Victor Reacts: Felony Charges For Defacing LGBTQ Pride Mural (VIDEO)

Victor Reacts: Felony Charges For Defacing LGBTQ Pride Mural (VIDEO)


If you burn the American flag, that is called free speech but if you drive on a gay pride mural, that is a felony.

As the Gateway Pundit reported,

A manhunt is underway for a driver accused of deliberately defacing a Pride mural, marking the second act of vandalism against the same artwork within a week.

The St. Petersburg Police Department reports that the latest incident involved a blue two-door vehicle performing donuts over the mural at the 2500 Central Avenue roundabout. This act of vandalism, occurring early on May 22nd, follows a similar incident on May 17th involving a truck.

If found, the individual responsible will face a felony charge of criminal mischief.

Democrat Mayor Ken Welch took to social media to condemn the vandalism.

“In light of the recent vandalism targeting our Progressive Pride flag mural, I want to emphasize that there is no place for hate in St. Petersburg. We stand united in valuing and appreciating every resident, regardless of their orientation, gender identity, or expression. Our differences make St. Pete the vibrant and diverse community we cherish,” the mayor said.

Why would a city be so determined to spend tax payer money on a mural that the citizens of their community clearly do not appreciate? Is there no better use for the time, money, and resources that are going into an entire manhunt?

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China Unveils Advanced Brain-Computer Interface Implant, Rivaling Elon Musk’s Neuralink

China Unveils Advanced Brain-Computer Interface Implant, Rivaling Elon Musk’s Neuralink


China has unveiled its brain-computer interface, rivaling Elon Musk’s Neuralink.

During the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum, Beijing Xinzhida Neurotechnology debuted its brain-computer interface (BCI) implant called Neucyber.

According to the Global Times, the new brain implant technology has already been tested on primates, giving them the capability of controlling a robotic arm.

Although Chinese media has compared Neucyber to Musk’s Neuralink, Neucyber has yet to be implanted into a human brain as Nueralink has already successfully done.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Neuralink implanted a brain chip into quadriplegic Noland Arbaugh, who uses Neuralink to control a computer cursor with his thoughts.

“China’s version of Neuralink unveiled” – that’s how observers described Neucyber, an invasive implanted brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, independently developed by Chinese scientists.”

— TheChirpingCricket (@GunnarChase7) May 23, 2024

Per Global Times:

“China’s version of Neuralink unveiled” – that’s how observers described Neucyber, an invasive implanted brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, independently developed by Chinese scientists.

In its latest public appearance in April, through Neucyber, a monkey with its hands tied up can control a robotic arm with “just its thoughts” and successfully grasp a strawberry.

Recently, the Global Times visited the Chinese Institute for Brain Research in Beijing to witness the magical scene.

The wired Neucyber linking the monkey’s brain is a system composed of three core components — high-throughput flexible microelectrodes, two high-speed neural signal acquisition devices and a generative neural decoding algorithm. It is able to capture subtle changes in the monkey’s brain’s electrical signals, decode the brain’s intentions and achieve “thought” control of “actions.”

Watch Musk’s neural link in action:

Elon Musk’s first Neuralink patient demonstrates how the brain chip implant works..


— DramaAlert (@DramaAlert) May 23, 2024

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Georgian Parliament Overturns the President’s Veto and ‘Foreign Agents Law’ Is Approved, Despite Unprecedented International Pressure – Pro-EU Groups Protest (VIDEOS)

Georgian Parliament Overturns the President’s Veto and ‘Foreign Agents Law’ Is Approved, Despite Unprecedented International Pressure – Pro-EU Groups Protest (VIDEOS)


The Georgian government has scored today a great big win, despite international pressure of an unprecedented scale by the US and the EU.

The Georgian Parliament, led by the Centrist Georgian Dream Party, has just announced that, by a majority vote, it overcame President Salomé Zurabishvili’s veto on the law on foreign agents.

Read: COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA: Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations

That concluded the long and hard-fought legislative process that saw the law approved in three consecutive Parliament votes, then be vetoed on May 18 by the President, and now the veto was overturned and the law will be adopted.

Read: Georgian Mass Protests: USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution

All this under mass protests organized by the same evil NGOs as in the West, under threat of sanctions by the US, of ostracism by the EU, and finally, a EU Commissioner reportedly threatened the Prime Minister.

Read more:

DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US Increases Pressure Against ‘Foreign Agent Law’

Georgian Special forces with water cannons immediately concentrated in Tbilisi’s Freedom Square after the passage of a law on foreign agents, because the protests that had lost in numbers recently are sure to become inflamed again in the next days.

The Eurofanatic crowd outside the parliament shouted ‘slaves’ at the MPs after.

The overcoming of the veto by Salomé Zurabishvili was widely expected.

Watch: Tblisi today, during vote for ‘Foreign Agents Law’. The Government overturned the President’s veto

Tblisi today, during vote for ‘Foreign Agents Law’. The Government overturned the President’s veto.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 28, 2024

It only bought time for the influence of the European Union to battle a Georgia pragmatically sovereign over its future inside the Parliament.

And the government won again.

Watch: Riot police arrives in force at Tblisi’s Freedom Square.

Riot police arrives in force at Tblisi’s Freedom Square.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 28, 2024

The Joe Biden Administration – as one would expect – condemned the decision of the Georgian parliament.

If Georgia implements the law on foreign agents – which now they will – the US State Department threatens visa restrictions and signals consequences for European integration.

Watch: Pro-EU protesting crowd and the MSM media in Tblisi – united front.

Pro-EU protesting crowd and the MSM media in Tblisi.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 28, 2024

Hundreds of opponents of the law on foreign agents are gathered for a protest in front of the parliament building in Tbilisi after deputies overwhelmingly overrode the president’s veto on the law.

Color revolution, anyone?

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Jack Smith’s Proposed Gag Order and Nasty Email Exchange with Trump Attorney Todd Blanche Backfires as Judge Cannon Warns Sanctions Could be Next

Jack Smith’s Proposed Gag Order and Nasty Email Exchange with Trump Attorney Todd Blanche Backfires as Judge Cannon Warns Sanctions Could be Next


Jack Smith’s plan to impose a gag order on Trump in his classified documents case backfired spectacularly.

Not only did Judge Aileen Cannon deny Jack Smith’s request to bar Trump from criticizing law enforcement after it was revealed Biden’s DOJ authorized the use of deadly force during the Mar-a-Lago raid, she threatened sanctions against his prosecutors if they continued to violate the rules.

Jack Smith late Friday night sought a gag order barring Trump from criticizing Biden’s rogue DOJ/FBI.

The names of the armed FBI agents involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid were redacted but Jack Smith tried to illegally gag Trump anyway.

“The Government moves to modify defendant Donald J. Trump’s conditions of release, to make clear that he may not make statements that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case.,” Jack Smith wrote in a motion filed Friday evening.

“The Government’s request is necessary because of several intentionally false and inflammatory statements recently made by Trump that distort the circumstances under which the Federal Bureau of Investigation planned and executed the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago,” Smith wrote.

On Tuesday Cannon responded to Jack Smith’s order and warned sanctions could be next if he kept violating the rules.

Jack Smith’s prosecutor Friday evening at 5:30 sent Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche an email informing him that the Special Counsel will be filing a motion to modify Trump’s conditions of release to bar him from making statements about law enforcement after it was revealed the DOJ had a deadly force policy in its Mar-a-Lago raid.

The last-minute email Jack Smith’s prosecutor sent Blanche violates the “Meet and Confer” requirement where lawyers try to resolve an issue before getting the judge involved.

“We assume you will oppose this motion and will want an opportunity to respond. Could you please confirm?” We plan to file the motion later this evening,” Jack Smith’s prosecutor Jay Bratt wrote Friday at 5:30 PM ET on Friday going into the Memorial Day holiday weekend.

Jack Smith’s office violated a meet and confer requirement. In non legal speak, a M&C is where lawyers try to resolve issues over the phone before crying to the judge. It’s not optional.

Anyone else gets sanctioned.

Jack Smith must be disbarred.

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) May 28, 2024

Todd Blanche blasted Jay Bratt 10 minutes later.

“Jay, we very much object to a 5:30 pm email on Memorial Day weekend asking our position on a very serious motion that has First Amendment implications and addresses the conditions of release of President Trump,” Todd Blanche wrote.

Blanche warned Jay Bratt he was violating the ‘meet and confer’ rules.

“A 5:30 pm email on the Friday before Memorial Day is not meeting and conferring in any sense of the word, and certainly not as we have been ordered to do by Local Rule and Judge Cannon. As you know, the names of the law enforcement officers associated with this investigation and associated with the prosecution of this case have been redacted from all of the public filings. There cannot be a real imminent danger, as you are well-aware,” Todd Blanche wrote before offering to meet and confer on Monday afternoon.

Blanche, of course, is representing Pres Trump in NY case too–delivering closings today.

Blanche reminds Bratt that Judge Cannon already warned both sides about following the rules.

As I also noted, Cannon ordered redacting of officers’ names in all filings.

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) May 28, 2024

An hour later, Jay Bratt shot back a snotty email and claimed there was no point in meeting because it would be a “fruitless exercise and does nothing to mitigate the danger your client is creating.”

Now read this in your most powerhungry little man voice so it makes sense.

Bratt cites Trump opposition to gag order in NY and DC as reason not to bother conferring (Cannon also addressed this today)

I am actually surprised Cannon did not sanction Bratt for his willful brazen…

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) May 28, 2024

Todd Blanche blasted Jack Smith’s prosecutor David Harbach for docketing the motion at 8 pm on Friday evening.

“There are rules. You guys violated them. I appreciate the attempted explanation, but it does not in any way pacify us,” Todd Blanche wrote.

This email from Todd Blanche (Trump) to David Harbach (special counsel) confirms the purpose of the rush job to post the gag order motion.

To dominate the weekend news cycle and diminish coverage of FBI use of lethal force policy for MAL raid.

Hence the 8pm docketing of Smith’s…

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) May 28, 2024

Judge Cannon denied Jack Smith’s motion seeking a gag order and admonished his prosecutors.

“Any future, non-emergency motion brought in this case–whether on the topic of release conditions or anything else–shall not be filed absent meaningful, timely, and professional conferral,” Cannon wrote.

“Failure to comply with these requirements may result in sanctions,” Cannon wrote.

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Chase Bank Building Explodes in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio — One Missing, Six Hospitalized (VIDEO)

Chase Bank Building Explodes in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio — One Missing, Six Hospitalized (VIDEO)

 Credit: WKBN

A massive explosion ripped through the heart of downtown Youngstown on Tuesday afternoon, injuring six people and leaving one missing.

Initial reports suggest a gas leak may be to blame for the devastating incident. Witnesses described hearing a loud boom followed by thick smoke billowing from the Chase Bank building, located on the ground floor of the Realty Building.

Eyewitnesses, including Debora Flora, executive director of Mahoning County Land Bank, described the scene with harrowing clarity.

“I heard the boom, and I could see dark smoke coming out of the side of the Chase Bank building… but it was such a really strong, strong boom,” Flora told WKBN.

Security camera footage from a neighboring business captured the terrifying moment the explosion ripped through the structure, shattering windows and sending debris flying.


BREAKING: Chase Bank building explodes in downtown Youngstown, Ohio; People are missing under the rubble.

— The General (@GeneralMCNews) May 28, 2024

WFMJ reported:

Chase Bank occupies the first floor of the building, but the 13-story building also houses numerous apartments.

The neighboring apartment building International Towers is being evacuated for safety.

People are being evacuated from the building and all occupants and news crews have been ordered to move to the Market Street Bridge.

About seven people have been taken to the hospital and one person is still considered missing, Youngstown Fire crews are working to locate them now, according to Youngstown Fire Chief Barry Finely.

Finley says an evacuation order has been issued for everyone 365 degrees around the building. We’re also told everyone in the building has been accounted for.

First responders have the area blocked off and the bomb squad, as well as a structural engineer were called to the scene. The Mahoning County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) has taken over the scene.

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