Far-Left Reps. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar Mix Up Memorial Day With Veterans Day, Delete Tweets in Embarassment

Far-Left Reps. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar Mix Up Memorial Day With Veterans Day, Delete Tweets in Embarassment


Far-left Democratic Reps. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar made an another embarrassing gaffe by appearing to mix up Memorial Day with Veterans Day.

While the two Congresswomen put out messages marking the national holiday, they appeared to confuse Memorial Day, a day to honor fallen American soldiers, with Veterans Day, a day to honor everyone who has served in the military.

Omar posted on the X platform:

On #MemorialDay, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country.

We owe them more than our gratitude — they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.

Bush also posted:

This #MemorialDay & every day, we honor our veterans in St. Louis.

We must invest in universal health care, affordable housing, comprehensive mental health services, and educational & economic opportunities for our veterans as we work to build a world free of war and violence.

After people pointed out their mistakes, the pair then deleted their posts and replaced them with more appropriate wording.

Omar wrote:

On Memorial Day, let’s say thank you to the brave men and women who selflessly sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Thank you to the families who also have sacrificed and have dedicated their time to ensuring their loved ones are remembered.

On Memorial Day, let’s say thank you to the brave men and women who selflessly sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Thank you to the families who also have sacrificed and have dedicated their time to ensuring their loved ones are remembered.

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) May 27, 2024

Bush added:

This #MemorialDay, we honor those who served and lost their lives for our country, and we hold in our hearts the loved ones they’ve left behind. We must continue to push to protect our service members while working to build a world free of war and violence.

This #MemorialDay, we honor those who served and lost their lives for our country, and we hold in our hearts the loved ones they’ve left behind.

We must continue to push to protect our service members while working to build a world free of war and violence.

— Congresswoman Cori Bush (@RepCori) May 27, 2024

Unfortunately for these leftists, the internet never forgets.

The post Far-Left Reps. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar Mix Up Memorial Day With Veterans Day, Delete Tweets in Embarassment appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Jewish Author Delivers Blistering Response When Forced to Answer Where She Stands on “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” Before Scheduled Speaking Event

Jewish Author Delivers Blistering Response When Forced to Answer Where She Stands on “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” Before Scheduled Speaking Event

 Author Dina Rubina

Russian Israeli author Dina Rubina was scheduled for an event to discuss her books at Pushkin House in London in collaboration with the University of London.

Before she was “allowed” to speak, however,  event moderator Nataliya Rulyova demanded she clarify “her position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” saying other invited participants needed to “understand your position on this issue before responding.”

Here is the note Rubina received from Rulyova:

Hello, Dina!
The Pushkin House announced our upcoming conference on social media and immediately received critical messages regarding your position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They wanted to understand your position on this issue before responding. Could you formulate your position and send it to me as soon as possible?
— Natasha

Here is Dina’s blistering response to the ridiculous request.

Dear Natalia!
You’ve written beautifully about my novels, and I’m so sorry for the time you’ve wasted, because apparently we have to cancel our meeting.

The universities of Warsaw and Torun have just canceled lectures by the wonderful Russian-speaking Israeli writer Yakov Shechter on the life of Galicia’s Jews in the 17th and 19th centuries “to avoid making the situation worse.” I suspected that this would affect me too, since academia is now the main breeding ground for the most disgusting and virulent anti-Semitism, disguised as so-called “criticism of Israel.” I was expecting something like this, and I even decided to write you an email about it… but I put it aside. It’s time for me to publish it.

This is what I want to say to all those who expect from me a quick and obsequious report on my position regarding my beloved country, which currently lives (and always has) surrounded by ferocious enemies who seek to destroy it . My country which is waging a just war today against a rabid, ruthless, deceptive and cunning enemy. The last time I apologized was in elementary school, in the principal’s office, I was 9 years old. Since then, I have been doing what I think is right, listening only to my conscience and expressing exclusively my understanding of the world order and human laws of justice.

Natalia, thank you for your efforts, and I personally ask you to send my answer to all those who are wondering.

On October 7, Saturday, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, well-prepared and well-equipped Hamas terrorist regime of Iran, Hamas, which rules in the Gaza enclave (which Israel left around twenty years ago), attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim and bombarded my country with tens of thousands of rockets. Hamas has committed atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities that rival the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah. Atrocities filmed by the way, by GoPro cameras, the murderers having taken the horror to the point of sending the images to their families or on social networks in real time.

For hours, thousands of happy, blood-drunk beasts raped women, children and men, shooting their victims in the crotch and heads, cutting off the women’s breasts and playing football with them, cutting off the babies from the wombs of pregnant women and immediately decapitating them, tying up and burning the small children. There were so many charred bodies that, for many weeks, forensic pathologists could not cope with the enormous workload of identifying individuals.

A friend of mine, who worked in the emergency room of a New York hospital for 20 years, then in Israel for 15 years, was one of the first to arrive in the kibbutzim, as part of a team of rescuers and of doctors. She still hasn’t been able to sleep since.

While she is an emergency specialist, accustomed to dissected bodies and corpses, she fainted when she saw the macabre sight and vomited all the way back in the car. Among the Hamas militants, Palestinian civilians rushed in, participating in pogroms of unprecedented scale, pillaging, killing, dragging everything they could get their hands on. Among these “Palestinian civilians” were 450 members of this highly regarded organization UNRWA (United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).

Judging by the utter joy of the population (also captured by thousands of mobile cameras), Hamas is supported by almost the entire population of Gaza. But the essential is there for us: More than two hundred Israelis, including women, children, the elderly and foreign workers, were dragged into the beast’s den. A hundred of them are still rotting and dying in Hamas dungeons.

It goes without saying that these victims, who continue to be mocked, are of little concern to the “academic community”. But that’s not what I’m talking about right now. I am not writing this so that anyone will sympathize with the tragedy of my people.

During all these years, while the international community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip) — UNRWA’s annual budget alone is equivalent to a billion dollars! — During all these years, Hamas used this money to build an empire with a complex system of underground tunnels, stockpile weapons, teach schoolchildren from primary school to disassemble and assemble Kalashnikov assault rifles, print textbooks in which hatred of Israel is indescribable, in which even math problems look like this calling for the murder of Jews with every word:

There were ten Jews, the shahid killed four, how many are left?

And now, when finally shocked by the monstrous crime of these bastards, Israel is waging a war of annihilation against the Hamas terrorists who so carefully prepared this war, who placed thousands of shells in all the hospitals, the schools, kindergartens…

The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, nor the massacre in Somalia, nor the mistreatment inflicted on the Uighurs, nor the millions of Kurds persecuted by the Turkish regime for decades, this very worried community, which wears “arafatkas” [keffiyehs], the trademark of murderers, around their necks at rallies under the slogan “Liberate Palestine from the river to the sea”, which means the total destruction of Israel (and Israelis). “Academics”, as polls show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where certain borders are located.

And it is this same public which asks me “to express a position clear on the issue”. Are you really serious!

As you know, I have been a professional writer for over 50 years. My novels have been translated into 40 languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto, and many more.

Now, with great pleasure, without choosing my expressions too much, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send to all the brainless “intellectuals” who are interested in my position to go fuck themselves.
— Dina Rubina

The post Jewish Author Delivers Blistering Response When Forced to Answer Where She Stands on “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” Before Scheduled Speaking Event appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


As Precious Metals Skyrocket, a Faith-Driven Gold Company Is Fixing the Broken Retirement Industry

As Precious Metals Skyrocket, a Faith-Driven Gold Company Is Fixing the Broken Retirement Industry


Note: The information provided here or in any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice. Gateway Pundit benefits from purchases made through our sponsors.

There’s a dirty little secret in the world of retirement savings that is affecting hundreds of thousands of Americans. With precious metals prices setting records and analysts pushing projections far higher, many if not most companies who service gold IRAs are using nefarious means to take large chunks of Americans’ life’s savings.

“It’s downright scandalous, but unfortunately it’s not illegal,” said Jonathan Rose, CEO of Genesis Gold Group. “We launched our company because we witnessed fellow Americans being taken advantage of by far too many in this industry.”

Rose was referring to the common practice of hiding greatly inflated margins in the gold IRA products on the market today, products that are becoming increasingly popular thanks to the spikes in precious metals prices.

The team at Genesis Gold Group also found that arguably the most enticing marketing ploy being used is actually a disingenuous one. Companies often offer thousand of dollars in “free” silver when in reality the cost of that silver is simply worked into the price of the metals being purchased by the customer.

“We’re trying to fix this industry by educating Americans about the risks they face, but it isn’t easy because there’s a lot of firepower behind ‘Big Gold’ and their paid promoters,” Rose continued. “We are finding faithful, America-loving people to represent us because they believe in our mission, not because of a fat paycheck.”

The inflated margins being charged to Americans by “Big Gold” allow them to pay huge commissions to popular conservative icons. There have been exposés published by corporate media, but they rarely get many eyeballs because the topic is dry.

As a faith-driven company, Genesis Gold Group does not offer “free” silver, nor do they use high-pressure sales tactics. Their focus is on educating Americans about their retirement options.

According to Pastor David Holland, Director of Philanthropy for Genesis Gold Group, showing people the benefits of protecting their life’s savings faithfully is a worthwhile cause.

“As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I firmly believe good stewardship of a believer’s resources is important and a foundation for a close walk with Him,” Holland said. “It is not difficult to see, based on the lack of biblical values in both our government and financial system, that we are swiftly heading into unstable times.”

Request a free, definitive gold guide from Genesis Gold Group to learn how precious metals can fit into your retirement savings plan.

The post As Precious Metals Skyrocket, a Faith-Driven Gold Company Is Fixing the Broken Retirement Industry appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

 Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL)

Several Veterans recently spoke with Fox News to share how the Veterans Affairs medical facility in West Palm Beach, Florida, is taking away access to the community providers they are forced to find because the VA is unable to meet veteran needs.

Michael Cohen, a 22-year veteran of the United States Air Force, sought help for emotional challenges resulting from his service.  Cohen told Fox that for years, he tried to see Cohen multiple VA therapists, but they could not see him on a regular basis.  He opted to seek out-of-pocket private treatment through the VA’s community care — a program designed for eligible veterans to receive care from a community provider when the VA cannot provide the care needed.

But now, the West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System is no longer approving their requests for community care and cutting off those who have served our nation from their longtime mental health providers.

Fox News reports:

Jessica Carillo, a former Air Force staff sergeant, receives primary care through the West Palm Beach VA.

“I got laid off last year in September, and I have not been able to pay for my psychiatrist that I used to pay out of pocket,” she told Fox News Digital. She said community care helped pay for her therapy, but the VA cut her off in January.

“I was in the middle of a big, big, big session. We just discovered some major things. And then, they left me in limbo,” Carillo said.

The facility falls in Congressman Brian Mast’s district (R-FL). Mast,  a former Army bomb technician who lost both his legs and a finger in Afghanistan, said his office has been contacted by over 70 veterans, their relatives, and their mental health providers to raise concerns about the potentially devasting consequences of the VA’s decision.

“They are now being told, listen, everybody that you were seeing outside for your mental health care, you can’t do that anymore. You now have to come internal to the West Palm Beach VA hospital and get your mental health care there,” Mast said.

Community care was made permanent when President Trump signed the VA Mission Act in 2018.

On May 13, 2024, Mast wrote the following letter to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Denis McDonough, the Network Director of VA Sunshine Healthcare Network, David Isaacks,  to express his concerns and demand answers.

Secretary McDonough,

I am writing to you because I am concerned about the mental health of our veterans. In recent months, my office has been inundated with calls and emails from veterans upset about being denied access to their current community mental health physicians.

Veterans are reporting that the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center is refusing to authorize their requests to continue community-based care. In particular, veterans say the West Palm Beach VAMC will no longer cover referrals to outside mental health care providers.

This is a departure from a long-standing practice. For years, the Department of Veterans Affairs has allowed veterans to receive outside care because of an inability to retain adequate mental health professionals. This flexibility allowed veterans to escape the poor experiences they previously had within the VA’s network, including frequent last-minute cancellations for appointments to high-turnover rates among mental health staff.

Despite that troubling record, my office is now hearing that veterans are being denied·access to their preferred mental health care providers. As of January, we’ve been contacted by over 70 veterans, relatives, and mental health providers about this matter.

As a veteran who lost his legs in Afghanistan, this is extremely troubling to hear from my brothers and sisters in uniform. Like any individual, veterans do not want to lose access to their doctors, especially after having built trust and personal relationships over years of treatment. In the case of veterans battling post-traumatic stress, these disruptions could have irreparable damage and cause them to relapse.

It takes time for any individual, not just a veteran, to feel comfortable enough with a mental health provider to discuss their traumas and afflictions. By forcing these veterans away from their current providers against their wishes, the WPS VAMC would make veterans relive events and situations that have left them with deep wounds. This is not a risk we can afford to take given that the suicide rate among veterans remains unacceptably high and is on the rise.

I believe that veterans deserve the flexibility to choose from who and where they receive their mental health services. Veterans want to go where they are valued and respected. Unfortunately, the West Palm Beach VAMC, due to high turnover and inferior service, has not shown in the past that this is something it can provide.

The brave men and women who put on this country’s uniform should get the care they earned and deserve. I ask that you answer the following questions:

1. Why has the West Palm Beach VAMC begun denying veterans access to their outside mental health providers?

2. ls the recent surge in community care authorization refusals due to a change in policy within the VA?

3. If a veteran desires to remain with a community-care mental health provider, and their community provider supports continued treatment, will the VA honor that request?

4. In light of the documented shortage of mental health professionals within the VA system,
why does the department continue to restrict veterans’ access to community-based care where such professionals are more readily available?

5. How does the VA justify its denial of community-based mental health care to veterans, especially when it often results in prolonged wait times and exacerbation of their mental health conditions?

6. How does the VA reconcile its obligation to provide timely, effective, and comprehensive mental health care to veterans with its ongoing refusal to fully utilize community-based resources, which are often more accessible and responsive to veterans’ needs?

7. What steps is the VA taking to ensure that veterans who are unable to access timely mental health care within the VA system are promptly referred to and supported in obtaining care from community providers?

8. Given the growing recognition of the importance of holistic, community-integrated approaches to mental health care, why does the VA persist in maintaining policies that limit veterans’ access to the full spectrum of available resources, including community­ based services?

Please respond by May 20, 2024.

You can view the letter below:


Watch the latest video at foxnews.com

The post Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Joe Biden Makes Surprise Late-Night Visit to Hallie Biden – A Witness in Hunter’s Gun Case – 8 Days Before Trial

Joe Biden Makes Surprise Late-Night Visit to Hallie Biden – A Witness in Hunter’s Gun Case – 8 Days Before Trial


Joe Biden made a surprise late-night visit to Hallie Biden, a witness in Hunter Biden’s gun case just 8 days before the trial is set to begin.

Recall that Hunter Biden ‘dated’ his dead brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden.

Hunter Biden will go on trial for his felony gun charges filed in Delaware on June 3.

Joe Biden’s spox Andrew Bates told the New York Post that Biden visited Hallie because of the approaching anniversary of his son Beau’s death.

Bates claimed Joe Biden did not discuss Hunter’s gun trial with Hallie.

Excerpt from the New York Post:

President Biden made a surprise nighttime visit to the Delaware home of Hallie Biden on Sunday — just before she’s due to serve as one of the most important witnesses at first son Hunter Biden’s federal trial for alleged gun crimes.

Biden stopped by Hallie’s home around 8 p.m. for a brief private talk eight days before the 54-year-old first son’s trial is scheduled to stand trial beginning June 3.

Hallie dated Hunter at the time of his alleged gun crimes and is one of a dozen expected witnesses.

Although many commentators noted the awkward optics due to the looming trial, the visit came four days before the anniversary of Beau’s death.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates told The Post that the president didn’t discuss the trial with Hallie Biden during the visit.

“No,” he replied. “He visited her because of the approaching 9th anniversary of Beau’s passing.”

In September Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.

“Two of the counts carry a maximum prison sentence of 10 years, while the third has a maximum of five years,” NBC News reported.

Hunter pleaded not guilty to all three felony gun charges in October.

If convicted on the tax-related charges, Hunter Biden faces up to 17 years in prison.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in October 2020 that Hunter’s then-lover and deceased brother’s widow Hallie Biden tossed the gun in the trash.  Hunter admitted this in an online conversation with his family when they accused him of inappropriate conduct in front of a child.

TGP published additional text messages from Hunter Biden that were devastating.

In a long text that Hunter sent to a family friend, Hunter exposed all that was going on with him and his family.

Hunter shared that his dead brother’s wife, Hallie Biden, threw his gun away and the police, FBI and Secret Service got involved.  Hallie claimed she did this because she was afraid Hunter would harm himself or the kids!

Hallie Biden has not been charged.

Below is the text:

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