MSNBC’s Mika of Morning Joe Questions Biden Campaign About De Niro Stunt: ‘Doesn’t Feel Right to Me at All’ (VIDEO)

MSNBC’s Mika of Morning Joe Questions Biden Campaign About De Niro Stunt: ‘Doesn’t Feel Right to Me at All’ (VIDEO)


Even Morning Joe knows that the Biden campaign screwed up with their Robert De Niro stunt this week.

Mika Brzezinski questioned a Biden campaign spokesman on Wednesday, saying that De Niro’s appearance near the New York City courthouse didn’t ‘feel right’ to her.

When a Democrat has lost hosts on MSNBC…

FOX News reports:

MSNBC host challenges Biden aide on bizarre De Niro press conference: ‘Doesn’t feel right to me at all’

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski challenged the Biden campaign on its decision to hold a chaotic press conference outside Donald Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan with actor Robert De Niro, as the defense and prosecution gave their closing arguments.

“I guess I have to ask you why you decided to speak there and to have the campaign show up at the courthouse. I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right to me at all,” Brzezinski told Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler.

Tyler said the campaign, De Niro and two former police officers, who were at the Capitol on Jan. 6, decided to speak outside the courtroom on Tuesday because the media had been “incessantly posted up there for weeks.” He said Trump needed to answer for the “continued threat” he poses to democracy, as well as his “embrace of political violence.”

“So that’s what Robert De Niro and officers [Michael] Fanone and [Harry] Dunn were speaking to down in Manhattan yesterday. They were speaking to the fact that Donald Trump still regularly embraces political violence, is calling for a bloodbath if he loses this election, and is pledging to rule as a dictator on day one,” Tyler continued.

Watch the segment below:

“This campaign is not speaking about the substance of the trial in any way shape or form. What we’re talking about is the unique threat that Donald Trump poses to our democracy.”

— Biden-Harris Comms Director Michael Tyler on having Robert De Niro speak outside NYC courthouse

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) May 29, 2024

The Biden campaign is nothing but sleaze and dirty tricks. The entire sham prosecution has been politicized and even Mika knows it.

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Shocking Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government

Shocking Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government


A recent map has revealed the alarming trend of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) acquiring vast swaths of American farmland, raising serious national security concerns.

Foreign ownership of U.S. agricultural land expanded to approximately 43.4 million acres in 2022, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

According to the USDA, Chinese investors’ ownership of U.S. agricultural land has skyrocketed from merely 13,720 acres in 2010 to an astounding 346,915 acres by 2022 out of the 43 million acres.

Chinese entities hold ownership of farmland across 29 of the 50 U.S. states.

Image courtesy of

According to the data reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, Canadian investors hold the largest share of foreign-owned agricultural and non-agricultural land in the U.S., owning 32 percent or 14.2 million acres.

Additionally, investors from four other countries—Netherlands (12 percent), Italy (6 percent), the United Kingdom (6 percent), and Germany (5 percent)—together possess another 13 million acres, accounting for 29 percent of all foreign-held land in the U.S.

The remaining 38 percent, or 17.1 million acres, are owned by various other countries. For instance, China owns 346,915 acres, representing just under 1 percent of the foreign-held acres.

Despite Chinese entities owning less than 1 percent of the foreign-held agricultural land in the U.S., the topic has garnered significant attention.

According to USDA:

Chinese primary-investor filers reported owning 346,915 acres of agricultural land as of December 31, 2022.

Two Chinese-owned companies—Brazos Highland Properties, LP and Murphy Brown LLC (Smithfield Foods)—reported 102,345 acres and 97,975 acres, respectively, and were by far the largest Chinese reporters.

Other top Chinese-owned reporters were Murphy Brown of Missouri (Smithfield Foods) (42,716 acres); Harvest Texas, LLC (29,705 acres); and Walton International Group (USA), Inc. (29,437 acres) (Report 10).

These five companies accounted for 87 percent of all reported Chinese holdings. There were no filings directly by the government of China. Chinese investments in U.S. agricultural land are spread across the country (figure 4).

The states with the largest Chinese holdings are Texas (159,640 acres); North Carolina (44,776 acres); Missouri (43,071 acres); Utah (32,447 acres); and Virginia (14,382 acres) (Report 11).

Together, these five states had 85 percent of Chinese filings associated with U.S. agricultural land. In Texas, in particular, long-term leases associated with wind energy investment predominate, while land ownership tends to be more common in other states.

Image courtesy of

Chinese entities acquiring farmland in close proximity to critical U.S. military installations have sparked growing concerns, posing potential national security risks.

An alarming instance involves a Chinese company, Fufeng USA, acquiring 365 acres of farmland near the Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota.

The parcel of land’s location near a US Air Force base that houses sensitive drone technology has lawmakers on Capitol Hill worried about potential espionage by Beijing.

The Fufeng Group also purchased a corn mill near Grand Forks. Local citizens are rightly concerned with this new project in their backyard.

Also, a report by CNN in 2022 revealed China has placed Huawei equipment atop cell towers on purchased farm land near US military bases in the Midwest capable of disrupting service and capturing signals.

“Among the most alarming things the FBI uncovered pertains to Chinese-made Huawei equipment atop cell towers near US military bases in the rural Midwest. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the FBI determined the equipment was capable of capturing and disrupting highly restricted Defense Department communications, including those used by US Strategic Command, which oversees the country’s nuclear weapons,” the outlet reported.

The Gateway Pundit reported that starting in 2015, a Chinese real estate development company called China Oceanwide Holdings began buying land on Oahu in the Hawaii Islands just ten miles west of the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor.

The stated intent of the land purchases was to build a luxury hotel and homes, but nothing was ever built, even though China Oceanwide had accumulated land worth over 500 million dollars in the vicinity of Pearl Harbor.

A rising number of states are taking action or have already enacted legislation to prohibit “foreign adversaries” and foreign entities—particularly China—from purchasing farmland.

As of 2024, several U.S. states have enacted or are in the process of enacting laws that restrict or ban foreign ownership of land. These states have primarily targeted countries perceived as national security threats.

Here is a list of 24 states with such restrictions, according to Mother Jones.

North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota

These states have various laws in place, ranging from complete bans on foreign ownership of agricultural land to restrictions based on national security concerns regarding specific countries, such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The motivation behind these laws includes protecting food security, preventing espionage, and safeguarding critical infrastructure.

Congress is also advancing legislation that aims to address the issue at the federal level.

“Communist China shouldn’t be allowed to buy another acre of American farmland, nor should we rely upon our top foreign adversary for key parts of our food supply chain. Food security is national security!” Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa) wrote on X.

Communist China shouldn’t be allowed to buy another acre of American farmland, nor should we rely upon our top foreign adversary for key parts of our food supply chain.

Food security is national security!

— Ashley Hinson (@RepAshleyHinson) May 29, 2024

Hinson has introduced an amendment to the 2024 Farm Bill within the House Agriculture Committee that aims to limit foreign acquisitions of U.S. farmland. She asserts that such measures are crucial for safeguarding American food security, the Daily Mail reported.

In February 2023, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) introduced the “Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People’s Republic of China Act,” which would prohibit the purchase of public or private agricultural land in the U.S. by foreign nationals associated with the CCP.

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a threat to American democracy. The United States is engaged in a great power struggle with the CCP, and we must respond with tough policies that will protect our farmland and food supply chain,” said Rep. Newhouse.

“We should be taking every action we can to strengthen our domestic production while preventing our nation’s strongest adversaries from having an advantage over our supply chain. I am proud to introduce this legislation alongside many of my House colleagues to keep the CCP from gaining a foothold from within our own borders.”

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CNN Data Analyst Points Out NYC Trial Not Affecting Public Opinion About Trump: ‘No Change’ (VIDEO)

CNN Data Analyst Points Out NYC Trial Not Affecting Public Opinion About Trump: ‘No Change’ (VIDEO)


CNN’s data analyst Harry Enten examined Trump’s approval numbers with regard to the sham NYC trial and found that the Democrat circus is not affecting Trump with the public at all.

Democrats were hoping that the trial would make Trump look toxic to the public. They have failed.

The problem for Democrats and the media is that everyone knows this trial is purely political and all about the 2024 election.

Breitbart News reports:

CNN’s Enten: ‘No Change’ In Public Opinion About Trump During New York Trial, People ‘Don’t Really Care’

CNN poll analyst Harry Enten said Wednesday on “News Central” that polling shows most voters don’t care about the New York business records case against former President Donald Trump.

Enten said, “It feels like only yesterday to me, John, that it began, but apparently, it is 44 days. You crack the numbers, you’ve run the numbers. All right, let’s take a look here…

He added, “Simply put, they have not. Pre-opening statements think Trump did something illegal, 46%. After the direct examination of Michael Cohen by the prosecution, look at where we are now, 46%. The percentage of Americans who think that the charges are very serious, in fact, dropped from 40% to a little bit more than and 35% during the course of this trial. So, yes, perhaps things might have changed with those 12 jurors, but when it comes to the larger American public, there has been no change.”

Watch the clip below:

CNN: ‘No Change’ in Public Opinion About Trump During Trial

HOST: Why?

ENTEN: Because most Americans don’t care that much. They care about the economy, inflation, immigration, and election legitimacy.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 29, 2024

It could not be more obvious that this trial is just being used to try to damage Trump.

Not only do people not care about this, they see that Democrats care more about this than their real concerns, such as the economy and the border.

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Colorado Police Plan to Dispatch Drones Instead of Officers for Certain 911 Calls

Colorado Police Plan to Dispatch Drones Instead of Officers for Certain 911 Calls


Over a dozen law enforcement departments in Colorado are planning to dispatch drones instead of officers to respond to specific 911 calls.

The Denver Police Department and several other law enforcement agencies in Colorado plan to dispatch drones instead of officers in situations where drones can provide information about the incident before officers are called to the scene.

The Denver Post reported that in some cases, the drone would be the only response to some incidents if an operator can determine from the air that officers don’t need to respond.

Sgt. Jeremiah Gates, who is in charge of the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s office, stated, “This really is the future of law enforcement at some point, whether we like it or not.”

Picture this: You call 911 and a drone comes whirring to your door instead of a police officer.

That could soon be a reality along parts of Colorado’s Front Range.

— The Denver Post (@denverpost) May 29, 2024

Per The New York Post:

Several local law enforcement agencies in Colorado, including the Denver Police Department (DPD), are planning to start dispatching drones instead of officers to respond to 911 calls.

“This really is the future of law enforcement at some point, whether we like it or not,” Sgt. Jeremiah Gates, who leads the drone unit at the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, told The Denver Post.

At least 20 agencies in Colorado’s Front Range already use drone technology for certain tasks, like searching for missing people, tracking fleeing suspects, mapping crime scenes or overhead surveillance during SWAT operations.

Now the sheriff’s office is considering using them to respond to some 911 calls in situations where the drones might be able to provide useful information from the location of an incident before officers are deployed.

Police departments are not the only ones using drones; criminals are using them too.

The Gateway Pundit reported in March that Georgia Law Enforcement authorities arrested 150 people for operating a drone-based operation that smuggled guns, drugs, and cell phones into Georgia prisons.


Georgia Authorities Arrest 150 for Allegedly Using Drones to Transport Guns, Drugs, and Cellphones into Prison

The post Colorado Police Plan to Dispatch Drones Instead of Officers for Certain 911 Calls appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


“Did You Fall on Your Head?” – Angry Biden Snaps at Reporter For Asking if He will Serve His Full Term Or Hand Power Over to Kamala Harris (VIDEO)

“Did You Fall on Your Head?” – Angry Biden Snaps at Reporter For Asking if He will Serve His Full Term Or Hand Power Over to Kamala Harris (VIDEO)


Joe Biden traveled to deep blue Philly on Wednesday to pander to the black community as black voters abandon the Democrat party.

81-year-old Biden lined up for a photo op with fellow Democrats such as Senator Bob Casey after he arrived in Philadelphia.

A reporter asked Biden if he would be serving his full term or handing power to Kamala Harris.

“President Biden, will you be serving your full four-year term or handing over power to Vice President Harris?” a reporter asked Biden.

Biden insulted the reporter.

A peeved Joe Biden replied: “Are you okay? Are you alright? You’re not hurt are you? I said are you okay? Did you fall on your head or something?”

The reporter asked Biden if he could “approach” because couldn’t hear him.

“I said, are you okay? Did you fall on your head or something?” Biden shouted again.

This is what ‘restoring decency’ to the White House looks like according to the Bidens.


Q: “President Biden, will you be serving your full four-year term or handing over power to Vice President Harris?”

President Biden: “Are you okay? Are you alright? You’re not hurt are you? I said are you okay? Did you fall on your head or something?”

— CSPAN (@cspan) May 29, 2024

The post “Did You Fall on Your Head?” – Angry Biden Snaps at Reporter For Asking if He will Serve His Full Term Or Hand Power Over to Kamala Harris (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.