WATCH: CNN Demonstrates How They’ll Mute Trump’s Microphone During Debate

WATCH: CNN Demonstrates How They’ll Mute Trump’s Microphone During Debate

WATCH: CNN Demonstrates How They’ll Mute Trump’s Microphone During Debate
June 27, 2024

CNN demonstrated how they will mute the microphones during Thursday night’s debate.

The microphones will be muted except when it is the candidate’s ‘turn’ to speak.

Of course, they will likely only use this feature to mute Trump.

Joe Biden is currently hiding at Camp David and doing “debate prep.”

The debate will be hosted by Trump haters Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. The debate is rigged.

According to CNN: The ‘high tech’ microphones have green lights which will tell Biden and Trump whether their mic is on or not.

If the light is off but the candidate tries to talk, the sound of their voice won’t make it to the viewers watching on TV.

What a joke!


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Author: Cristina Laila

Glenn Beck Offers Trump Some Excellent Advice for CNN Presidential Debate (VIDEO)

Glenn Beck Offers Trump Some Excellent Advice for CNN Presidential Debate (VIDEO)

Glenn Beck Offers Trump Some Excellent Advice for CNN Presidential Debate (VIDEO)
June 27, 2024

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck devoted part of his show on Wednesday to discussing the upcoming debate and offered Trump some pretty sound advice.

Beck suggests that Trump sort of freeze Biden out of the discussion, ignore attacks from the moderators and speak directly to the American people.

The way Beck lays this out actually makes sense.

Partial transcript via WBEX Radio:

GLENN: Uh-huh. Now, Donald Trump could come in and debate with Joe Biden. I wouldn’t.

I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t debate with Joe Biden. I wouldn’t debate with Joe — with Jake tapper. I would just say, look, what was your question, Jake?

It was about Ukraine. And what we’re going to do with Ukraine?

Okay. I’m not going to debate a guy on foreign policy.

He’s responsible for the disaster of Afghanistan. For the Taliban of being back.

For the Russia Ukraine war.

For the Middle East.

The Russia/Ukraine and now the Middle East has brought our gas prices. Our food prices. And inflation to record highs!

So I’m not going to — I’m not going to even talk about what he’s doing.

I’m just telling you right now, the American people, cannot take it anymore.

The American people cannot afford these kinds of decisions coming again. Well, what do you talk about, he’s created X-number of jobs? No. He hasn’t. And have the facts. The New York Times even says. The — the Los Angeles Times just reported. And you could find them. There’s been no job growth in California.

The last year of all of the reported job growth in California, was bogus. If you look at our job growth right now, you know who is getting jobs? Illegals. You know who is not? There has not been any job growth since this man got into office, with Americans. Other than part-time jobs. More and more people have to take part-time work. Work two, three, even four jobs just to support the family.

They can’t afford rent. Why? Why did all of this happen?

Because of his policies. So don’t ask me to debate him on any of these things. He’s so wrong, it’s not worth anyone’s time. Here’s what I promise the American people: Your inflation is going to take a while to turn around. But I — I agree, it exists. This man told you, it didn’t exist.

Watch the video below:

The debate is going to be closely watched by millions of people. Trump has a real opportunity to win over more voters.

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Author: Mike LaChance

Report: Trump Poised to Throw Enormous ‘Curveball’ Just Before Debate

Report: Trump Poised to Throw Enormous ‘Curveball’ Just Before Debate

Report: Trump Poised to Throw Enormous ‘Curveball’ Just Before Debate
June 27, 2024

This could really shake things up in Atlanta.

As the clock ticks closer to Thursday’s presidential debate pitting former President Donald Trump against President Joe Biden, a report is circulating that Trump could be springing a big surprise on his Democratic opponent.

And upending the presidential campaign in the process.

NBC News reported Tuesday, citing sources identified only as “people familiar with the situation,” Trump could be revealing his running mate before he and Biden even take the stage at CNN headquarters.

Trump has previously said he would reveal the name of the individual he’s chosen before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, which begins July 15.

But that timetable might have changed considerably, and Trump is now considering a “curveball” that could knock Biden off his already-unsteady feet.

“People familiar with discussions about a pre-debate announcement had differing views about Trump’s leanings,” NBC reported.

“One said he is eager to fill his ticket before he squares off with Biden. Another source said he would like the opportunity to throw a curveball to distract Biden before they meet but understands that such a move could create logistical and political complications.”

Any news report is only as credible as its sourcing, and anonymously sourced reports should always be treated with a grain of salt.

But there’s no denying a Trump announcement on a running mate would be a headline-grabbing move that would suck up the oxygen surrounding the Atlanta faceoff.

It would be a national story. It would put Trump on top of the news cycle. And it would almost certainly set his opponent back a step.

In short, it would be exactly the kind of move Trump has been making since he came down the escalator at Trump Tower in 2015 to announce his bid for the presidency.

And there’s no question it would change the current situation. For one thing, the campaign conversation would be forced to widen for at least a time beyond comparing Trump’s qualifications and the success of his presidency against the self-evident failures of Biden’s years in office.

Whenever the announcement is made, Trump’s choice will be compared to Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris, whose problems with popularity are well-documented.

On Friday, NBC reported that top names in contention for the slot are North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who mounted his own short-lived bid for the Republican nomination this year, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, an outspoken political rookie who is still in his first term in the Senate, and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who challenged Trump for the GOP nomination in 2016, but has since become a vocal supporter.

During a campaign stop in Philadelphia on Saturday, Trump told reporters he had already made the selection in his own mind, and that the choice would “most likely” be at the debate on Thursday.

Burgum, Vance and Rubio are all expected to be at the debate, according to NBC.

On Tuesday, Trump spokesman Brian Hughes appeared to play down NBC’s report.

“As President Trump has said himself, the top criteria in selecting a vice president is a strong leader who will make a great president for eight years after his next four year term concludes,” Trump spokesman Brian Hughes said in a statement, according to NBC.

“But anyone telling you they know who or when President Trump will choose his VP is lying unless that person is named Donald J. Trump.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Joe Saunders, The Western Journal

Reporter Tests EV Chargers in America’s Heartland, Comes Away ‘Less Than Impressed’

Reporter Tests EV Chargers in America’s Heartland, Comes Away ‘Less Than Impressed’

Reporter Tests EV Chargers in America’s Heartland, Comes Away ‘Less Than Impressed’
June 27, 2024

It’s never been easier to own an electric car, we’ve been told.

There are plenty of models to choose from. The government will subsidize your purchase, as well. And, above all else, it’s easy to find working chargers anywhere you go, right?

Yes, well, about that: One reporter in America’s heartland decided to see how easy it was to juice up a series of EVs. As it turns out, things weren’t quite as rosy as they are with regular gas stations.

According to the Cowboy State Daily, Wyoming-based automotive journalist Aaron Turpen test-drove a series of EVs to the Electrify America chargers at Target parking lots in the state capital of Cheyenne. Things didn’t go smoothly.

“My goal was to try the charging stations, talk to the people who also use them, and find out what the current (see what I did there?) state of EV charging is in this part of the world,” Turpen wrote in an article published earlier this month.

“My conclusion is that it’s still pretty hit and miss.”

Turpen used three electric vehicles, none of them downmarket slouches: the Mercedes-Benz EQE, a BMW i4, and Genesis GV60. All of them use the same charging protocol and plug, the SAE CCS1.

Furthermore, all of the charging stations in the Target parking lots use the SAE CCS1 standard, which is the protocol for almost all fast-charging EVs that aren’t Teslas. It’s worth noting, however, that Tesla’s NACS standard has won out and automakers will begin changing over next year — but that’s not exactly the point of the story.

The chargers should have a charge rate of 350 kilowatts an hour, which is relatively standard Level 3 charging speed.

Furthermore, Turpen said he visited the charges during non-rush hour times — between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., all during the work day, although many were busy during lunch hour — and all of the cars used were from the manufacturer’s press fleets, meaning they should, theoretically, be in tip-top shape.

“During the first week with the Mercedes-Benz EQE, I charged the vehicle two times at the EA stations. The first charge started with the EQE’s battery at about 53 percent and it was charged to 82 percent after a total of forty minutes of charge time,” he noted.

This is partially due to the battery management design of the Mercedes, which limits it to 180 kW charge power. While batteries generally charge faster the lower the charge is and ramp up the fuller they get, this is a relatively slow rate of charge for a modern EV.

Furthermore: “There were several other cars at the charging stations that afternoon (the Mercedes was one of four) so the slow down could have been due to the other vehicles also using power.”

Turpen concluded that both the vehicle design and the other cars charging at the time was responsible for the slow charge rate.

At least that went smoothly, if slowly, though. The same couldn’t be said for the BMW i4.

Turpin’s first visit with the car, which starts at $54,000, came with just one other car at the Target charging station.

“I plugged in and spent about five minutes attempting to get a connection. The car would connect with the charger and begin taking a charge and then inexplicably stop the charge and claim a disconnection,” he wrote.

The other owner, who had a Volkswagen, said he was giving up and going to another Target to attempt a charge there. Turpen attempted a connection a few more times and finally gave up.

“I returned a few hours later and attempted to plug the BMW in again. Same result. During that visit, two other drivers pulled in to plug in and both had the same issue. Clearly it was Electrify America having troubles,” he wrote.

“A few days later, now at about 23 percent charge, I pulled in and plugged in the BMW i4 again. This time, charging worked fine.”

Well, “fine” depends on your definition of the word: The first plug was out of service and the second one required 70 minutes of charging to take the i4 from 23 percent to 98 percent. He also noted that while the i4 is supposed to have a higher maximum charge rate of 210 kW, it didn’t go any higher than 180 kW — the same as the relatively slow Mercedes.

And then there was the Genesis GV60. While the Hyundai-owned brand doesn’t make any claims about the maximum charge speed, Turpen said that after he did “some digging,” he found out that it was 230 kW, which wasn’t bad.

The first visit with the GV60 went fine, with just a half an hour to take the car from 58 percent to almost 100 percent. Things were spottier next time around.

“On the next visit, with the GV60 at about 40 percent charge, the EA plugs were again not working. Connections were failing and no credit card or membership app processing was happening at the plugs. More communications issues. Other drivers there were also not able to get a charge,” he wrote.

“I returned two days later and had no issues plugging in and getting recharged. This time, I was there about 40 minutes and charged to 96 percent from about 31 percent.”

Turpen also noted that other Electrify America users noted that the Level 3 chargers were “finicky.”

“From plugs not working to intermittent outages and broken connectors, it’s not a network with a perceived reputation for reliability. On the other hand, the phone app and connected ChargePoint and EVgo membership cards all work at the EA stations when the stations themselves are working,” he said.

Turpen was “less than impressed” with what he found.

“My conclusion from my own experience plus the experiences of those I spoke with at the chargers was that EV fast charging is definitely not really ready for prime time,” he wrote. “At least not in Cheyenne with the Electrify America stations. With more competition and with most plug-ins moving to the Tesla (NACS) standard, though, it will be interesting to see how the Tesla charging stations hold up with the higher usage rate.”

However, this is yet again more pie-in-the-sky thinking. The coast-to-coast network of commercially available, reliable Level 3 chargers hasn’t materialized, no matter how hard Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the Biden administration and the Democrats try to make it happen.

Of course, there’s the option of installing a Level 2 charger in your home — but the point of these networks is that cheap and reliable charging should be available anywhere in America. Maybe this works if you’re puttering around San Francisco, but the situation is more dire once you get into the heartland of America. Despite plenty of money being thrown at the problem, the problem persists — and this isn’t the first horror story we’ve heard along the same lines.

Imagine, if you would, a similar story regarding gas stations being this unreliable and slow. We’d be questioning the very viability of the automobile. But the thing is, they aren’t — and they haven’t been this unreliable for well over a century and counting now.  The switch to the NACS protocol may solve some of the problems, but it will create others, and there are still reported problems with Tesla’s Supercharger stations, as well.

It’s yet more proof that the EV changeover dream is just that: a mere dream we’re chasing at a very expensive clip.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Reporter Tests EV Chargers in America’s Heartland, Comes Away ‘Less Than Impressed’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal

Another Leak! Supreme Court ‘Inadvertently’ Posts Opinion on Idaho Abortion Law – Then Removes It

Another Leak! Supreme Court ‘Inadvertently’ Posts Opinion on Idaho Abortion Law – Then Removes It

Another Leak! Supreme Court ‘Inadvertently’ Posts Opinion on Idaho Abortion Law – Then Removes It
June 27, 2024

Another leak!

The US Supreme Court on Wednesday “inadvertently” published an opinion in a case over Idaho’s abortion ban.

A copy of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Idaho’s ban on emergency abortion was posted online and quickly removed.

Bloomberg News obtained the document and published a copy of it on Wednesday.

It is unclear if the document is the final ruling or a draft decision.

It appears the Supreme Court will allow emergency doctors to perform abortions in certain circumstances.

“Today’s decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho. It is delay,” Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote, according to the document. “While this court dawdles and the country waits, pregnant people experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position, as their doctors are kept in the dark about what the law requires,”

NBC News reported:

The Supreme Court on Wednesday acknowledged that it inadvertently posted online a document related to a pending abortion case, which was obtained by Bloomberg Law before it was removed from the website.

Supreme Court spokeswoman Patricia McCabe confirmed that a document was “inadvertently and briefly uploaded” to the court website, but added that the ruling “has not been released.”

Bloomberg also posted a copy of the document. NBC News could not independently verify the document. It is not known if it was a draft decision, the actual decision or neither.

The court appears set to allow emergency room doctors in Idaho to perform abortions in certain situations according to a copy of the decision, Bloomberg reported. The court is likely to dismiss the appeal brought by Idaho officials, Bloomberg said.

Recall that a draft of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked to Politico’s senior legal reporter Josh Gerstein in May 2022.

Last year the Supreme Court issued a report on the Dobbs draft leak.

The report says the leaker could not be found and that new protocols for drafts have been put in place.

97 Supreme Court staffers were interviewed and signed sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury denying being the Dobbs draft leaker.

Justice Alito said despite this report, he likely knows who the leaker is.

The post Another Leak! Supreme Court ‘Inadvertently’ Posts Opinion on Idaho Abortion Law – Then Removes It appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cristina Laila