🍬Trump raised $34.8 Million Dollars in 6 hours last night…🫡 @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸 https://nypost.com/2024/05/31/us-news/trump-campaign-raises-w…


🍬Trump raised $34.8 Million Dollars in 6 hours last night…🫡

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸


New York Post
Trump campaign raises whopping $34.8M in six hours after historic…

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign said Friday that the guilty verdict in his Manhattan hush money trial had generated a “record-shattering” $34.8 million in small dollar donations overnight.


BREAKING: Jim Jordan Calls Alvin Bragg and Biden DOJ Hatchet Man Matthew Colangelo to Testify Before Weaponization Committee

BREAKING: Jim Jordan Calls Alvin Bragg and Biden DOJ Hatchet Man Matthew Colangelo to Testify Before Weaponization Committee

 Matthew Colangelo previously was acting associate attorney general in the federal Department of Justice. (The Justice Department / YouTube screen shot)

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan called Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden‘s DOJ hatchet man Matthew Colangelo to testify before the Weaponization Committee on June 13 following the guilty verdict against Trump.

Bragg’s top prosecutor Matthew Colangelo previously worked in the Justice Department (Biden appointee) and is a lifelong left-wing activist.

Biden sent Matthew Colangelo to New York to convict his main political opponent on non-crimes.

The jury on Thursday found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts after crooked judge Juan Merchan rigged the trial and allowed jurors to choose among three predicate crimes Trump committed.

We still don’t know what crimes Trump committed.

Chairman Jordan called Bragg and Matthew Colangelo to testify on June 13 at 10 am.

Last month Chairman Jordan launched an investigation into Matthew Colangelo.

Jordan specifically called out Matthew Colangelo in his letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“The Committee on the Judiciary is conducting oversight of politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. Since last year, popularly elected prosecutors—who campaigned for office on the promise of prosecuting President Trump—engaged in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority: the indictment of a former President of the United States and current leading candidate for that office. New York County District Attorney (DANY) Alvin Bragg is engaged in one such politicized prosecution, which is being led in part by Matthew B. Colangelo, a former senior Justice Department official. Accordingly, given the perception that the Justice Department is assisting in Bragg’s politicized prosecution, we write to request information and documents related to Mr. Colangelo’s employment,” Jim Jordan wrote in a letter obtained by The Gateway Pundit.

Chairman Jordan said Colangelo’s recent employment history with the DOJ “demonstrates his obsession with investigating a person rather that prosecuting a crime.”

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GOP Senators Revolt: Ten Lawmakers to Boycott Passing Bills with Democrats, Citing White House’s ‘Un-American’ Actions and Rule of Law ‘Mockery’

GOP Senators Revolt: Ten Lawmakers to Boycott Passing Bills with Democrats, Citing White House’s ‘Un-American’ Actions and Rule of Law ‘Mockery’

 Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) speaks on the bipartisan infrastructure bill during a press conference at U.S. Capitol. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Now, ten Republican senators announced on Friday that they are suspending all cooperative legislative efforts with Democrats, accusing the White House of engaging in actions that are “un-American” and making a “mockery” of the rule of law.

On Thursday, several Republican figures released strongly worded statements expressing their outrage and support for Trump following his guilty verdict.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene lambasted her colleagues for their inaction against the Democrats.

She wrote, “Republicans have done NOTHING to stop the Democrats from destroying our justice system and our freedoms. Many Republicans would just quote the Constitution as they are marched to the firing squad. When good men do nothing, evil prevails.”

I agree with every single word here.

Republicans have done NOTHING to stop the Democrats from destroying our justice system and our freedoms.

Many Republicans would just quote the constitution as they are marched to the firing squad.

When good men do nothing, evil prevails. https://t.co/O2FSubZcZk

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) May 30, 2024

On Friday, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) echoed Greene’s sentiments, emphasizing the need for more than just verbal condemnation.

“Strongly worded statements are not enough,” Lee asserted on Friday. “Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable. We are no longer cooperating with any Democrat legislative priorities or nominations, and we invite all concerned Senators to join our stand.”

The defiant stance was formalized in a letter initially signed by eight Senators, including Mike Lee (R-UT), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Roger Marshall (R-KS), JD Vance (R-OH), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), Rick Scott (R-FL), and Marco Rubio (R-FL).

The letter lambasts the Biden administration for its profound disregard for American principles and the politicization of justice.

The senators have vowed to block any non-security related funding increases for the administration, oppose all political and judicial appointments, and refuse expedited consideration of Democrat-led legislation unless it directly pertains to national security.

The letter reads:

“The White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways. As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart.

To that end, we will not 1) allow any increase to non-security related funding for this administration, or any appropriations bill which funds partisan lawfare; 2) vote to confirm this administration’s political and judicial appointees; and 3) allow expedited consideration and passage of Democrat legislation or authorities that are not directly relevant to the safety of the American people.”

Strongly worded statements are not enough.

Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable.

We are no longer cooperating with any Democrat legislative priorities or nominations, and we invite all concerned Senators to join our stand. pic.twitter.com/H0CzIjXgwC

— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) May 31, 2024

In a statement, Sen. Rubio wrote, “Statements of outrage are no longer enough So I hope every Republican Senator who is sickened by what the deranged left is doing to our country will join us in taking action in the Senate.”

Sen. Schmitt wrote, “Democrats have destroyed the integrity of our justice system and made a mockery of the Constitution – all in the name of maintaining political power. My colleagues and I aren’t going to go along with the status quo. Enough is enough.”

Sen. Marshall wrote, “Joe Biden and his army of partisan hack judges have weaponized our judicial system against his political opponent. Words are not enough. Call on your Senator to join our fight – We will block every single Biden judicial nomination until America votes on November 5th.”

In a new update, Senators Josh Hawley and Ron Johnson have joined the pledge.

“UPDATE: salute to [Senator Josh Hawley and Senator Ron Johnson] for joining our pledge! Democrats don’t get to wreck our judicial system and expect any cooperation on their legislative priorities,” Sen. Lee wrote.

UPDATE: salute to @HawleyMO and @SenRonJohnson for joining our pledge! Democrats don’t get to wreck our judicial system and expect any cooperation on their legislative priorities. pic.twitter.com/tbGB7Oj5zu

— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) May 31, 2024




The post GOP Senators Revolt: Ten Lawmakers to Boycott Passing Bills with Democrats, Citing White House’s ‘Un-American’ Actions and Rule of Law ‘Mockery’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


How “Wokeness” may impact a possible U.S.-China kinetic conflict

How “Wokeness” may impact a possible U.S.-China kinetic conflict


As tensions increase between the China and the United States during China’s Unrestricted Warfare to collapse America, there are concerns about Unrestricted Warfare moving into a Shooting War over issues like Taiwan.  The American military’s dalliance with “woke” ideologies are concerning and are tangibly degrading professionalism, operational planning, and output of the Defense Industrial Base.

Administration officials such as Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth deny “wokeness” is an issue and the Army has been pushing their interpretation of internal polling data that “safety” is the real issue in regards to failures to meet recruiting and retention goals – which immediately triggered Republican Congressional requests to see the complete, unredacted data instead of the Army official interpretation of the data.  Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Milley blamed allegations of “wokeness” as the real issue causing recruiting and retention – concurrently with West Point being sued for left leaning admission policies.  Despite denials from Administration officials of the existence of wokeness, there is growing evidence that the U.S. Military is in a crisis and this can possibly translate into catastrophic consequences for the U.S. military in kinetic conflict with China.

 Negative Effect on U.S. Navy and Air Force Readiness

The Navy and Air Force are the lead services in deterring Chinese aggression and responding to hostility in the Western Pacific.  Woke policies have reduced readiness of the ships and aircraft as well as the combat effectiveness and morale of the Service Members.  The key metric describing readiness for U.S. Military units is what is known as “Operational Readiness” (OR) rates.  Things are not looking good in this area.  In a stunning admission, the Commandant of the Marine Corps revealed that the OR rate for the 31 Amphibious Vessels of the U.S. Navy was 32%.  That means of the 31 ships, only 9 were ready.  Each deployed Expeditionary Strike Group normally has three of these ships, so the rest of the amphibious ships (22) have various maintenance issues preventing them from deploying.  Not a good situation in anyway – this means only 9 of the 31 Amphibious ships are available for worldwide contingencies.  The USS Boxer, one of the large and valuable amphibious warfare ships will shortly and incredulously be out of service for a year and a half for maintenance issues.

The Air Force has similar issues.  The premier incoming fighter for the Air Force is the F-35A, the Air Force version of the Marine F-35B which unexplainedly ejected a pilot in 2023 after takeoff from Charleston Air Force Base in South Carolina.  The Air Force OR rate for the F-35A is 55% and repairs are slow.  This OR rate is falling, not climbing as more F-35s are introduced into service, an odd phenomena – OR rates should be climbing as more and more of the force becomes more familiar on how to keep these critical assets mission ready.

So how does wokeness play into these hard metrics?  A lot. There is a direct correlation between OR rates and training, cohesion, and lethality of frontline units.  When the Navy obsesses over terms to be more gender-inclusive, when the Air Force Academy promotes critical race theory over combat knowledge, when the Department of Defense embraces corrosive DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) training, these ideologies steal valuable time from focusing on the true mission of the Military, deterring conflict and if necessary winning.  General Milley was infamously curious about “White Rage”, he should have been just as curious on true causal factors of poor OR rates such as wokeness – which will directly lead to more American casualties and losses in possible conflict with China.

Unnecessary American Casualties

 In the Army War College Parameters Journal, an article come out that ignited a debate.  In the article, the authors identified casualties of 3,600 a day in future conflict, losses not seen since the American Civil War, and thus their intuitive conclusion:  Bring back the draft.  This paper purports to be interested in intellectual truth but avoided any possible correlation between the political indoctrination of wokeness and a poorly trained and led military that can lead to these high casualties.

An American aircraft carrier has approximately 5,000 Sailors on board between the ship’s crew and Air Wing.  If the carrier is going in harm’s way with fewer escort vessels and aircraft because of poor OR rates – this could lead to mass casualties and loss of life.  This is sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends, and loved ones unnecessarily put at risk because of the focus on DEI over military readiness.  The Arleigh Burke Destroyers – the most numerous combat vessel in the U.S. Navy, has been delivered for years with a vacant position for a much needed, Close In Weapons System to protect the ship from Chinese missiles.  It is intuitive that our ships need to have maximum protection in harm’s way, yet the Services prioritize wokism over making sure American ships are fully equipped.

Loss of Territory to Advancing Chinese Forces

 Although some American military leaders theorize wokeness is a strength – it only emboldens China.  The debacle of Afghan withdrawal was woke theater and communicated loss of resolve and strength by America.  The Joint Staff and the Central Command Staff were once the most brilliant military staffs in the world but have been overtaken by wokeness and have lost their military art form.  This is a green light for China to advance and seize territory.

A U.S. military hampered by wokeness could struggle to respond with decisive force before Chinese troops dig in with their gains.  Having to retake seized land would require bloody amphibious operations hindered further by fewer amphibious ships available due to low OR rates.  A highly trained and equipped military focused on readiness would be far better at deterring conflict with China.  Woke ideologies will cause severe human and strategic costs to America.

The post How “Wokeness” may impact a possible U.S.-China kinetic conflict appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.