Former Dutch Spy Chief Dick Schoof Proposed as PM by Geert Wilders’ Coalition

Former Dutch Spy Chief Dick Schoof Proposed as PM by Geert Wilders’ Coalition

 Geert Wilders and Dick Schoof.

The long and convoluted soap opera of the formation of the upcoming rightwing government in the Kingdom of Netherlands may be nearing its end.

The coalition around Geert Wilders’ PVV party – the winner of the last November elections – has finally proposed a candidate for Prime Minister, Former Dutch intelligence chief and political outsider Dick Schoof.

Schoof said yesterday (28) that he will uphold the rule of law and govern for all the Dutch.

Reuters reported:

“‘I am not affiliated to any party, I am not standing here in the name of the PVV… I want to be the prime minister of all the Dutch’, Schoof, who has had no previous experience in parliament or in government, told reporters.”

Schoof led the intelligence agency AIVD and anti-terrorism agency NCTV for years.

He was also the head of the Dutch immigration service in the early 2000s.

“‘I guess it will be a surprise for a lot of people that I’m standing here… It’s actually also a surprise for me’, he told reporters.”

The incoming coalition will implement the ‘strictest-ever asylum regime’: beef up border controls, impose rules for asylum seekers.

That is sure to put them at odds with the present EU leadership before even taking office.

Wilders gave up the PM seat to see his policies implemented.

“Once he has formed a government, set to be the most right-wing in the Netherlands in decades, he will be sworn in by the king and officially become prime minister.

‘Congratulations Dick. Dick Schoof has a great track record, is not a member of any party and thus stands above the parties, is honest and, on top of it, very friendly’, Wilders reacted on social media X.”

The new government will seek to secure exceptions on EU asylum and environmental rules.

“‘I think that, in all my positions, the common thread has always been the functioning of democratic rule of law and that will help me in my function as prime minister’, Schoof said, adding that outgoing prime minister Mark Rutte is for him ‘a form of inspiration in the way he handles things’.”

Geert Wilders, last week, said that he expected the new government ‘to be operational by end-June’.

BBC reported:

Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders won the Dutch election last November and eventually came to a coalition deal with three other parties after he agreed not to go for the top job.

Under the 25-page deal, Mr. Wilders’ Freedom Party and the three other leaders in his coalition agreed they would stay in parliament out of the cabinet, while about half the ministers would be picked from outside politics.”

Wilders ditched some plans, such as banning the Quran, but he his immigration policies are here to stay.

“Mr. Schoof said he knew Geert Wilders ‘a little’ but stressed he had been appointed by four parties that had a big majority in parliament. Asked whether he or the far-right party leader would be the boss, he said: ‘There is only one prime minister and that will be me’.”

The coalition’s first choice for prime minister, Ronald Plasterk, pulled out after Dutch media reports questioned his integrity.

“The next step for the prospective prime minister will be to assemble a ministerial team, along with the man leading the process, Richard van Zwol. A cabinet could be in place by the end of June ahead of the summer recess.”

Read more:

‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill









The post Former Dutch Spy Chief Dick Schoof Proposed as PM by Geert Wilders’ Coalition appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Rose Unplugged: Gregg Jarrett Predicts the Jury Decision in Bragg’s Lawfare Trial Against Trump (AUDIO)

Rose Unplugged: Gregg Jarrett Predicts the Jury Decision in Bragg’s Lawfare Trial Against Trump (AUDIO)


Rose Unplugged filled in for Sean Hannity and interviewed legal expert Gregg Jarrett.

Fox News Legal Analyst and best-selling author Gregg Jarrett, takes a look at these past few weeks as we review the immense bias of Alvin Bragg and Juan Merchan, two liberals with a defendant in search of a crime.

Michael Cohen’s campaign of rage and a thirst for vengeance against the man he had so idolized and revered was discussed. He fueled his wrath with a torrent of lies. Gregg predicts the jury decision and also weighs in on Hunter Biden.


Please follow Rose Unplugged on Rumble here.

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Judge Wanted to “Make an Example Out of Someone” Now J6er Julio Baquero Returns Home with Stage 4 Cancer …Please Help Julio and His Young Family Below

Judge Wanted to “Make an Example Out of Someone” Now J6er Julio Baquero Returns Home with Stage 4 Cancer …Please Help Julio and His Young Family Below

 Julio Baquero

Just last month, April 2024, Julio Baquero was nearing the tail end of his 18-month Prison sentence for disorderly conduct on January 6th when he found out he was diagnosed with Stage 4 gastric cancer.

While he awaited the judge to grant an emergency motion to release him home, his high school sweetheart and the 3 loving children they share together (ages 10, 11, and 20) waited in suspense to see how the judge would rule to compassionately release him.

Back before Julio was born, his parents fled the grips of Socialism from Venezuela and came to America, where they gave birth to him in Los Angeles, CA. When he was just 6 years old, his father walked out on his mother, leaving her with 3 children on her own to work multiple jobs and sometimes living in the car and attending food banks at local churches, but always put God and her kids first.

She taught them how great America was and about the dangers of Socialism. Julio grew up very proud to be an American. Loving the flag and country music.

**Please help Julio and his family here.**

At age 10, he and his family moved to the free state of Florida. After working hard for many years, Julio’s mother was finally able to purchase her first house and the American Dream when he was just 14 years old.

At age 19, Julio and his high-school sweetheart had their first child. A baby boy, who carries his name forward as Julio Baquero, III. They would go on to have 2 more children. As a loving father working to support his family, Julio moved on from being a fiberglass specialist on large ships to being a staircase technician. When the “Plandemic” hit, just like his mom worked hard to take care of him and his siblings, Julio began driving for Uber to continue taking care of his family, while putting God and his kids first.

At the Rally in Washington, DC on January 6th, Julio walked into the Capitol and walked out moments later with the door being held open by the Capitol police.

Several months after, Julio and his family would be awakened by the FBI, at gunpoint, with over a dozen agents at their door. Guns were pointed at his children and his oldest son was placed in handcuffs (a mere 18 years old at the time and did not attend the Rally).

This dedicated family man, father of 3, and little league volunteer coach of 13 years with no criminal history was now being threatened with 5-8 years in Federal prison if he did not sign the plea deal that was presented to him.

For 2 years Julio’s judge was handing out 6 – 8 month sentences for the same thing Julio pleaded guilty to, however at his sentencing, the judge said “I need to make an example out of someone” and he chose Juilo to do this. He sentenced him to 18 months in prison for what most people, if not all, get probation for.

**Please help Julio and his family here.**

It doesn’t stop here; it gets worse for Julio. This proud father of 3, as of last month, while serving time in prison and only a few months left before going home, was diagnosed with Stage 4 gastric cancer. Over many long months of incarceration, since Julio’s arrest, his high-school sweet heart has been waiting for him to come home and she has been bearing the total load with the house and children and covering commissary for Julio while imprisoned. Now, instead of rejoicing to have Julio returning home as a full-time father, the family faces astronomical medical bills to help save Julio’s health. The path forward consists of lost time at work, time spread thin between taking care of the children, the house and being support for Julio in the hospital.

They need help in a dire way.

Fortunately, the judge ruled favorably for Julio to be compassionately released from prison very shortly after his diagnosis. Unfortunately, during the short month and a half since he was released, he has been hospitalized several times, where he has sustained two procedures just to stabilize him.

A little over a week ago he had lost so much weight that he was too weak to start chemo to treat the cancer and the hospital needed to get his levels good enough to begin chemo. In this last week he has gone thru his 1st treatment and is still hospitalized under careful watch by doctors.

The road ahead is rocky and Julio’s high school sweetheart will continue to bear the load, but standing strong in their faith with the Lord.

This family needs our help and we get to show up in their time of need. This is a call to “We the People” to show up for this faith-based family. They have been doing this all on their own for long enough.

A fundraiser has been made by their oldest son, Julio Baquero, III here.

His son shared:

“I’ve put this fund together to help my J6er dad fight Stage 4 Cancer.  He’s been incarcerated since Aug 2023 for his presence at the Capital on January 6th.  He was non-violent, and much like many others, he walked around as a tourist.  This month (April 2024) we found out he’s diagnosed at Stage 4 and our family needs help with this situation that is financially devastating.  We are exploring the medical costs and will update here once we have a clear vision.  In the meantime, our family needs assistance with home expenses and daily living.  We appreciate any help, every dollar counts no matter how small.  God is good and we are keeping my dad in our prayers and we ask if you can do anything at all, is pray for him.  Thank you so much. God Bless.”

Please consider giving what you can to help this patriot, his high school sweetheart and their 3 children.

Please pray for them and share this story with others.

May God bless Julio, his family and the USA.

**Please help Julio and his family here.**

The post Judge Wanted to “Make an Example Out of Someone” Now J6er Julio Baquero Returns Home with Stage 4 Cancer …Please Help Julio and His Young Family Below appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


PLANNING THE STEAL: ACLU Sues Pennyslvania to Force Counties to Count Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots

PLANNING THE STEAL: ACLU Sues Pennyslvania to Force Counties to Count Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has sued the state of Pennsylvania in an effort to try and force counties to count votes with errors that would otherwise be invalidated.

PHL17 reports that the lawsuit is seeking to challenge a provision in the law that states that voters must write the correct date on the envelope of their mail-in ballot.

According to ACLU attorney Steve Loney, ensuring the correct date is written on the ballot “means nothing” and should be discounted.

“When something buts up against the Constitution, the Constitution wins,” said ACLU attorney Steve Loney. “So here we have a requirement that people have to sign and date. And include a handwritten date that means nothing.”

BREAKING: Today we and @PubIntLawCtr filed suit in Commonwealth Court on behalf of 9 voting rights groups, challenging PA’s requirement to handwrite a date on the mail ballot return envelope.

The rule is unconstitutional and has disenfranchised tens of thousands of PA voters.

— ACLU of Pennsylvania (@aclupa) May 28, 2024

“Right, everybody agrees that we’re talking about tens of thousands of ballots that were received on time. They complied with every other step in the process. And this one step means nothing.”

Around 8,000 mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania from the 2022 midterm elections were rejected for errors with dates and signatures.

The lawsuit comes after the U.S. Third US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last month that mail-in ballots without the correct date cannot be counted towards the final vote tally.

As long reported by The Gateway Pundit, mail-in ballots are the primary method that the Democratic Party uses to manipulate, rig, and ultimately steal elections from Republican opposition.

The COVID-19 pandemic provided a perfect cover for the widespread use of mail-in ballots, which ultimately allowed Joe Biden to steal the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump.

Another federal lawsuit challenging the written date requirement for mail-in ballots remains ongoing.

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Judge Who Put Transgender Child Rapist in Women’s Prison Nominated to U.S. District Court by Joe Biden

Judge Who Put Transgender Child Rapist in Women’s Prison Nominated to U.S. District Court by Joe Biden


A judge who put a transgender child rapist in a women’s prison has been nominated to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York by Joe Biden.

Judge Sarah Netburn has served as a magistrate judge for 12 years.

The judge gained notoriety after moving William McClain, who now goes by “July Justine Shelby,” to a women’s prison against the recommendation of the Bureau of Prisons.

McClain served over two decades in prison for raping a 17-year-old girl and molesting a 9-year-old boy. He was arrested again in 2017 for distributing child pornography involving a young girl and an infant.

The Washington Times reports:

Under a Biden administration policy implemented in 2022, transgender women can be moved to a women’s facility on a case-by-case basis, based on “whether a placement would ensure the inmate’s health and safety, and whether the placement would present management or security problems.”

The policy directs that a transgender individual’s “own views with respect to his/her own safety must be given serious consideration.”

The prisoner claimed to be endangered in New York’s Otisville Correctional Institution, a federal medium-security men’s prison.

The Bureau of Prisons repeatedly denied the prisoner’s request to be transferred to a women’s prison, citing risks it would traumatize prisoners and possibly threaten their safety.

The judge, against all reasonable advice, decided to move the sexual predator to the Federal Medical Center, Carswell, which is a female prison in Texas.

“The hypothetical concern that Petitioner will hurt someone must be counter-balanced by the actual evidence that she has been assaulted and harassed in a men’s facility,” Judge Netburn wrote in the decision.

During her confirmation hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz grilled her about the decision.

“So you took a six-foot-two serial rapist. Serial child rapist with male genitalia,” Sen. Cruz said. “And he said, you know, I’d like to be in a women’s prison. And your answer was, ‘That sounds great to me.’ Let me ask you something. The other women in that prison, do they have any rights?”

The judge remained unapologetic for the decision.

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