Calls for redesign of royal honour over ‘offensive’ image There’s a petition to change the image of St.Michael standing on Satan because it’s reminisc…


Calls for redesign of royal honour over ‘offensive’ image

There’s a petition to change the image of St.Michael standing on Satan because it’s reminiscent of George Floyd killing

@GenWarz 🩅đŸ‡ș🇾

the Guardian
Calls for redesign of royal honour over ‘offensive’ image

Petition says image of St Michael standing on Satan is reminiscent of George Floyd killing


Senator Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic Party and registers as an independent. @GenWarz 🩅đŸ‡ș🇾…


Senator Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic Party and registers as an independent.

@GenWarz 🩅đŸ‡ș🇾

NBC News
Sen. Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic Party and registers as an independent

Manchin’s decision, after years of bucking party leadership, could allow him to run for governor or try for another Senate term this fall after ruling out doing so as a Democrat.


Victor Reacts: The President of the United States is PROUD to Make Political Prisoners (VIDEO)

Victor Reacts: The President of the United States is PROUD to Make Political Prisoners (VIDEO)


Joe Biden was asked about Donald Trump being a political prisoner and his response tells you everything you need to know about what is happening to Trump.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

Joe Biden on Friday delivered remarks on the Middle East one day after a jury returned a guilty verdict against Trump.

Dictator Biden unleashed on Trump during his remarks and declared it is dangerous for Trump to say the trial was rigged.

The jury convicted Trump on 34 felony counts in Alvin Bragg’s “hush money” trial and we still don’t know what crimes Trump committed.

President Trump immediately came out and declared himself a political prisoner.

Biden was clearly satisfied with the work his Regime did to convict his main political opponent Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?” a reporter asked Joe Biden.

Biden shuffled away, stopped, turned around and smirked before shuffling away again.

The President of the United States appears to be signaling to the American people that he is proud of what he has done. Destroying our nation’s justice system in an effort to stop the man he knows he cannot defeat fair and square.

The post Victor Reacts: The President of the United States is PROUD to Make Political Prisoners (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Mich. Democrats Passing Laws to Make Systemic Voter Fraud Easier, Harder to Catch

Mich. Democrats Passing Laws to Make Systemic Voter Fraud Easier, Harder to Catch


Michigan Dems Pass Bill to ease Voter Fraud, Make Investigating Fraud Impossible

A week ago, Michigan Senate Bill 603 was reported out of the Elections Committee in the Michigan House on a party-line vote. Democrats were in favor of the bill, which would effectively make illegal any kind of voter fraud investigation for future elections.

House Elections Cmte. Vice-Chair Smit: “If the 2020 was so Secure, why are Democrats Making Future Investigations Illegal?”

Rep. Rachelle Smit (R-Michigan)

Elections Committee Vice Chair Rachelle Smit explained, “This bill prevents Boards of Canvassers from investigating election fraud. Now, it only permits investigations for ‘error’ but assumes that there is no such thing as voter fraud. The Democrats are ensuring are elections and election processes are neither safe nor secure. This bill ensures that every election is now suspect because there’s no way to investigate fraud.”

Independent studies by academics have shown ‘impossible statistical anomalies’ in the 2020 Michigan election returns, especially with absentee ballots. As well, the Gateway Pundit interviewed and published video from dozens of eyewitnesses who saw late-arriving illegal ballots, ghost voters, mishandling of ballots, intimidation of GOP election workers and poll challengers, illegal expulsion of GOP workers, likely fraudulent ballots, secret suppressed evidence of a systemic effort to register fake voters, all processed and counted to throw the election against incumbent Donald Trump, all just within Michigan.

Rep. Rachelle Smit, a Republican, is a former elections clerk for her local jurisdiction in west Michigan. Her colleague Rep. Jay DeBoyer was also a former County Clerk overseeing elections in St. Clair County, Michigan.

Rep. Jay DeBoyer had this to say about the legislative changes enacted by the Democrat legislature, “The Dems are successfully stacking the deck by stripping provisions of law that would provide for the detection of potential fraud committed during the process of administering an election. This is bad; we all know it’s bad yet the ignorance and pure disregard for election security from the democrats reigns Supreme.”

Rep. Smit further noted, “If 2020 was so Secure in Michigan, why are Democrats Making Future Investigations Illegal?”
Rep. Jay DeBoyer (R-Michigan)
Reps. Smit and DeBoyer identified a wide variety of things wrong with SB 603, notably the bill:

Doubles the fees for a candidate to request a recount.
Reduces the time to contest an election to 24 hours.
Stops Counties from investigation election fraud, only allowing for reviews of ‘error’
Allows Counties to impose inconsistent and incoherent rules
Removes public oversight and review of election recounts
Only allows fraud investigations to be conducted by the Secretary of State, a highly political office
Creates a felony for anyone who ‘interferes’ with a recount, which could be used to threaten citizens who demand a recount and are unfamiliar with the process

Senate Bill 603 now goes before the full House for consideration, passage, and referral to the Governor. The bill was written by State Senate Democrats Stephanie Chang and Sen. Jeremy Moss.
Dem Senator Stephanie Chang, proponent of voter fraud.
Both Smit and DeBoyer are currently serving on the House Elections Committee.
Rep. Rachelle Smit was elected in 2022 to District 43, representing Allegan County, and parts of Barry, Eaton, and Ottawa. Rep. Jay DeBoyer was elected in 2022 to District 63, representing St. Clair County and parts of Macomb County.

The post Mich. Democrats Passing Laws to Make Systemic Voter Fraud Easier, Harder to Catch appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
