GROSS: France’s Brigitte Macron and German President’s Wife Laugh During State Visit to Holocaust Memorial

GROSS: France’s Brigitte Macron and German President’s Wife Laugh During State Visit to Holocaust Memorial


Apparently, the state visit by French President Emmanuel Macron and his older wife Brigitte to Germany is going as ‘well’ as you would expect.

During a visit to the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin – no less – German press highlighted ‘moving words from French President Emmanuel Macron – and an irritating gesture from his wife’.

Read: Amid France Chaos, Brigitte Macron Is Trying To Meddle in Her Failed Husband Emmanuel’s Presidential Mandate: Report

Bild reported:

“On the second day of his state visit to Germany, Macron (46) and his wife Brigitte (71) laid a wreath at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, walked through the field of stelae and were guided through the museum beneath the memorial site. At his side: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (68) and his wife Elke Büdenbender (62).

There was a brief, irritating moment on the sidelines: After visiting the museum, Brigitte Macron and Elke Büdenbender were photographed laughing in the field of steles. The gesture also caused confusion abroad: ‘France’s First Lady (…) laughs at a joke together with the wife of the German President (…) at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin’, wrote the British Daily Mail.

What made the two First Ladies laugh in this situation? It’s unclear.”

Spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Relations, Zakharova blasted the French and German first ladies.

On their part, Russians are always ready and willing to exploit these unforced errors by their adversaries in the west.

Sputnik reported:

“Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova blasted Brigitte Macron and Elke Büdenbender’s inexplicable levity at the Holocaust memorial in Berlin.

The spokeswoman recalled that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also was amused when commenting on the [alleged by Russia] genocide of people in the Donbass by Ukraine.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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‘Transgender’ Teen Attempted to Perform Double Mastectomy on Herself After Watching YouTube Video

‘Transgender’ Teen Attempted to Perform Double Mastectomy on Herself After Watching YouTube Video


A “transgender” teenager in New Zealand has been hospitalized after attempting to perform a double mastectomy on herself after watching a YouTube video.

The biological female teenager has been identified publicly only as 18-year-old “Patient Z.”

A study on the incident was recently published in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

The Blaze reports:

According to a recent study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal, an 18-year-old biological female attempted to perform a mastectomy on her left breast. The self-surgery was done due to “significant psychological stress of having breasts at an upcoming pool party,” according to the journal.

The doctors in the study said the individual “demonstrated premeditation by watching a ‘how to’ video on YouTube, gathering the necessary equipment, marking the incision, and considering pain management and bleeding control.”

However, Patient Z quickly suffered “concerns” about the “self-attempted left mastectomy” and “sought medical attention several hours” through the “self-attempted left mastectomy due to concerns of damaging a nerve.”

The emergency doctors performed a “completion left mastectomy and symmetrizing right mastectomy.”

The study authors reported, “Gender dysphoria causes significant distress for transgender people. It is well documented that transgender people experience higher levels of discrimination, bullying, and violence compared to the general public.”

“Additionally, a study reviewed patients prior to gender-affirming surgery and identified a significant proportion of patients with undiagnosed anxiety and depression. While not all transgender people want gender-affirmation surgery, individuals that do should be able to access this service and express their authentic gender.”

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Libertarian Party Nominee Oliver Chase is a Radical Leftist, Supports Black Lives Matter, Drag Queen Story Hour and Big Tech Censorship

Libertarian Party Nominee Oliver Chase is a Radical Leftist, Supports Black Lives Matter, Drag Queen Story Hour and Big Tech Censorship


Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, is a woke leftist.

Oliver, a 38-year-old openly gay former Democrat, was chosen as the party’s nominee on Sunday evening after multiple rounds of voting.

According to Politico, he is “aligned with a more traditionalist faction of the Libertarian Party, the Classical Liberal Caucus,” and “defeated a more hard-line Mises Caucus candidate by less than 1 percent in the penultimate round of voting.”

However, it has since emerged that far from being a libertarian, he is an ultra-progressive who supports the Marxist terror group Black Lives Matter, drag queen story hours, open borders, and Big Tech censorship.

Evidence of Oliver’s views circulated around the X platform, including one post in which he celebrated Donald Trump’s banning from Twitter back in January 2021 and called for the invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

To top EVERYTHING else off, Libertarian party nominee Chase Oliver is also a BLM supporter who advocated for defunding the police.

It just gets better and better

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 27, 2024

Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver:

99% of drag queen story hours are fine for kids. If he had children, he says he’d bring them to one and leave them there.

“It’s just like the Wiggles”

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 27, 2024

Bye @realDonaldTrump glad you are banned.#SorryNotSorry #Accountability #25thAmendmentNow

— Chase Oliver (@ChaseForLiberty) January 8, 2021

The Libertarians just nominated Chase Oliver, who has PUBLICLY called for:

Transing children
Mask & Vax mandates
Men in women’s sports
Open borders

And that’s just what he’s been calling for under Biden

What a joke. This guy’s not getting anywhere CLOSE to 3%

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 27, 2024

A former sales and HR executive, Oliver was a relatively unknown figure until his unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate in Georgia in 2022, when he won just two per cent of the vote.

According to his website, Oliver describes him as a “champion of the rights of the individual against the growing power of the state,” having began “his political activism opposing the War in Iraq under George Bush, aligning with the Libertarian Party after an encounter at the Atlanta Pride Festival in 2010.”

There is only candidate libertarians should consider voting for and it is Donald J. Trump.

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ENDLESS ESCALATION: UK, Germany and the EU Float Military Conscription – Eleven European Countries Already Have Mandatory Service – Hungary’s Orbán Blasts the Idea

ENDLESS ESCALATION: UK, Germany and the EU Float Military Conscription – Eleven European Countries Already Have Mandatory Service – Hungary’s Orbán Blasts the Idea


All over Europe, we hear unrelenting calls for rearmament and military buildups.

And now, as the countries take stock of their own dwindling human resources for the military, many nations are turning to conscription as a solution.

In the UK, embattled PM Rishi Sunak, on the eve of an expected massive defeat at the polls by the opposition Labour, has said that twelve months of mandatory national service would be reintroduced by the Conservatives in the unlikely event that they win the general election.

BBC reported:

“Eighteen-year-olds would be able to apply for one of 30,000 full-time military placements or volunteering one weekend a month carrying out a community service.”

Sunak said that backing compulsory service would help foster the ‘national spirit’.

“The Conservatives want the first teenagers to take part in a pilot from September 2025, with details to be worked out by a Royal Commission. The armed forces placements would allow young people to learn about cyber security, logistics, procurement, or civil response operations.”

British troops.

Non-military volunteering would involve 25 days of work with organizations such as the fire service, the police and the National Health System.

“Mr. Sunak said: ‘This is a great country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world. I will bring in a new model of national service to create a shared sense of purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country’.”

Labour called the plans ‘desperate’ and ‘unfunded’.

“Labour said: ‘This is another desperate £2.5 billion unfunded commitment from a Tory Party which already crashed the economy, sending mortgages rocketing, and now they’re spoiling for more. This is not a plan – it’s a review which could cost billions and is only needed because the Tories hollowed out the armed forces to their smallest size since Napoleon’.”

The UK is of course not the only European country to debate conscription, with the war in Ukraine leading the continent to re-evaluate the policy.

Euronews reported:

“Tucked on Russia’s border via the small enclave of Kaliningrad, Lithuania recently began drafting reforms to its conscription system, which could see people living and studying abroad called up.

One option in the proposals is to enlist recruits voluntarily for one-month training sessions every summer for three years. They would in theory then be ready for battle.”

French troops.

France in 2019 launched a form of ‘soft conscription’, with young people offered voluntary civic service.

“One reason Europe is resorting to conscription – where men and women are typically legally obliged to fight – is that conventional recruitment drives aren’t working.”

And of course, Germany has joined the war bandwagon.

El Pais reported:

“Germany’s military rearmament, in addition to a representing a major financial outlay, also involves solving a pressing problem: the shortage of soldiers in the army. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has been discussing possible models to revive compulsory military service for some time and now more and more political figures, both from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the conservative CDU/CSU, are preparing the ground for what already looks like a probable reintroduction of conscription.”

Pistorius said that to abandon compulsory military service in 2011 was a mistake.

German soldier.

“’I am convinced that Germany needs a form of military conscription’, [Pistorius] said during a speech at Johns Hopkins University. For the Social Democrat, it is a necessary step to ‘ensure military stability’ at a time when the war in Ukraine threatens Europe’s security.

The German army, with a regular strength of 180,000 soldiers, has become too small. This is a reality that the government has been warning about for some time. The recent restructuring of the army to make it “war-ready” also involves increasing the number of troops. The government has calculated as a target a figure of at least 203,000 soldiers to ensure full defensive readiness. Added to this is the fact that 20,000 new soldiers a year are needed just to compensate for those who leave the service. Plans put in place in the past to reach a level of 203,000 personnel were unsuccessful. In addition, there are not enough reservists to meet requirements in the case of emergencies.”

The conscription plans are expected to be announced by June.

 “’It is important that we have an army that is effective and can fulfill its tasks. How exactly this can be guaranteed now and, in the future, will be discussed in the coming weeks and months’, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s spokesman Steffen Hebestreit. The obligation could then apply to some 600,000 Germans who reach adulthood each year.”

It’s unclear if Germany can muster the funds for these plans.

If all that was not concerning enough, the European People’s Party (EPP) leader Manfred Weber has now defended the idea of an Europe-wide ‘general conscription’ as a part of broader plan to create an EU Army, common missile defense shield, and a nuclear umbrella to “deter” Russia.

Hungary’s Orbán.

There aren’t many sane voices in Europe, but there is still Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán.

Sputnik reported:

“‘The idea of a compulsory European army is insane’, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban told the Patrióta YouTube channel on May 26, commenting on European People’s Party (EPP) President Manfred Weber’s proposal to introduce EU-wide conscription.

‘We don’t want someone else to decide where our young men are deployed’. Less than half of EU members have compulsory military services in place.

Eleven European countries have various types of compulsory military service: Austria, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Three of them – Austria, Switzerland and Cyprus – aren’t NATO member states while Switzerland is also not an EU nation.”

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SHOCK POLL: Trump Leads Biden by 19 Points in Polymarket Poll – A 21 Point Swing in ONE MONTH!

SHOCK POLL: Trump Leads Biden by 19 Points in Polymarket Poll – A 21 Point Swing in ONE MONTH!

 President Trump now leads Joe Biden 56% to 37% in the Polymarket Poll, up 21 points in one month.

President Trump took a commanding lead against Joe Biden in the latest Polymarket Poll. That’s a 21 point shift to Trump in just one month.

The Polymarket Poll currently has Trump’s likelihood of winning in 2024 at 56%. Trump is handily beating Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

.@Polymarket – Presidential Election Winner

April 18
Biden 45% (+2)
Trump 43%
May 27
Trump 56% (+19)
Biden 37%

Net 21 point swing towards Trump

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) May 27, 2024

President Trump is also leading Joe Biden in every swing state in the latest polling.

Trump is leading in:
North Carolina
Nevada, and

Interactive polls incoming:
Oh dang. Look at Arizona. My home state.

— Rochellemaryn ️ (@RochelleAz) May 1, 2024

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