Newsmax Runs Disclaimer About 2020 Election Results During Trump Interview (VIDEO)

Newsmax Runs Disclaimer About 2020 Election Results During Trump Interview (VIDEO)

Newsmax Runs Disclaimer About 2020 Election Results During Trump Interview (VIDEO)
June 26, 2024

Newsmax ran a disclaimer in their chyron about the 2020 election results being “legal and final” during an interview with former President Donald Trump.

As Trump spoke, a caption appeared on the screen saying, “Please Note: Newsmax Accepts the 2020 Election Results as Legal and Final.”

During the interview, host Corey Lewandowski asked Trump about his plans regarding the Middle East.

“What do we do with Hezbollah, Sir?” Lewandowski asked. “What’s the plan? And I know you don’t wanna give away all the strategy, but I’m sure you’ve got an idea of the way you would handle that.”

“Well, it’s Hamas, it’s Hezbollah, it’s 28 different cells of terror, they call them,” Trump replied.

Trump continued, “And once we get it going and once we’re in power – and we have to be because we’re not gonna have a country. If we don’t win this election, November 5th, if we don’t win this election, we won’t have a country left, Corey. We’re not gonna have a country and you know that better than anybody.”

At this point, despite Trump not mentioning anything about the election being stolen, the chyron appeared on the screen.

“We’re laughed at,” Trump continued. “They think we’re fools. They can’t believe that Biden is the president. And we’re gonna turn that around. We’re gonna it around very fast.”

Trump did not mention the 2020 election results at any point during the rest of the interview.

Newsmax has been sued by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic for defamation after they aired claims that the election was stolen.


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Author: Cassandra MacDonald

SpaceX May Have to Rescue NASA Astronauts Stranded in the International Space Station Due to Boeing Starliner’s Multiple Helium Leaks: REPORT

SpaceX May Have to Rescue NASA Astronauts Stranded in the International Space Station Due to Boeing Starliner’s Multiple Helium Leaks: REPORT

SpaceX May Have to Rescue NASA Astronauts Stranded in the International Space Station Due to Boeing Starliner’s Multiple Helium Leaks: REPORT
June 26, 2024

Two NASA scientists are currently stranded in orbit aboard the International Space Station, due to multiple helium leaks in the Boeing Starliner that should have brought them back to Earth 13 days ago.

Now speculation arises that rival company SpaceX may be called upon to rescue Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams.

The Astronauts’ mission on the Starliner was launched on June 5, and they were only to remain at the ISS for nine days.

Now, troubles with the spaceship mean that their return date is still uncertain, as NASA scrambles ‘furiously’ to solve the problem.

New York Post reported:

“Boeing-rival SpaceX could potentially end up being tapped to ultimately bring them home aboard its Crew Dragon spaceship.

The outcome would serve as a severe blow to troubled aerospace giant Boeing, which has spent about $1.5 billion in cost overruns — beyond its initial $4.5 billion contract with NASA — in hopes of making Starliner a second option to reach the ISS.”

The Starliner docked in the ISS.

NASA and Boeing insist that the current Starliner problems don’t warrant the need for SpaceX to lend a hand.

“The SpaceX ship, which recently ferried four astronauts to the ISS in March, is capable of carrying two to four passengers at a time, but it can fit additional occupants in an emergency.”

Elon Musk’s SpaceX served as the sole commercial company approved to transport astronauts and cargo to the space station since 2020.

“NASA most likely delayed the return trip home so that they could spend more time studying the craft while it’s still attached to the ISS to learn more about what went wrong and how to avoid it for its next mission.”

Read: Failure to Launch: Boeing’s First Manned Space Flight Aborted at Last Minute Due to Unidentified “Problem” (VIDEO)

After a series of delays in the launch, NASA and Boeing managers knew of a Helium leak, but deemed it too small to pose danger to the mission.

But during the launch and flight up to the ISS, other leaks developed, so the situation ‘remains fluid’.

This is hardly the first time Astronauts or Cosmonauts have been stranded in space. The last NASA astronaut stranded in space was American Frank Rubio, after problems with the Russian Soyuz capsule that took him to the ISS. He ended up staying 371 days in Space.

Read more:

OUT OF THIS WORLD: NASA Knew About Helium Leaks in Boeing’s Starliner That Left Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams Stranded in Space Station

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Author: Paul Serran

Breaking: Supreme Court Rules Horribly on Most Important Free Speech Case in a Century – Murthy v. Missouri with Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft as 1 of 5 Top Plaintiffs Is Rejected by Court

Breaking: Supreme Court Rules Horribly on Most Important Free Speech Case in a Century – Murthy v. Missouri with Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft as 1 of 5 Top Plaintiffs Is Rejected by Court

Breaking: Supreme Court Rules Horribly on Most Important Free Speech Case in a Century – Murthy v. Missouri with Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft as 1 of 5 Top Plaintiffs Is Rejected by Court
June 26, 2024

Outside the Supreme Court after oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri with co-plaintiffs Jay Bhattacharya, Jill Hines, and Jim Hoft, March 18, 2020.


In a stunning 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Biden Administration’s policy of deleting, suppressing, and deplatforming specific people, topics, and ideas, is immune from suit leaving no one able to challenge it in court.

The ruling, written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, came down with the following key decision: “Neither the individual nor the state plaintiffs have established Article III standing to seek an injunction against any defendant.”

In sum, the court rules that the two different types of parties, states and individuals harmed by these government policies, do not have ‘standing’ to sue. This case procedurally related to the request for a preliminary injunction for the government to stop the censorship regime while the case was going on.

This decision will make the trial court action in this case more difficult but, insiders say, not impossible. “It’s a horrible decision, but the underlying case at the lower court marches forward. The Gateway Pundit is dedicated to fighting the government for the free speech rights of everyone, we are committed to ultimate victory,” said John Burns, General Counsel for the Gateway Pundit.

You can read the decision here.

In addition, Justice Coney Barrett let the government off the hook for the censorship regime the government created and maintained. Here’s the key passage:

“platforms had independent incentives to moderate content and often exercised their own judgment. To be sure, the record reflects that the Government defendants played a role in at least some of the platforms’ moderation choices. But the Fifth Circuit, by attributing every platform decision at least in part to the defendants, glossed over complexities in the evidence.”

There were no “complexities in the evidence” – the evidence was clear: the FBI, White House, and other officials were specifically directing, demanding, and coercing social media companies to take down posts that related to topics they wanted suppressed.

Here are some of the key topics brought out in discovery that the government was most interested in suppressing, generally:

  • Hunter Biden’s laptop
  • Vaccines
  • Voter fraud in the 2020 election
  • COVID policy, masking, lockdowns, vaccine mandates

These are the topics the Supreme Court is now enabling the government to once again suppress.

Justice Sam Alito said, in dissent, “this is one of the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years.”

And instead of standing for the First Amendment, these six: Justices Amy Coney Barrett, John Roberts, Elena Kagan, Ketanji Brown-Jackson, Brett Kavanaugh, Sonia Sotomayor stood for speech suppression. SHAME!

The Supreme Court is making it procedurally impossible for a citizen or a state to challenge the government’s ability to silence your digital speech. The practical consequence of this decision is to re-open the floodgates of social media censorship and speech suppression.

Thank You to US Senator Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry for launching this investigation! Thank you to Attorney John Sauer for his brilliant work in moving this case forward. And a special thanks to Missouri AG Andrew Bailey and Louisiana AG Liz Murrill who led the efforts at the US Supreme Court oral arguments in March. They are true free speech champions.

The case presented three key issues for the nation’s highest court to resolve: 1) whether the plaintiffs had standing, which is a legal concept meaning that the courts allow that person to claim an injury, 2) whether the government’s urging social media companies to deplatform, delete, and suppress the content of specific citizens and topics such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, vaccines, voter fraud in the 2020 election, COVID policy, among others, were violations of the first amendment, and 3) whether the terms of the trial courts injunction, meaning a court order for the government to stop suppressing speech while the case was ongoing, was proper.

Free Speech champions have said that this case is the most significant free speech case in a generation.

The Gateway Pundit Publisher Jim Hoft is the lead Plaintiff in the case.

Because of the way legal appeals are procedurally handled, the appeal to the Supreme Court is styled as Murthy v. Missouri, but the underlying case at the trial court is Missouri v. Biden, even though they are all legal actions originating out of the same case.

On March 18, 2024, the US Supreme Court heard arguments from Louisiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguiñaga representing The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft , the state of Missouri, the state of Louisiana, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Aaron Kheriaty, and Jill Hines (“Free Speech Plaintiffs”) in our case against the Biden Administration and an army of government agencies.

Before all of the appeals, the case originally started after the States of Missouri and Louisiana, joined by The Gateway Pundit and the other individuals, noted above, alleged that the Biden White House and DOZENS of federal officials and agencies were conspiring with and/ or coercing Social Media Companies such as Facebook, Twitter and others to censor the speech of MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS, particularly during COVID and the lead-up to and aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election.

The evidence clearly showed – and even Mark Zuckerberg admitted to this, that the FBI pressured Facebook to take down the Hunter Biden laptop story – in true Fascist manner, the Feds worked with or otherwise demanded that Big Tech police the speech that they disagreed with and that went against the government’s approved party dogma.

The Gateway Pundit and the other Plaintiffs initially sought out a preliminary injunction and were able to acquire a substantial amount of evidence in support of that injunction.  You may recall that, probably not coincidentally, on July 4, 2023, Federal Judge Terry Doughty issued an order granting Gateway Pundit, et al’s motion for the preliminary injunction, preventing the government from working with Big Tech to censor Americans’ speech while the full lawsuit was being battled (likely to be a multi-year period).  The government immediately appealed this Order to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the injunction was improper and that the plaintiffs lacked the proper authority to challenge government action.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals substantially agreed with the good guys, and the scheming government tyrants were left with no choice but to appeal their case yet again  – this time to the Supreme Court of the United States.

A variety of left-wing groups shamefully came out to side with the government, on the side of suppressing citizen speech, in the name of combatting ‘disinformation.’ including Stanford University, Senator Mark Warner, and a small group of far-left Secretaries of State. Those siding with free speech included America’s Frontline Doctors, Americans for Prosperity, Atlantic Legal Foundation, Charlie Kirk, Claremont Institute, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education “FIRE”, Steven Crowder, journalist Matt Taibbi.

The Chamber of Commerce filed an amicus brief siding with neither party.

Lawyers involved with the case told the Gateway Pundit that from oral arguments it became clear there was a core 3-3 split on the court, with Ketanji Brown-Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, firmly on the side of letting the government suppress speech. Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh appeared to be on the side of free speech. The case, they believed, hinged on the way in which Amy Coney Barrett and Chief Justice John Roberts ruled.

The appeal was filed with the Supreme Court on September 14, 2023, so it has taken over nine months to get a decision on this issue, primed before the height of the 2024 election cycle, where the Biden Administration was gearing up to use these expansive powers once again to police social media to suppress news, views, and commentary of citizens it disliked.

In March, the champions for each side made their case at oral arguments in person before the assembled Supreme Court.

Gateway Pundit founder and publisher Jim Hoft and Gateway Pundit attorney John Burns were present at the oral arguments.

In March, Jim Hoft interviewed his fellow individual free speech plaintiff-respondents in the Murthy v. Missouri case.

See HERE for the interview with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.

See HERE for the interview with Dr. Martin Kulldorff.

See HERE for the interview with Aaron Kheriaty.

See HERE for the interview with Ms. Jill Hines.

Each of these individuals is a spectacular advocate for the First Amendment and freedom from tyranny. We hope you can take the opportunity to watch these highly inspiring interviews, which offer firsthand accounts from these exceptional Americans who have and continue to fight against government censorship and oppression.

FREEDOM ISN’T FREE – and neither is fighting tyrants.  The Gateway Pundit needs your help. PLEASE DONATE TO GATEWAY PUNDIT’S legal fund to help our fight against illegal censorship – both governmental AND private.  

We rarely ask for donations for ourselves at TGP. Please help us to continue our fight for truth.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Madison McMurray Launches Debut Podcast With American Economist Dr. Gary Wolfram: Bidenomics Vs. Trump’s Free Market [VIDEO]

Madison McMurray Launches Debut Podcast With American Economist Dr. Gary Wolfram: Bidenomics Vs. Trump’s Free Market [VIDEO]

Madison McMurray Launches Debut Podcast With American Economist Dr. Gary Wolfram: Bidenomics Vs. Trump’s Free Market [VIDEO]
June 26, 2024

The Gateway Pundit congratulates 26-year-old Madison McMurray on her first podcast with Hillsdale Economics Professor Dr. Gary Wolfram.

Madison works in the Detroit automotive industry. She’s a professional bodybuilder with a passion for learning and political discourse. Her goal is to examine important political, economic, and social issues that impact our country and to help people, especially those from her generation, better understand how these issues affect them.

The Gateway Pundit Contributor Madison McMurray

Dr. Gary Wolfram of Hillsdale College joined Madison to discuss the current state of the US economy and the importance of a free-market system.

Dr. Gary Wolfram

Dr. Gary Wolfram is the author of A Capitalist Manifesto: Understanding The Market Economy And Defending Liberty, the William E. Simon Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Hillsdale College, and President of Hillsdale Policy Group. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and has taught at Hillsdale College since 1989.

Dr. Wolfram’s extensive public policy experience includes roles as Chief of Staff for Congressman Nick Smith, Michigan’s Deputy State Treasurer for Taxation and Economic Policy under Governor John Engler, and Senior Economist to the Republican Senate in Michigan.

He continues to advise on Michigan’s economic policy. He is also the author of “A Capitalist Manifesto: Understanding the Market Economy and Defending Liberty,” with writings featured in National Review and Real Clear Markets.

In the podcast, McMurray and Dr. Wolfram discuss fundamental economic concepts to help listeners understand how the US economy operates. They explore the idea of free-market capitalism and its critical role in ensuring long-term economic growth and prosperity.

McMurray and Dr. Wolfram also compare the failed economic policies of the Biden administration with the free-market policies of the Trump administration. They examine what can be done to course-correct the economic downturn resulting from Biden administration policies and how a Trump presidency could resolve many of the financial hardships Americans face today.

Their discussion covers a range of topics, including minimum wage, automation, inflation, interest rates, taxation, and trade. They highlight instances where free-market capitalism has driven economic success in the United States, and government intervention has resulted in economic failures such as unemployment, inflation, and national debt.

Listeners of this podcast will gain a better understanding of economics, regardless of their prior knowledge, and acquire the tools to form their own opinions on local and federal government policies.

Watch here:

Professor Gary Wolfram’s book, A Capitalist Manifesto: Understanding The Market Economy And Defending Liberty, is available for purchase HERE.

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Author: Patty McMurray

HORROR: Korean Air Boeing 737 Drops Almost 27,000 Feet and Flies in Circles for Five Minutes Shortly After Takeoff

HORROR: Korean Air Boeing 737 Drops Almost 27,000 Feet and Flies in Circles for Five Minutes Shortly After Takeoff

HORROR: Korean Air Boeing 737 Drops Almost 27,000 Feet and Flies in Circles for Five Minutes Shortly After Takeoff
June 26, 2024

Screenshot: nancy10in/Instagram

A Korean Air Boeing 737 Max 8 bound for Taiwan experienced a near-catastrophic failure shortly after taking off from Incheon International Airport this Saturday, plunging 26,900 feet and executing multiple erratic loops before stabilizing.

The plane departed from Incheon International Airport at 4:45 p.m. local time on Saturday, according to a report by Yonhap News Agency.

The aircraft detected an issue with its pressurization system while flying over South Korea’s southern resort island of Jeju.

Data from Flight Radar cited by Business Insider reveals that roughly 50 minutes after taking off, the plane began descending sharply, dropping nearly five miles in 15 minutes. This was a harrowing experience for the 125 passengers onboard.

Commercial jet airliners usually cruise at altitudes ranging from 30,000 to 40,000 feet. If we assume the aircraft was flying at the upper limit of this range, around 40,000 feet, it then rapidly descended to 14,000 feet within 15 minutes.

Screenshot: Flight Radar

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 15 individuals suffered injuries ranging from eardrum pain to severe hyperventilation, necessitating emergency medical attention for 13 of them upon the plane’s troubled return to Incheon. Fortunately, no serious injuries have been reported.

Independent reported:

Passengers on the Korean Air flight KE189 finally arrived safely in Taichung, Taiwan, a day after it was diverted back to the Incheon International Airport.


Korean Air, in a statement shared with The Independent, said: “17 passengers have been attended to by medical professionals in Korea, and have been discharged without severe injuries.”


Despite the frightening ordeal, there were no major injuries reported. The flight resumed the next morning with a different aircraft, following investigations into the incident by Korean Air.

Passengers described scenes of panic and distress onboard, with oxygen masks deployed and children crying during the sudden descent. One passenger, who was identified as Tseng by The Taipei Times, told the outlet that children on the flight were crying when oxygen masks were deployed during the flight’s plunge.

He said he was afraid that the plane might hit the ground.

Meanwhile, a Korean Air spokesperson was reported as saying that the airline is conducting a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the pressurisation system malfunction, intending to address any maintenance issues before returning the aircraft to service.


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Author: Jim Hᴏft