‘Hellish Noise’: Person Killed After Being Sliced By Jet Blades at Amsterdam Airport

‘Hellish Noise’: Person Killed After Being Sliced By Jet Blades at Amsterdam Airport


A person has died after being ingested by a jet engine at Amsterdam Airport.

The incident took place on Wednesday on an aircraft run by Dutch airline KLM that was destined for Denmark.

The Daily Mail reported:

Officials investigating the death of a person who was sucked into a jet engine in Amsterdam yesterday are yet to identify whether the victim was a man or woman after their body was shredded by the spinning turbines. The unidentified victim was killed immediately when they were pulled into the KLM passenger plane’s engine at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport yesterday afternoon as it prepared for takeoff.

Passengers and crew members on board the Embraer 190 aircraft – which KLM uses for their Cityhopper service to nearby destinations – told local outlet De Telegraaf that a ‘hellish noise’ came from the engine, which quickly began trailing smoke. Emergency crews carried out a ‘massive’ response after the horror tragedy was reported around 3pm, with a picture posted by public broadcaster NOS showing the plane surrounded by fire trucks and ambulances.

Investigators from the Dutch military police have said that is was too early to say whether this was an ‘incident’, or a form of suicide, and in a press conference late last night said they were still trying to identify the sex of the victim.

In a statement from the Dutch airline KLM, the airline said it was “taking care” of passengers traumatized by the incident.

“A fatal incident took place at Schiphol today during which a person ended up in a running aircraft engine. Sadly, this person has died,” the statement read.

“The flight concerned was KL1341 bound for Billund. We are currently taking care of the passengers and employees who witnessed the incident at Schiphol. The circumstances are currently under investigation.”

Schiphol Airport also confirmed the incident on their X feed.

“Today there was a horrible incident where a person ended up in an airplane engine,” they wrote. “Our thoughts go out to the relatives and we care for the passengers and colleagues who witnessed this. The Royal Military Police is currently conducting an investigation.”

Vandaag is er een afschuwelijk incident geweest waarbij een persoon in een vliegtuigmotor is beland. Onze gedachten gaan uit naar de nabestaanden en we hebben zorg voor de passagiers en collega’s die dit hebben gezien. De Koninklijke Marechaussee voert momenteel onderzoek uit. https://t.co/G7QD0Ihevl

— Schiphol (@Schiphol) May 29, 2024

Last year, a similar incident took place at San Antonio airport in Texas when an airport worker was sucked into a plane run by Delta Airlines. Examiners eventually concluded he had taken his own life.

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Republican Party of Florida Pushing Out Trump Republicans – Are Elites Preparing to Overthrow Trump Nomination at GOP Convention?

Republican Party of Florida Pushing Out Trump Republicans – Are Elites Preparing to Overthrow Trump Nomination at GOP Convention?


Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

In early May the Republican Party of Florida held a back-door vote for key positions in the party selected by GOP party elites.

Grassroot Republicans who support President Trump were shunned. The implications of this vote could derail the 2024 Presidential Election.

The following comes from Kat’s Meow Substack account. It’s a discussion of recent events in the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF).

This particular move has the distinct odor of sneaky, back-room stuff. We were made aware of it by their latest victim.

As the RPOF chose their national delegates this past week, they managed to cut out a long-time party regular, RPOF National Committeeman, Peter Feaman, from meaningful committee assignments. His crime? He supports grassroots conservatives and Donald Trump.

Here is Mr. Feaman’s message about what went down, released Thurs., May 16.

“As an RPOF leader I thought you should be aware of what happened last week.

Now that we have chosen our Florida convention delegates, Republican National Committee (RNC) Rule 41 requires that all of the delegates meet in order to elect individuals to serve on the convention committees, including the Rules Committee and the all-important PLATFORM COMMITTEE.

Last week, your RPOF had its so called “election”. Except that there was no real election. There was a rubber-stamp of committee members pre-selected by an unknown cabal.


Last Tuesday, May 7, I had a phone conversation with Evan Power. In that conversation he made no mention of any upcoming Delegate phone call. I told him I was in Hawaii visiting family which is why I missed this past quarterly meeting. That is why I was very surprised to receive later on that same day an email announcing a telephone call for all delegates set for the following day at 6:00 pm. (Wednesday, May 8), less than 24 hours away. There was no mention in that email that there would be an “election” of committee members to be held during the call. I sent an email to Evan asking for an agenda for the telephone meeting, especially since we had just spoken and he knew I was in Hawaii, and he said nothing about a call the next day. I received no reply from Evan or anyone else.

The next day we received a reminder email about the call from Bill Helmich. The email mentioned only that the call was necessary for “some quick bookkeeping and information.” In hindsight, that description was purposefully misleading.

I then sent an email to Helmich asking him for an agenda. Again, I received no reply.

Then, less than 15 minutes before the phone conference the bombshell email arrived. The email said the phone conference would include “selection” of convention committee members “who have agreed to serve.” To my surprise, the list of pre-selected committee members was included.

This was not to be an election, as specifically required by RNC Rule 41. This call was meant to be a rubber-stamp of members already SECRETLY CHOSEN by the elites.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Kevin Cabrera as the male platform committee designee, (each convention committee must consist of one male and one female from each state). This was the same person who, only 3 months before, had failed in his bid to be RPOF Vice-Chairman. The Platform Committee will write the RNC Platform for the next 4 years.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Evan Power as the male representative on the Rules Committee. After having served for 12 years on the RNC Rules Committee and having served on the 2016 Convention Rules Committee, when we successfully fought off the Never-Trumpers, I naively thought I would be informed at some point about this.

RNC Rule 41 specifically requires an election by the convention delegation so that the convention committee members represent the majority consensus of each state’s convention delegation. Our delegation had no say other than to rubber-stamp those pre-selected.

After 20 years of leadership on the RPOF Executive Committee, one would think I should not have been so naïve as to think the Republican Party of Florida leadership would actually follow the RNC rules. Silly me.

Peter M. Feaman

RNC National Committeeman, Florida


The message is very clear. NO ONE, even party regulars, WHO SUPPORTS GRASS ROOTS CONSERVATIVES – WHO HAPPEN TO SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP – IS WELCOME IN THE RPOF. I am guessing that Mr. Feaman had a clue about this when he tried to become the Party Chair.

Initial concerns from members of another Republican group in Florida – The Florida Republican Assembly (FRA) – were that the RPOF wanted to shut them down. After stepping back for a moment, it’s now feared that the actions of the RPOF in placing anti-Trumpers on National Convention committees is to derail President Trump’s RNC nomination.

Are the party elites in the RNC working with Democrats in derailing the people’s choice for 2024 – President Donald Trump?

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Times Square Terror: Man Brutally Attacked with Machete Inside McDonald’s

Times Square Terror: Man Brutally Attacked with Machete Inside McDonald’s

 Credit: NBC New York

In yet another alarming display of lawlessness in the heart of New York City, a man was brutally attacked with a machete in broad daylight in Times Square on Thursday.

The violent incident occurred outside a McDonald’s restaurant, according to New York Post.

The victim, whose identity has not been disclosed, suffered severe stab wounds to both legs and was transported to a local hospital. He is reportedly in stable condition and expected to survive this horrific assault.

According to a recent report, the NYPD has successfully apprehended all three suspects believed to be responsible for this brutal attack.

A man was stabbed in both legs by three men wielding a machete outside of the Times Square McDonald’s around 1 p.m. today.

The victim, who was not identified, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital, and is listed in stable condition.

[Per @CitizenApp, all three suspects have been… pic.twitter.com/6E5vY6LXdu

— Crime In NYC (@CrimeInNYC) May 30, 2024

Eyewitness accounts describe one of the suspects wearing blue jeans and a black shirt, accessorized with a backpack. Another was clad in a black hoodie emblazoned with the “Wu Tang Clan” logo, and the third suspect wore a gray hoodie paired with blue jeans.

Despite these descriptions, police have yet to make any arrests, adding to the growing frustration among New Yorkers over the apparent impunity with which criminals operate.

This latest episode is part of a troubling trend of violent crimes that are becoming all too common across New York City.

Residents and business owners are increasingly alarmed by the rise in assaults, robberies, and other criminal activities that are eroding the quality of life and stifling economic recovery in areas like Times Square that are crucial for the city’s tourism and entertainment industries.

This is a developing story.

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The Battle for Chasov Yar – From Mercenaries to Conscripts, the Ukrainian Defense Is Under Pressure (VIDEOS)

The Battle for Chasov Yar – From Mercenaries to Conscripts, the Ukrainian Defense Is Under Pressure (VIDEOS)


Against the background of the continuing rapid advances of Russian Federation troops all along the frontline, we’ve come to understand that the battles for cities, while relevant, are just a means to an end.

The endgame is the Russian war of attrition against Ukrainian troops and equipment – which would have concluded pretty fast if it was not for the massive Western aid consisting of funds, equipment, and training.

The way the Russians have begun to go about it lately is a strategy of ‘death by a thousand cuts’, in which they nibble about seeking weaknesses, exploit many of those these weak spots, making Ukraine scramble reinforcements to and fro, effectively outmaneuvering the exhausted defenders, trying to get them to the breaking point.

Having said that, every city siege has its own symbolic importance, and in the case of the Donetsk region key stronghold of Chasov Yar, it is expected that its conquest will allow Russian troops to immediately roll back defenders across significant amount of territory, as it was the case right after they took Avdeevka.

WATCH: Chasov Yar.

Chasov Yar. pic.twitter.com/zpn4rKUOEn

— Adam (@YepAdam_) May 22, 2024

This battle is happening in the larger context of the ‘Yug Group of Forces’ clashing against de Ukrainian 79th Air Assault, 28th and 41st mechanized brigades in the Donestsk areas of Elizavetovka, Konstantinovka, and Chasov Yar.

Five days ago the Russian paratroopers managed a breakthrough up to the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal, a body of water that defenders are fortifying behind.

Ukrainians reportedly deployed significant mechanized forces – to the tune of several dozen armored vehicles and tanks – along the canal.

So the besiegers have started to systematically target those defenders with air strikes, drones and artillery.

WATCH: Russian Aerospace Forces operating in the Chasov Yar area

Air dominance over NATO forces in Chasov Yar established: pic.twitter.com/n3O0tR0JKO

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) April 13, 2024

A pair of Russian Aerospace Forces Su-25s are operating in the Chasov Yar area. The attack on Ukrainian positions continues. pic.twitter.com/pf6Vk0kEMm

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) April 9, 2024

WATCH: Tank assault on Chasov Yar defenses, and Heavy Flamethrower artillery strikes on the same positions.

Tank assault on Chasov Yar defenses, and Heavy Flamethrower artillery strikes on the same positions. pic.twitter.com/xljaHMKTmg

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 30, 2024

WATCH: Russians capture a Ukrainian firing point.

On the outskirts of Chasov Yar, the Russian tricolor is flying – there, stormtroopers opened enemy firing points and captured a strong point. BMD-2 fighters of the Russian Federation entered enemy positions with the tricolor on board.
Paratroopers of the 98th storm… pic.twitter.com/A1OOb4lz52

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) April 8, 2024

Russian troops also advanced along the forest belt and occupied the northern part of the Stupki-Golubovskie-2 nature reserve.

Russian Battleground Source:

“Everything suggests that the AFU command is very hopeful that we don’t have enough reserves and is essentially playing all-in. It’s either do or die. Either they hold the main contour of the city defense, knocking us back behind the line of the canal and out of the Canal microdistrict, or we, having broken through to the Novy microdistrict, occupy this very contour and enter the city center with great chances for its rapid further liberation.”

The New York Times writes about how the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no equipment to hold Chasov Yar but drones.

Ukrainian soldiers are increasingly resorting to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

“Lack of troops and artillery, Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are increasingly relying on drones to drop explosives and supplies to hold Chasov Yar.”

The effectiveness of this tactic may be somewhat thwarted by superior Russian Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities.

Participating in the Chasov Yar defense is reportedly the Omega special unit, a part of the Foreign Legion within the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

The unit’s symbol is the Greek letter Omega.

Russian sources say it is just a front for the work of mercenaries, including from the French and Spanish legions.

British paper ‘The Times’ reports on a Ukrainian Armed Forces brigade that is fighting near Chasov Yar and has lost 40% of its fighters in two years.

The unit was decimated by losses, as well as illnesses and desertion. 90% of the brigade is made up by forcibly mobilized citizens of Ukraine.

WATCH: Defense of Chasov Yar under pressure.

Defense of Chasov Yar under pressure pic.twitter.com/5jHSfpgFBe

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 30, 2024

Read more:

Ukrainian Frontline Colonel Admits Country Will Have To Cede Territories to Russia in Peace Negotiations – Calls It ‘A Victory’

The post The Battle for Chasov Yar – From Mercenaries to Conscripts, the Ukrainian Defense Is Under Pressure (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.