President Trump Congratulates Justice Alito For Showing “GUTS” in The Face of Radical Leftists Calling for His Recusal: “All U.S. Judges, Justices, and Leaders should have such GRIT”

President Trump Congratulates Justice Alito For Showing “GUTS” in The Face of Radical Leftists Calling for His Recusal: “All U.S. Judges, Justices, and Leaders should have such GRIT”

 Leftist Protesters show up outside of Justice Alito’s home after Roe v. Wade ruling

President Trump made a Truth Social post earlier, congratulating Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on refusing demands by Democrats and leftist organizations to recuse himself from Trump cases surrounding January 6 and the 2020 election.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Democrat politicians have called for Alito’s recusal over reports that Alito’s home displayed the inverted flag on January 17, 2021—just days after the January 6 Capitol event and shortly before Joe Biden’s inauguration. Leftist  group Citizens for Ethics also sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts “calling on him to immediately create an enforcement mechanism for the Supreme Court Code of Conduct and to encourage Justice Alito to recuse from January 6 and election related cases.”

The letter from Citizens for Ethics further cites the American Flag and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag flown outside Alito’s vacation home. According to the letter, the flag “has been associated with a far-right religious sect of the “Stop the Steal” movement.”

However, according to, “This iconic emblem, also known as the Pine Tree flag, holds a special place in the hearts of those who cherish American values and the relentless pursuit of liberty.” These godless leftists sure do hate Christians!

Also, in an appalling violation of the code of ethics, one sitting federal judge wrote a political hit piece in the New York Times publicly attacking conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. Judge Walton, a Bush appointee, previously spoke with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about threats he has received after he called Trump a “charlatan” and rendered excessive punishment to J6 defendants. Walton, a SITTING JUDGE, also weighed in on Trump’s statements defending himself against Judge Merchan, his conflicted daughter Loren Merchan, and the latest gag order. These people are total hypocrites.

According to Alito, the upside-down flag was a reaction to “F*ck Trump” yard signs posted by neighbors and verbal attacks toward his wife rather than a political statement. The Gateway Pundit reported that after nasty leftist neighbors bombarded her with harassment and vulgar language and called her a “c*nt,” Mrs. Alito was so distraught that she hung the flag upside down for a short time.

This also comes as SCOTUS recently signaled that they may consider for the first time granting Russell Alford, one of the few J6 defendants to refuse a plea deal, his petition for writ of certiorari, a move that only happens for roughly 1% of cases brought to SCOTUS.

However, as The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, Justice Samuel Alito refused the demand by Democrats that he recuse himself from any Supreme Court cases involving the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, Trump immunity and the 2020 election over the flags his wife flew at their residential and vacation homes.

Justice Alito Tells Democrat Senators He Will Not Recuse from J6 and Trump Cases; Defends Wife’s Right to Fly Flags

Alito’s letter turning down calls for recusal goes into detail about his wife flying an upside-down American flag at their Northern Virginia home in January 2021 over a dispute with her nasty Democrat neighbors. The dispute has gone on for years, with the neighbors protesting in front of Alito’s home after the June 2022 Dobbs decision to return abortion laws to the states.

Alito also described his wife’s flying of an ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Revolutionary War flag at their family vacation home on Long Beach Island, New Jersey in the summer of 2023, saying his wife flew it “to express a religious and patriotic message.”

Alito added, “My wife is an independently-minded private citizen. She makes her own decisions, and I honor her right to do so. Our vacation home was purchased with money she inherited from her parents and is titled in her name. It is a place, away from Washington, where she should be able to relax.”

In response to Alito standing up to the Marxist Democrats trying to cancel him, Trump commended his “INTELLIGENCE, COURAGE, and ‘GUTS'” in a Wednesday Truth:

Trump: Congratulations to United States Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for showing the INTELLIGENCE, COURAGE, and “GUTS” to refuse stepping aside from making a decision on anything January 6th related. All U.S. Judges, Justices, and Leaders should have such GRIT – Our Country would be far more advanced than its current status as A BADLY FAILING NATION, headed by the Worst President in American History, Crooked Joe Biden!

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Biden Panders to Blacks in Philly Jazz Club: “We’re Rebuilding a $60 ZILLION Bridge in Baltmur!” (VIDEO)

Biden Panders to Blacks in Philly Jazz Club: “We’re Rebuilding a $60 ZILLION Bridge in Baltmur!” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden continued to pander to blacks at a restaurant and jazz club in Philly after speaking gibberish to a few rows of people crammed into the corner of a school gym.

Joe Biden is getting desperate so his team announced “Black Voters for Biden Harris” on Wednesday.

After slurring through remarks to a few dozen people at Girard College, Biden headed over to SOUTH restaurant and jazz club.

Biden speaks to nearly empty gym

Joe Biden lied to the blacks in the jazz club about his involvement in the civil rights movement as a kid.

“In 1969, I got involved deeply in the civil rights movement,” Biden told the blacks at the jazz club.

This is one of Joe Biden’s favorite lies (he has many). Biden was never involved in the civil rights movement as a kid and he was forced to admit he lied about it back in 1987.


BIDEN: “In 1969, I got involved deeply in the civil rights movement.”

That’s the second time in less than ten minutes he has repeated the same debunked lie. It is still not true.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 29, 2024

Biden used a bizarre accent as he pandered to black voters.

“We’re rebuilding a $60 ZILLION bridge in Baltmur!” Biden said.

Imagine the headlines if Trump said this.


BIDEN: “We’re rebuilding a $60 ZILLION bridge in Baltmur!”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 29, 2024

Biden’s handlers cranked up the music to drown out reporters.


Biden’s handlers crank the music after his incoherent remarks to drown out reporters’ questions

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 29, 2024

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Massive 73% Majority of Voters Say America is ‘Out of Control’ Under Biden Admin

Massive 73% Majority of Voters Say America is ‘Out of Control’ Under Biden Admin


A massive 73 percent majority of voters believe America is “out of control” and on the “wrong track” under the Biden administration.

The Hart Research/Public Opinion Strategies/NBC News survey released on Wednesday found that the percentage of Americans calling the nation “out of control” was the highest on record under any president since the poll began.

Breitbart News reports:

Seventy-three percent of voters believe Biden’s America is “out of control, on wrong track,” topping the record high that George W. Bush set in 2008 — 70 percent. Barack Obama set the third-highest rating at 65 percent.

The poll noted several additional findings. It reported that Trump leads Biden in six of the six swing states, including Wisconsin, a state where other polls showed Biden leading Trump.

The survey also reported that non-white voters are trending away from Democrats, while the Republican Party is surging among the demographic. In four years, non-white voters shifted about 40 points in favor of Republicans.

Bill McInturff, a veteran Republican pollster, also noted that the survey found more voters identifying as Republicans.

This is the under recognized game changer for 2024. Republicans competing on a level playing field

— Bill McInturff (@pollsterguy) May 21, 2024

“This is the under recognized game changer for 2024,” McInturff wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Republicans competing on a level playing field.”

The Washington Post reports, “The data that McInturff was citing comes from surveys for NBC News that his firm, Public Opinion Strategies, has done jointly with the Democratic firm Hart Research Associates for many years. The slide he posted showed that, among registered voters, 41 percent now identify as Republicans, 40 percent as Democrats. In 2016, Democrats had an advantage of seven percentage points.”

“The lines have crossed for the very first time in a long time, and that’s a very big deal,” the pollster told the Post. “It’s not that Republicans are always going up, it’s that the Democrats are dropping [in party identification].”

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WATCH: Biden Again Claims He Got Involved in The Civil Rights Movement as a Kid… TWICE During Disastrous Stop at Black-Owned Business – Handlers Crank Music to Avoid Questions

WATCH: Biden Again Claims He Got Involved in The Civil Rights Movement as a Kid… TWICE During Disastrous Stop at Black-Owned Business – Handlers Crank Music to Avoid Questions


Joe Biden on Wednesday stopped at a local black-owned business after delivering remarks to a small crowd at Girard College, an independent boarding school in Philadelphia.

From messaging at his so-called rallies to sticking his thumbs up to stopping at local businesses, he is trying so hard to be Trump. It’s not working!

President Joe Biden gestures as he steps down from Air Force One upon his arrival at the Philadelphia International Airport in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photo by @lizfrantz

— corinne_perkins (@corinne_perkins) May 29, 2024

The Gateway Pundit reported that Joe “You Aint Black” Biden made a pitch to black voters in Philadelphia this afternoon and announced a “Black Voters for Biden-Harris” initiative. Ahead of the event, The Biden campaign accused Donald Trump of “running on an anti-Black agenda.”

It can be recalled that racist Joe Biden was close to KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd and even attended his funeral. And don’t forget about Joe Biden’s famous 1993 speech when he called blacks “predators.”

This comes as a Philadelphia Inquirer/New York Times/Siena College poll earlier this month shows Biden losing support among young, Black, and Hispanic voters and losing by 3% in Pennsylvania. Per the New York Times, “Nearly 70 percent of voters say that the country’s political and economic systems need major changes — or even to be torn down entirely” in the six battleground states polled.

“You Ain’t Black” Biden Camp Accuses Trump of ‘Anti-Black Agenda’ Ahead of Desperate Stop in Philly Today – CBS Philadelphia: Majority of Pennsylvania Voters Say They Would Be Financially Better Off With Trump (VIDEO)

Of course, nobody cared that Joe Biden was in Philly on Wednesday.

Elementary or middle school-aged children from the school were even being shuttled into the rally to fill space.

Biden/Harris Rally-goers

Still, Biden and Kamala Harris couldn’t even fill a gym:

Biden’s speech was a total disaster, and so was his stop at South Restaurant and Jazz Club afterward.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Biden opened his afternoon event with a marching band featuring a person dancing in an Elmo costume.

Then, after starting the rally nearly an hour late, Biden’s brain malfunctioned, and he began speaking gibberish.

At the end of his speech, Biden seemingly almost got lost until Kamala Harris grabbed his hand, then he went off-script and spoke more gibberish. Biden tried to speak into the dead microphone, but it failed the first time:

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Biden slurred again through remarks at the South Restaurant and Jazz Club and bizarrely claimed, “We’re rebuilding a $60 ZILLION bridge in Baltmur!”

Biden also claimed that he was in Baltimore “the next day” after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed and killed multiple construction workers. Maryland Governor Wes Moore can be seen nodding along as Biden lies about when he visited Baltimore. Biden first visited the site of the bridge collapse on Friday, April 5, over a week after it collapsed on March 26.

Biden then repeated his same old favorite lie that he “got involved as a kid in the civil rights movement”:


Of course, this is a lie. Biden admitted he lied about marching in the civil rights movement months after making this false claim in 1987:

In 1987, Joe Biden claimed he marched in the civil rights movement. A few months later, Biden disavowed the claim. Decades later, during the Obama era, and more recently on the campaign trail, he started making the same claims again.

— The Intercept (@theintercept) February 14, 2020

Biden also slurred and rambled incoherently about his father and his upbringing. “Some of you know Claymont. It’s about a good long driver from here,” he said:

Does anyone think this guy is capable of being President?

After his speech, Biden’s handlers cranked up the music at the restaurant to avoid reporters’ questions. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, after Biden shuffled out of the White House and avoided the press, that Biden has barely spoken to any media all year and has not held a single press conference this year.

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WATCH: Trump Attorney Alina Habba Delivers Smackdown to “Naive” Shannon Bream When She Tries Claiming the Biden Regime is Not Responsible for the Sham Trump Trial

WATCH: Trump Attorney Alina Habba Delivers Smackdown to “Naive” Shannon Bream When She Tries Claiming the Biden Regime is Not Responsible for the Sham Trump Trial

 Credit: Fox News Screenshot

As the Gateway Pundit reported, President Trump returned to court Wednesday for corrupt judge Juan Merchan’s kangaroo trial in New York City as the jury began deliberations on his fate.

During the jury deliberations on Wednesday afternoon, Trump’s attorney Alina Habba appeared as a guest on Fox News with Shannon Bream, who attempted to run interference for the Biden regime. Bream likely wishes she had never made this decision because she was outclassed in a battle of the wits.

Bream opened by querying whether there is a net positive for Trump thanks to the kangaroo trial. Habba replied that from a political standpoint, this was true, but America should never have had to “hit rock bottom” in terms of morals, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

Bream attempted to fake concern, claiming that these dramas would always follow Trump regardless of his guilt or innocence. Habba correctly deemed this as extortion and went on to rail against America’s litigious culture, which she noted Joe Biden is taking full advantage of in order to sideline his political opponent.

The interview went horribly wrong for Bream when she responded that Biden had nothing to do with the trial. What followed was an epic yet firm smackdown of the reporter based on cold, hard facts.

Bream was left stammering slightly at the end and had no good response to Habba’s blistering replies.

WATCH (The crucial part of the exchange starts at the 1:50 mark):

Alina Habba just had to lay it out for Shannon Bream.

— Gary D (@KMGGaryde) May 29, 2024

Bream: The Biden Administration is not responsible for this trial.

Habba: How can you say the Biden Administration is not responsible for this trial?

Bream: Uh, it’s a state trial; it’s Alvin Bragg; whether you think there’s a political motive for him, it’s not connected to the DOJ… the feds passe don these lection charges.

Habba: Shannon, you should look at how many logs they have of state officials (such as) Letitia James (and) Fani Willis visiting the White House and then tell me that this is not a Biden trial…

Bream: But the feds passed on this case…

Habba: The feds passed on this case, so did DA Cy Vance and so did Bragg (years ago)…and you know when it came back? When he (Trump) decided to run for office.

So tell me how that’s not an indication that Joe Biden, who just sent his campaign down here with Robert De Niro yesterday, isn’t a part of this?

Frankly, any question that we had of that was squashed yesterday. And whether you have any more concerns about whether he’s involved in this, look at the fact he is literally publicizing for tonight a speech if a verdict comes out. That’s a sad state of affairs.

Bream: Do you not think, though, that uh, any president would want weigh in on something this historic?

Habba: I wish Biden had that same sentiment about the border, fentanyl, and our children being mutilated. I would prefer he would focus on the real things instead of trying to attack his political opponent, who he just cannot beat.

After watching Habba filet Bream, President Trump unleashed on the news anchor, calling her “naive.”

I never knew Shannon Bream was so “naïve.” In her interview with my Representative, Alina Habba, Shannon just suggested that Crooked Joe Biden was not involved in my Show Trial. HOW STUPID! Not only is he involved, he is virtually leading it, and all of the other Trials as well -…

— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDailyPosts) May 29, 2024

As Gateway Pundit readers know, Trump has been charged with 34 felony “falsification of business records.” He was penalized for every payment he allegedly made to his former lawyer and pathological liar, Michael Cohen, regarding Cohen paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

The prosecution has not proven Trump committed any of these crimes or even had an affair, but he will likely be found guilty anyway given the rigged jury.

The post WATCH: Trump Attorney Alina Habba Delivers Smackdown to “Naive” Shannon Bream When She Tries Claiming the Biden Regime is Not Responsible for the Sham Trump Trial appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.