LeBron James Chases Down Ref After Crushing Playoff Loss, Has Vulgar Tantrum During Press Conference

LeBron James Chases Down Ref After Crushing Playoff Loss, Has Vulgar Tantrum During Press Conference


There’s no question LeBron James is the biggest name in NBA play today.

He’s regularly compared with Chicago Bulls legend Michael Jordan as one of the greatest of all time. His basketball career has made him a billionaire.

But after the Los Angeles Lakers’ playoff loss in Denver on Monday night, he showed he’s one of the biggest crybabies in the league, too.

In his postgame news conference, as ESPN reported, James griped about a foul call that was overturned during the game and implicitly questioned the integrity of the officials in charge of reviewing calls on the court.

“I don’t understand what’s going on in the replay center, to be honest,” he said.

“What the f*** do we have a replay center if it’s gonna go … It doesn’t make sense to me,” the NBA star said.

According to ESPN, James added, “It’s f***ing stupid,” as he got up and left the room.

WARNING: The following video contains (edited) language that might offend some viewers — especially viewers who expect adult men to act and speak like adult men even when their team loses a ball game.

“I don’t understand what’s going on in the replay center, to be honest… It makes no sense to me… Then I just saw what happened with the Sixers/Knicks game too, what are we doing?” – LeBron James pic.twitter.com/7OWLmuf8jn

— Spectrum SportsNet (@SpectrumSN) April 23, 2024

James has made news for public complaints about officiating before, but his behavior after the Nuggets’ Jamal Murray dropped a thrilling, buzzer-beating bucket to seal Denver’s win Monday bordered on bizarre.

He not only complained during his postgame news conference, but he also pursued a referee immediately after the game, arrogantly demanding an explanation for why he didn’t get a call when he thought he was fouled earlier in the game.

“Why didn’t you call that s***?” James said, according to the LegendZ account on X.

Check that out here:

See “WARNING” above.

LEAKED Video Of LeBron James Chasing A Ref After No Call:

“Why didn’t you call that sh*t? It was right in front of you” pic.twitter.com/zMCLVRRRGm

— LegendZ (@legendz_nba) April 23, 2024

It’s a moot question at this point whether James was correct in either of his complaints. Anyone who has played sports or watched them only casually understands that bad calls are as much a part of a game as great athletes. Referees are human — just like coaches, fans and even billionaire hulking giants who cry wolf about “racism” while raking in money from Chinese slavery.

Mistakes happen. Adults understand that, even if they get frustrated by it.

But adults also understand that a game needs to be won over all obstacles — and adults like James, who is pushing 40 after spending two decades playing professionally, are paid ridiculous sums of money to not only understand it but to overcome it.

Instead, James, a lightning rod for criticism under the best of circumstances, violated one of the cardinal rules of sports and sportsmanship that many children learn from their first coaches — “Don’t blame the refs.”

It was particularly egregious in James’ case on Monday since, as ESPN reported, his team at one point had a 20-point lead in the contest. An NBA playoff team that squanders a 20-point lead doesn’t deserve to win. It doesn’t deserve so much as a tie.

And the star of that team has no business blaming a loss on a call or two from officials on the floor — indulging in a vulgar temper tantrum that only tarnished his image and embarrassed the game.

No matter how big his name is.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Illegal Alien From Mexico Breaks Into Michigan Home, Sexually Assaults Two Girls Under the Age of 13

Illegal Alien From Mexico Breaks Into Michigan Home, Sexually Assaults Two Girls Under the Age of 13


Joe Biden’s America.

An illegal alien from Mexico broke into a Michigan home and sexually assaulted two girls under the age of 13.

According to police, 25-year-old Miguel Hernandez-Ruiz broke into a mobile home near Sturgis and sexually assaulted two sisters.

Miguel Hernandez-Ruiz threatened to kill the girls if they tried to scream. He used his hands to sexually assault the girls and exposed himself, according to court documents, Fox 17 reported.

He was hit with multiple charges including first-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a child under the age of 13 and home invasion, Fox 17 reported.

The sexual assault happened on March 20. Police finally tracked down Hernandez Ruiz in Fort Wayne, Indiana and arrested him earlier this month. He was arraigned last Friday.

Fox 17 reported:

Miguel Hernandez-Ruiz was arraigned Friday, April 19 on multiple charges including first-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a child under the age of 13 and home invasion.

Court documents obtained by FOX 17 show that the two girls told investigators the man held them in their rooms at the Sweet Lake Mobile Home Park off US-12 in the early morning hours of March 20.

The sisters, who are both under the age of 13, say the man threatened to kill them if they tried to scream or escape. The girls claim he used his hands to sexually assault them while exposing himself.

An evaluation by trained medical staff revealed evidence of sexual assault on both girls’ bodies.

After days of investigating, family and detectives were able to establish that Hernandez-Ruiz had visited the home roughly a month before the assault. Surveillance video showed a vehicle he was known to drive was the only one captured entering and leaving the neighborhood around the time of the home invasion.

An illegal immigrant from Mexico broke into a Michigan home and sexually assaulted two girls under the age of 13. Sickening. pic.twitter.com/XTH73joHVV

— Mike Berg (@MikeKBerg) April 24, 2024

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JUST IN: Democrat Rep. Donald Payne of New Jersey Dead at 65, Spent Last Two Weeks in Coma

JUST IN: Democrat Rep. Donald Payne of New Jersey Dead at 65, Spent Last Two Weeks in Coma


Democrat U.S. Representative Donald M. Payne Jr. (D-NJ) has died at the age of 65.

In a statement on X, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy confirmed Rep. Payne’s death and wrote, “Tammy and I are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of our friend, and a steadfast champion for the people of New Jersey, Congressman Donald Payne, Jr.”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Payne, who was a firm advocate for Covid-19 vaccines, suffered a heart attack on April 6 after having complications with diabetes.

On April 17th, a press release from Payne’s office stated Payne was in “stable condition,” but a report from the Daily Mail refuted Payne’s office’s claims that Payne was in stable condition and reported that Payne was actually in a coma.

Gov. Phil Murphy announces death of NJ Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. following hospitalization https://t.co/dRHd8XIZII pic.twitter.com/Hg7W9PkbEr

— Eyewitness News (@ABC7NY) April 24, 2024

Per The Hill:

Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-N.J.), who represented New Jersey in the House for more than a decade, has died at the age of 65.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) confirmed Payne’s death in a statement on Wednesday.

“Tammy and I are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of our friend, and a steadfast champion for the people of New Jersey, Congressman Donald Payne, Jr.,” he wrote.

Payne suffered what his office called a “cardiac episode” related to complications from diabetes more than two weeks ago and had been hospitalized since.

Tammy and I are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of our friend, and a steadfast champion for the people of New Jersey, Congressman Donald Payne, Jr.

Our heartfelt prayers are with his family during this difficult time. pic.twitter.com/TaqMIzAWmo

— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) April 24, 2024

Rep. Payne was first elected to Congress by a special election in 2012.

Payne served on the Homeland Security and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

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A Message from The Gateway Pundit Founder Jim Hoft to Our Readers

A Message from The Gateway Pundit Founder Jim Hoft to Our Readers

 The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft speaks outside the Supreme Court in March 2024. Hoft was a lead plaintiff in the Murthy v. Missouri free speech case.

April 24, 2024
A message from our Founder:

TGP Communications, the parent company of The Gateway Pundit, recently made the decision to seek protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the Southern District of Florida as a result of the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet.

This is not an admission of fault or culpability. This is a common tool for reorganization and to consolidate litigation when attacks are coming from all sides. It allows TGP to consolidate this lawfare in one court for ultimate resolution.

Despite the radical left’s efforts to silence The Gateway Pundit through censorship, de-platforming, de-banking, cut-off from advertisers, and other financial strategies, we will not be deterred from our mission of remaining fearless and being one of the most trusted independent media outlets in America today. We do not expect that to change.

Jim Hoft
The Gateway Pundit Founder

** Please help The Gateway Pundit continue our fight by donating here.

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New Info: NIH Leader Exposed for Recruiting Faith Leaders to Push Dangerous Covid Shot to Followers

New Info: NIH Leader Exposed for Recruiting Faith Leaders to Push Dangerous Covid Shot to Followers


The former leader of the National Institutes of Health is being exposed for weaponizing faith and prayer to push the so-called “Vaccine.”  We have uncovered a video of Dr. Francis Collins openly pushing the vaccine as “God’s answer” to his prayers.  He even admits part of the plan was to use faith leaders across the country to make the case for the Covid shot.

Dr. James Thorpe and his wife, Maggie, uncovered the disturbing plot to use people’s love of God, faith and prayer to dupe them into following the government’s tyrannical orders to take the jab.   Dr. James Thorpe unveils the in-depth scheme in this edition of “Stinchfield.”

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