Now It’s the United States That Gets Caught Persecuting Christians

Now It’s the United States That Gets Caught Persecuting Christians

 Image: World Net Daily

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘Sadly, American culture is increasingly hostile’ to faith

Long have reports of the persecution of Christians highlighted China and Pakistan, multiple Islamic nations in Africa, those hotbeds of hate for Christians in the Middle East.

But now it’s the “West” that is being called out.

A report at the Washington Stand explains that now international religious freedom organizations “are monitoring religious freedom conditions in the United States … and it’s easy to see why.”

Arielle Del Turco, of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, added, to the publication, “Sadly, American culture is increasingly hostile to traditional Christian beliefs.”

Two recent situations both have developed in the leftist state of Colorado, run now by Democrats in the governor’s office, state House and state Senate. There bureaucrats first accused Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips of discrimination because he wouldn’t promote same-sex marriages with his cake artistry, and then they demanded a web designer promote same-sex weddings if she provided any wedding services.

In both cases the principals are Christians who refused state demands they violate their faith, and in both cases the state was summarily slapped down by the U.S. Supreme Court. However, the state still maintains the so-called “anti-discrimination” agenda under which the two were charged.

Del Turco told the Stand, “To a large extent, we can all intuit that by browsing through a streaming service or scrolling on social media. But these cultural shifts are also having real-work impacts for Christians in America who simply want to go about their lives while staying true to their faith.”

She pointed out, “When Christian couples are denied a foster care license because their faith is at odds with gender ideology or fifth graders are prevented from starting an interfaith prayer club at school, these are critical reminders that religious freedom isn’t something we can take for granted — it must be defended. Thankfully, the U.S. still has strong legal protections in most cases and religious freedom is the victor in court more often than not. However, cultural support for religious freedom is in peril and we must be intentional about fostering that.”

A report from the FRC’s Center for Religious Liberty just months ago, called “Free to Believe? The Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West,” documented 168 incidents of anti-Christian hate or discrimination in recent years – including 33 in 2023.

Many happened during the wildly out-of-synch government lockdowns during COVID.

That report found, “As the mainstream culture moves further and further away from a Christian worldview, Christian beliefs that contradict progressive secular values are increasingly denounced by the culture and wrongly portrayed as being hateful or bigoted.”

Tony Perkins, chief of the FRC, said in the Stand report, “It is shocking to see Western countries — the same ones we think of as free and open societies — take authoritarian measures against Christians simply trying to live out their faith.”

He warned “hostility” to Christians – which was what the Supreme Court found Colorado had exhibited – “is clearly and steadily rising in the West.”

Also, there have been a flood of reports in recent years of vandalism, fire-bombing or more at Christian churches whose congregations are unwilling to endorse Joe Biden’s radical abortion and transgender ideologies.

The report noted even the FBI, through a field office, “compiled and circulated a memo detailing plans to spy on Catholics who attend the Tridentine Mass, the form of the Mass most common prior to 1969.”

The report explained there also are increasing attacks on Christians across Europe.

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

The post Now It’s the United States That Gets Caught Persecuting Christians appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


LeBron James Attempts to Scare Woman in Stands, Ends Up Getting Dunked On and Eliminated From Playoffs (VIDEO)

LeBron James Attempts to Scare Woman in Stands, Ends Up Getting Dunked On and Eliminated From Playoffs (VIDEO)


LeBron James is once again facing controversy for his in-game tactics.

Last night, during the Laker’s playoff game against the Denver Nuggets, LeBron James attempted to scare a Nuggets fan sitting courtside.

The incident occurred in the third quarter after James received his third foul.

Clearly frustrated about the call, LeBron walks to the opposite end of the court and confronts a female fan who reportedly calls him a crybaby for disagreeing with the referee’s call.

As the woman confronted LeBron, the Lakers star then pretended like he was going to go after her, attempting to intimidate the woman physically.

After scaring the fan, LeBron then mocked her.


LEAKED Video Of LeBron James Jump Scaring A Fan:

“Scary A**”

— LegendZ (@legendz_nba) April 30, 2024

Ultimately, the tactic backfired on LeBron. The Lakers lost the game to the Nuggets 108-106 and were eliminated from the playoffs.

During one part of the game Nuggets star Jamal Murray dunked on LeBron and gave the Lakers superstar a stare down of his own.


Jamal Murray dunked on LeBron and stared him down

— Hater Report (@HaterReport_) April 30, 2024

Per Fade Away World:

Over the years, LeBron James would have heard courtside fans call him all sorts of names, but we haven’t seen him respond to them all that often. During the third quarter of Game 5 between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Denver Nuggets, though, a woman could be seen yelling something at James and he decided to scare her in response.

She definitely was not expecting him to react and flinched. An account on X posted a video that showed that James allegedly was complaining about the officials calling a foul on him at that point, and it was what led to the woman calling him a crybaby.

LeBron James: “They (refs) are f***ing horrible. They are f***ing horrible.”

Woman: “You’re a f***ing crybaby.”

Bron jumped at the woman

— Cades Attorney ‍ (@CadesAttorney) April 30, 2024

The post LeBron James Attempts to Scare Woman in Stands, Ends Up Getting Dunked On and Eliminated From Playoffs (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Big Pharma Finally Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots – What You Can Do About It!

Big Pharma Finally Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots – What You Can Do About It!


(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and working with them through the links below which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)

Vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca has finally admitted in Court that its COVID-19 vaccine could result in life-threatening blood clots.

The Daily Mail reported that,

Cambridge-based AstraZeneca… acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its vaccine ‘can, in very rare cases, cause TTS’.

TTS is short for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome – a medical condition where a person suffers blood clots along with a low platelet count. Platelets typically help the blood to clot. 

The admission by AstraZeneca is the first of its kind.

The question now is – if you got the vaccine, what can you do about it?

Dr. Peter McCullough has been one of the leading experts on treating long COVID and the health impacts from COVID-19 vaccines. Since very early on in this process, Nattokinase has shown great potential in treating some of the most serious side effects of both.

According to Dr. McCullough, the threat of micro blood clotting is serious for those impacted by long COVID and the vaccine:

Post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection (long COVID) and after COVID-19 vaccination are characterized by micro blood clotting . The work of Scheim et al suggests the majority of syndromes in both cases are due to Spike protein mediated hemagglutination and then the development of small clots that serve the major organs in the body.  Xi et al demonstrated increased risk for microclots visualized in retinal arteries and veins in the COVID-19 vaccinated.

The good news is that yet another study is confirming just how effective Nattokinase can be in treating these dangerous conditions. From the International Journal of Molecular Science:

Nattokinase, from the Japanese fermented food natto, is a protease with fibrinolytic activity that can thus degrade conventional blood clots. In some cases, however, including in Long COVID, fibrinogen can polymerise into an anomalous amyloid form to create clots that are resistant to normal fibrinolysis and that we refer to as fibrinaloid microclots. These can be detected with the fluorogenic stain thioflavin T. We describe an automated microscopic technique for the quantification of fibrinaloid microdot formation, which also allows the kinetics of their formation and aggregation to be recorded. We also here show that recombinant nattokinase is effective at degrading the fibrinaloid microclots in vitro. This adds to the otherwise largely anecdotal evidence, that we review, that nattokinase might be anticipated to have value as part of therapeutic treatments for individuals with Long COVID and related disorders that involve fibrinaloid microclots.

Dr. McCullough treats hundreds of patients in his clinic with a wide range post-vaccine and long COVID symptoms.

Says Dr. McCullough:

“Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: ‘how do I get this out of my body?’… At three and one half years into the pandemic and two and a half years into the COVID-19 vaccine debacle, myself and my clinic partners formulated a baseline regimen upon which additional drugs or agents can be added.


Dr. McCullough continues,

“We searched the literature for all available sources of evidence for products that can aid the human body in breaking down and catabolizing the Spike protein. We found nattokinase, which additionally has fibrinolytic properties which are advantageous in the prothrombotic milieu induced by the persistent Spike protein…

Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”

This ground-breaking discovery catalyzed Dr. McCullough to design The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase. To-date, tens of thousands of people have tried Spike Support and the results have been nothing short of miraculous:

Feeling so much better! I decided to try Spike Support after talking with a friend that recommended this product. I had 2 Covid shots because my husband has degenerative heart condition and our doctor said to get the shots. He had no side effects but I ended up with an erratic racing heart beat and had problem with ringing ears, tasting and smelling, even though I never had Covid. I have taken this product for 2 months now and noticed a difference in lots of things. No more racing heart beat, I’m smelling and tasting things better and my anxiety has subsided. – Audrey H.

Worked for me: I have taken three of the mRNA vaxxes – I’ll never take another one again. The skin on my hands peeled after the 3rd vax, especially around my nails, to the point where I had deep, bleeding, incredibly painful fissures and cracks… I am sure the vax is what caused my skin problems as well – I’d never had this before being vaxxed. Bought the Spike Support as a desperate measure. Noticed about three weeks after I started taking Spike Support, the peeling, cracks and fissures around my fingertips, and under and around my nails have not only stopped but healed up. My hands are 95% better now. I am sure the Spike Support is what stopped it. – Barbara B.

Spike protein recovery: This product has tremendously help me on recovering my heath and I highly recommend this product anyone that has long Covid or in the vaccine. – Estela M.

If you or someone you love needs nattokinase, The Wellness Company’s “Spike Support Formula” contains nattokinase plus other extracts known to help the body detox from spike protein exposure – both from the vaccine and from COVID19.

In The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula you will find:

Nattokinase (dissolves spike protein)

Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)

Dandelion root (acts as a detoxifying agent supporting better liver function)

Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)

Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)

Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)

On The Wellness Company’s website, you will see that purchasing all the individual components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100. You save 36% with the unique formulation of The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula.

Click here to order the Spike Support Formula today!

Note: The information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or used as a substitute for professional healthcare guidance. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding the purchase, possession, and use of prescription medications.

The post Big Pharma Finally Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots – What You Can Do About It! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


House Democratic Leadership Officially Declares Support for RINO Mike Johnson — Will Vote Against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate

House Democratic Leadership Officially Declares Support for RINO Mike Johnson — Will Vote Against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate

 House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries Speaker Mike Johnson

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (R-NY), Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA), and Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar, following a House Democratic Caucus Meeting, have formally announced their collective decision to save their comrade and oppose Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s motion to vacate the chair, currently held by RINO Speaker Mike Johnson.

The Gateway Pundit reported last month that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a motion to vacate the chair and remove Mike Johnson as House Speaker thanks to his actions over the House Omnibus bill, which will fund the government until September 30.

“Mike Johnson has made a complete departure of who he is and what he stands for, and to the point where people are literally asking, is he blackmailed? What is wrong with him because he’s completely disconnected with what we want?” Greene asked during an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) announced that he will co-sponsor MTG’s motion to vacate the chair.

“I just told Mike Johnson in conference that I’m cosponsoring the Motion to Vacate that was introduced by Rep. MTG. He should pre-announce his resignation (as Boehner did), so we can pick a new Speaker without ever being without a GOP Speaker,” Massie wrote.

The Gateway Pundit also reported that Gosar became the third Republican, joining Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY), to support a Motion to Vacate the Chair and remove Mike Johnson as House Speaker.

“Nearly 11 million illegal aliens have crossed our southern border in the past three years. My congressional district in Arizona, ground zero for the invasion, is getting pummeled by the surge of lawbreakers. These illegal aliens have brought violent crime, deadly drugs, human trafficking and are depleting resources and services meant for U.S. citizens. In fact, every state has become a border state. Communities across the country are being ravaged, families are being destroyed and Americans in need are being ignored,” Gosar said in response to Mike Johnson’s latest anti-American foreign aid package.

Johnson has sold out his countrymen for the Biblical equivalent of thirty pieces of silver. The House of Representatives, under Johnson’s leadership and his comrades, passed two “America last” legislations this month.

Firstly, the House approved an extension of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a measure initially enacted following the September 11, 2001, attacks, in a 273 to 147 vote. This provision allows for the warrantless surveillance of American citizens, a move that has raised concerns about privacy and civil liberties.

An amendment proposed by Rep. Andy Biggs, which sought to impose a requirement for the FBI to obtain a warrant before conducting surveillance on Americans under FISA, ended in a 212-212 tie vote, leading to Speaker Mike Johnson casting the tie-breaking vote against the amendment.

The second major legislative action under Speaker Johnson involved the passing of three bills aimed at providing financial aid to Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and other regions engaged in conflicts outside U.S. borders.

The package Johnson announced Wednesday includes terms that will allow the President to cancel 50% of Ukraine’s debt after November 15, 2024, and the remaining 50% after January 1, 2024. It’s no wonder why Joe Biden came out “strongly” in support of the package, urging the House and Senate to pass it.

The Pentagon confirmed on Wednesday that the US secretly sent long-range Army Tactical Missile System to Ukraine as part of the $61 billion dollar package passed by Democrats, RINOs, Speaker Johnson and signed by Joe Biden.

Now, Democrats are protecting their own people.

In a joint statement House Democrat Leaders said, “At this moment, upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction. We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed.”

Read their full statement below:

For months, House Republicans irresponsibly delayed critical security assistance to our democratic allies in Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific, while simultaneously blocking humanitarian assistance to civilians in harm’s way in places like Gaza, Haiti and the Sudan. Thanks to a bipartisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans, led by President Biden, we were finally able to meet the national security needs of the American people.

From the very beginning of this Congress, House Democrats have put people over politics and found bipartisan common ground with traditional Republicans in order to deliver real results. At the same time, House Democrats have aggressively pushed back against MAGA extremism.

We will continue to do just that.

At this moment, upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction. We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed.

The post House Democratic Leadership Officially Declares Support for RINO Mike Johnson — Will Vote Against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Murder Suspect Accused of Eating Victim’s Face at Bus Stop Near Las Vegas Strip

Murder Suspect Accused of Eating Victim’s Face at Bus Stop Near Las Vegas Strip


A man reportedly killed another man at a bus stop close to the Las Vegas Strip and proceeded to eat parts of the victim’s face.

The Las Vegas Journal has reported that 31-year-old Clinton Czech has been arrested and charged with open murder.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department reported they responded to a physical altercation call around 4:40 a.m. on Sunday.

When police arrived on the scene, one man was seen unresponsive and bleeding from his head.

Czech was reportedly near the victim’s body and seen with body parts of the victims in his mouth.

The Las Vegas Journal reported Czech consumed the victim’s eyeball and ear.

A murder suspect arrested Sunday morning near the Arts District in downtown Las Vegas ate parts of his alleged victim, including at least an eyeball and an ear, a source told the Review-Journal.

— Las Vegas Review-Journal (@reviewjournal) April 30, 2024

Per KLAS 8 News:

A man allegedly murdered another man at a bus stop near the Las Vegas Strip, eating his victim’s face in the process, according to documents the 8 News Now Investigators obtained.

Colin Czech, 29, faces a charge of open murder.

Just before 5 a.m. Sunday, a person called police about a man who reportedly tackled another man to the ground on Las Vegas Boulevard near Charleston Boulevard, documents said. About 45 minutes later, another person called police, saying a man was on top of another man at a bus stop “eating” the other man’s face.

Officers responded, finding Czech kneeling next to the victim with “biological matter in his hair, mouth and on his clothing,” documents said. Czech reportedly told officers the victim had attacked him.

Murder suspect accused of eating victim’s face near Las Vegas Strip. The suspect told detectives he used his teeth to hurt the victim, adding “he used to teeth to eat [the man’s] eyeballs and ears,” documents said.

— city_cop (@citycopforever) April 29, 2024

In March, The Gateway Pundit reported a California man was arrested for stealing a human leg from a fatal train accident and eating it.


SHOCKING VIDEO: California Man Arrested for Stealing Human Leg from Fatal Train Accident… and EATING it

The post Murder Suspect Accused of Eating Victim’s Face at Bus Stop Near Las Vegas Strip appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.