Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections


Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron loves to play emperor ‘but his empire looks like it’s falling apart’, according to a British magazine.

Before he engaged in the state visit to Germany – the first by a French President since the year 2000, Macron visited some of his troubled territories in the Indic Ocean and South Pacific.

We feel like calling them colonies, but France calls them ‘departments’, parts of a Republic that is ‘indivisible’. Yeah, right.

It probably takes another post-colonial nation like Britain to understand how ‘Macron indulges a fantasy that its remote colonies are really just part of France itself’.

The first Macron visit was to racked-with-riots Mayotte, now flooded with African refugees hated by the locals.

The Spectator reported:

“Few French people could find Mayotte on a map and its economic contribution to the country is negative. Other than conceit, it’s incomprehensible why France insists on keeping its tricolor flying here. Like much of la France d’outre mer, it’s a bottomless pit into which the French pour subsidies for benefits that seem minimal.”

After the usual colonial promises, Macron took the presidential plane to New Caledonia, where eight people, including two gendarmes, have been killed in ethnic riots this month – and where there’s a growing independence movement.

“With the territory said by some to be on the verge of civil war, the French have been forced to deploy soldiers to defend the port, airport and government buildings. Businesses have been destroyed by arson. Macron arrived on Thursday morning and declared he was there to open a dialogue.”

Macron condemned the ‘absolutely unprecedented insurrection movement’ and said that the authorities ‘have to hold on. There is no appeasement as long as there is this violence’.

Australia and New Zealand are evacuating their nationals.

“A tour d’horizon of France’s global colonies (although we must not call them that) shows the indivisible republic melting down across the globe. French Polynesia, another French Pacific territory within the republic, is in continuous political turmoil with demands for independence. In the Caribbean, Guadaloupe and Martinique are regularly seized by riots.”

In South America, French Guiana is a centre for drug smuggling and environmental disasters due to illegal mining.

“Macron and his predecessors have presided not only over the troubled French de jure empire but also over the collapse of its de facto empire in Africa, where France’s failed military intervention has seen former French colonies turn their back on the motherland.  La Franceafrique has become a crucible for militant Islamism, from Mali to Niger to the Côte d’Ivoire.

[…] Haiti, now under the control of gangsters, is yet another failed former French colony, with a legacy of brutal slavery, re-imposed by Napoleon III after the failed revolution of Toussaint Louverture.”

Slowing economy, mass migration, end of the ‘welfare state’ – and the Right Wing poised for big gains in the June EU election.

The end of what’s left of the French empire is happening before our eyes, so the Republic must redefine itself as an European nation.

And for that, the ties with its former foe and now rival-ally Germany have to be restored.

Macron’s three-day trip meant to showcase (and try to mend) the strong ties between the European Union’s traditional powerhouses.

This is particularly urgent since we are mere days away from an all-important European Parliament elections – one in which rightwing parties in both countries are set for big gains.

Associated Press reported:

“While Macron is a frequent visitor to Germany as Paris and Berlin try to coordinate their positions on EU and foreign policy, this is the first state visit with full pomp since Jacques Chirac came in 2000. Macron and his wife, Brigitte, are being hosted by Germany’s largely ceremonial president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

It is ‘proof of the depth of the friendship between France and Germany’ that Macron is visiting as Germany celebrates the 75th anniversary of its post-World War II constitution and before it marks the 35th anniversary in November of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Steinmeier said.”

Germans held a state banquet for Macron at Bellevue palace in Berlin on Sunday evening before the two presidents travelled today to the eastern city of Dresden.

On Tuesday there’ll be a meeting between Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and ministers from both countries at a government guest house outside Berlin.

Germany and France, the motor of European integration, have been plagued with differences in policy and emphasis between the two neighbors on multiple issues.

“That was evident earlier this year in different positions on whether Western countries should rule out sending ground troops to Ukraine. Both nations are strong backers of Kiev.

Macron on Sunday said there has frequently been talk of problems in Franco-German relations over the decades, but ‘France and Germany together have accomplished extraordinary things — they have been at the heart of this Europe’. He contrasted that with the countries’ history of war against each other until 1945.

He renewed a warning that Europe could ‘die’ if it fails to build its own robust defense as Russia’s war in Ukraine rages on, or if it fails to undertake major trade and economic reforms to compete with China and the U.S.”

After all the fear mongering and warmongering, it’s very ironic that after Macron said that ‘fear of a changing world’ is feeding a rise of the far-right in Europe, he will be awarded the ‘Westphalia Prize’, a private sector award which ‘recognizes individuals or institutions for their efforts toward sustained peace’.

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

The post Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Top Libertarian endorses Trump after party nominates ‘gay race communist for president’ @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸…


Top Libertarian endorses Trump after party nominates ‘gay race communist for president’

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸

The Post Millennial
Top Libertarian endorses Trump after party nominates ‘gay race communist for president’

“Yesterday, I held up this sign calling Donald Trump supporters socialists. Tonight, the Libertarian Party nominated a gay race communist for president.”


Joe and Hunter Biden Used Visit to Sandy Hook Memorial Service to Set Up Secret Meeting with Communist Chinese over $10 Million a Year Deal

Joe and Hunter Biden Used Visit to Sandy Hook Memorial Service to Set Up Secret Meeting with Communist Chinese over $10 Million a Year Deal


Just when you thought you had heard the worst of this crime family new text messages reveal the feral dogs were plotting Chinese deals to coincide with their trip to the Sandy Hook Memorial.

A new traunche of documents released by Congress reveal crackhead son Hunter Biden texted Communist Chinese business partners to arrange a meeting with Joe while they were attending a Sandy Hook Memorial Ceremony.

Cristina Laila reported on this communication earlier – Now we know Joe and Hunter were using Sandy Hook as a decoy to meet with a Chinese business leader.

Hunter Biden proposed a meeting with Yadong Liu, CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings while Hunter and his dad were in Sandy Hook.

Hunter Biden: “Can you meet this evening early? My father will be in New York also and he wants me to attend the Sandy Hook memorial service with him and I would like him to meet you along with my uncle and then you and I can talk let me know if that works. I’m sorry for the late notice I got off the red eye in Baltimore from LA and take a little nap before I got his message”

Yadong Liu: “No problem. Pls let me know here and when to meet. Thanks.

The Daily Mail reported:

Hunter Biden used Joe Biden’s appearance at a Sandy Hook memorial service to arrange a meeting between his dad and his Chinese business partners, new texts reveal.

The messages come from a fresh tranche of documents released by Congress on Wednesday, given to them by IRS agents who investigated the First Son.

On December 12, 2017 Hunter wrote on the Chinese messaging app WeChat to Liu Yadong, a top executive at Chinese oil giant CEFC, to arrange a meeting with his father.

‘Can you meet this evening early,’ Hunter wrote. ‘My father will be in New York also and he wants me to attend the Sandyhook memorial service with him and I would like him to meet you along with my uncle [Jim Biden] and then you and I can talk let me know if that works.’

‘No problem,’ Yadong replied. ‘Pls let me know where and when to meet.’

Joe Biden earlier traveled to Ireland to meet with the CEO of CEFC while meeting with Irish leaders.

The Gateway Pundit’s Brian Lupo reported this back in April 2023.

In March 2022, the Washington Post published an article titled “Inside Hunter Biden’s Multimillion-dollar Deals with a Chinese Energy Company.”  The article, surprisingly, was a fair assessment of the evidence that has recently been unearthed from emails contained in Hunter’s now-infamous laptop.

The WaPo article mentions the Chinese Energy conglomerate, CEFC, paying entities controlled by Hunter and his uncle, James Biden, $4.8 million over the course of 14 months.

They mention Hunter adding the names “The Biden Foundation and Hudson West (CEFC-US)” to the office space leased by Hunter’s company, Rosemont Seneca, at the House of Sweden in Washington DC.  Hunter also requested keys be made for Gongwen Dong (Chairman Ye CEFC emissary) and Joe, Jill and Jim Biden.

The article even references tense email exchanges between Hunter and his landlords regarding Hunter violating office policies by bringing visitors in through the side entrance and skipping the sign-in policy of the office building.  Hunter, of course, cried “racism” after explaining one of the “visitors” was a homeless woman that “he could vouch for”.  Another side door visitor was reportedly Lunden Roberts, who would later prove she is the mother to his out-of-wedlock child.

In September 2017, Joe Biden traveled to Ireland as a civilian.  According to the following emails obtained by MarcoPolo, Joe left on September 11, 2017 on American Airlines Flight 776.  Hunter, James, and Jamie Biden would also be on that very same flight, although their itinerary was sent in a separate email.

On August 21, 2017, prior to their planned departure for Ireland, former assistant to the Vice President (VP) Kathy Chung sent an email titled “Memo on Ireland FP Options” to “Jimmy Biden” and “Hunter Biden”.  In it, she stated:

VP asked me to send this to you.  He will choose which meetings he’d like to do while in Ireland.  Thanks.

This was in response to an email to Chung from William Russo, the Director of Public Engagement at the Penn Biden Center where Russo said:

As promised, here’s our action memo for VP on foreign policy engagements in Ireland.  Let me know if you need anything else from us on this for now.

That’s odd that former VP Biden would be traveling to Ireland for “foreign policy engagements” during the subsequent administration.  It’s doubtful he was working on behalf of the Trump Administration.  Did the foreigners he was meeting with regarding “foreign policy” register as foreign agents in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act?

On September 13, 2017, after the the Biden team arrived in Ireland, an email was sent by Mervyn Yan, a former high ranking official with the CEFC, to Jim, Hunter, and Sara Biden as well as Gongwen Dong.  The email read:

Sara and Hunter,
Because of the sensitivity of the discussion and the participants this afternoon, we booked an off site meeting room in Four Seasons 11th floor instead of using our office, don’t want anyone to overhear.
Please inform the Trade Group folks, see you guys at 2:30pm.

While Joe Biden himself was not included in any of the emails, it seems unlikely that he wouldn’t be aware of a meeting with a Chinese energy firm involving his family and a sensitive discussion with sensitive participants.

Rosneft’s market capitalization stands at $57 billion and the deal makes it one of the largest investments ever made by China into Russia.

The deal would eventually collapse a year later in 2018 after CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming was put under investigation for corruption charges by Chinese authorities.

On September 9th, 2017, the day after Reuters published the pending deal between Rosneft and the CEFC, Hunter emailed his travel agent telling him the travel to Ireland was coming up “sooner than I thought” and asked what were the options to fly “On Monday (the 11th).”

In a follow-up email from Hunter, as cited above, we learned that he believed Joe had already purchased the airline tickets for “the gym (sic) Biden’s” and that they were non-refundable.

This trip to Ireland is very concerning: the former Vice President’s son meeting with a Chinese energy conglomerate regarding a potential deal with the Russians.  How much influence did Hunter, Jim, and/or Joe have regarding a deal that would strengthen the relationship of our two greatest adversaries had it not fallen through?  And what is the price tag to negotiate a deal that would weaken the country Joe swore to defend?  $4.8 million?

Hat Tip Jon Herold & Marco Polo


This is not the 1st time Hunter went with Joe to Ireland. Hunter and Jim went with Joe back in 2017.

While there, Hunter & Jim met with members of the CEFC group “off site” due to the “sensitivity of the discussion and participants.”

Was Joe at the meeting?


— Jon Herold (@patel_patriot) April 13, 2023




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Hobbs’ Veto of China’s Organ-Harvesting Bill Spurs Questions

Hobbs’ Veto of China’s Organ-Harvesting Bill Spurs Questions

 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs/Image: InternationalTradeAdministration, Wikimedia Commons

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Susan Crabtree
Real Clear Wire

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs has remained mum about her recent veto of legislation aimed at curbing China’s gruesome forced organ-harvesting trade, which targets detained ethnic and religious minorities, mostly Uyghur Muslims, Tibetans, Christians, and Falun Gong practitioners.

The April 10 veto has proponents of the legislation and human rights activists scratching their heads. Over the last year, Texas, Utah, and Idaho have enacted similar legislation, and legislatures in Missouri, Ohio, and North Carolina are debating similar measures. The bipartisan bills would prevent health insurance plans from reimbursing individuals for any organ transplants in China or other U.S. adversaries. They also would bar insurance payments for post-operative procedures related to organ transplants if the organ came from China or any other nation that funds or engages in forced organ harvesting.

Idaho’s and Arizona’s versions also included language prohibiting medical reimbursement for DNA and other genetic sequencing procedures conducted on sequencing devices from China and other adversary countries.

For decades, China has harvested prisoners’ organs even though the government initially asserted that all of its organ extractions were from voluntary donors. Yet, as far back as 2005, the top transplant doctor in China, then serving as the nation’s vice minister of health, admitted that roughly 95% of all organ transplants come from prisoners killed for their body parts.

Despite an international outcry over this practice, China ramped up its organ harvesting trade over the last two decades to become a $1 billion-a-year industry, according to international human rights experts. A growing body of research has revealed a particularly reprehensible aspect of the life-ending extractions: Religious minorities and political dissidents are the primary victims, with an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 being killed for their organs each year.

Other research has shown that Chinese authorities have used DNA tests on prisoners in forced labor camps to identify which prisoners would be ideal for organ harvesting.

China has vehemently denied these findings, but in 2019, the China Tribunal, a non-governmental commission in the U.K., concluded otherwise. The Tribunal found that the Chinese organ trafficking industry is harvesting organs from executed prisoners at an industrial scale, actions that constitute crimes against humanity.

Katrina Lantos Swett, president of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and co-chair of the annual International Religious Freedom Summit, hailed the passage of the state measures aimed at prohibiting any U.S. complicity in China’s organ-harvesting trade, calling the steps “greatly encouraging.”

“For years, we have known that China is engaged in the despicable and ghoulish practice of forced organ harvesting. We also know that the victims of this crime are most often religious minorities and political dissidents,” she said in a statement. “Sadly, the beneficiaries are usually wealthy patients who may not know the details of this illegal practice. Still, their ignorance does not excuse them from being complicit in this crime against humanity.

“I commend the states that are acting to cut off any healthcare funding for this barbaric practice,” she added. “The demand from wealthy westerners for healthy organs cannot justify, and must never encourage, the brutal harvesting of organs from helpless victims in China and elsewhere.”

In issuing her veto, Katie Hobbs provided a three-line explanation, arguing that the measure “includes overbroad provisions for genetic sequencing equipment that create compliance challenges for hospitals, healthcare providers, and researchers.”

But the bill’s sponsors included language to accommodate concerns from the insurance industry that it would be punished for unwittingly breaking the law. Michael Lucci of State Armor Action, an organization that is spearheading the state-by-state legislative push to curb China’s organ-harvesting trade, said that neither Hobbs nor her staff engaged with him or other proponents to voice concerns while the measure was making its way through the Arizona legislature.

“Gov. Hobbs’ veto of HB2503 is shameful,” Lucci told RealClearPolitics. “Gov. Hobbs speaks of championing women’s medical rights and medical privacy. Yet her veto … undermines all that rhetoric.”

“Arizonans will continue to have DNA harvested by China’s government, and Arizona has failed in a state’s basic duty to stand up against the murderous practice of foreign organ harvesting,” he added.

Hobbs’ office did not respond to repeated RCP inquiries. While China’s transplant practices have spurred international condemnation for its organ “tourism trade,” there is no clear paper trail to determine whether U.S. insurance companies have reimbursed residents for any costs involving transplants performed in China or other countries. Proponents designed the bill to guard against any reimbursements and also to bar coverage for any post-operative care associated with organ transplants that occurred in China or other U.S. adversaries.

“We should make clear that when Americans interact with China’s communist government, what seems too good to be true is too good to be true,” Lucci told RCP. “China’s low costs are built on slave labor, and organ transplants come from political prisoners.”

“In other words, if you get an organ transplant from China, you are on your own,” Lucci told RCP. “You have to pay for the transplant and all follow-up care associated with the transplant.”

In recent years, efforts to curb China’s organ-harvesting practices have increased at the federal level. Last year, the House passed GOP Rep. Chris Smith’s Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act, which would impose sanctions on any person who sponsors or facilitates forced organ harvesting or the trafficking of persons for the purpose of removing their organs. It would also require U.S. federal agencies to issue annual reports assessing the practice in China and other foreign adversaries.

Congress is also taking action against Beijing Genomics Institute, or BGI, which is already under U.S. export control restrictions, and Wuxi AppTec for their role in illegally collecting Americans’ and others’ genetic material and for its tracking of ethnic minorities in the Xinjiang region of China where the Chinese Communist Party is committing genocide against the Uyghur people. BGI, a company that developed its DNA technology with China’s military, has faced international condemnation for harvesting data from millions of pregnant women in the U.S. and around the world.

In Europe, BGI used a pre-natal test to collect genetic data on more than 8 million pregnant women without notifying them that their data was going to the Chinese government. The Chinese military would later use this data to conduct research, according to the House Select Committee on China.

U.S. security agencies are concerned that the enormous bank of genetic information could help China dominate pharmaceuticals and also potentially lead to engineered pathogens targeting the U.S. and other foreign populations and their food supplies.

BGI has faced several U.S. lawsuits over the theft of U.S. intellectual property. Wuxi AppTec, which has also been accused of stealing U.S. technology, has sponsored events with China’s military and jointly operated genetic collection sites with China’s military. Wuxi AppTec makes over 60% of its revenue from the U.S. market.

In mid-May, a bipartisan group of House members, including Reps. John Moolenaar, a Michigan Republican, Raja Krishnamoorthi, an Illinois Democrat, and Rep. Grad Wenstrump, an Ohio Republican, praised the Oversight Committee’s passage of the Biosecure Act, which is aimed at curbing these Chinese companies’ U.S. operations.

“The United States will not sit idly by as the CCP steals our genetic data,” the trio said in a statement. “We are proud to lead the Biosecure Act and look forward to working with House leadership to get this bill on the floor as soon as possible.”

The measure would prohibit medical reimbursement for genetic sequencing procedures conducted by China or another foreign adversary and bar any U.S. federal agency from obtaining any biotechnology equipment or service by BGI and Wuxi AppTec or any other “biotechnology company of concern.” It also directs the Office of Management and Budget to publish a list of entities constituting biotechnology companies of concern in coordination with secretaries of Health and Human Services, Commerce, the State Department, Homeland Security, and the director of National Intelligence.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.
Susan Crabtree is RealClearPolitics’ national political correspondent.

The post Hobbs’ Veto of China’s Organ-Harvesting Bill Spurs Questions appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.