied without even being charged with a crime.  Countless more face lengthy prison sentences, all for committing at worst a misdemeanor.  They languish in solitary confinement, at the directive of our government, for sometimes months on end in inhumane conditions that we would be ashamed to keep ISIS terrorists or MS-13 gang members, whose crimes cannot even be placed in the same universe as those Americans who peacefully demonstrated at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

For these reasons, and many more, once insurmountable Democratic havens like New York and New Jersey are beginning to show cracks.  The blue wall that President Trump pierced in the Midwest in 2016 is beginning to trickle over to the northeast, and the west, and other regions of the country that Democrats in the not-too-distant past once retained a formidable grip on.  President Trump’s gains are bolstered by his uncanny appeal to working class people, legacy Americans who do not want their fundamental liberties and rights denied by their government – or their way of life outsourced to China, South America, or the Middle East.

The invasion at our southern border is emblematic of a much larger invasion – and subversion – to our national identity, being carried out with impunity by a political elite that includes members of both party establishments, which remains utterly and dogmatically committed to selling America out to the world.  President Trump offers the only antidote to preserve our time-honored traditions, those things that made America special and unique for over two centuries, but now is on the precipice of being lost forever – notwithstanding a dramatic course correction.

That course correction can only be accomplished through the movement President Trump first launched in 2016, when he descended the fateful Trump Tower escalator.  Make America Great Again gave the President two electoral victories in 2016 and 2020 and will do so again – with even more zeal this time around – because the stakes are that much higher, and millions more Americans have been awakened — and galvanized — to these harsh realities, which affect each and every one of us – regardless of race, religion, creed, or ideology.

It is for this reason, ultimately, that best explains why President Trump has catapulted in the polls and will carry this momentum all the way to victory come November, so long as we the people do our part to help get him there.

The post New York Is Trump Country appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


REPORT: White House Aides Prohibit Biden From Walking Solo, Devise Special ‘Routine’ to Stop Him from Falling Over

REPORT: White House Aides Prohibit Biden From Walking Solo, Devise Special ‘Routine’ to Stop Him from Falling Over


The White House has introduced a special routine for when Joe Biden departs and returns to the White House on the Marine One helicopter.

According to a report from Axios, advisors to the geriatric president are increasingly concerned that his inability to walk properly is highlighting his old age and declining mental condition.

The outlet reports:

President Biden has introduced a change to his White House departure and return routine. Instead of walking across the South Lawn to and from Marine One by himself, he’s now often surrounded by aides.

With aides usually walking between Biden and journalists’ camera position outside the White House, the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old’s halting and stiff gait. Some Biden advisers have told Axios they’re concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.

Can’t Make It Up: The President of the United States has been assigned “walkers.”

You heard that right. The man that has access to nuke codes now requires aides to escort him across a lawn.

These handlers now walk between Biden and the pool cameras, “to draw less attention to…

— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) April 26, 2024

Meanwhile, the White House has also “taken steps” to prevent the 81-year-old from falling over:

The White House also has taken steps to prevent the president from tripping, as he did last summer on a stage at the Air Force Academy. Biden increasingly has worn shoes with extra support, including a pair of black Hoka sneakers. His doctor has disclosed that the president suffers from “spinal arthritis” and “mild sensory peripheral neuropathy of the feet” which has contributed to his stiff gait while walking.

Biden resisted taking steps to account for his age early in his presidency, but has shifted gears recently. Besides the different footwear, he now enters Air Force One on a lower level, taking shorter stairs than the ones used on his early trips to climb to the plane’s cabin. Biden also continues to do physical therapy and stretching exercises most days.

Since seizing office back in 2021, Biden has repeatedly tripped, stumbled and outright fallen over while on official duties. Such incidents underline both his declining physical and mental health, amid a growing body of evidence that he is suffering from dementia or some other degenerative illness.


The post REPORT: White House Aides Prohibit Biden From Walking Solo, Devise Special ‘Routine’ to Stop Him from Falling Over appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.