(VIDEO) Leftists Call for Justice Alito to Recuse Himself or be Disqualified From ALL J6 Cases and 2020 Election Cases Over Upside Down American Flag After 2020 Election

(VIDEO) Leftists Call for Justice Alito to Recuse Himself or be Disqualified From ALL J6 Cases and 2020 Election Cases Over Upside Down American Flag After 2020 Election

 Credit: New York Times/Getty Images

Leftist politicians and groups are calling for Conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself over an upside-down flag that was flown over his home.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an upside-down American flag at his Alexandria, Virginia home after the fraudulent 2020 presidential election.

According to detailed reports by far-left The New York Times, photographs and eyewitness accounts from neighbors confirm that Justice Alito’s home displayed the inverted flag on January 17, 2021—just days after the January 6 Capitol event and shortly before Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Justice Alito, in a statement to The New York Times, denied any personal involvement with the flag’s flying, attributing it to his wife, Martha-Ann Alito.

According to Alito, the flag was a reaction to “F*ck Trump” yard signs posted by neighbors and verbal attacks toward his wife rather than a political statement.

The Gateway Pundit further reported that after nasty leftist neighbors bombarded her with harassment and vulgar language and called her a “c*nt,” Mrs. Alito was so distraught that she hung the flag upside down for a short time.

Now, the leftists are upset and want Alito recused from any case that relates to January 6 and Trump, claiming that he violated the code of conduct. In reality, they just don’t want a conservative justice overseeing these cases and will do anything to get rid of him.

This also comes as SCOTUS recently signaled that they may consider for the first time granting Russell Alford, one of the few J6 defendants to refuse a plea deal, his petition for writ of certiorari, a move that only happens for roughly 1% of cases brought to SCOTUS.

As The Gateway Pundit reported today, in an appalling violation of the code of ethics, one sitting federal judge wrote a political hit piece in the New York Times publicly attacking conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. Judge Walton, a Bush appointee, previously spoke with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about threats he has received after he called Trump a “charlatan” and rendered excessive punishment to J6 defendants. Walton, a SITTING JUDGE, also weighed in on Trump’s statements defending himself against Judge Merchan, his conflicted daughter Loren Merchan, and the latest gag order. These people are total hypocrites.

Sitting Federal Judge in Massachusetts Appointed by Bill Clinton Writes Political Hit Piece on Justice Alito

Congresswoman Madeleine Dean (D-PA) took to the House Floor last week to express how “sickened” she was and called the act “disrespectful.” Meanwhile, this woman comes from the same party that encourages American flag burning and kneeling during the National Anthem. She further claimed, “Justice Alito has failed to avoid impropriety and even the appearance of impropriety itself.” However, if this were a leftist Justice flying the flag upside down in the aftermath of January 6, the Democrats would likely rush to their defense, claiming that our country was under attack by “right-wing extremists.”

Again, free speech for me but not for thee!

Watch below:

Dean: The Judicial Code of Conduct advises that a United States judge should uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary and avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. Just days after January the Sixth, the Alitos flew an upside-down American flag, an image that sickened me, an image that was adopted as a Stop The Steal emblem. United States flag code states that an upside-down flag can be displayed only as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. Dire distress, not a political dispute, not a political fight with your neighbor. Justice Alito has served on the bench for 18 years. He knows better. No matter why the Alitos flew our flag in this disrespectful way, Justice Alito has failed to avoid impropriety and even the appearance of impropriety itself. I call on Justice Alito to recuse himself from all cases involving January 6 and the 2020 election. This justice knows better.

Later, the leftist group, Citizens for Ethics reported that they “sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts calling on him to immediately create an enforcement mechanism for the Supreme Court Code of Conduct and to encourage Justice Alito to recuse from January 6 and election related cases.”

BREAKING: We just sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts calling on him to immediately create an enforcement mechanism for the Supreme Court Code of Conduct and to encourage Justice Alito to recuse from January 6 and election related cases. https://t.co/A4TYLrtMAd

— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) May 24, 2024

The letter to the Chief Justice cites the American Flag and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag flown outside Alito’s vacation home. According to the letter, the flag “has been associated with a far-right religious sect of the “Stop the Steal” movement.”

However, according to Americanflags.com, “This iconic emblem, also known as the Pine Tree flag, holds a special place in the hearts of those who cherish American values and the relentless pursuit of liberty.”

The letter also states that these apparent “significant ethical lapses” have “raised significant concerns as to whether public corruption has so infected the Supreme Court that it will undermine public confidence in democracy itself.” And Joe Biden’s 81 million votes doesn’t raise any issues with public confidence… right?

The leftist group further asked Roberts to disqualify Justice Alito.

Read the full letter below:

The post (VIDEO) Leftists Call for Justice Alito to Recuse Himself or be Disqualified From ALL J6 Cases and 2020 Election Cases Over Upside Down American Flag After 2020 Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


WATCH: Democrat Senator Blumenthal Says He is “Deeply Disturbed” Trump Has Succeeded in Slow-Walking Biden Regime’s Lawfare Cases

WATCH: Democrat Senator Blumenthal Says He is “Deeply Disturbed” Trump Has Succeeded in Slow-Walking Biden Regime’s Lawfare Cases


Stolen Valor Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) trashed President Trump and admitted the lawfare cases against the former president are part of a plan to slow down his campaign.

Richard “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal, who is serving in his third term as senator, is best known for lying about his Vietnam service for personal and political gain.

CNN’s Manu Raju asked Democrat lawmakers if Trump’s ‘hush money’ case will backfire politically if he is acquitted.

Blumenthal said he thinks the “broad centrist middle American people understand what [Trump] did and why it is so abhorrent.”

He continued, “I’m already deeply disturbed that Donald Trump has succeeded in slow-walking one or more of those cases.”

The US government fast-tracked Trump’s lawfare cases in an effort to jail him before the 2024 election.

The right to a speedy trial is NOT the government’s right. President Trump’s lawyers have done a phenomenal job pushing back on Jack Smith’s lawfare cases by fighting over Trump’s immunity claims, requesting discovery, and asking the judge to release unredacted documents that expose the DOJ’s corruption.

Jack Smith’s lawfare cases are delayed because they are falling apart.

Blumenthal said the quiet part out loud. The point of the Biden Regime’s lawfare cases against Trump is to slow him down on the campaign trail and to lock him up before the 2024 election.

NEW: Will Donald Trump’s New York criminal case backfire politically? At least one Democrat thinks so. @mkraju asked members of Congress if they’re worried about the impact of a possible acquittal.#InsidePolitics pic.twitter.com/2R0jDcALL7

— Inside Politics (@InsidePolitics) May 26, 2024

Not only did Blumenthal lie about his Vietnam War service, he lied about being the captain of the Harvard Swim Team.

Da Nang Dick is a pathological liar. Blumenthal has no room to question another man’s credibility nor should he even be allowed to serve as a Senator for his lies in what 14 Medal of Honor recipients described as a “gross case of stolen valor.”

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Twenty-Three Deals At The Gateway Pundit Discounts Page At MyPillow for Memorial Day – Including the $25 Extravaganza!


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Director of Original ‘Aladdin’ and ‘Little Mermaid’ Movies Blasts Disney for Prioritizing Woke Messages Instead of Good Stories

Director of Original ‘Aladdin’ and ‘Little Mermaid’ Movies Blasts Disney for Prioritizing Woke Messages Instead of Good Stories


Famed Disney director John Musker has called out the company for putting woke political messaging over good storytelling.

Musker directed the original Moana, The Little Mermaid, Princess and the Frog, Aladdin, and more.

Musker discussed Disney’s downfall with El País last week at the Animayo International Summit in Gran Canaria.

“I think they need to do a course correction a bit in terms of putting the message secondary, behind entertainment and compelling story and engaging characters,” Musker said.

Musker was discussing the issue while recalling criticism Disney received while making The Princess and the Frog.

“We weren’t trying to be woke, although I understand the criticism,” Musker said.

“The classic Disney films didn’t start out trying to have a message. They wanted you to get involved in the characters and the story and the world, and I think that’s still the heart of it,” Musker continued. “You don’t have to exclude agendas, but you have to first create characters who you sympathize with and who are compelling.”

When Musker was at his height within the company, in the 1990s and 2000s, he said he dealt with minimal political correctness—but due to the Gulf War, he did have to change Baghdad to the fake land of “Agrabah” in Aladdin.

“Because of the war, we couldn’t even go there to do research. Our big research took place at the Saudi Arabian expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center,” Musker told the outlet.

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F-35 Sustainment Challenges for the U.S. Taxpayer

F-35 Sustainment Challenges for the U.S. Taxpayer

 Airman 1st Class Jake Welty, Wikimedia Commons

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Jared Conaboy

Real Clear Wire

What is good for defense contractors is not necessarily good for the military, nor the taxpayer, they are supposed to serve. Consider the F-35 program, which was supposed to deliver a jet that would make all other military jets obsolete. It has yet to do so, and the failures of the program sustainability speak to the idea that we need diversity in our procurement.

For one thing, too many F-35 sit idle. At a recent congressional hearing, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall claimed that “55% is the number we have for operational availability” of F-35s. That percentage sounds low; imagine if your car would get you to work only 55% of the time. You would be looking for another option!

But things are even worse than that for the F-35 program. Under further questioning, Kendall and his team admitted that fewer than a third of F-35s are “fully operational.” That tracks with a report from the Project on Government Oversight, which reported this year: “The Pentagon’s top testing office, the Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E), recently released its office’s annual report, which showed that the F-35 program has a fleet-wide full mission capable rate of only 30%.”

Under criticism that the F-35 has become a “paperweight,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin responded at another congressional hearing that he disagreed with the characterization and “in the future we should take [and] we should have a different approach” to “get our aircraft operational.” That would seem like the least we, as taxpayers and citizens, should expect.

Another lawmaker, Rep. Donald Norcross, (D-N.J.), notes that the F-35 is “our largest weapons program.” It is certainly the most expensive. “The F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter program remains DOD’s most expensive weapon system program,” the GAO wrote last year. “It is estimated that it will cost over $1.7 trillion to buy, operate, and sustain these aircraft.”

The F-35 is also the Pentagon’s most expansive program, “with more than 1,700 going to the Air Force, more than 420 to the Marine Corps and more than 270 to the Navy,” USNI reports. “The program is expected to move from its acquisition phase to full-rate production next year.”

The F-35 will be a great asset to our national security, but putting all your financial backing in one weapons system doesn’t make sense. F-35 readiness has been negatively affected by maintenance challenges and software issues as of late causing the low capability rates.  From the latest GAO report to congress, the F-35 mission capability rates are being negatively impacted by a heavy reliance on contractors, inadequate training, a lack of technical data, a lack of support equipment, a lack of spare parts and funding prioritization. The report passed recommendations for the Secretary of Defense, along with the Secretary of the Air Force and Navy, to assess primary use of contractors versus military personnel in the maintenance and sustainment of the F-35 program.

The F-35 has significant advanced war fighting capabilities, but unless the jets are utilizing their full capabilities what is that worth to each Combatant Commander? As more jets come off the line a solid plan will be needed to be in place for sustainment to ensure the warfighters are given a Full Mission Capable platform to meet Air Tasking Order Missions at home and abroad.

I flew the F-15Cs for 16 years, which has an unmatched Air to Air combat record. The Eagle is presenting its own sustainability problems as the jets get older and fly past its intended life. In my opinion, the F-15EX, in addition to the F-35 program, should be the future. The FY23 NDAA stopped the retirement of F-22 block 20s until FY27 but continues to retire 65 F-15C/D aircraft, mostly from the Air National Guard.  It appears Congress is not happy with our current fighter fleet numbers and combat readiness, which is why we are still moving forward with buying up to 104 F15EXs. I spent 11 years on Active duty and 10 years in the Air Guard. Historically, the Air Guard is a much cheaper way to maintain and fly fighters, while continuing to preserve combat pilots and maintenance personnel who have years of experience. Buying more F15EX and placing them in the Air Guard would be an easy way to save money for our taxpayers and also keep Combat Capabilities in place for our Homeland Defense Missions as well as supporting Missions overseas.

The United States is certainly spending huge dollars on the F-35, but are we getting the full value yet? I do believe the jet will prove to be a game changer, but it is clearly falling far short today. The military needs weapon systems it can rely on every day to succeed.  Spending billions on a jet, without a reliable sustainment plan of action, is not a responsible use of our taxpayer dollars. Our taxpayers deserve better but more importantly our warfighters deserve better.

Jared “Chowda” Conaboy, Commissioned in 1998 from UMASS ROTC, 21 years in Air Force/ANG with Over 2000 hours in F-15C, Instructor Pilot, and Weapons School Graduate.

This article was originally published by RealClearDefense and made available via RealClearWire.

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