🎬 Kris Mayes, the Attorney General of Arizona, went on MSNBC on March 30 to say this: “We absolutely have to get President Biden reelected.” Thre…


Kris Mayes, the Attorney General of Arizona, went on MSNBC on March 30 to say this:

“We absolutely have to get President Biden reelected.”

Three weeks later she weaponized her office by indicting seven Trump attorneys, Mark Meadows, and 11 Republican electors whose only “crime” was following a 1960 Democrat precedent advocated by Van Jones and Harvard law professor Larry Lessig.

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸


HAITI HELL: Unelected Transitional Council Is Sworn In, New Interim Prime Minister Chosen as Violence Takes Country to the Brink of Catastrophe

HAITI HELL: Unelected Transitional Council Is Sworn In, New Interim Prime Minister Chosen as Violence Takes Country to the Brink of Catastrophe


Haiti’s political situation saw a flurry of activity in the last couple of days, after many weeks of impasse and negotiations.

It’s a very complicated set of events that can be summarized like this: outgoing Prime Minister Ariel Henry finally resigned, and the rest of his cabinet ‘elected’ a new ‘provisional’ PM. Meanwhile, the new ‘Transitional Council’ was sworn in, and said council may or not appoint its own ‘Interim PM’.

Confusing, is it not? Now add to that the fact that the control on the streets is NOT maintained by the various unelected political groups, but rather by the rebel gangs.

Exiled PM Henry presented his resignation in a letter signed in Los Angeles dated from Yesterday (24).

Henry’s remaining Cabinet chose Economy and Finance Minister Michel Patrick Boisvert as the interim prime minister.

It was not immediately clear if or when the newly appointed transitional council would select its own interim prime minister.

Gun battles rage near the Presidential Palace.

Associated Press reported:

“Addressing a crowded and sweaty room in the prime minister’s office, Boisvert said that Haiti’s crisis had gone on too long and that the country now found itself at a crossroads. The members of the transitional council stood behind him, as well as the country’s top police and military officials.

‘After two long months of debate … a solution has been found’, Boisvert said. ‘Today is an important day in the life of our dear republic’. He called the transitional council a ‘Haitian solution’ and directing his remarks toward them, Boisvert wished them success, adding ‘I believe the determination is there’.”

The elegant leaders toasted with champagne and chanted ‘to Haiti’.

“The council was installed earlier Thursday, more than a month after Caribbean leaders announced its creation following an emergency meeting to tackle Haiti’s spiraling crisis. Gunfire could be heard as the council was sworn in at the National Palace.

The nine-member council, of which seven have voting powers, is also expected to help set the agenda of a new Cabinet. It will also appoint a provisional electoral commission, a requirement before elections can take place, and establish a national security council.”

Read: ‘It’s Like the End of Times’: UN Expert Predicts ‘Apocalyptic Scenario’ in Haiti May Fuel Mass Exodus Towards the US ‘In Weeks’

This new Transition Council has a non-renewable mandate that expires on Feb. 7, 2026 – when a new president is scheduled to be sworn in.

But recent history has taught us how the provisional leader tends to cling to power until toppled.

Will the new council keep Boisvert on as interim prime minister or choose another leader? No one knows.

The situation of the already chaotic country unraveled further after the July 2021 assassination of duly-elected President Jovenel Moïse.

Rebel gangs led by Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Chérizier control 80% of the capital Port-au-Prince.

Gangs control most of Port-au-Prince and the population of Port-au-Prince has literally been taken hostage.

“Gangs launched coordinated attacks that began on Feb. 29 in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and surrounding areas. They burned police stations and hospitals, opened fire on the main international airport that has remained closed since early March and stormed Haiti’s two biggest prisons, releasing more than 4,000 inmates. Gangs also have severed access to Haiti’s biggest port.

‘Port-au-Prince is now almost completely sealed off because of air, sea and land blockades’, Catherine Russell, UNICEF’s director, said earlier this week.”

Nearly 100,000 people have fled the capital to safer cities and towns since the rebel gang attacks began.

Read more:

Haiti’s Crumbling Government Formalizes New Unelected Transitional Council, but Bureaucracy Persists as Outgoing PM Henry Is Accused of Trying To Retain Power

The post HAITI HELL: Unelected Transitional Council Is Sworn In, New Interim Prime Minister Chosen as Violence Takes Country to the Brink of Catastrophe appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Former Foreign Affairs Congressman Claims: Gaza Pier will be used to Export Palestinians to US & Canada

Former Foreign Affairs Congressman Claims: Gaza Pier will be used to Export Palestinians to US & Canada


Part of the $9 billion in relief being sent to the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, claims a former Congressman who sat for years on the Foreign Affairs committee, is secret funding for massive Palestinian resettlement in America and Canada.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) noted online that the billions being sent to Gaza are suspicious in that the funds seem disconnected from the reality of a true humanitarian mission. The funds are legally worded in such a way as to give Biden and his team the ability to do whatever they want with the money.

I’m pouring through the pages of the three supplemental funding bills.  Don’t buy what they are selling. Came across this on page 11:
‘‘International Disaster Assistance’’, $5,655,000,000, to remain available until expended, to address humanitarian needs, and
‘‘Migration and… pic.twitter.com/lhkoXVuZWp

— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) April 18, 2024

The passage of this $95 billion funding bill was very controversial due to Republican Speaker Mike Johnson using Democrats in order to fund a spending bill to fund Democrat Biden’s priorities.

The proposed pier is allegedly just for ‘humanitarian relief.’ Mainstream news outlets claim that the only controversy about the pier is how Israel might interfere with the access point. The U.S. military is constructing the pier, and were briefly under mortar fire today though there were no casualties and no damage to the construction.

One expert in the Middle East is sounding concern and alarm about how the pier might be used, however.

Cong. Steve Stockman was in Congress for two non-consecutive terms, his first as part of the Republican Revolution of 1994, where he served from 1995-1997, and again as part of the Tea Party wave, elected in 2012 and serving from 2013-2015. Stockman served on the Foreign Affairs Committee, and had extensive knowledge of international affairs and the Middle East.

Cong. Steve Stockman’s 2013 swearing in with Stockman’s wife Patti, and then-Republican Speaker John Boehner

Stockman was harassed by the deep state for trying to impeach the IRS’ Lois Lerner and Democrat President Obama, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and later had his sentence mercifully commuted by President Trump around Christmas Day 2020. The DOJ deep state also tried to prosecute Stockman because he was being considered in 2017 for an Ambassadorship to the United Arab Emirates.

Stockman says that, from his contacts and also understanding how the left in power works, what’s being planned is a massive resettlement of Palestinians to the West.

“The $9 billion in relief aid wasn’t meant to actually help the Palestinians who need it,” Stockman said. “They structured it as ‘humanitarian aid’ because legally, that definition is so broad that they can repurpose the aid however they want. It’s a classic Congressional con game with this funding. It’s part of the billions and trillions spent every year by the deep state to accomplish its goals, and most of it is right out in the open.”

“They are going to use this money to resettle Palestinians in America, using this pier, the same way the militant left used Muslim refugees from Syria to colonize Europe.”

Stockman blames the quiet and covert alleged influence of former President Barack Obama.

Barack Obama, with President Donald Trump in the background.

“Obama and his team, who are the real power behind the throne with senile Biden, want to bring two million hate-filled anti-Americans here to help them win elections and help divide and destroy our native population. Their goal is to destroy you, your family, and your neighborhood,” said Stockman. “They brought millions into Europe in the same way: the left sparks a war, the left refuses to fight the war, and then they use the refugees created by their actions to restructure societies they hate. They’re bringing those Palestinians to America, just the same way they keep open borders to accomplish the same purpose.”

Federal government sources also relate that the Biden DOJ has approved nearly all of the refugee claims with nearly zero scrutiny.

Some have also pointed to claims in the past that humanitarian and food aid sent to Gaza in the past was substantially misappropriated and turned into profitable ‘reselling’ opportunities.

World Food Programme humanitarian aid SOLD to Palestinians on the streets of Gaza- despite the boxes being labelled ‘Not for Sale.’ pic.twitter.com/47kzPXqrlP

— Shunya (@Shunyaa00) April 12, 2024

Stockman continued, “Most don’t know that up in Canada, Trudeau opened the door to unlimited Gaza terrorist visas while he is slow-walking getting our allies out of the Taliban’s Afghanistan. This has nothing to do with charity or humanitarianism, they want to take in Palestinians and they don’t want to help traditional U.S. allies. The history of Democrat-led foreign policy over the last generation is one of extreme cynicism and partisanship.”

Former Cong. Stockman offered one powerful example of such cynicism, “I was on a CoDel in 2014, which is short for Congressional Delegation, to Nigeria. While there, an intelligence officer came up to me and asked to speak privately. He let me know that Obama’s White House knew exactly where the Muslim Boko Haram were keeping the kidnapped Christian girls. The military was ready to go in and rescue them, and were urgently and repeatedly asking for authorization to do so. But the White House and the John Kerry State Department didn’t want to give a perceived ‘win’ to then-President Goodluck Jonathan, because he was ‘homophobic’ in their eyes. So they let those girls suffer, get raped, and die to prevent a strong black political leader who didn’t agree with their globalist gay agenda from getting a win. That’s the deep state up close: they are busy reshaping the world with American tax dollars to ensure a hard-left Communist future, globally. Now, Nigeria’s the number one spot where Christians are being murdered across the world, that’s the outcome Obama wanted.

Michelle Obama postured for the cameras to return the girls kidnapped by Boko Haram, as her husband condemned them to slavery

The post Former Foreign Affairs Congressman Claims: Gaza Pier will be used to Export Palestinians to US & Canada appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


“I Got One of Those Phone Calls” – SICK! Joe Biden Makes it About Himself While Speaking on Police Officers Killed in the Line of Duty (VIDEO)

“I Got One of Those Phone Calls” – SICK! Joe Biden Makes it About Himself While Speaking on Police Officers Killed in the Line of Duty (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Thursday made his way up to Syracuse, New York to deliver remarks on the CHIPS and Science Act. Biden bragged about his dumpster fire economy.

His remarks on the economy come as the GDP slowed to 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.

After Biden’s stop in Syracuse where he announced a $6 billion investment in semiconductor manufacturer Micron, he will travel to Westchester County for a celebrity fundraiser.

Biden is rubbing elbows with Hollywood elitists in New York while President Trump walked around a construction site and praised New York union workers for their hard work.

Spot the difference:


Union workers chant “USA” as President Trump visits their construction site pic.twitter.com/KjcZ9UzvX3

— Karoline Leavitt (@kleavittnh) April 25, 2024

One New York union worker had a message for Joe Biden: “F*ck you!”

Q: What’s your message to Joe Biden?

Union Worker: “F*ck you.”


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) April 25, 2024

Of course, Biden made his speech all about himself.

“Every time a police officer puts on that shield every morning, their husband or wife, whatever it is, or child, worries about will they get that phone call. I got one of those phone calls,” Biden said.

Biden’s wife and daughter dying in a car accident or his son dying of brain cancer at Walter Reed is not the same thing as a police officer dying in the line of duty.

A wife receiving a phone call about her police officer husband dying in the line of duty is not the same thing.

Joe Biden is a disgusting narcissist.


BIDEN: “Every time a police officer puts on that shield every morning, their husband or wife, whatever it is, or child, worries about will they get that phone call. I got one of those phone calls” pic.twitter.com/GUNB9ChgDA

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 25, 2024

The post “I Got One of Those Phone Calls” – SICK! Joe Biden Makes it About Himself While Speaking on Police Officers Killed in the Line of Duty (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.