Summer of Love 2024 Violence Makes an Early Appearance and is Spreading Fast

Summer of Love 2024 Violence Makes an Early Appearance and is Spreading Fast


The battle of Columbia University is underway in New York City as “Palestinian Protestors” have created a swath of ungoverned space.  Jason Rantz, a Seattle talk radio personality, said, “There’s a new autonomous zone, this time at Columbia University and it’s fueled by hatred of Jews. The longer the university allows it to stand, the more difficult it will be to dismantle — and the more hate it will foment.”  Jason has experienced first-hand the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone that has contributed to a Seattle now in decline.

“Palestinian Protestors” are the latest fad of the angry outrage movement.  The tone and tenor is ugly and hostile to Jewish students and faculty.  Any attempt to counter-protest is met with violence or ejection from Campus.  Professor Shai Davidai has been barred from campus by officials since they cannot assure his safety.  Prohibiting Jewish faculty, staff, and students for their own safety is twisted and perverted logic.  The violence at Columbia is rapidly spreading to other campuses.  Texas Governor Greg Abbot oversaw a firm response at University of Texas Austin when radicals tried to shut the campus down.  Arrests were actually made at UT Austin, a departure from years of officials in many cities failing to provide civil order.

FBI Director Wray and others warn of imminent domestic attack amid the spike in campus violence

The sudden rise in violence on college campuses is occurring while key national security officials have been giving stark warnings to the American public.  FBI Director Wray has been quite histrionic about an impending ‘coordinated terror attack’ with the threat at a ‘whole other level’.  Wray’s warnings seem dire and he has been disingenuous on several topics, but this call to red alert seems authentic.  It is not well known, there is Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 191, Duty to Warn.  Under ICD 191 there is a legal obligation of officials (i.e. Wray) to provide a warning regarding threats to specific individuals or groups of intentional killing, serious bodily injury, and kidnapping.  Wray and other senior officials are likely triggered by their legal obligations under ICD 191.

Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (DHS CISA) Director Jennifer Easterly has been equally dramatic with her comments of “aggressive cyber operations” by China that can not only take down infrastructure but also “induce societal panic,” which seems to acknowledge what Dr. Malone and others were correct about the mass psychosis of the Wuhan bio-lab, COVID, and the vaccine scam.  General Haugh, Director of National Security Agency and Cyber Command has pointed out that China was securing access to the United States’ critical networks before a direct confrontation between the two countries would occur.  Translated, China is preparing for war.  Is the sudden initiation of the Summer of Love 2024 related to Chinese Communist malign activities or the warnings from U.S. Government officials?  If nothing else it provides additional chaos and distraction which provides a smokescreen.

Antifers in 2020, now Palestinian Crazies, spoon fed by TikTok cognitive warfare

The violent “Pro-Palestinian” outrage mobs have a lineage to the Summer of 2020.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa were replete with those who were easily triggered by social justice messaging.  There was also a disturbing intersection between these groups and public-school faculty and staff.  Since 2020 these same personalities have shape shifted into drag show activists, violent transgender militants, the squatter movement, and now “Palestinian” activists.  Getting paid to protest, why not become part of the Social Justice rent a mob?  It’s a great gig if you can get it, and it’s quite easy to get.

China has the Digital Twin Strategy that helps TikTok fine tune their feed to address the positive and negative affirmation of the individual easily influenced by outrage postings.  Using Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Big Data analytics, TikTok can deliver tailored messages to their 1 billion plus users.  For Taiwan Election Interference, it was estimated that 10% of the TikTok messages were tailored to the individual.  At 1 billion users, TikTok can deliver 100 million tailored message streams and weight them toward the American audience – that is a lot of influence.  Who is paying the money to this street violence cadre in America for their violence?  Chinese Communist Groups, Hamas (which is Iran, which is China), American non-profits receiving U.S. Government grants, and Soros/Arabella dark money.  Big Media has surged their army of Soros Funded Fact Checkers to help hide the evidence trail on this connection.

Are Chinese Special Operators playing a role?

The seminal difference between 2020 and 2024 is the flood of Chinese military age males coming across the unsecure southern border.  Chinese operators were out on the street in 2020 enabling societal panic over the COVID narrative, but stayed discrete.  Another lesson learned by Taiwan was that advanced social media use by China still heavily utilizes on the ground collaborators to fine tune, correct, and spread the social messaging.  After 2020, Chinese nationals became bolder and started to create the secret Chinese Police Station Infrastructure in America which has been somewhat degraded, but not totally shut down by the FBI.  Chinese illegals also set up the bio-lab discovered in California and are routinely challenging the security at sensitive U.S. Government facilities.

Chinese illegals have been pivoting toward “legal cannabis”, drawn by the high cash nature of the un-bankable cannabis proceeds and are killing each other.  This situation is becoming pervasive across America.  With the surging rise of malign activities performed by Chinese operatives inside of America and the clarion call of multiple national security leaders on imminent, coordinated mass casualty events, not drawing a line, at least in pencil, between the sudden rash of “Palestinian” protestors and the flood of Chinese military age males across the southern border is foolish.

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Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Trump Immunity Claim and the Liberal Justices Are Floating Absurd Hypotheticals, ‘Order Assassinations’ – ‘Kill a Rival’ – ‘Orders Coup’ (AUDIO)

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Trump Immunity Claim and the Liberal Justices Are Floating Absurd Hypotheticals, ‘Order Assassinations’ – ‘Kill a Rival’ – ‘Orders Coup’ (AUDIO)


The Supreme Court on Thursday heard oral arguments on Trump’s presidential immunity claim in Jack Smith’s January 6 case in DC.

The case made its way to the Supreme Court after the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Trump was not immune from prosecution.

Trump’s lawyers previously argued that Trump is immune from federal prosecution for alleged ‘crimes’ committed while he served as US President.

“In 234 years of American history, no president ever faced criminal prosecution for his official acts. Until 19 days ago, no court had ever addressed whether immunity from such prosecution exists,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in last month’s filing, according to CBS News. “To this day, no appellate court has addressed it. The question stands among the most complex, intricate, and momentous issues that this Court will be called on to decide.”

John Sauer, a Missouri-based attorney for Trump, gave an opening statement on Thursday and argued that Jack Smith’s indictment uses vague statutes to criminalize “core authority” of the presidency.

As expected, the liberal justices, similar to the appellate court judges, floated absurd hypotheticals.

Liberal Justice Elena Kagan asked John Sauer, “How about if a president orders the military to stage a coup? Is that immune? Is it an official act?”


Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked John Sauer if Trump would be immune from prosecution if he ordered the military to assassinate his political rival.

“…If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts that for which he can get immunity?” Sotomayor asked John Sauer.

Sauer replied, “It would depend on the hypothetical. What we can see that could well be an official act.”

Sotomayor defended Obama’s drone strikes on civilians while attacking Trump.

“He could. And why? Because he’s doing it for personal reasons. He’s not doing it like President Obama is alleged to have done it to protect the country from a terrorist. He’s doing it for personal gain. And isn’t that the nature of the allegations here, that he’s not doing them, doing these acts in furtherance of an official responsibility? He’s doing it for personal gain,” Sotomayor said.

“I agree with that characterization of the indictment. And that confirms immunity, because the characterization is that there’s a series of official acts that were done for an honorable,” Sauer said.

Sotomayor continue to argue with and interrupt John Sauer.


A three-judge panel for the DC Circuit Court of Appeals previously asked John Sauer if Trump would be immune if he ordered assassinations.

On January 9 a three-judge panel heard oral arguments and appeared skeptical of Trump’s immunity claims – one judge, a Biden appointee, asked attorney John Sauer if Trump would be subject to criminal prosecution if he ordered SEAL Team 6 to assassinate his political rivals.

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New York Construction Worker Has Blunt Two-Word Message for Joe Biden (Video)

New York Construction Worker Has Blunt Two-Word Message for Joe Biden (Video)


President Trump visited construction workers at the site of the 1,388 foot tall JP Morgan office building going up at 270 Park Avenue in New York City Thursday morning before heading to court. Trump was well received by a large crowd of workers and others who heard about the early morning (6:30 a.m.) campaign stop.

Among those was a construction worker who had a blunt two-word message for Joe Biden.

Screen image via Addison Smith, X Twitter.

Newsmax reporter Addison Smith posted video clips (now deleted) of his interviews with workers, asking about seeing so many Trump supporters in Manhattan and what their message is to Biden. One worker said, “Give it up,” while another worker was more explicit.

Reposting video by Addison Smith of Trump supporting construction worker telling Biden “f*””you!” Thursday morning in New York City.

— Kristinn Taylor (@KristinnFR) April 25, 2024

Joe Biden recently complained about seeing Trump signs with “F*** Biden” and routinely getting flipped off by children when he travels the country:

Video of Trump’s arrival posted by C-SPAN’s Howard Mortman:

Trump surprise early morning visit with Teamsters and construction workers 48th St. and Park Ave NYC

— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) April 25, 2024

Fox News carried the Trump appearance live and got a brief interview:

WCBS-TV reported on Trump’s remarks and a campaign handout to reporters about the visit (excerpt):

“I’m going to make a play for New Yorkers. They said, I just heard, there was a very good poll that came out. Normally, a Democrat will win New York. Biden is the worst president in history, we have some very bad people here, but we have the greatest people and they’re right behind me. They all want us to run, and we’re going to run very hard in New York,” Trump said to reporters. “They’ve taken my constitutional right away with a gag order. That’s all it is, it’s election interference, this whole thing is election interference.”

Trump’s campaign team also handed out a three-page document, titled, “Union Workers Paying the Price for Biden’s Failed Economic Policies.” Among the bullet points, Trump says, if re-elected, he will ban Chinese and foreign ownership of critical U.S. infrastructure and cancel Biden’s electric vehicle mandate.

Post visit interview with a Trump supporter by Addison Smith:

Black New Yorker to Biden:

“I don’t see you anywhere. I hope NY turns red because we’re NOT voting for you.”

— Addison Smith (@AddisonSmithTV) April 25, 2024

Trump also told reporters he is looking at holding rallies in New York City.

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World’s Chocolate Supply Under Threat By Virus, Researchers Call for Cacao Trees To Be Vaccinated

World’s Chocolate Supply Under Threat By Virus, Researchers Call for Cacao Trees To Be Vaccinated


Cacao trees in West Africa, where 50% of the world’s chocolate originates, are currently under threat by a virus that may jeopardize the global supply of chocolate.

In a new scientific study, researchers from the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana and the University of Kansas, Prairie View A&M, reported that the cacao swollen shoot virus disease (CSSVD), caused by tiny insects called mealybugs, has endangered cacao trees in the Ivory Coast and Ghana.

Harvests in the Ivory Coast and Ghana have been cut by 15% to 50% since the virus has wreaked havoc on cocoa trees.

To combat the pesky virus, researcher Chen-Charpentier from the University of Kansas, Prairie View A&M, has advocated for vaccinating cocoa trees and spreading them out from one another.

Chen-Carpentier stated, “What we needed to do was create a model for cacao growers so they could know how far away they could safely plant vaccinated trees from unvaccinated trees in order to prevent the spread of the virus while keeping costs manageable for these small farmers.”

Vaccinated the cocoa from mealy bugs?
“Farmers can combat the mealybugs by giving vaccines to the trees to inoculate them from the virus. But the vaccines are expensive….. and vaccinated trees produce a smaller harvest of cacao…devastation of the virus”

— Alita Gail (@RealAlitaGail) April 23, 2024

Per Science Daily:

A rapidly spreading virus threatens the health of the cacao tree and the dried seeds from which chocolate is made, jeopardizing the global supply of the world’s most popular treat.

About 50% of the world’s chocolate originates from cacao trees in the West Africa countries of Ivory Coast and Ghana. The damaging virus is attacking cacao trees in Ghana, resulting in harvest losses of between 15 and 50%. Spread by small insects called mealybugs that eat the leaves, buds and flowers of trees, the cacao swollen shoot virus disease (CSSVD) is among the most damaging threats to the root ingredient of chocolate.

Chen-Charpentier and colleagues from the University of Kansas, Prairie View A&M, the University of South Florida and the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana have developed a new strategy: using mathematical data to determine how far apart farmers can plant vaccinated trees to prevent mealybugs from jumping from one tree to another and spreading the virus.

“Mealybugs have several ways of movement, including moving from canopy to canopy, being carried by ants or blown by the wind,” Chen-Charpentier said. “What we needed to do was create a model for cacao growers so they could know how far away they could safely plant vaccinated trees from unvaccinated trees in order to prevent the spread of the virus while keeping costs manageable for these small farmers.”

World’s chocolate supply under ‘devastating threat’ from cacao tree virus

— The Sun Tech (@TheSunTech) April 24, 2024

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Fact Check: No, The Gateway Pundit is Not Losing Its Audience — We Continue to be One of the MOST VISITED News Sites in America Today

Fact Check: No, The Gateway Pundit is Not Losing Its Audience — We Continue to be One of the MOST VISITED News Sites in America Today


Yesterday, the news of the Gateway Pundit’s bankruptcy filing was released to the public.

As outlined in yesterday’s statement, this decision was made for business reasons. However, for our dedicated readers and trusted staff, there are no planned changes. We remain committed to delivering the same high-quality daily news and journalism to America today.

The mainstream media began reporting this news in a feverish way with glee and half-truths. They all had their erroneous spin on the filing. They were misunderstanding what was going on, and simply speculating as to what our motives were, what the facts were, and why it was happening.

One of the lies they started repeating in their coverage was that the traffic for the Gateway Pundit has gone down or plummeted.

In many reports they tried to claim that our traffic has gone down 62% since 2020, an outright lie. The Gateway Pundit is completely transparent about our site traffic. We link to it on every page, it’s a blue button at the bottom right of every page labelled “TGP Stats”, and its through a service called

The art and science of measuring website traffic is not precise, but across every reliable system it shows the same thing: our Gateway Pundit traffic is substantially higher than in 2020.

Here’s what the year-to-year 2020-2024 data shows, and as you can see it does NOT show a decline in either site traffic or in unique visits to the site:

The mainstream media has based this lie on the way that online websites’ traffic is measured. One such service is called ComScore. ComScore is similar to StatCounter, and it requires website administrators to place a code or script on each page so that traffic can be counted. In 2020, TGP removed that code because we did not trust their reports. So today ComScore shows that our traffic is substantially down, even though that is not true – we removed tracking code.

ComScore’s statistics are then used by a hard-left blog to track and harass right-wing publications and journalists, one is known as “The Righting.” They published a story that was based entirely off of the ComScore data, showing the wrong statistics and facts. This source was then used by left-leaning media outlets to report these things as verified third-party facts.

When all they did was copy and paste the wrong data, from the wrong service, to support a wrong conclusion: that TGP’s traffic was down when, instead, it is actually substantially up.

TGP also uses Google Analytics to track our site traffic, and Google reports the same trends as StatCounter, even though they don’t provide a public link to the data: TGP traffic is nearly double that of 2020. Google Analytics proves that pageviews to the site have gone from between 24-32 million views to between 55-87 million pageviews.

Here’s our 2020 Google Analytics report:

And here’s our 2024 Google Analytics report. Google changed the way they display their reports, so it’s a little harder to compare the two, but if you look at the total pageviews and the total unique users, you can find the key data.

Can you guess whether the left-wing mainstream media is reporting the truth that traffic is substantially up, or whether they spread the disinformation that it is substantially down? I’m sure you know that they chose the lie instead of the truth, because in their minds the emotional agenda is more important than the facts.

We reached out to several reporters involved in promoting this disinformation and asked them to correct their data and amend their stories.

To their credit, Mediaite’s Alexander Griffing fixed his story to at least show that the traffic numbers were in dispute. He did this quickly and was a complete professional about the matter.

Mediaite’s Alexander Griffing

And then there was the Atlantic’s Paul Fahri. He wrote in the “Atlantic” that the Gateway Pundit traffic was down by over half. This, as I’ve explained, is simply not true.

We reached out to Paul and asked him to correct his story. We showed him the evidence, we explained the situation, we said surely at least he would want to explain that the numbers were reasonably in dispute.

Surely a journalist with years working at the Washington Post would want his readers to have the right information, have the right facts, and draw the right conclusions from those facts.

Fahri told us he didn’t care if it was true or not, he wasn’t going to update the article. He told us to go take it up with the source he received the information from, and maybe just take it up with ComScore themselves.

The Atlantic’s Paul Fahri, who does not correct factual errors in his reporting.

Here’s Paul’s response, you can see how readers get left with disinformation and outright lies in mainstream reporting when you have reporters as clearly arrogant as Paul:

NPR of course repeated the same lying line about our traffic being down. It’s not even worth trying to engage with those hard-left zealots committed to disinformation.

Instead of correcting their errors, mainstream journalists revel in their errors. Instead of doing their jobs to get the story right all the time, they simply push the agenda and ignore the facts. This is why America no longer reads these partisan disinformation outlets. This is why America fell out of love with mainstream journalism.

This is the truth why the Gateway Pundit is getting more site traffic than ever before. Even though we are constantly harassed with lawfare, even though the government is trying to push us off all social media platforms in a case now being decided before the Supreme Court, even though our ad platforms are attacked and even our advertisers are harassed by insane left-wing anti-free-speech zealots, despite everything they throw at the Gateway Pundit, we’re doing better than ever.

Outside the Supreme Court after oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri with co-plaintiffs Jay Bhattacharya, Jill Hines, and Jim Hoft, March 18, 2024.

When I founded the Gateway Pundit, I had no idea we would get to this point. I had no idea our growth would be this phenomenal. But I had one overriding belief: that if we told the truth, and reported what other people were afraid to report… that it would all work out and that people would read us and support us.

I am enormously proud that the Gateway Pundit and our amazing team of journalists have taken the national lead on reporting about the unconstitutional COVID lockdowns and massive state misinformation about the virus, the 2020 election fraud and cover-up, the January 6th show trials and political prisoners, endless Biden scandals, and so many more.

Thank you for making the Gateway Pundit the number one source of news and opinion journalism in America.

The post Fact Check: No, The Gateway Pundit is Not Losing Its Audience — We Continue to be One of the MOST VISITED News Sites in America Today appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.