WATCH: Wild Video Captures Passenger Attacking Bus Driver, Causing Them to Crash into Oklahoma City Building

WATCH: Wild Video Captures Passenger Attacking Bus Driver, Causing Them to Crash into Oklahoma City Building


An absolutely insane video captured a passenger attacking a bus driver in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, causing the vehicle to crash into a building.

The attacker in the video, Tihron Harrison, 23, can be seen repeatedly punching the driver and dragging him out of his seat for a full-on brawl as the bus was still moving.

NEW: Man attacks bus driver while driving in Oklahoma City sending the bus crashing into a local business.

Tihron Harrison started punching the bus driver after the driver refused to let him off at a random intersection.

As the men were fighting, the bus continued down the…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 25, 2024

Oklahoma City Police said Harrison was mad that the driver would not make an unscheduled stop due to the city’s policy.

Local station KFOR reports, “Another angle showed a passenger try to break up the attack as the driver is thrown to the floor. Shortly after, the bus can been seen veering off the road and into a business. A seat belt saved the bus driver from being thrown through the windshield.”

The driver was not seriously injured but had some mild bumps and bruises.

There are some brainless people in the world as a man attacks a bus driver while it’s moving in Oklahoma City.

A passenger helps to restrain him, but it is too late to stop a crash.

— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) April 25, 2024

“Obviously (the driver) had some bumps and bruises. We got him to medical facilities right after and he’s off work now but doing well,” Jason Ferbrache, OKC Director of Public Transportation and Parking Department, told the local news station.

Ferbrache praised the driver for doing everything he could to keep the passengers safe.

“When you run into a situation like that, no matter how much training you have, it’s very difficult to prepare for somebody really assaulting you while you’re operating a vehicle in motion,” said Ferbrache.

Harrison fled the scene but was eventually captured by police.

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FDA WARNS: Deadly Virus Found in MILK, Shoppers on NOTICE | Beyond the Headlines

FDA WARNS: Deadly Virus Found in MILK, Shoppers on NOTICE | Beyond the Headlines


FDA WARNS: Deadly Virus Found in MILK, Shoppers on NOTICE | Beyond the Headlines

Recently, it was revealed that now, “remnants” of the Bird Flu are showing up in milk. However, according to the FDA, pasteurization — a process seen by some to be beneficial, and others not so much — apparently “inactivates the virus”. Kind of like the vaccine? Do you trust the FDA after the last 4 years of health misinformation?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

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WAYNE ROOT: “We’re all GAZA Now.” Trump was Right. One Rigged & Stolen Election has Turned America into a Third World Craphole.

WAYNE ROOT: “We’re all GAZA Now.” Trump was Right. One Rigged & Stolen Election has Turned America into a Third World Craphole.

 Texas National Guard members are seen being overrun by illegal immigrants trying to force their way across the southern border at El Paso, Texas. (@JennieSTaer / X screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Trump was right- again. Only 3 years ago our country was MAGA. America was great again. The economy, prosperity, inflation, interest rates, jobs, incomes, the border, crime, peace around the world.

Three short years later we’ve gone from MAGA to Gaza.

Trump was right about a lot of things. Here are just a few.

Trump predicted if the border was open and millions came into our country illegally, we’d be turned into a third world craphole. It happened exactly as he predicted. Look around.

Illegal aliens are murdering Americans from coast to coast. Illegals are fighting with pipes and belts in the middle of a major street in Midtown Manhattan. Cops are being beaten by illegal aliens in broad daylight in the middle of Times Square. Illegal alien squatters are stealing homes. Fentanyl is killing hundreds of thousands of our children.

One of my best friend’s children just died of a fentanyl overdose only days ago. Where do you think fentanyl comes from? The open border.

And then there’s the protests at Columbia University with angry mobs chanting “Death to Jews” “Death to America” and “We are Hamas.” Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of America.

U.S. Senators are now demanding President Biden send National Guard to protect Jewish students at Columbia U. This is happening in America?

Don’t look now but my alma mater Columbia U. has become “Hamas with a really bad football team.”

Now these Jew-hating protests are spreading to elite colleges across the country. And to the home of Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer who just happens to be Jewish. Who saw this coming?

President Trump saw it coming.

Remember President Trump’s so-called “Muslim Travel Ban.” He told us: Don’t let bad people, with evil intent, from terrorist nations, into America.

Trump’s point was, they will bring their hate with them. They will not blend in, as prior immigrants did. They will destroy our cities- which will be turned into dangerous “no go” zones. They will stir hate and division. Crime will explode. They will kill Americans- specifically Jews.

Don’t look now, but this is exactly what is happening.

The real name of Trump’s Executive Action was “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” It was simply an Executive Action aimed at keeping bad people with evil intent (and hatred for Jews, Christians, America and Western Civilization) out of the USA.

It wasn’t “racist.” It wasn’t aimed at Muslims. It was aimed at terrorists, criminals and people with hate in their hearts, coming from the worst terrorist nations in the world. It was aimed at keeping our citizens safe and keeping us from becoming a third world craphole. Like Gaza.

Trump was right.

Why do you think all of this hate and anarchy is happening right now? Because we opened the borders and welcomed everyone in. No one was vetted. We have no idea who is a criminal…who is a murderer…who is a terrorist…who hates Jews….and who wants “Death to America.”

Biden (and his boss Obama) opened the borders and let the whole Middle East in- with no questions asked. How many are Hamas? Hezbollah? ISIS? How many have criminal records? How many have an unnatural hatred for Jews, Christians and America?

Did anyone think to ask, before we let them into our country?

And let’s not single out radical Islam. Letting in MS-13, gangbangers from prisons around the world, and Chinese military-age males is just as stupid, reckless and dangerous.

Trump understood. Not everyone is alike. Not everyone should be allowed into our country. It’s a privilege to become an American. We have to investigate people who want to come in- to make sure their values are compatible with America, American exceptionalism, freedom, and democracy.

Now you’re seeing the results of unvetted open borders on the streets and college campuses of America. It didn’t start with Biden. It started with Obama. Obama opened the floodgates for eight long years. He let millions of illegals in.

Now Biden (and his boss Obama) have excellerated the foreign invasion on STEROIDS.

Now for the first time in the history of America, there are protestors openly screaming about murdering Jews. Coincidence?

Now for the first time in the history of America, we need National Guard troops to protect Jewish students. Coincidence?

Now for the first time in the history of America, there are Jewish professors demanding police escorts to walk onto their own campus. Coincidence?

Now for the first time in the history of America, mobs of thugs are attacking the homes of Jewish US Senators. Coincidence?

Biden (and his boss Obama), Kamala (the border czar who has never been to the border), DHS chief Mayorkas, and the entire Democrat Party have sold out to China and the Mexican Drug Cartels. They’ve taken billions in bribes.

And as a bonus, Democrats are betting millions of foreign voters means there will never be another Republican president.

They’ve turned us into a third world craphole. They’ve invited and welcomed in people who want to murder us. All of us. Not just Jews. Jews are just first on their list. They don’t just hate Jews. They hate Christians. They hate Americans. They hate freedom.

Open borders are why things have suddenly changed so dramatically.

That’s why a country that has always treated the Jewish people the best of any country in the world…a country that has never shown hatred for Jews…never seen protests against Jews…a country that has shown overwhelming support for Israel from the first day…

Is suddenly seeing anarchy and revolution in the streets…hatred for Jews…chants of “Death to America”…and crime exploding in big cities, run by Democrats, and filled with newly arrived illegal aliens.

Biden (and his boss Obama), and the entire Democrat Party have imported Gaza into America. And now the chickens have come home to roost.

Trump was right. America may never be the same.

We’re all Gaza now.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: “We’re all GAZA Now.” Trump was Right. One Rigged & Stolen Election has Turned America into a Third World Craphole. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Maryland Principal Framed by Former Athletic Director with AI-Generated ‘Recording’ of Him Saying Racist Things

Maryland Principal Framed by Former Athletic Director with AI-Generated ‘Recording’ of Him Saying Racist Things


A former athletic director at Maryland’s Pikesville High School has been arrested for “framing” the principal by creating a deepfake of him saying racist things using artificial intelligence.

Dazhon Darien, 31, was charged with disrupting school activities in January by impersonating Principal Eric Eiswert’s voice and spreading the audio on social media.

“The audio clip … had profound repercussions,” police wrote in charging documents obtained by the Baltimore Banner. “It not only led to Eiswert’s temporary removal from the school but also triggered a wave of hate-filled messages on social media and numerous calls to the school. The recording also caused significant disruptions for the PHS staff and students.”

Darien has also been charged with “theft and retaliating against a witness, related to alleged illicit payments he made to a school athletics coach, as well as stalking,” according to the report.

In the ai generated recording, a voice that sounds like Eiswert can be heard making disparaging comments about black and Jewish people. For example, the recording blasts “ungrateful Black kids who can’t test their way out of a paper bag” and says, “if I have to get one more complaint from one more Jew in this community, I’m going to join the other side.”

The Banner reports:

Questions about the audio’s authenticity quickly followed. Police wrote in charging documents that Darien had accessed the school’s network on multiple occasions in December and January searching for OpenAI tools, and used “Large Language Models” that practice “deep learning, which involves pulling in vast amounts of data from various sources on the internet, can recognize text inputted by the user, and produce conversational results.” They also connected Darien to an email account that had distributed the recording.

Many current and former students believed Eiswert was responsible for the offensive remarks, while former colleagues denounced the audio and defended Eiswert’s character. Eiswert himself has denied making those comments and said the comments do not align with his views.

The audio, posted to the popular Instagram account murder_ink_bmore, prompted a Baltimore County Public Schools and Baltimore County Police investigation. Eiswert has not been working in the school since the investigation began.

The night before the audio went viral, it was sent to three teachers at the school, including Shaena Ravenell who sent it to a student she knew would spread it far and wide.

Ravenell also contacted the media and NAACP. She has since resigned.

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